CCR2001048COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #48-2001 ACCEPTANCE OF 2000 CLASSIFIED EQUIPMENT RATES BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the Department of Transportation 2000 Classified Equipment Rates Standard and Special Rated Units as attached. DATED THIS 27th DAY OF Februaw ,2001 SPONSORED BY: Mayor David L. De Angelis This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution W8-2001 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 2/0ljmb 1 2000 CLASSIFIED EQUIPMENT RATES STANDARD AND SPECIAL RATED UNITS AIR COMPRESSORS hammers (class 929). and wagon drills. Rates do not include equipment used to transport the compressor. Units over $500. BITUMINOUS EQUIPMENT GENERATORS, PORTABLE ELECTRIC 2 Class Description I Rate I Est. Life GRADERS, MOTOR Classifications are in accordance with rated net flywheel horsepower (hp) and weight, exclusive of attachments. Horsepower shall be in accordance with Society of Automotive Engineers (S.A.E.) standard 1349. 302 305 Less than 85 hp 10 years $27.60/hr. At least 85 hp and 20,000 Ibs 40.06h. 10 years 306 S At least 140 hp and 27,000 Ibs 307 52.22h. 10 years At least 150 hp and 27,000 Ibs 45.28h. 10 years 308 Six-wheel drive (front and tandem rear axles, all drive), I at least 125 hp and 27,000 Ibs 1 50.62h. I 10 years GRADERS, TOW TYPE ATTACHMENT 321 S I Single blade I 4.28h. I 10 years 323 I Dual blade (8 ft. blade and over and return blade attachment) I 4.24h. I 10 years MAINTAINER ATTACHMENTS 392 I Hydraulically operated return blade I 4.54h. I 10 years MOWERS AND MOWER ATTACHMENTS 410 5 years 412 15.22h Motorized lawnmower, 48” cut or more 5 years 41 1 %13.16/hr. Motorized lawnmower, 25” to 48” cut Rotary disc attachment 15.38h. 10 years 413 414 Rotary, reel, and flail attachments 10.34h. 10 years Sickle bar attachment 13.18h. 10 years 415 416 2 pan gang attachment, rotary, reel, etc. 12.12h. 10 years 3 pan gang attachment, rotary, reel, etc. 19.44h. 10 years ROAD ROLLERS 53 1 Tow-type, non-vibratory 16.28h. 532 10 years Self propelled, non-vibratory 30.64h. 10 years 533 8 years 39.50h. Self propelled, vibratory, over 2 tons 534 8 years 34.66h. Self propelled, vibratory, 1 to 2 tons SCRAPERS AND SCRAPER ATTACHMENTS Scrapers are rated as a unit with the tractor used exclusively for scraper operation. Capacity is based on the manufacturer’s struck capacity without sideboards. 546 S I 14 cubic vards and over I 67.46h. I 10 vears 3 Class Description Rate I Est. Life 547 s I Scraper, Twin Engine I %84.92h. I 10 years SHOULDER MACHINES 450 S I 455 s SHOVELS Complete units classified by capacity, including the truck or tractor. Capacity is based on manufacturer’s rating. 552 S Truck mounted, including hydraulic cable operated combination back-hoe units 10 years 43.06h. 554 s 10 years 50.54h. Self contained excavator, rubber tire 557 10 years 29.30h. Track-type backhoe, 80 to 100 hp 555 s IO years 36.50h. Track-type backhoe, less than 80 hp 558 S SNOW PLOWS, MOTOR GRADER AND TRACTOR ATTACHMENTS 10 years 35.84h. Shovel, track-type (1 00-1 50 hp) 61 1 I V-shape 1 31.88h. 1 10 years 612 I Widening wing I 13.54h. I 10 years SNOW PLOWS, TRUCK ATTACHMENTS 632 10 years 8.16h. Underbody blade, double ram 637 10 years 6.12h. Underbody blade, single ram 636 10 years 7.70h. Widening wing, minimum 23,000 lbs. GVW 63 5 IO years 8.06h. One-way (including motor grader or tractor attachments) 634 10 years 8.16h. Power reversible, minimum 23,000 Ibs. GVW 633 10 years 18.76h. V-shape SPREADER ATTACHMENTS These attachments are for applying sand, chips, or deicers. Units purchased after 1/1/86 shall be capable of calibration within 10% of the recommended sodium chloride application rate (100 to 300 Ibs./lane mile) at speeds of 15 to 35 miles per hour. 420 Spreader, tailgate mounted, computer controlled with on board 42 1 Spreader, integral unit, hopper type truck body with conveyor prewetting system 22.08h. computerized with on board prewetting system feeding material to power driven spinner type spreader, 8 years 13.68h. 8 years 6.04h. Tailgate mounted, non-computerized 424 8 years 4 Class Description Rate Est. Life 425 Integral unit, hopper type truck body with conveyor feeding material to power driven spinner type spreader. non- computerized 426 $13.90h. 8 years Tailgate mounted, computer controlled 7.98h. 8 years 427 Integral unit, hopper type truck body with conveyor feeding 428 material to power driven spinner type spreader, computerized 17.60h. 8 years Zero-velocity spreader 26.24h. 8 years _. . SPREADERS, SELF PROPELLED, CHIP 440 I Integral unit I 10~.10hr. I 10 years SWEEPER ATTACHMENTS 43 1 Power take-off 19.54h. 10 years 432 Self-powered 3 1.04h. 10 years 433 s Sweeper, Self-propelled 6 1.26h. 10 years 434 s Sweeper, Att. to small tractor 26.76h. 10 years TRACTORS These units shall be rated by net flywheel SAE horsepower (hp). Net horsepower shall be in accordance with Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) standard 1349, and shall not exceed that stated in the manufacturer’s national advertising. 5 a Class Rate I Est. Life Description TRAILERS 490 10 years 30.94h. 30 tons and over 496 10 years 1 O.OO/hr. 1 to 5 tons 49 1 10 years $ 9.04h. Less than 1 ton 493 10 years 21.66h. 5 to 30 tons 1 TRUCKS Classifications shall be based on the manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight (GVW) rating assigned to the specific model, including all component equipment recommended or required by the manufacturer, as listed in the current national advertising and specifications. No consideration shall be given to any GVW that may be assigned for a specific purpose, preferred service,, limited area, or that is not included in the national advertising for that model. If optional GVW’s or a range of GVW’s are given without identifying equipment necessary to place the unit within the range, the average of the range shall be used. 6 Class DescriDtioo Rate I Est. Life 'Patrol truck rates shall be charged for general maintenance activities only (defined as using activity codes 001 to 059). When the buck is used on any project other than general maintenance, the charge shall be made at the appropriate truck rate for actual hours of operation. When a patrol person normally assigned to a state highway section is assigned to a special project, on vacation, or on sick leave, the patrol truck may be charged to the department at the patrol truck rate provided that the truck is available and in working order, not being used for another purpose, id the patrol person or a replacement is available to operate the truck should the need arise. Patrol trucks shall be equipped with a minimum 5 cubic yard box, communication equipment, and adequate safety lights. When any vehicle is used in lieu of a patrol truck, reimbursement shall be made only for the vehicle used at the appropriate rate. VEHICLES 114 S Automobiles 0.34/mi. 100,000mi 119 Station wagons, vans, carry-alls, crew cabs 11.82h. 5 years 120 Patrol superintendent vehicles 0.32/mi. 100,000mi MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT All units must have an original purchase price over $500. cost of welding rid) 3.40h. 10 years 123 124 S Water pump, centrifugal 21.041hr. 5 years Water pump, diaphragm 17.44h. 5 years .. 7 0 2/23/2001