CCR2001043COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION # 43-2001 AMENDED RELOCATION ORDER OF THE CITY OF MUSEGO WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN (Martin Drive) NOW COMES the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, by its Common Council and for its Relocation Order hereby resolves as follows: 1 That this Resolution is an amendment to a Relocation Order which is Resolution 2. That this Resolution is a Relocation Order in accordance with #197-2000 which was passed and approved on September 26,2000. §32.05(1), Wisconsin Statutes, for the purposes of the within described public improvement project and it is also a determination of necessity for that project in accordance with §32.07(2), Wisconsin Statutes. and public purpose to construct highway right-of way improvements and storm sewer improvements as shown on the legals and maps attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibits “2-1” through “2-7” improvements will be built as set forth on the legals and maps which are annexed to this Relocation Order as Exhibits “2-1” through “2-7” and are incorporated herein. 5. That the sites of said highway right-of-way improvements and storm sewer improvements are contained in Exhibits “Z-1” through “2-7” which are incorporated herein; that the legal descriptions to said sites are attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibits “Z-1” through “2-7” 6. That the City of Muskego will acquire fee simple title for highway right-of-way improvements and storm sewer improvements as indicated on Exhibits “Z-1” through “2-7” 3. That the City of Muskego hereby determines that it is a necessaly 4. That said highway right-of-way improvements and storm sewer Passed and approved this & day of Februaw 2001 I hereby certify that on the 27th day of Februaw , 2001, the within Relocation Order was adopted by a vote of 7 ayes to 0 nays by the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. APPROVED: CITY OF MUSKEG0 - David-LtDe Angelis, Mayor - ATTEST. WA renda. Clerk-Treasurer Septambcr 22,2000 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Martin Drive Riyht-d-Way Acquisilion For: City of Muskego (Grantee) All that part of tho Southwcst one-qurrtcr of rho Soutlreast one-quam of Scch 3. Town 5 North, Rwge 20 east, City of Muskego. Waukcsha County. Wisconsin. !dore fully described w follows (See Attached Exhihit "A"): Commencing at thc Southwwt comer of thc Southeast one-quarlcr of Scction 3; thence North 0O424'00"Wcst along the West line of raid Southcast one-qumcr and thc West Iinc uf lands dcsignatcd by Tax Kcy No. MSKC 2169,987.001, 621.63 I'ect 10 tho Nonlrwest corncr of said lands and apoint on the existinu ccntcr lint olMah Drive; thcncc South ?9°07'00" Enst along the North line of said Inn& and cxistins cen:cr linc uI' Iniu.rin Drive, 441.24 fcet to the Northwest comer of lands dcsignatcd by Tux Key KO. MSKC 21G9.987.UO2; thcncc South @ 00'24'00'' Eosr along the West lir,e of said lands, 40.79 ioct; thence North 79"07'00 Wcst, 441.24 feel lo a point on thc WCSI linc of the Sourheasf one-quar:e: 01' Sccuon 3 alrd rho West line of lands dcsignarcd by Tax Key Yo, MSKC 2169.99:.00!, t!Iencc Nonh 00'24'00'' West the point of beginning containing 0.40524 acrcs (17,652 aqunte fscr) morc or lcss of Id. along the West linc duid Soudieas1 ow-qunncr and rhc West lint ol'snid lands, 40.79 fcet IU Togcthcr with North, Ran e 20 Ea$!, Cit of Muskcgo. Waukcsha County, Wisconsin. Mom A~lly tlescribcd All that part of the Southwcst onc-quam of thc Southeast olx-qunrtcr of Scaion 3, Town 5 as follows &ee Attochcd J xhlbrr '' "B"): Commencin nt the southwest comer of (hc Southcast orlc-qumcr of Section 3: thence No& 00°24'00" Jest along the West line of said Southcast onc-qumer and thc Wcot line of \a!& designatcd by Tax Kcy No. MSKC 2163.~87.cl01, 621.63 feet 10 the Nurthwcrt cornor of said lands and a point on the existing center line of Mmin Drive; thence South 7Y007'@)" East don the North lines of lands dcsignatcd by Taw Key Nos. MSKC 2169.987.001 und MSK 8 COflQr of lands deai nted by Tax Key No. MSKC 2169.987.002 and the point of beginning; 2169.987.002, which ic tho exisring center lint of Marlin Drive, 581.28 fcct to the Northeit thCnC0 south O0°24'& Etut along thc East line of said lands, 44.94 feet; rhencc Soubastcrly along M ~JC of a cuwc 251 23 feet, center which lis to rhc Southwest, radius of 460.00 feet, wifh a chord bearing South WSO'4l" Elst, 248.12 fox; thonce South 4O0I 1'56" Ea94 197.27 fW thew Southeasterly along an urc or n CUIVS 100.89 fcet, ccntor which lies to thc Nofihcw& radius of 540.00 feet, with a chorU bearing South 45'33'05.5" Eut, 100.75 fcot; *nw south 50'54;15" ]Eart 40.22 foot to a pohl on thc East lino of lands dceignarcd b Tw Key NO. MSKC 2169.987.601; thence ~orth oo"2~00" WOSI alan tile linc of said mdu, NoNlbwt, radius of 460.00 feet, with a chord bowing Nonk 43°$4'@J.s" Wa~t, 59.39 fc& 104.76 feet; thance Northwcstorly along an arc of a CUNC 59.43 cet, ccntor which (0 the whlch lie8 to Southwest, radius of S40.00 foot, wlth a chord bearing Noltlt 48O33'43" wC#[, ~XX No& 40*11'SG" Weat, 197.27 fmt; thence dong an uc of a curve 157.64 fmt, ccnter 157.08 feet to 1 point In tho I"ch he of lands dcrignatad by TUX Koy No. MSKC WnO N1812 Rwkwuod 06~ - w~b&, W,=mdn s318e.tt13 P r Acquisition Pdgc 2 2169.987.001 and a point on the cxisting contec line of Martin Drive; thcncc Notth 79O07'00" to the point of bcginning containing 0.99148 acre3 (43.1 89 squarc feet) more or lcSS Of land. West aiong the North line of said lands and thc existing cenkr linc of Martin Drive, 151,71 kc1 Martin E. Kulinski e cc: Filc i EXHIBIT "A" FOR (GRANTEE) CITY OF MUSKECO RIGHT of WAY AcouIsnoN 3 lop r scu N rccl \-SW CORNER OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION J. 1% R23E rAA KEY NC. ZlFJY-987-GO2 EOWARO LINDEMANN ETAL 570 W16211 MARTIN ORIVE OWNER/GRANTOP, ~ MUSKEGO. WI 53!50 TAX KEY NO. 2169-987-00! \ a- AREA TO BE ACOUIREO FOR 8lGHT OF WAY 17,652 SO. fT - ,40524 ACRES 0 September 22,2000 LEGAL OESCRlPTlON Manin Drive Right-of-way Acquisition For: City of Murkcgo (Grantee) All that pan of the Southwest one quaner of thc Southcast one quarter of sccliolr 3, Town 5 North, Rangc 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukcsha County, Wisconsin, more fully described as follows (Sce Attached Exhibit "A"): Cammencin YI thc Southwcst comer of the Southcut ono yu'mler of Section 3; rhence Xonh 00p24'60" t cst along Lho West line or slid Southcut om ua.rter. 621.63 fact to the Southwcst comer of lands designated by Tax KEY No. MSKC 2169.9 % 7 and a poila on the existing ccntcr line of Martio Drive; thence South 7O007'~ Eut along the South line of wid lands and cenlcr whjch lies lo tkc Southwcst, radius or 540.00 fccr. and a chord bearing Xorrll 68"01'15" existing center linc of Martin Drivc. 732.99 feet; thcncc along an arc of u curve 200.15 feet, West, 207.85 fcct; thcnto Nonlr 7990i'00" Wcst, 537.01 fcct to a point on thc Xcsl iinc of'raid bdnds and a goinl on thc West line of suid Southcasr onc quarter; thsncc Sw(h UO024'O0" Eas: along the Wcsl linc of mid lands und the West lrrlc of said Southcost one-quam:, 40.79 fcct to lhc point orbcpinning contnining 0.61527 acrcs (26,801 square feet) more or lcss of land. e $ Martin E. Kulinski EXHIBIT ”A” FOR (GRANTEE) CITY Cf MUSKEM RIGHT OF WAY ACWSITION scuc IN rm WAYNE & DORIS BORCHARDT TRUST OWNER/GRANTOR W234 S5460 BIG BEND ROAD MUSKEGO, W 53150 TAX KEY NO. 2169-987 TAX KEY NO 2159-987 ;E ACOUIRED I “.. FOR RIGHT OF WAY r .. 26.801 SO. FT - 0.61527 ACRES 2169-957-OG’ TAX KEY NO. 2169-367-002 TAX KEY hG FtLE No.554 0946 '00 w1 1O:R ID:MENZ IIILTER WY FCIX:~Wll 3EP-ZJ-B0 MON 13123; RUEKERT I MIELKE INC- e WY P- 06 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Mudin Orivc Right-of-way Acquisition For: City of Muskago (Crantec) All that pad of thc Southwcst oncquartcr of the Soutlreast onc quarter of Section 3, Town 4 North Range 20 Eat, City of Mukeyo, Wnukesha County Wisconsin, nlore fully described as follows (Soe Attached Exhibit "A"): 0Oa24'O0" West along thc Wcsr linc of said Southeast oncqutlntr. 62 I .63 fcct IO a point on the Commcncing at the Southweat oorncr of thc Southcast one-quaner of Section 3; thcncc North cxisting center line of Martin Drivc; thcncc South 79°07'00" Eut ;r!ong thc cxiutiny coutcr litrc of Martin Drive, 441.24 feel to thc Northwcst corner of lands designated by Tax Kcy No. 0 MSKC 2169.987.002 nnd chc point of haginning: chance continuins South 70'07'00" East along said txisting ccnlcr linc and Nonh lint of said lands, 140.04 l'ce[ to thc Northcast corner of raid Innds; thence South Oo024'@3" East don thc Eas~ line 01' said hds, 44.04 t'cec; thence Northwwtcrly alony an arc of u curvc 61.2. ! fccr, ccntcr which lios to rhe Southwest, mdius of 4GO.00 feet, and nchord bearin North 75'16'14" Wcst, G1,18 fccr to a poinl on thc CVcst linc of said lands; thence North 00' 4: 4'00" West along rhc Wost line of said lands, 40.70 Ikct to 1111: point of beginning containing 0.13047 acre, (5,G83 squnrc fm) more or less of land. Mnrtin E. ICulir-ski 8 8 TAX KEY NO 2109-987 2169-987-002 TAX KEY NO. OWNER/GRANTO~~ ADOLPH A. CINOEMANN €TAL 570 VI16211 MARTIN DRIVE TAX KEY NO. 2169-987-002 MUSKECG. W! 53150 3- AQEA TO a5 ACOUIRU F3R RIGHT OF WAY 5683 SO. FT - 13047 ACRES 2169-987-30' TAX KCY NO. Scptcmber 22,2000 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Madin Drive Right-of-way Acquisilion For: City of Musk :ego (Grantee) North, Rangc 20 East. City of Muskego, Wnukeshu Coctnry. Wircomin, Inow fully descebed as All that pl~r of thc Southwcor onc-quartcr of the Southcut onc quarter of Seclior~ 3, Town S followo (See Anached Exhihit IIA"): Comrncncing at the Southwest comcr of' thc Southcast onc-quarter of Section 3, thcncc Nonh beginning; thence North 5O054'I 5" Wes~, 81.65 fcct to a point on thc East line of Iwds 88.24'45'' East aloag the South line of said Sourhcast one-quarter. 1066.20 fcct to the pain! of dcsignatcd by Tax Kcy No. MSKC 2 I69.987.001; thcnco Xolonh 0OP28'00" Wcst along thc East llne of said lands, 104.76 feet; lhcncc Southcastcrly along M arc of n CUNC 26.52 fcet, center which lies to the Northeas\ rndiur of 460.00 fcct, and P chord baring Sauth 4Y015'10 East, 26.51 feel; thcncc South 50°54'15" East, 138.04 feet to a point on rhc Noltltwest line of Janesvillc Road (C.T.H. "L"): thence Soulh 39O05'45" Wcst dung tl~c Nonhwesr line of Jancsviltc Road (C.T.H. "L") 6G.10 bet lo a point on thc South linc of said Souhenst onc- qufirtcr, thence south 88"24'45" wcsl dony tl~c South linc of said Sautlrew onc-quartor, 2 I .22 foot to the point of beginning conraining 0.2379 !Acres (10,363 squirr: Cccl) narc 01 less of luld. 0 Manin E. Kulinski 8 EXHIBIT "'A" RIGHT OF WAY ACWISITION FOR (GRANTEE) CITY OF MUSKEGO I' ; Ruekert Mie e l&W- LEGAL DESCRIPTI0;Ei Land Acquisition For: City of Muskcgo (Grantee) ,411 that part of rho Southwest one-quarter of the Southctw one-quaner of Section 3, Town 5 Nonh, RM e 20 €.us(, City of Muskego, Wnukcsha County, Wisconsin. More ~IIY dc&bd as follows (%ee Attached Exhibit “A): &mmcncing at the Southwest comcr of tho Southeast onc.qumer of Section 3; chcncc Noah 88O24’45” East, 1003.41 fcct. along the South line olsaid Southasst sne-quart% thcncc North OOO28’00” West, 158.00 fhx, to the point of beginning of the lands hereinaftor described; thence continuing North OOnZ28’Oo” West, 268.28 fcct, along the Eat line of lands known UJ TU Key No. MSKC 2169.987.001, thence continuing North 73°07’01” Wcst, 362.05 feat; tllcnco dong an arc of s curve IO tho riyht which is thc no& ri ht of-woy line of proposed 52OS3’25” Ear!, 237.27 fl., thence continuing South 40°11’56“ East, 197.27 feet, along thc Martin Drive, a distancc of 239.23 ft., having a radius of 54O.fO i.. chord bcaring South proporud noRh right-of-way or Madn Drive; thence continuing 59.43 A. along nn arc of P cum lo thc lcft and the proposed north right-of-way of Mdn Dnvc, hnving a radius of 460.00 hcrcin dcscribcd conrnining (39,697 sqtlare feet or 0.9; 13 acrcs) more or less of land. R., chord bearing of South 43°54’00.5” East, 5!).39 fi. to the point of beyinning of thc lands Martin E. Kulinski CC: File EXHIBIT "A" z -5 LAND ACQUSITION Being part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 3. Town 5 North. Ronge 20 East. City of Muskego. Woukesho County. Wisconsin. MAIN CURVE TABLE CURM NO. RADIUS a CHORD CHORD ERG ARC TAN TANGENT BRG TANGENT ERG 1 2 540 00' 16'43'34" 157.08' 54033'43"E 157.64' 460.00' 7'24'09'' 59.39' 543'54'00.5"E 59.43' 29.76 N40'11'56"W S47'36'05.E 79.30,' S40.11'56-E N56.55'30-W N Seplcmbcr 22,2000 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Martin Drive right-of-way Acquisition i For: City or Muskcgo (Cir,mtac) All tlnt part of thc Northwest onc-quortcr of rhc Nonhcast one quarter of Section 10, Town 5 Nonh, Rmue 20 Easi, Cily of Muskcgo, Waukcshs County, Wisconsin, niorc fully dcscribcd as follows (SCC Attochcd Exhibit "A"): Commencing ut chc Nonhwcsl wrnct of thc Nonhcast onc-quancr of Section 10; thcncc North 88'24'45" East alonp the North line of snid Northeat onc-qusnar, 1061.36 lcot to tho point of boginning; the~rcc continuing North 88'24'45" East dong rho Nonh linc of aaid Nonhusi one- quarter, 50.33 fw to a point on the Norlhwcst linc or Jancsvillc Road (CTH "Y); thence South 39a0S'45" West along tlrc Northwest line of Janesvillc Road (CTH "L"), 32.81 foot; rhcncc SquiuC fcct) nlorc or less of Imd. Nonh 50°54'15" West, 38.17 lcct to ihc point of bcginning conrainin&r O.ClA37 acres (626 EXHIBIT - " €XHIBIT "A" RIGHT OF WAY AWUISITION - FOR (GRANTEE) ClTY OF MUSKECO I 2169-987-001 TAX KEY NC. IiCMY( 10 TJN. R2OI. OVdNER/GRANTOR S70 W1605C JANESVlLLE ROAD ALVlN AND CAROLYN BASSE TAX KEY NO. 2197-998 MUSKECO. WI 53150 @j- AREA TO 9E ACOUIRED FOR AlGHi OF WAY 626 SO. FT. - .01437 ACRES EXHIBIT "'2- .- 7 I' Sepcembcr 25.2000 LEGAL DESCRlPTlON Land Acquislion For: City alMuskcyo (Grantee) All that part of the Southcost ono-quarter. and the Southwest onequartor, of the Soolhdut One uartcr of Section 3. Town 5 North, kango 20 East, City of Muskcgo, Waukesha County, biscmin, more fully dcscrlbsd BS follows (See Anached Exhibit "A"): Commcnciny at thc Southwcst comer 01' rhc Southeast oncquartor of Section 3, thence North 88"24'4$" East, 1003.41 feet. along ihc South line of said Southeast one- uartcr; thence North OO028'O0" Wcst, 158,OO feet IO thc point of beginning of the lands hcreincl !I er describcd; thence @ continuing North 00°28'00" Wcst. 268.28 fect, alon the west linc of lands known as fax Key No. MSKC 2172.999 to a point in the north right-of-way line of cxistii Martin Drive; thencc South 79"07'01" East, 19.91 fcet. along thc north right-of-way ofcxiali Martln Drive; thence South 8S012'15" East, 427.63 feet, alony thc north right-of-way of oxiadng Main Drive; [hcncc along an arc of a cum 37.1 1 feet, center which lies to thc Southeast, radius of 2,315.76 feel to n point; thence a ong an arc of (I cum and the northwcst righl-of-wo linc of Janesville fcct, aid a chord bcdrin South 52'%'16" West, 37.1 I fcct; thcnce South 85912'15" East, 6.93 Road (C.T.H. "I"'), 389.16 fcct, center which lies to the Southcast. cadius of $320.76 feet, and a chord boaring South 43'53'59" West, 388.70 feet; thcncc South 39"05'45" Was6 38.44 feet, along the northwest right-of-way linc Janesville Road (C.T.H. "L"); thcncc North 5OCS4'15" arc of o cuwc md contlnuin along the northat right-of-way line of Martin Drive, 26.52 eet, Wost, 138.04 fcct, along northcast right-of-way linc of proposed MPltin Drive; thence alon an ccntcr which lies lo thc Nod east, radius of 4fjO.OO feet, and a chord bearing North 43°15'10" or less of Iud. WCS~, 2651 f~t to the point ofbeginning, conraining 2.1604 acres (94,107 square feet), marc f a f .Martin E. Kulinskl i I8 r 1 I '0 I N OWNER/GRANTOR 570 W16050 JAkESVIlLE ROAD MUSKEGO, M 53150 ALVN AND CAROLYN EA&- TAX KEY NO. 2172-999