CCR2001068AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #68-2001 OFFER TO PURCHASE - LANG Valley Green Pump Station BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the execution of the attached Offer to Purchase for the Lang property for the Valley Green Pump Station. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor is authorized to make necessary technical changes, if needed, in consultation with the City Attorney to facilitate timely execution of the Offer and closing documents and to include in the Offer a reduction in the special assessment to reflect the interest being purchased. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the Offer to Purchase, and necessary closing documents, in the name of the City and to extend the acceptance and/or closing dates, if necessary. e DATED THIS 27Ih DAY OF MARCH ,2001 SPONSORED BY: David L. De Angelis, Mayor This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #68-2001 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. FILE No.384 03/22 "01 Ai lor45 1D:ARENZ flOLTER IACY FAX :2625489211 PAGE 2 I-TheBuyer. CITY OF WEGO, a Wj...nsioikinn 1 otfers to purchase the Propetty known as [StreetAddmns]- 5 Wisconsin, (Insen additional deacnption. if any, at lines 179 - 187 or attach as an addendum, llne 188). on be tcdlowing terms: .. ,. I inthe City Of UUSkeaO "" .Countyofa,- 6.pURCHASEPRICE:eOrty-Three mou3and and NO/100 - - Dollars($ 43,000.00-----------------.---- 8. EARNESTMONEYofS O.Oo--------------- 9 will be paid withln n/s days of acceptance, accornpanles this Offer and earnest money of $ n/a 10 THE BALANCE OF PURCHASE PRICE will be paid In cash or equlvalent at closing unle66 othnrwise prollided below. 11 u ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCLUDED IN PURCHPSE PRICE: Sellar shall include In the purchase price and Iransfor. free and clbar 01 12 encumbrances. all fixtures. as defined at llnes 15. 18 and as may be on he Propsw on Ihe dale 01 Lhls mer. L,nle6S excluded a: line 1.1, II andthefollowingaddltlonalitems: none 14 ITEMSNOTINCLUDEDINTHEPURCHPSEPRICE: nnno 1) A "Fixture" is deflned as an Item of property which is physlcally anached to or 50 closely associated with land !io as to be lreated a6 06rl ,601 tho real esate, inciudlny. without limitation, physically attached items not easily removable withoul dalnZQe to the Pr0prr.y. i~em li spaciflcally adapted to me Property. and items custcmanly treated as fixtures including but not limited to all PerWnniQi cmps; gardt n 18 buiba: piants: shrubs and trees. CAUTION: Annual cmps are not Included in the purchase price unless olhemise agreed at I n6 13 rnl ACCEPTANCE I Acceptance occurs when all Quym and Sellers haw signed an idenlcal copy of the OHer, Including siynalules (In 14 I ZONING:Sellerreprao~ntsVlatthcPropc~iezoned~~~.. _. 21 separate hul identical copies 01 the uner CAUTION: Deadlfnes In thrr 0rler'ar.e commonly calcularodfror~ sccepranco. Cor8sid.w 211 BIND :2 whsthershonmrm deadflnes running fromacseptanceprovld~ adequate time form bfndlng acceprance and performance. 11 before 251 DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS AND WRITTEN NOTICES~ Unlessotherwise Slatnd in this Offor. delivery of doc~ments and wrltten n2tices + cy- t-.Qfl , CAUTION; Thls Offer may be withdrawn prior ro dellvey of rho accsptod Offer. 26 10 a Party shall Se ennctive only when accomplished by one 01 the methods spncified at lines 27 - 36. i~ a cornmercisl delivery seruice, adaressed nither to Ihe Party, nr to the Party's recipient for delivery dnaignalel at lines 30 or 3:: (I'an:'). !I (1) By depositing the document or wntton nullce postage UT fees prepaid in the U.5. Md11 lor fees prepaid or charged tu 311 accoullt wlth 8 for dellvery to the Parly's delivery address at lines 31 or 33. Io Seller'sreclplnntfoidelivery(optiunal): 11 Salier'sd~livoryad~ress:772fj !g. mh'T >=0;6 ":: 12Buyer'srRr.lplentrordeiive~(opdonal~:~,yo~ ?avid L. De Anaelia 1.1Rllyer'9rl.liveryaddress: City Of Muslteuo, P.O. BOX 749, fiuykWc, WI !j3150-0,2&- 13 (2) By giving the document or umMn nt~ci krmnally to UW Parlyor the Paws Itn;ii&lt breiivmy fan indlvlduel Is dccsignolud;rt lit Dt 3tlw:;2. ji (3) 13y filx lransmission cf the document or written nolice lo the following telephone number: %Buyer:( 262 ) 57')-5610 Seller: ( -1 11 IC 179. 187orinenaddendumperllne188).Occupancyshallbegivt?nsub~ecttotenant'srights,ifany. Caution:Conslderanagre~~msnt 1-1 Cccupancyof theentire Property Shall be given to Buyer at timeof closing unless othemise ~~rovidedin this Oifel'(lin3S IO whlch oddremes responslblllty for clamlng the Property of pemonal property and debrla, if appllcahle. io[ LEASED PROPERTYJ If ?roperly is currently leased and leaee(s)ertend beyond closing, Seller shall aS9iQ.l Seilnfs rights uild8,rsrlid 41 lease(s) and transfer all security deposlts end prepaid rents thereunder to Buyer at closing. The terms uf Ihe (WrlHen) (oral) F:IKE Obg 12 ~easa(s). ifany,~re n/a ~~[~~histransactloflisto~~~l~~~~atth~~~ 11 _,,nolaterthan IS- ELL- aSlCLOslNG1 .me following items Shell BB prorotod at clutiiny: !mal astats raxes. rent3, privale Rnrt municipal charylls. unlessanothwr(1nleory~laceis~greedtoinu~rilir~y. 41, property ownel's association a9sessmmt8. fuel and non-r 47 Any income, taxes or expenses shall accrue to Sellar. and be prorated. lhrorlgh the day Prior t'~ closirlg. ,la Net general real estate bxes Shall be prorated based on (the net general real estate laxes for tho current year, If known. olht~rvtise on 4~ Ihanotgenaralreaieslat8taxesfortheprecodingyeer)~ x ,_ el CAUTION: ifproratlon on the basis of net general real ertatn taxss 1s not ecceprable (br example, compisred/pendlng 53 j? reaosessment, c.9anglng rnlll rate, loliery credits). Inserl ssllmered annual tax or other formula for proratlon. i.imNTATl0N.S Seller rBpre6ents to Buyer lhet as of the dete 01 accectance Seller has no no1 cc: !,!,or kn~wlcdqc 01 conditions affecting the Provefly or transacllnn (see helnw) nther than those identified In Sn!ler's Real Estate ,Condillol' % Roportdated wnich was received hy Buyer prior to Buyer signing this Offer and whicl., is made a Dart of ihls Oih 'i7 oy reierencerc0hpE:E DATE OR - "_ ING ACCEPTANCE j This Offw is bindmg upon both Parties anly if 3 copy of the accepted OHer is dnliversd to Blryer 011 or I.."" _... - "_ .".. "_ " __ - -. ._ - _ - " " "- " "- ." - rlSTRIKEANDC3hlPLESEASa T .. . - '78 DITlON.5 NOT ALREADY INCLLJDEU IN THE CONDITION ?EEg, " FILE No.384 03/22 "01 AI'10:46 1D:ARENZ IOLTER VACY FAX:2625489211 PAGE 3 sq A "condilion afiecling the ?ropefly or transaction" is deflnod as follows: 61 or Ihe present use of IhL: Properly: 67 (b) completed or pendinu reassessment of the Property for property tax Puwoses: 53 (1;) government agency ur court order requiring repair, alteration or COmCtion of any exisllng condition: 6, (d) any land division involving tho subject Property. tor which rbquired slate or local approvals hed llOl been Obtfltned: 65 (") any podbn of tho Propetty being in a too year Roodplain. a welland or a ahoreland znning arca under local. .stale or Iederal lahs: w: (I) conditions constituting a ognlficant health or safety hazard for occupants 01 Propem; c, (9) undegmund or abovoground storage tanks on lhe Properly for sturagc of flammable or cumbustible liquids in:ludiny but not lllT Ited 10 w gasoline and heating oil whlch are currently or whlch were previously located on Ihe Properly: NOTE: Ms. 4dm. Gods. Cne~ltor b'i Comm IO conbins reglsairllon and openUon rules for such underground end eboveQmund StomQe tanks. 70 (h) materlal violations of environmenlal laws or other law6 or agreements regulating the use of the Proparty; II (i) high vullbge electric (1011 KV or groater) or steel natural U€IY tmnsmission lines locatad on bul not dirbctly SeWW the PrODbTty: 11 (i) any prtlon of the Property heing suhject to or in violation of. a Farmland Preservation Anreemen1 under 3 Countf Famlandpresevetlor~ ri Plan or enrolled In, or in vin:ahOn of, a Forest Crop. Woodland Tnx, Managed Forest, Conservation Reserve Or comparable proyranl. ,d (k) boundav dlsputer or material violation offence laws (Wis. Slats. Chapter 90) which require the ereclion,ar,cl marnl~nallce cf Iflgal 76 (I) wells on Ihn Prnpetty requirndto be abandoned under state regulartons (Wis. Adm. Code NR 112.26) bul wtsich are no1 abanliolred: 15 fences between adjoming propertms where one or both of the properties is used and occupied lor farmlng or yrazlng purp(~BES: 77 (m) clslerns or septic :anks on lhe Property whlch are cunenUy not servrcing the PropeW /n(n) oubuoilm~~i~t~s~r~~rwuuidriyni~canrtyinnea~~~ecostof~edevelLlpme~~t~~op"~diltlines271-272,ifilr1y,~~~CI~~dl~l(J,buI~llill'~l~(i 13 to, rubsurfaca hundahns. organlc or non-vrgUnlc fill, dumpsites or wnta:nem on f'mparty which cnnblned or :LlrTentiy Wnbr t3x1: UT w huardous matmials, hgh groundwater, soil rnndbns (e.9. km load bearing wpady) or oxcmsive mrks or mh fomlirhns on the Prmrty: 01 (0) a lack of legal vehicular access 10 the Properly from public roads: 82 (p) prior relmbursemerd lor wrrdive action costs under the Agricultural Chemical Clennup Program; lwis. $tats. $94.73.) AI (9) other conditions or occumences which would signiflcantly increaso the cost of the development proposelj 2t linQs 271 to ,?7.? or 85 m PROPERTY DIVFIJSIONS AND SURVEYS: Buyer acknowledges that any lard dimensions. total square I(clayeiacreagr liau'es. ~1 reduce lha valum nl the Property lo a resfionahlo person with knnwledge of the nature and scope 01 Ihe cmdilron or occllr'er~ce. ~lior alloratinn of xrna?n informatron provided lo Buyer by Seller or by 2 broher, may be approximate heCau;e (11 rnllndin[J 01 0 hbl RI reasons, unlnm voriftnd by survey or other meank. CAUTION: Buyer should verlfy landdlmensiorrs. total Sc'uilm tootage/BCre.We RB fipures or allocation of acreage information if material io Buyer's declslon lo purclmse. m !SSLIES RELATCC TO PROP€RiT DEVELOPMENT: WARNING: It Buyer contemplates devbloping Property or a UW nthar than thP !Lo current use. there arp a vannty of lssuos which 3hnuld he addressed lo ensure the devnln;rmenl or new use is feaslble Mirnlclpal and :!ot tiny 31 ordinances. recorded buildiny and ~5ereslrictions.oovenenls and easements may pruhbil c~nainimproveml:nlsor uxs srld Ilwelure :ihliuld 92 be reviewed. Building permits, zr)ning variances, Architectural Canlrol Comminnr approvals, ostimatbs tor utilrty hotlk-ltp cxponsos, t,f)tCial c aasossmonts. chargos lor installation of roads or ittilflies. environmental audits. subsoil 1e51s. or other dWel0prner.l related fees ma:, n:ed la) planned 01 commenced public improvemenls which may result in SpeClal assessmer,ts or olherwiso nlatoriailV affm thc Pr,P:flY (page 2 oi 5, VIIB.131 in orrlrlr In dolmrminr: Ihn fflnsillility 111 rievrtlnpmnnl nf, nr a partimlar me lor. a property Opnnai rrlnlln+?nl:tes to invvtigm ccllaln of lhcso issuns can bo found a1 lines 27'1 - 314 and Buyer nlay add coningencies 3s neede:j it1 ou Mddenda (see iinr Ifill). Buyer should review any Dlans tor develonment or use changes to delomlinn what i6sw6 rhoutd he addlassotl $1 in lhoco conlingoncics. w INSPECTIONS: Seller ayrees toallow Buyer's~rtspectuts reusunable access tu Iht Prnpnrty upnn r~msnnablo noticn 11 Ihc insprrti:ms ware reasonably necessary IO satisly the continyencies In lhl3 Offer. Buycr agrrm to prmpliy prtlvide col)ie; ut all such inspbc.Im 101 cnndillon alter Fiuycr'~ ~n!+,~ecr~ons art: cornplnlrd. unless otherwise agreed in this Otlcr An "in%per.tinn" IS dntlnnd ar. a11 n!lsnrva ion mrepris to Seller. and Io lisllny bmher if Properly is listed. Furlhernure. Buyer ;tgrer!s tn prom(>lly rostnrc lhr Prnpody if1 Its orlg'nai IO? of tho Pmperly wliicll does not include testiny of Ihe Properly. other than tcsting for laak!n(i 1.P gas 01 !nalural ga:; used as a tlm s'lu (.e. lrl.< which are hereby authorized tu5 A "lest' is delinod as thc lahltig 01 samples of materials such as Soils. waler. air or huildlng matertale lrom tho Pro'Mrty and the labm 03 IIU TESTING: Ex~e~~losotherwine~~rovidad.Scltei~aulhorlzationtorinspert~on~doesnotairthorireBuyertucor~dur:lleutinquf ha Prr1pt:rly. lffi ur othor analysi? of these materids. If Buyer requires leuttng. testing wntingencios must be specilcally Wvided Ivr a1 llrw i 79 - 10 ' or rui in an addendum per line IHH. Nota: Any wntingnncy aulhonzing testing should spt.afy the areas of tho Properly 111 bo tested, IhB pltrplse 100 Ihr. cnnlinQnncy (4 (1. Ruyer'8 6bliQ3bon lo return Ihe Properly io ils oriyirlal cunditiun). Selieracknowlndgnr thnt cxtnin inslpctinna mrmtc lrm.of lhe test. (e.g., 10 detsmmine il61~ivIronniwiIal wlltanlmation i6 p~nsnrd). :III~ lirnit:~llr~n:; nn Ruyots lesting and on!) otncr rnaterlal term:. ot 110 may detrr.t envirolir~iun~l polluliu!! wilicll llrdy k required lo be rernrrled tu the? Wisconsin DeDarmenl 01 Natural Resources. 01 PRE-C.I.OSING INSPE1:TION:Ata reasonable time. pre.opPrnvnd hy Seller 01 Sailer's ayenl. within 3 days betxe closing, Buyetslall I)! hove llln riglll lo ilwl)rcI !he Property tu determine lhal lhere has bcen no signilicanl chanlie in the condllion ul lhe Propedy. cxcopl for I 13 changos approved by Buyer. 114 mPERTY DAMAGE BETWEEN ACCEPTANCE AND CLOSING: Seller shali main:ain the Property until !he earlier 31 1:lo~ln9 nr !I!> occupancy 01 Buyer irl mdterially the same condition as of the date of acceptance 01 Illis Ofler. except tnr ordlnar) woar and tnar. 1'. prior It& lo closing, the Properly is darnaged in an amnunt nf not mor@ than live pel cent(5"/u) of the selling prlcc. Soller Shih bo ObliQalbd to rellair ill tho Properly md r6str:rc it to the same condltron that it was on the day of this Offn:. It thc: damape shall exceec wctr sum, Solin- sliali IIR prornptly twtify HUVRI ili .#riling of the damage and this Offer may bo canceled al option of Suyor. Should Btrycsr ~lnct lo carry 011 '1% II!I Offer dospile such rlamn$~!, Ruyer slial! be entilled to the inStlranw proceeds rclnkns In tho damauc to the Proper:?. plus a credit lkr'h'ards 120 lllr purchase prlcc cqilal to tae amoulil of Sellets deductible un such poltcy However. if this sale is linartmd by a land cnntrar:l or il I.'+, 111 211 m3nncr and rcspcclr ;BY an orlglnal docurnenl ana tho slflnature of any Party (opw a dutiu,[twlt barwnilled by lax Shall Iw ~;onsl(ie.$ I;'/ ail urIgln:41 signalclra. Fersonal rinllvny lo, or actual mtieipt by, any ndmod Buyer 01 Seller wrrsliluter personal dellVry 10, or aWRI r?tr!rl)l I:.J tho notice. A Party hdy not unilaterally reillstale a contingency after a notlce 01 a cohllngoncy waiver 118s been rea lved by Ihe other De*. 1''H hy Ruyer nr Sollnr. Once rccoivod, rl notice cenoot be withdrawn by tho Party dellverUlg the notice witllnul llymnsenl 01 !he Party rac3iwng 1 ul The dolivery Provisions in this Offer may be modifled when appropriate (q.. when mall dellvery ia not doairable (see Ilnes 25 -X), 1.11 Ruyer and Seller iluthnrl7a the aoents of Buyerand Sellor to distribute rqiosollhe Offer to Ruyets'k~nder, appraisers, ti:Ie InsUrancB cornpries 13) and aw ohel sndlernent rrnrvlce providers lor the transadion as dcfmcd hy the ~e21 ESMC Sonlmleni Procedures \:I (RESPA) FILE No.384 03/22 "01 AV'l0:47 1D:ARENZ MOLTER flACY FAX :2625489211 PAGE 4 " I16 137 applles to a date or deadline. failure to perlorn by the exact date or deadllne is a breach of contract. If 71md 19 Of the Essence'' dom 138 not apply to a date or deadline, then perfomance within a reasunable time of the dare or deadlins is allowed before a breach occur!i. 11 w-m Deadline8 expressed a6 a number of "days" from 3n evenf. such as acceptance. at'e calculated