CCR2001026I COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #26-2001 0 APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT Nature Estates Subdivision I WHEREAS, A preliminary plat for Nature Estates Subdivision in the SE % of Section 16 was submitted on October 20,2000; and I WHEREAS, Said plat proposes a 15-lot and one outlot subdivision; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission has recommended approval of the preliminary plat subject to the conditions of Resolution #P.C. 203a-2000, as amended and adopted. I I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the preliminary plat of Nature Estates Subdivision in the SE !A of Section 16 subject to the conditions outlined in Resolution #P.C.203a-2000, as amended, being met at the time of the final plat. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this approval is subject to the receipt of municipal sanitary sewer service to each parcel depicted on the plat. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this approval is subject to receipt of the submittal 1 I ' fees and favorable reports from all approving and objecting agencies. DATED THIS 13th DAY OF FEBRUARY ,2001 SPONSORED BY: Ald. Kathy Chiaverotti This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #26-2001 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 'e 2/2001jmb AMENDED AND ADOPTED RESOLUTION #P.C. 203a-2000 APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE NATURE ESTATES SUBDIVISION BY GREG BOEHM LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 16 (TAX KEY NO 2224.994) WHEREAS, On October 20, 2000 a preliminary plat was submitted by Greg Boehm for the Nature Estates Subdivision of the property located in the SE % of Section 16, and WHEREAS, Said plat consist of 15 proposed lots and one outlot, and said property is zoned RS-1 Suburban Residence District, requiring a minimum lot size of 30,000 square feet and an average minimum width of 120 feet, and said lots appear to meet said minimum zoning requirements, and WHEREAS, The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts this area for medium density residential development and the plat is in conformance with this designation, and WHEREAS, Said parcels will are proposed to be serviced by City sewer and water, and WHEREAS, Wetlands are present on the parcel, and have been field delineated by the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission and indicated on the Preliminary Plat submittal, and WHEREAS, The proposed plat will be required to manage stormwater as required by Chapter 34 of the Municipal Code, and the location of stormwater detention within an outlot is recommended by the Plan Commission, and WHEREAS, The termination of Nature Drive at the east plat line will require a temporary cul-de-sac and easements are illustrated for such purposes, and WHEREAS, Soil borings are required to be completed concurrent with preliminary platting, 1, and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of a 15 lot preliminary plat for the Nature Estates Subdivision by Greg Boehm, located in the SE % of Section 16, and will be receptive to the submittal of a final plat. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all stormwater management appurtenances shall be located within outlots to be owned by pro-rata share of the lot owners and all maintenance shall be the responsibility of an incorporated home owners association. Maintenance of all such facilities shall be addressed by a Stormwater Management Plan and Maintenance Agreement to be developed by the Public Works Committee. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a temporary cul-de-sac shall be required at the eastern termination of Nature Drive. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all required utility and vision corner easements be illustrated on the face of the Final Plat(s). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this approval is subject to the receipt of Municipal sanitary sewer service. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this approval is subject to resolution of technical discrepancies as identified by the reports of the City Planning Director and City Engineers, and payment of all applicable fees required by the Muskego Municipal Code, and outstanding assessments if applicable. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That prior to or concurrent with Final Plat approval, the Subdivider shall enter into a Developers Agreement and shall tender a Letter of Credit for all required improvements. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all deed restrictions and protective covenants shall be reviewed by the Plan Commission concurrent with the review of the Final Plat(s). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any part of this Resolution and Preliminary Plat approval that is in conflict with the plan approvals received from the Public Works Committee or Public Utilities Committee shall be reconciled prior to Common Council approval of the Final Plat, or the recommendations of the Plan Commission pertaining to the Preliminary Plat of Nature Estates shall be null and void. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a digital file in '.DXF, *.DGN. or '.DWG format shall be provided to the City of Muskego planning Department within 30 days of Common Council approval. If such files are not received the City Planning Director shall direct the preparation of a file in the aforementioned format, and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Developers Deposit account for the Nature Estates Subdivision. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: February 6, 2001 Defeated: Deferred: November 7,2000; November 21,2000; December 5, 2000; December 19, 2000; January 16,2001 Introduced: November 7,2000 ATTEST- Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary