CCR2000251COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #251-2000 CONSENT OF LEASE AGREEMENT KIDS KAMPUS OF WISCONSIN, INC. (REVOLVING LOAN FUND LOAN) WHEREAS, In 1994 the City loaned $152,510 from the revolving loan fund to Kids Kampus South, Inc. and Sue Krienitz; and WHEREAS, In 1996 the City consented to the transfer of interest of Sue Krienitz to Kids Kampus of Wisconsin, LLC, with the owners agreeing to be bound by the terms of the RLF note and mortgage filed in 1994; and WHEREAS, Kids Kampus South, Inc. has requested approval to lease the business to Gorski, Inc. which requires the consent of the City since the loan requires Kids Kampus South, Inc. to retain its business operation within the City, and by leasing the business they would technically be in default of the loan as they would no longer be an operating entity; and WHEREAS, The attached Assignment of Leases and Rents has been prepared by SEWRPC as administrator of the City's RLF program, which will require Kids Kampus of Wisconsin, LLC to turn over all lease payments to the City in case of default on the loan: and WHEREAS, the previous securities of a personal guarantee of the owners and a mortgage on the land and building will remain in full force and effect; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has reviewed the request and recommends that the Council consent to the lease of the business and the Assignment of Leases and Rents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego. upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby consent to the lease of the business to Gorski. Inc. and approves the attached Assignment of Leases and Rents. DATED THIS 28th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2000 SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine e This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #251-2000 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 11lOOjm .. NOV-28-00 .._.""" TUE 12'48 PM ""_ SEWRPC ~ .._. FAX .~ NO. .. . . 5470676 P2 . Slock No. 11217 ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS THIS ASSIGNMENI. made Ihh ~ dsy 01 - LLC ,2000 ,by KTG Kampus of Wisconsin, - la Wisconsin Limited Liability tiemrding Area Name and Rulum MQrers John R. Meland SEWRPC P.O. Box 1607 Waukesha. WI 53187-1607 MSKC 2223.994.005 " I. RlOl UlmIulOrNa On VALUE REC IVED. Ihe krslpnor grsnla lranslers Md asslgna lo the Assignee Ihe leases- ribodlnErhibll" L 'ellachedI'~rernlse~''),logelharwllhanyandallolherlea?le~oleDace,wlrelherorolorwrlllon,olllroPremlse~noworh~rea~orentorodlnlobyll~e whlch lese porl ol he rad orlalo l~eUlOlWilhl~ouroendposrosrlonoland~erighllorenlend/orleassanyoralllunrilure,lunllshlngs.lillings,allachmenls,appliancesandappurlenancesolanykind 4alQnor (rhe "LNBos"). lwmhor wlm any and dl exlensivns and renewals 01 lhe Leases. logelherwllh any guaranless 01 Ihe lenanls'obl~gallons undar tho Lnases. noworherea~ornvoilablelorurebyIenanl3and/0roperallonoflllePremlses,logalherwilhlheimmediala~dcorninuing~lghlloco~~landr~ve~lrsnlg,income, PlOCOBdS,p;lymenlsand~o~tsarisinpoulolllleLearses~oulolVlePremises("Ranls").Iogelherwilhlherighlloallpr~ceeds~ayableloUleAsslynorpurru~nlloany PUlCh~SOwlion~onlhup~rlollhelcnanlsundCrUl~L~~S~S,logeVlerwilhallpa~onlsderivedunderlheLeasesin~lurlir~gbvlnolllmiledlodnln~slorlher~ov~ol damages don0 lo Iho Premisea or lor Ihc ahlemonl 01 any nulsanco. dahs lor damagss msulling lrom delaull under lhe Leases wllelher resulllnp Iran acls 01 inSOluenCyOraCI¶olbankr~lCyorolheMiiS~.andlumpsumpaymenlslmlh~cancellafanollheLsasesorlhewaiverolenyobliy~llonorlermprlorlolhee~pir~li~da~~ Md Ihe ralurn of ally insurance premlums and OT ad Mlomm lax paymenlr made in advancd and subsequenlly relundeu, 10 6ecufe Ihe lollcwing ("Secured Dobl'): a. Paynlcnl 01 Puslgnor's nde(sl or eprcemenl?l daled 2knuary 21 I lqg4 and payable lo Ihe Asipneo. includlng all exlonslms. ronewals end modi& CPllOnS (all Callcd UIO '"NOW). wlrlch Nole 1s secured by e modgage M Ihe Premlses lrom llle Asdgnor lo Iho Assignee daled Jan. 21,z (%"age"). hecurad by UIQ Morlgape. hAll~ddillon~au~nsrrhlchareinlhelu~reloanedbyAsslgneoloAuignor.lo&slgnorendanolherorloanolherguaranlesdrwendorsedbyAssignorwhlchare c. Paymonl 01 all olhcr Bum9 wllh inloreal becomlng due and payable lo Ihe Asrigneo under lhls Asslgnmenl. llle Nola, Ihe "gage and all olher inslrumenla d.Psrlor~nanceanddlacl~argeollllcobilgallone.Covonanlsu\dagr~emenlsollheAtslgnaunderlhlo~6lgnmonl.lheNole,heMorlgageandalloVl~1insl~monl~ I, I. mnrliluling sccorily lor Ule Nolo. consliluling EEU~R~ lor !he Nole. THE UNDEASIGNED ASSIGNOn AGREES TO THE TERMS OF THIS ASSIGNMENT AND TO THE ADDITIONAL PROVlSlONS ON THE flEVERSE SIDE WHICH ARE INCORPOMTED HEREIN. " Wisconsin Limited LiaijJbii?y Conwny Kids KaTus of Wisconsin, LLC (SEAL) By: - (SEAL1 "" (rme 01 Olml?lml Member Bvron Hartman." By: _I_.- Managing Member 7m- " "" ISEALI *ipioMua - BY""" (SEAL1 Member rn) Sue A. Krianitz __ "" - I PIWHENTICATION - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT " STATE OF WISCONSIN ),. Slunalrres 01 Counly 01 Waukesha " - rnh Instrumon1 was acknowledged belolo me on - " by Mario DeLuca. Sue A. Krjenitz., and - " - Bvron Hartman Manaeing Member, Member, and Member Kids Kampus of Wisconsin, LLC "__.. - ulhenticaled lhls day 01 -__ - muW4 01 cmnlalMllll " a9 +_ " mpool;u~ilF.~..~~,.~~~~..lc.n~rm - " TiUe: MembOr !%lo Oar of Wismsh W __-- aulhorlzed undur 5 700.00, WS. SlalS - 01. ~m~el~~"r~"nlloc*m.wl~mom*Is~~~~~Im~ - " " i This lnsllulnenl was dralIed by John R. Meland, SEWRPC ~ycommission (€vires) (18) NOI~~ Public, wIsux18ln - - Vyp~ or Drlnl nom0 dgned sbova Ed NO'J-2&TUjN.12,: 50 PM SEWRPC FAX NO. 5470676 P. 4 Exhibit A Lot 1 of Certified Survey Nap No. 61111, recordcd ill the Office o€ thc Ilep,i.ster of Deeds for Waukesha COUII~Y, IJisconsin on April 19, 1991 in Volulm 53 of CerLified Survey Hops Page 90, as DOCUIIICII~ No. 1G4b311, all that part of the NorthrJest 1/h and the Nortlleast 1/(1 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, in Township 5 North, Ilange 20 East, in thc City of Muslce~o, Waukcsha County, Wisconsin.