by ercludlr g #do the day the event occurred and by counfing subsequent c31endar days, The deadllne expire- a1 midnight 011 the last day. D3amht!s 141 expressed as a specific number of'business days"exclude Saturdays, Sundays. any legal public holiday under Wisconsin or Flldsral 143 on lhal day. Deadlines expressed as a specific number of "hours" from the occurrence of an evenl. such (16 receipt of a noltc3, a.e rill law, and other (lay designated by the President such hat the purtal service does not receive registered mail or make regular dsiherim tdd calculated from the sxacf tlme of me event. and by counrlng 24 houm per calendar day. Deadlmes expressed 3s a Speciflc day of the 145 calondar year or 38 Ihe day of a speciflc event. such as closing, expire a1 midnight of that day. - II'7lmeisoftheEssenc~!" 147 SUCH AS WITH AN "X THEY ARE NOT PART OF THIS OFFER IF LINE lA8 IS MARKED NIA OR IS NOT MARKEO. 14h THE FINANCING CONTINGENCY PROVISIONS AT LINES 148.182 ARE A PART OF THIS OFFER IF LINE la IS MAIaKED, 14gl INSERT LOAN FRO~AM OR SOURCE Jnrst mortgage loan commitment as descrlbed below. within ~ INI~ FlNANCiNGCONTINGENCY~This~erisCOntlngentuponEuyerbeing3Metoobtaina "- 150 Over. The Rnanciii5 Jelecled shn11 Ibc ill an a~nountofnollessm3nS for alerm of not :os than . cl;~ys uf al;csplun<:e .rf Uiis 151 dtnortized over no1 IRSS thnn - 'mars. IS% Monthly paymsnlu may also include 1/12th of the estimated net annual real estate taxes. hazard inYuran(e premiums, and Frivate years. Iniiial monthly peymenls of principal and interest shall not exceed Y -" IIJ mortgage insurance premiums. The mortgage may not Include a prepayment promium. Ruyer agrnns to pay a loan lee not to e<cefd I*i , "" 156 coels.) If the purcharn price under this Offer is modified, the Rnanced amount. unless otherwise provlded. sllall bo adjusted %o:il:n!oan. (Lo~nfee~fe~todls~untpoin~andlorloanoriglnetlonfee,t)utDOESNOTin~:iudeBuyer'sotherclosirtg 1wrothe~am~~~rce~t~qeof1h9~~~rcha6epncuasinhiscOtltlngencyandthemonthlypaymentsshallheadjuste~lasnecess~ylo~nirln(aln 15, tho term and i~morltzalion stalod almve. CHECK AND COMPLETE APPLICABLE FINANCING PROVISION AT LINE 150 OR 159. !u a FiXED RATE FINANCING The annual rate of interest shall not exceed ISY ADJUSTABLE RATEFINANCING: Thainitialannuai inleresl rateshallnotexceed .- t%, fhrinitialinteresliai~~sh~rll In1 hntixed for- .- .. ,- months. at which Ume the Interest ratemay he increased not more than 161 interest r;rte during the mortgage termshalinnlnxcRed %par year. The nlo):imum % Monthly paymonts 01 prtrlcipal ml triterest may he ail,ust!!d IG! LOAN COMMITMENT Buyer agrees Io pay all customary financing cnsls (includini; closing fesenj. 10 apply lor flnancinfl promptl,. arrd to: to reflect intornst chanyes. 1h4 to provide evldence of application prornpUy upon request by Seller. If Buyer qualifies for the financing descitbod in this Offer 01 olher Im? hnmcino xcentahlr? 1n Ihvor. EIuvRr aarees to delwerto Seller a cow of me wlinon loan commitment no later LIWI lhn (1a;rdlinu lttr IMH ."I %. " ~ ,~ I.. - 166 ~wmnilmenl at lire i4ll. Buyer's dellven, of a copy of any wrltten loan commlIment to Sellar (even If ruhject to condition.: sh;dl 11i7 satlah/the Buyo~sfinancinpeantlngeney unlor~accompanledbyanoUeoofuna~eaprahlllY. CAUTI0N:BUYER.BUYER'S LENDfiR 168 AND AGENTS OFBUYER ORSELLER SHOULD NOTDELIVER A LOAN COMMITMENT TOSELLER WITHOUTBUVER'.j PRIOR 11;? APPROVAL OR UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY A NO7lC~OFUNACCEPTABILITY. 170 SELLER TERMINATION RIGHTS; If Buyer does not make tJmeiy delively of said commitment, Seller mey tcmitiate thts Offer if Seller 11: FWClNG UNA\IAII.PBILITY: If financing iY not available on Vle terms slated In lhis Offer (and Buyer ha,; not already deltve-ed ,m til delivers d written notico (it lerrninatlan to Buyer prior to Sellefs actual receipt of a mpy of Buyafs wrltlen low commitment. 171 scceptable loan commitment forolherfinancing to Seller). Buyer shall promptly dellver wri!len nulice to Selle!'ol same includirg ~:opi.)s :I4 of Ir!nder(n)' rejectiun latler(s) or other evidenw of unavailability. Unless a speciflc loan source is named in his Offer. Seller shall Vlmm ~~~Offershallromaln~n~ullforceandeffect,withthelimeforclosingentendedacwrdinyly. IfSelle~snot~ceisnottimelygiven,lhisC~ffsrsh311 171 have 10 dsyv Yo ytve Guyerwntten notice of Sslleh decision io finance this lransacllon on be same lermy 58. forth in this Offel. at]d hi6 118 for Seller flnanciny. 117 be null and void. %ye, Authorizes Seller to obtain any cradit information reasonably approprtale to determine Buyer's credit wortllinejs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "_ "_ I81 IN 182 la1 " " -_ "_ "_ ~-.- - "" 181 ~ . - "" - _" 185 llyl txi "- - "_ e attached documnts - - "_ W'aremadepartoflhlr Mf.a. 'VI CONVEYANCE OF TITLE: Upon payment of the purchase prloe. Seller shall convsy the Proparty by warranty dsod tor other 1'11 conveyance a8 provlded hereln) tree and clear 01 a11 liens and encumbrancBs. except municipal 3nJ zoning OrdlnarrcEs ald 1~~reslr1~:tiunsand~:ovenanls,generaltaxe$levledlntheyearofclosing~ )I? aqreemsnts onferod under them. recorded ea~ements for the diotributon of utility end muntclpal sewtces, lecorded buildlng attd use - "- I P" 1'15 - (provided none of the foregotng prohibit present use Of the Pmpnrty). .which ranstitute8 merchan:at le tide I:]') for OUl'P'JSeS (of lhis Iratxacrlon Seiier klflher agrees to complete and execute the documents necessary tc. r9COrd the convl:y:mcf FILE No,.384 03/22 "01 AN'10:48 1D:ARENZ MOLTER RACY FAX : 262548921 1 PAGE 5 107 FORM OF TliLE EVIDENCE; Seller shall give evidence of tltle In the form of an owner's policy of tills insurance in the amounl csf 110 pags4ofS,LCB-13 purchase pnce on a current ALTA form Issued by an Insurer Ilcensed to wrlte Ulle insurnnce in Wisconsin. CAUTION: IF TITLE m PROVISION OF MERCY4N EVIDENCE WILL BE GIVEN BY ABSTRA E TITLE INSURANCE PROVISIONS AND INSERT ABSI'RACT PROVIS113hS. rn1 shall be acceptable If the commitment for the required title insurance is delivered to Buye<s attorney or Buyer ncl IUS5 than 3 business all pay all wslsof providing title evidenw. For purposes 01 closing. titie evidenze x) days before closlng. showing titie to the Property as of a date no mre than 15 day6 before delivery of such titk evidence io ;,e ai merchantable, subject only to liens which will be paid out Of the pmceeds of closing and standard title insurance requirements alld m COMMITMENTPRIOR TO CLOSINQ OR A "GAP END0RSEMENT"WHlCH WOULD INSURE OVER LIENS FILED BEWEEN TtE mexceptions. as appropriate. CAUTION: BUYER SHOULD CONSIDER UPDATING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE TITI.€ 2w EFFECTIM OATE OF THE COMMmdENT AND THE DATE WE DEED IS RECORDED. ~7 TITLE ACCEPTABLE FOR CLOSING: If tltle is not amaptable for closing. Buyer shall notlfy Seller In wrlling of objections to tllle ~y rn the time set for closing. In such event, Seller shall have a reasonable time, but not exceeding 15 days, IO remole the objections alid m the time for closing sha!l be extended as necessarylor this pufDose. In the event that Seller is unablm to remove laid objections, E.uyer IID shall have 5 days from receipt otnolice thereof. lo dellverwrinen notice waivlng the objectlons. and the time for cio,xing shall be exte ld13d 211 accordingly. If Buyer does notwaivetheobjadions, this OftRr shall be null and void. Providing lltle evidence acce~~tiiblefor closing 9635 212 not extingulsh Sellets obligalions to give merchantable title to Buyer. 20 m SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: Speclal assessments. If any, for woI(( actually commenced or levied prior to datc: c'l this Offer shd 11e 214 pald by Seller no later than closing. All other special assessmentf shall be pald by Buyer. CAUTION: Consldar a rpeclal agnerneni 215 Hama anseasmenfa, property owner's assaclation arsessmenEp or otherexpenses ere contemplated. "Olt er expenses" are one- 218 tlmb charges or ongoing use fees for publlc improvements (other than those resulting in special assessmenls) r'dating to curb. glrttor, 711 slrn~t,eid~waik, 8anitaV and stormwaterand 6lOnnSewer (including 3ilcew0r mainsand hook-upand inlcrcoptorchargcs), parks. slrcol This mer. including any arnendmsnts lo il, mntains the entlre agreement of the Buyer ar,d Seller regardha Ule gotiatlons and discuseions have been merged into thls Mer. This agreement binds and Inures to Ihe benrtfit of a , and impact fees for other public facilities, as deflned in W16. Sut. 5 66.55(1 )(c) & (0. 221 the Partles to this Offer end their successors in interest. yer each have the iegel duty to u6e good talth and due diligence In completing the terms and contlitions of this Offer A M materlsl failure IO perfarm any obligation under this Mer is a default which may sublect the defaulilng pany to lleblllry for damag83S or 226 other legal remedies. 126 If m. Seller may; 227 (1) sue for epeciflc performance and reguest the earnest money as partlal payment of the purchase price; or 220 12) terminate the Offor and have the option to: (a) request the earnest money as liquidated damages; or (h) lliract Broker Io roturn ihe earnest money and have the option to sue foractual damages. e If Seller defaults, Buyer may: 23) (2) terminate the Cffer and request Ihe return of the earnest money, sue tor actual damageS, ur both 231 (1) sue for speclnc perlormance: or 233 In oddltion, the Perties may seek my other rernndina nvailmhle in Inw or oqtdly. ZM The Partim understand that the aVBllablllly of any iudlclal remedy will depend upon the (:ircumslances nf IhR siluat1nn and tllR m tho ~en~Jiu* UII~I~IWLI abuva. 8y *urwwilly tu birbdilly arblstrtlun. Ihe Panles may lose lne rlgnl 10 llllgare In a coun or law lllUSe disru18!s 11'1 dlscretlon of the courts. I1 aithw Parly aelaulw. llle Vsrlws rr~y runryutrate thu Mterorsoob. nonjudlclal dlspulll re8oIutlon Insre:ld of 231 covered by the arbitration agreement. 23 NOTE. IF ACCEPTED^ THIS OFFER CAN CREATE A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE CONTRACT BOTH PARTIES SHOULD REP0 ~~THISDOCUMENTCAEFVLLY BROKERS MAY PROVIDE AGENERALEXPLANATION OFTHE PROVISIONS OFTHE OFFER BL~T ". ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ?do ARE PROHIBITED BY LkW FROM GlVlNGADVlCE OR OPiNlONS CONCERNING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS UNER THIS OFFEF! CR . ~ 241 HOW TITLE SHOULD BE TAKEN AT CLOSING. ~ANAT+ORNEY SHOULD BE CONSULTED IF LEGAL ADVICE IS NEEDED. ~ ~~~ 242 WTMONEY I 14 if Property Is not liat~d or seller it no broker 16 Involved). unUi applied to purchase price or otherwlse dlsbursed as prowidod in the Ctff6.r. 253 I HELD gY: Unless otherwise agreed. earnest money shall be paid to and held in the bus1 account of the liatlng broker (bilyer's egent 21 CAUTION: Should per.son6 other than a broker hold mrnesf monwy, sn escrow agreement should bs d.-affed by the Ps~lha 147 DISBURSEMFP4T: If negotiations do not result In an accepted offer, the earnest money shall be promptly disbursed (after dear;lnc.e 246 or an attorney. If someone other than Buyer maker payment olwarnesf money, conoldsr a speclal dlsbursemenr dgreemer't. 14 from payor's deposi:ory inslitution K earnest money is paid by check) to the person(s) who peid the earnest money AI doslng, earnesl 2% to a written dlsbursemenl agreement slgned by all Parties lo this Oner (Note: Wis. Adm. Code g. RL lB.OY(l)(b) provides tnat an mm3r in3 money shall be disbursed according to the closing statement. If thls Olferdoea not close, the earnest money Shail b13disbursad accordlr,g 251 to purchase Is not a written disbursement agreement pursuant to which the broker may disburse). If said dlsbtrrslmeni agreement hils 253 an attorney wh3 hag revlewsd the transaction and does nor mprcsent Buyer or Sellar: (2) into a court hearing z lawsuit involvin$f It,e 252 not been deliversd to baker withln 60 days after the date set lor ciosino. broker may disburse the earnest money: (1) as directed tly 2!d earnest money-and al! Panies to thls Offer: (3) as dirnctnd hy court order; or (4) any other disbursement rewired or allowed by labv. 253 earnesr money any costs and reasonable eltumtlys fees. no1 to exceed $250. prior lo rJlsbursemRnt. 155 Broker may retain Isgel serdices lo dired disbursement per (1) or to file an interpleader action per (2) and broke! may deduct frolrl tt e 257 LEGAL RIOI-ITSIACTION: Erokefs dlsbursemem olaamasr money does not dotormine the legal rights 01 the Fimcs ~n roiatlon IO tllls xll Offer. Buyefs or Sellar's legal right to earnest money cannot be determined by hroker. AI least 30 days prior to diabursemenl per ('I) 25901 (4) above. broker shzll send Buyer and Seller notice of the disbursemenl by cenlfied mail. if Buyer or Seller tilsaQree wilh broker's %O PrOPOSod dlsbursernenl, a lawsull mey be filed lo ublain a courl order regerding disbursement. Small Claims Cou~l has jurisdiction aovw ~aflearnestmoneydispulessrisingouloftheaaleofresidentialprope~ywilh1.4dwellingunithandcenaino~herearneslmoneydispr~te;. 7 Buyer and Seller should consldflr consulting attorneys regarding their legal rights under thls mer in case of a dispute. Both Panrs 263 agree to hold Ihe broker harmless from any llabilily lor good faith disburserneni of earnesl money in accordalice with lh16 OfIfv or 2k applicable De aflmenl of Regulation and Licensing regulations wnwrnin earnest money. See Wls. Adm. Code Ch. RL 18. NClTfi: 2esWJ8CONSlN LICENSE LAW PROHIBIT8 A BROKER FROM GIVING AD&€ OR OPINIONS CONCERNING THE LEGAL RIGiiTS .%OR OBLIGATIONS OF PARTIES TO A TRANSACTION OR THE LEQAL EFFECT OF A SPECIFIC CONTRACT OR CONVEYANCI:. 161 AN AnORNEY SHOULD BE CONSULTED IF LEGAL ADVICE IS REQUIRED. FILE No.384 03/22 "01 AM'10:49 1D:ARENZ tlOLTER RACY FAX:2625489211 PAGE 6 . . . . . . . -. . 279 for by the 5~~14 for the type of pmperty identified at llne 277. An acceptable System does nOl Include P hold:ng hnk. PdVY. WinCOSu~lg ?RO toilat or chemical toilet or ofher systems (e,g. mound syslem) exduded in additional provisions or an addendum Per lines 179 . 1 Bll ai Copies at (B"yer's)(Selle~s)[SIS-~expense of all public and privale eesements, covanallts ard IflStriCtiOnS aff9CllXI l7e 282 PropSlfy and a wt!tten determination by a quallfled Independent third party that nolle of these prohibit Or SigrifimllY delay Or in1,rea :e 281 the costs of the proposed use or deveiopment Identified at lines 271 to 272. 284 0 Permits, zpprovals and licenses. as appropriate. or the final dlycretlonary action by the granting authority prlor to the ssuanx .$rot Such permits, approvals and licenses at (Buyer's)(Selle?s) expanse for the following items reisled to the $#rO?OS'3d 37 Written evtdenca at (Buye<s)(Sellets) )STHIKFlexpense that lhe tollowlny ulllily collnections nr: ihcaed as follovs ( e.). xn mi the Propem, at the lot line acros3 [he street. ctc.): ClOCtrlCltY .. . .gas -- -, sou or iw no rhls pmp~serl use contingency Shall be deemed satisfied unless Buyer wlmm days of accaplance dttlivm '?)I writtennotice ta Sa!lar spectlying those ilemvof lhisconllngencywhichcannot be satlsfledandwritten evldenie slibstantiating\vl~/eath p)l specinc ,tOm included in Buyer's nolice cannot be salisfied. 2~1~~~~0~~~~~~0~~~~~:m1s0fteriswntingentupln(8uyerob~aIn1ng)(Se~~erprovidlng)r~~~1~~ ONE^ enlspofihePl~lwnypr'!par.d 2% by a re&lerad land slrrvoyor. wllhin __ ms des:ri0!ion of tho Pwprih, ha Propertfs Doundarios and dimensions, visible encroachmanls upon the Property, thn towllon of imprcvenerts. days of acceptance. al(Buye~S)(Seile<s)rsTRIKE od BXDenSR. The1 map shall identll). Me lqlal m " .ISTRIKE AND COMPLETE AS APPLICA0,Z Add~tlonalma~i~~ahltes rn whtch may be added include. but are not limited lo: Ypeclking how cumnt the map must be: staking of ?I1 cnrnen of the Properly; Iklerltih/ing mdedicaled and apparentstreets. loldimensions. bta acreagaorsquarefwtage,easemenl.lorrlghts-ol~way. CAIJTION: Consldrrthecrlsr ,100 and the need for map leshms bofom aelecllng them. The map shall show no significant encroachmenl(sl0: any informatton tnaterii,lly 301 inconsisten[ with any prior rnprerentallonv to Buyer. This coqtingenry shall be deemed Sallsfled Unless Buyer. ir.ithin llve days of tae earllei 31)3 of he map and a wnlten notice which idenL%s the $Igr?iMnt enVcachment or the informallon materielly inconsistent with prior represjntatlolrs. n1 of 1) Buyer's receipt of lhn map, or 2) he deadline for delivery of Said map, delivers Lo Seller, and to llsting broke- if Property Is li3t~d. a ccpy JUI INSPECTION CONTINGENCY: lhis Offer is contingent upon a qualified indepenaenl Inspecmr(s) contlucung an ~~G~JRI;I~OII(:;], :JI m5 Hoyrr'i qmnsm d !he Proparly and -. u7 unluss Buyer within whichdisclosesnodefectsatldefined below. Thiscontingsnc,Yhallbedeemec SiltiSIied 'x8 wntten inspection report and a written notice listing the defect8 identified in the report to which Bu erobjecls. rhis Otfer shall bo n AI and days of acceptance detlvers to Seller, and to listing broker if Propem IS listerl, a copy of the inspxtcr'm .LIP void upon timely delivery 01 the above notice and report. CAUT16N:A proposed amendmenlwX,nalJe"~~r thls naeca reqrrlniment ]io Buyer shell order the Inspection and be respnsible for all costs of Inspection. includin an inspections requimd by lender or follord-u IC :;; lrgned as anv condillon o?flhe Props* which wnstltufes a signifcant threat to the health or safety of emm who occu y or ma the tion Note: This wnth enqonly authorizes inspections. notlestmg. sertllnesSB?o 170. Forlhapurposesofthls conbngencfa dehcl: SI Propelty cr lve8 evidence of an materlal use. slora B ordlsposel of hazardous or toxic subslancesan the pro 0% Defects fo n>t include, 114 cnndilions !#a nature and r which Buyer hac?achlal knowledp+orwpy notlypo&ypny@ this$r. ' . N5 W%5PHSW ?%-?!I [datelby[LicenseeandFim] on tfr ec ac:y 5. Ri€fle, "_ S.C. 3% (x )&!.L"... 39-6006023 - . za6 development. - "_ , water I .- ;telephone : Other -~ 36 If dny, dnd ~ -. "_ ". - ,111 ~~~~~'9~iqna~ . ~;wNR~~H~~~: - David L. De 4n:elis, Mayor }"FEIN. - " . 'Jatc. A :m EARNEST MONEY RECEIPT Bruker atikriuwledyas wcnivl uf wdriiwtal IIIUII~~ ab par line 8 01 the above 07er (90s llnes 2,12 - 2t7) x1 122 SELLER ACCEPTS THIS OFFER. THE WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS MADE IN THIS OFFER SURVIVE C~0lilNG AX U3 THE CONVEYANCE OF THE PROPERTY SELLER AOREES TO CONVEY THE PROPERW ON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS SET ,'ORTH 121 HEREiN AND ACKNOWLEDQES RECEIPT OF A COPY OF THIS OFFER. Broker (By) "_ FILE b.384 03/22 "01 AM'10:50 1D:QRENZ MOLTER IACY FAX : 262548921 1 FILE No.384 03/22 "01 Afl' 10:50 1D:ARENZ NOLTER PlACY FAX:2625489211 PAGE 8 FILE No.384 03/22 "01 AM 10:51 1D:ARENZ MOLTER MACY FAX :2625489211 PAGE 9 /lDDENDUM TO OFFER TO PURCHASE 1 The City of Muskego's Utility Superintendent, or other representa;:ive, shall consult with the Sellers of this property concerning landscaping for the pump s.tation and color of the same. Concerns of the property owners !:hall be considered but are not binding upon the City of Muskego. FILE No.384 03/22 '01 AM 10:51 1D:ARENZ MOLTER RACY FAX:2625489211 0 AD" Due Service of a Copy of: CERTIFICATE OF COMPENSATION & NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL THE AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION PURSUANT TO WISCONSIN STATUTE 537 05(2a) Admitted this - day of , 2001 GENE LANG~ - LUANN M. LANG PAGE 10 FILE No,.384 03/22 '01 AM 10:51 ID:ARENZ KILTER VACy FAX : 262548921 1 NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL THE AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION PURSUANT TO WISCONSIN STATUTE 537 05U.a) PAGE 11 Any person named in the Certificate of Compensation, a copy of which is attached hereto, may within six (6) months after the date of the recording of said Certificate, appeal from the amount of compensation therein stated in the manner set forth in Wisconsin Statute 432.05(91 to (13) for appeals from an award under Wisconsin Statute §32.05(7), For purposes of any such appeal, the arnwnt of compensation stated in the Certificate shall be treated as the award and the date the conveyance is recorded shall be treated as the date of taking and the date of evaluation. Dated this - day of , 2001 CITY OF MUSKEG0 0y : - David L. De Angelis, Mayor ATTEST Jean K, Marenda, Clerk FILE ~~.384 03/22 '01 AMIO:~~ ID:ARENZ ~IOLTER nocy FAX : 262548921 1 PAGE 12 0 CERTIFICATE OF Document No COMPENSATION Pursuant to Wisconsin Statute §32.05(2a), this document shall be recorded with the Waukesha County Register of Deeds, Waukesha, Wisconsin. That the City of Muskego has acquired fee simple title and a temporary construction easement in the property descrlbed below pursuant to §32.05 of the Wisconsin Statutes. 1 The identity of all persons having an interest of record in :he property immediately prior to its conveyance is as follows: Gene Lang Luann M, Lang Tax Key Number " 2. The leaal descrbtion of the ProDertv in which Fee simple title was acquired is as - .. @ follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION MA~KED EXHIBIT "1 '9 3. The matter of the interest acquired and the compensation for such acquisition is a6 follows: The matter of the interest acquired is fee simple title and temporary construction easement for sanitary sewer improvements. The amount of compensation is $43,000.00. Dated this day of ,2001 CITY OF MUSKEG0 ATTEST. David L. De Angelis, Mayor - Jean K. Marenda, Clerk This Instrument Was Drafted by: Attorney Donald S. Molter, Jr ARENZ, MOLTER, MACY & RIFFLE, S.C. 720 N. East Avenue, P.O. Box 1348 0 Waukesha, WI 53187-1348 CITY SEAL FILE No,.384 03/22 '01 AN'lO:52 ID:ARENZ lloLTER MACY FAX :2625489211 3c1ny pan of the Southeas: one.quar.c: OF Section 21, Tow 5 KOK!I. Rmzc 20 E%:. in tk,t Cit!/ oC Ml&kego, Waukesha Cowry, Wisconsin. Said Prmxenr Pump Staricn Easement i; bounded and described as follows (St: anached Exhibit ".V): Canmencin:: ~t the Southest come: of the Suurhew one-quare: of raid Seaion 24; thrnc: ?;ofin Ol"22'1J" West along the Est line of said Sourhcsst one-qumer, l3?5.1?. fer to thc pmnr on [he Nonh line of the South onehlf of the aforesaid Sourhest one-qcancr; thence South 87"?4'4;" West along said Nonh line, 743.59 feet to a polnr on the Easi righr-of-wy (R.O,b.) Itnz of Norih Caps Road (C T.H. "00"); rhcnce Swrh 07'1 1'57'' li;lst along said Easi R 0.W line. IOS 00 fet to the point of beginring (he:einafte: known as point ''A'.); tSecnc.2 Xonh 82'JS'Oi" Est. 150.01) fer; thenc: North 07"11'57" lVcs1. 95.90 feet to a point on he Jtbrescrid Wonh line of said Southelst one-qumer. thencc South 37'1J':lj" West alorg 53id N'nnh line, 150.49 feet to a point on the aforesaid €=st R.O.W. Line; thence Sou1.h 0i"L I'Si'' East along said EW R.0.W line, 105.00 feet to the point ofbezinning. Cont1inir.g 0,;s I L acres (15.19; sq. h.) more or less of land. Togtihe: with a Ternporxy Constrdcion Esernent bounded and described as hlluws: ",? Y 1. PAGE 14 .. ! "--- <E 1 PERMANENT PUMP STATION sm ANO 10' TEMPORARY GRAOING EASEMENT - FILE ~0.384 03/22 9.01 An 10:53 ID:ARENZ ~IOLTER ~ACY FAX :2625489211 PAGE 15 WAIVER OF APPRAISAL. RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL, Owner: Gene Lang and Luann M. Lang Acquisition of. See Attached Legal Description Interest Acquired: Fee Simple Title and Temporary Construction Easemont for Sanitary Sewer Improvements The undersigned owners of land designated as in the attached legal description, containing approximately 0.351 1 acres as to fee simple title and approximately 0.0344 acres as to temporary construction easement, agl'ees to accept settlement in 'the amount of Forty-Three Thousand and No/lOO ($43,000.00) Dollars as full payment for the fee simple title and temporary construction easement stated, subject to the approval of the City of Mwkego. The undersigned owners have been fully informed of the,right to have the property appraised, and to receive just compensation based upon an appraisal. have decided to waive the right to an appraisal. The undersigned owners further state that the decision to waive wch right to an appraisal was made without undue influence or coercive action of any nature. It is intended that the instrument of conveyance will be executed upon presentation by the City of Muskego, agents or representatives. Dated this - dav of , 2001 GENE LANG LUANN M. LANG PAGE 16 FILE No.384 03/22 '.01 AM'10:53 1D:ARENZ MOLTER RACY FAX 32625489211 PAGE 17 qq'' EXHIBIT 1 FILE No.384 03/22 '01 AM'10:54 1D:ARENZ PlOLTER MRCY FAX : 262548921 1 PAGE 18 WAIVER OF APPEAL RIGHTS AS TO AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION PURSUANT TO WISCONSIN STATUTE 532.05 For valuable consideration, hereby acknowledged by the undersigrled, we hereby waive any and all rights that we may have to appeal the award of compensation made under Wisconsin Statute 332.05. Dated this ___ day of , 2001 GENE LANG -~ LUANN M. LANG FILE No.384 03/22 '01 Rtl 10:54 ID:M€NZ luyTER ?&ICY FPX:2625489211 FRGE 19 lMY UNK. urn. UNK. UNL my. UHK. UNK. UNK. UNK UNL UNK UNK LlNh UNY UNL UNY UHK UNK UNK UNK llNK ." 3/0ljmb COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #68-2001 OFFER TO PURCHASE - LANG Valley Green Pump Station BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of does hereby authorize the execution of the attached Offer to property for the Valley Green Pump Station. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the technical changes, if needed, in consultation City Attorney to facilitate timely execution of the Offer and closing documents. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayoiand Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the Offer to Purchase, and necessary closih\g documents, in the name of the City and to extend the acceptance andlor closi/ng dates d necessary. / I .2.. , DATED THIS DAY OF ,' 3, .' SPONSORED BY: . h' David L. De Angelis, Mayor \ This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #68-2001 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer