CCR2000197COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION # 197-2000 RELOCATION ORDER OF THE CITY OF MUSEGO WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN (Martin Drive) NOW COMES the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, by its Common Council and for its Relocation Order hereby resolves as follows: 1 That this Resolution is a Relocation Order in accordance with §32.05(1), Wisconsin Statutes, for the purposes of the within described public improvement project and it is also a determination of necessity for that project in accordance with §32.07(2), Wisconsin Statutes. and public purpose to construct highway right-of way improvements and storm sewer improvements as shown on the legals and maps attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibits "Z-1" through "2-7" improvements will be built as set forth on the legals and maps which are annexed to this Relocation Order as Exhibits "Z-1" through "2-7" and are incorporated herein. 4. That the sites of said highway right-of-way improvements and storm sewer improvements are contained in Exhibits "Z-1" through "2-7" which are incorporated herein; that the legal descriptions to said sites are attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibits "Z-1" through "2-7" 5. That the City of Muskego will acquire fee simple title for highway right-of- way improvements and storm sewer improvements as indicated on Exhibits "Z-1" through "2-7" 2. That the City of Muskego hereby determines that it is a necessary 3. That said highway right-of-way improvements and storm sewer Passed and approved this 26th day of September ,2000. I hereby certify that on the 26th day of September , 2000, the within Relocation Order was adopted by a vote of 7 ayes to 0 nays by the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. APPROVED: CITY OF WKEGO G David L. FAn lis, Mayor ATTEST. 0 fw*L arenda, Clerk-Treasurer Sepknnbcr 22,2000 'I. LEGAL DESCRiPTlON Madin Drive Rightof-Way Acquisilion For: City of Muskego (Grantee) Ail that pa of tho Southwest onequarter of tho Southeast onc-quam Of Section 3, Town 5 ~ortb, Rage 20 East. City ofMuskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Mort lUnY described as follows (See Attached Exhibit "A"): 1)0024'~p#~~t along the Wat line of wid Southcat one-quam and thc West linc of lends Commencing at thc Southwcst comcr of thc Southeast one-quartcr of Sccrion 3; thence North dcsiyatcd by Tu Kcy No. MSKC 21 69.987.001, 621.63 r'ict 10 tho Northwest comcr of said lands and apoint on he existing ccntcr lint of Mutin Drive; \Ircncc South ?~''K''OO" EPSt along the North line of said lands and existins cwcr linc ut' InaKin Drive, 441.24 kef 10 the Norrhwest comer of lands dcsignatcd by Tux Key hi]. MSKC 2169.987.002; thcncc South 00°24'00" Enst along the Wost lim of soid lands, 40.79 kt; rlwnce North 79"07'00 West. 441.24 feel to a point on thc Wcsr linc of the Sourhcast one-c;uar:u: of Scctiw 3 and tho West line of lands dcsignatcd by Tax Key Yo, MSKC 2169.987.00!, thence Nonh 00°24'00" West along the Wca linc ol said Southeast owquancr and rhc Wes~ line ai'srid lands. 40.79 fcct to the point of bcginning containing 0.40524 ncrcs (17,652 square fscl) nlorc or lcss of Id. a 'rogcthcr with North, Ran e 20 East, Cit of Muskcgo. Waukcsha Counky, Wisconsin. Mom Rd(y dcscrihcd All that part of the Southwest onc-quaflcr of the Southeust owquxrtcr of Scction 3, Town 5 a6 followa &ec Altnchcd Jxhibit "e"): Commencin nt the Southwest comer of !hc Soulhcast onc-qumcr of Section 3: thence Nonh 00*24'60" Vkst along the West line at said Southat one-quartet and thc Wcet line of land8 dedgnatcd by Tax Kcy No. MSKC 2163.1187.cX1, 621.63 feet 10 theNorlhwcrt cornor of said lands and 8 point on the existing center line of Martin Drive; thence South 7Y007'00" Eadf alon the Nofih linu of lands dcslgnatcd by Tax Key Nos. MSKC 2169,987.001 und MSK 8 2169.987.002, which ir the axiating center lint of Main Drive, 581.28 fcck to thc Northeast cornor of lands desi nted by TQX Key No. MSKC 2169.987.002 and the point of heginning; thence South 00'24' r 0" Enat along tllc East line of said lands, 44.94 feet; thencc SouUmsterly 8lOng an arc of a curve 251.23 feet, center which lis to the Soulhweat, radius of 460.00 feet, feet; thencc Southeasterly along an urc or n curvt~ lOC1.89 fcct, ccntor which ties to thc wlth a chord bearing South 55°50'41" East, 248.12 foct; thence South 40°t 2'56" East, 197.27 Noflhcost, rndius of S40.00 feel with a choM bearing South 45°33'05.5" Eur, 100.75 [cot; rhmw South 50"54;15" Earl 40.52 foot to a point on the Est lino of lands dcxignaccd & Tax Ke NO. MSKC 2169.987.001; thence North 00'28'00" Wqst alon Ule East linc of wid and&, NorUewt, radius of 460,OO fcct, with a chord basring North 43°54'00.S" Wmt, 59.39 fwk; 10 .76 feet; thence Northwcdtorly along an arc or a cum 59.43 4at, ccntor which lies to the which lies to Southwest, radiw of 540.00 foot. wlth a chord bearing North 48O33'43" Weor, thence North 4091 1%" Weat, 197.27 foct; tbencc along on arc of a curve 157.64 Icct, ccnter 157.08 fcet (0 1 poim In tho NO& line of lands daignated by Tu Koy No. MSKC 0 J B f W3UN16~2RackwOodOka Wnuk~aha.Wisconoin63188-lc13 .~- - I ".. . . _.. .I .> .-:-It,* "- Win Drive Ri Acquisition September Pagc 2 21G3.987.001 and a point on the cxirting conrec line of Martin Drive; thence YORh 79O07'00" West along the North line of said lands and thc misting center line of Mllr(m Dnvc, 151.71 fcct to the point ofbcginning containing 0.99148 acra (43,189 squarc feet) more or less of land. Grantor: Edwurd Lindcmann Et AI S70W 162 I I Mlvrin Drive Muskego, W1 53150 Tax Key No. MSKC 2169.987.001 MEK:plw ~:\cllc~u\l3\11~2171.IPML~11~.~U~~nI dUdripllPn.2lUtnl')lS.~r~in driwc linclcl~nnn.dac cc: File a SECTION 3 SE 1/4 T5N. R20E 1189-987-001 TAX KEY NO. Zl89-987-CO2 TAA KEY NC. \SW CORNER OF THE I OWNER/GRANTOR 570 W16211 MARTIN DRIVE EQWARQ LINDEMANN ETAL MUSKEGO. WI 53!50 TAX KEY NO. 2169-987-OO! E;- AREA TO BE ACOUIRED FOR RICH' OF WAY 17.652 SO. FT - 40524 ACRES LSW CORNER Of TM K 1/4 OF SECTION 3. TSN. R20E Ruekert Mielke IX222ZL September 22,2000 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Manin Drive Right-of-way Acquisition For: City of Muskcgo (Grantee) All that part of the Southwest one quanar of thc Southcast OW quorter of Scclion 3. Town 5 North, Rlmgc 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukcsha County, Wisconsin, more fully descrihed as follows (Sa Attached Exhibit "A"): OnO24'00" &t along tho West line oFsd Southcur om uarter. 62 I .63 foct to the Southwest Commencin at thc Southwc3t comer of the Southcnat ona quarter or Section 3; thowe Xonh comer or lands dcsignatcd by Tax Kcy No. MSKC 2169.9 1 7 and 8 point on the existing ccntcr linc of Martin Drive; thence South 70°07'00" East along thc South line of soid lands and existing center line oi Mnrtin Drivc. 732.99 feet; lhcncc along an arc of u curve 200.15 fcct, ceillcr which lies to kc Sourhwcst. radius oT540.00 fccr, and a chord bearing Xonh G8°01'15" West. 207.85 kt; thcnco North 73"Oi'Oo" Wcst, 537.01 fcct to a point on thc Vv'cst iinc of stlid lands md a yoirlt on thc West line of said Southeasr onc quuter: thencc South OO"2400" Eas: along the Wcsr linc of mid lands wd the West IUIC of said Southcast onequarter, 40.79 fcct to thc point dbc8inning containing 0,61527 acres (26,801 square feet) more cr lcss of land. 0 Martin E. Kulintki N EXHIBIT "A" RIGHT OF WAY ACOU!SITION FOR (MANEE) CIM Of MUSKEM 3 SCUL IN rctt WAYNE & DORIS BORCHARDT TRUSl OWNER/CRANTOR W734 S5460 BIG BEND ROAD 2169-987-0G' TAX KEY NO. 2169-387-CO2 TAX KEY kO LEGAL DESCRIPTION Marlin Drivc Right-of-way Acquisition For: City of Muskago (CldnleC) All that part of thc Southwcst oncqoartcr of the Soulhcast onc quatter of Section 3, Town 4 North Range 20 East, City of Mukcyo. Wtlukesha County Wisconsin, more fully described as follows (Soe Attached Exhibit "A"): Comrncncing at the Southwest oorncr of the Sourhat ona-qumer or Scclion 3; thcnco North 00'24'00" West along thc Wcst linc of said Southcast one-quarter. 62 I .63 fcct Io J point on the existing center line of Martin Drivc; rhcnce South 79°07'00" Elwl u!ong thc cxiviiny ccntcr hc of Martin Drive, 441.24 feet to thc Northwest corner of lands designated by Tax Key NO. said existing ccntcr linc and North lint of said lards, 140.04 kt lo thc Northcasr corner of said MSKC 2119.987.002 nnd rhc point of boginning; hence continuin!: South 70°07'00" East along Innds; thence South OO024'O0 E2st don the East line 01' said lands, 44.04 t'cet; tlrcnce Norrhwocrcrly along an PIC of u curvc" 6 I .2. '$ fca, ccntcr which lias to the Sourhwesl, rudius ol' JGO.00 feet, and achord bearin North 75°1S'14" Wcsr, 61.18 fcet to a point on thc West linc of said lands; thence North OOp s 4'00" West along rho Was! line of said lands, 40.79 fect :o thc point of beginning containing 0,13047 acrcs (5,683 square fect) more or less ofl:wd. 0 \\ z -3 " EXHIBIT - -wI - W EXHIBIT "A" (GRANTEE) CITY OF MUSKEGO RIGHT OF WAY AWUISITION I - I 2169-987-002 TAX KEY NO. OWER/GRANTOZ ADOLPH A. LINOEMANN €TAL S70 W16211 MARTIN DRIVE. MUSKECG. WI 53150 I TAX KEY NO. 2169-987-002 '2169-987-30' TAX KCY NO. Ruekert VMielke ruw 11 e. 1w Scprcrnber 22,2000 LEGAL DESCRW'ION Martin Drive Right-of-way Acquisition For: City of Mugkcgo (Gantcc) All that pan of thc Southwcor one-quartor of the Southenst one quarter of Secliun 3. Town 3 North, Rangc 20 East. City of Muskego, Wnukeshu County. Wircomin, lnm rully desckbed as follows (Soc Attachad Exhibit 'IA"): Comrncncing at the Southwest corner of thc Southcast owquarter of Section 5, thcncc Nonh W24'45" East along the South line of said Sourheast onequarter. 1066.36 fccr 10 the poin! of beginning; them No& 50O54'15" WOSI, 81.65 fcct to a point on thc East line of lwds dcsignatcd by Tax Kcy No. MSKC 216!~.987.001; thcncc Sorth 00°28'00" Wcst along thc East which lies to the Northeast, rndius of 460.00 fcct, and B chord beuring South 40°15'10 Easr, llne of said lands, 104.76 feet; thcncc Southcastcrly aloq a11 arc of a curvc 2652 fcet, center 0 26-51 fcct; thcncc South 50°54'15" East, 138.06 fcet to a point on thc Nonhwesr line of Janesvillc Road (C.T.H. "I"): thence S0ut.h 39O05'45" WCSI along tbr Norrlrwesr line of Jancsvillc Road (C.T.H, "L") GG.10 fort to a point on thc South linc of wid Sourheas\ onc- quarter, thcncc South 8S424'45" West ulony tl~c South linc of said Southeasr onc-qusrtcr. 21 .I2 foot (0 the point of beginning conraining 0.2379 acres (1 0,363 squurc Icct) narc 01 lcss of lard. OWNER: Alvin md Carolyn BNSC (Grantor) $70 WIG050 Jancsvillc Road Ruekert Mie e I&=- LEGAL DESCRtPTIOlri Land Acquisition For: City of Muakcgo (Orantce) ~ll thst part of tho Southwcst one-qumr of the Southcast one-quaner of Scction 3, Town 5 Ens, City ol Muskego, Waukcsha County, Wisconsin. Morc fW described Attached Exhibit "A"): Comrncncing at the Southwcst comcr of tho Southeast onc-quarter of Section 3; IhCoCC Noah 88O24'45" East, 1003,41 fcct. alonp the South line or said Southasst one-quart*, thcncc North OO028'OO" West, 158.00 fmt, to tl~e point of beginning of the lands hcrcinaRar described; thence continuing Nonh O0°28'Oo" West, 268.28 fccc, along the East line of lands bow US Tax Key No. MSKC 2119.987.001; thence continulng North 73O07'01" Wc3t. 362.05 feet; tllcnco along M arc or a curvc to the riyht which is thc north ri t-ofaway line of proposed Martin Drive, a disrancc of 239.23 ft., having a radius of 540. P 0 fi., chord bcaring South 52'53'25" Enst, 237.27 8.; thence contjnuing South 40°11'S6" East, 197.27 feel, along thc curvc to thc IcR utd the proposed north right-of-way of Mdn Drivc, hnving a radius of 460.00 proporod noRh right-of-way of Martin Drive; thence continuing 59.43 ft. along an arc of P hcrcin dcacribcd containing (39,697 square feet or 0.9; 13 acrcs) more or less orland. ft., chord bcariny ol'South 43'54'00.5'' Em, S!).39 A. to the point of beginning of thc lands Manin E. Kulinski '* LEGAL DESCRIPTION Martin Drive right-of-way Acquisition I For: City of Muskcgo (Gmtcc) All tlut part of the Northwcst onc-qunrtcr OF thc Nonhcast one quarter of Section LO, Town 5 Nonh, Rmge 20 Eul, Ciiy ofMu8kkcg0, Waukcsha County, Wisconsin, nlorc fully dcscribcd 89 follow8 (SCC Attnchcd Exhibit "A"): Commencing YI Ihc Nonhwcsl wrncr or thc Nonhcast onc-quarter of Secrion IO; thcnce North boginning; thence continuing North 88O24'45" East along tho North line of wid Northew one- W24'45" Cast dong the Nonh line of aid Nonheast onc-quanor, 1066.36 (cot to the point ot 0 39'03'45" Wost along the Xorlbwest line of Janesvillc Road (CTH "L"), 32.81 foct; rhencc qurner, 50.33 foot to a point on the h'or!hwost line or Jancsvillc Road (CTH "L"); thence South Nonh 50'54'1s" West, 38.17 fcct to ~hc point of bcginning containing O.Cld37 acres (626 squarc fcct) morc or lcar of land. I .Martin E. Kulinski OWNER: Alvin and Carolyn Boose (Grnntor) S70 W 16050 Janeavillc Roud Muskcgo, Wl 53150 fax Key No. MSKC 2 197.Y98 0 e i ? EXHIBIT - \I 'l u \ h ' 4. G ALWN AND CAROLYN BASSF OVaER/CRANTOR S70 ~1605C JANEWLLE ROAD MUSKEGO. WI 53150 TAX KEY NO. 2197-998 I FILE No.554 094% '00 Wl 1O:ll ID:ARENZ r83LTER WtY EXHlf3lT -"z- .- '7 " Septembcr 25.2000 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Land Acquietion I For: City of Muskego (Grantee) All that plrt of the Southeast onequarter, and the Southwcrt one-quartor, of the SoulhOasr one heonsin, more fully described as follows (See Attached Exhibit "A"): uartcr of Section 3, Town 5 North. Rango 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukeoha County, Commencing at thc Southwest corner ol'thc Southeast onequartor of Section 3, thence North 00°28'00" Wcot, 158,OO feet to thc point of beginning of rha lands hercina ef describcd; rhcoce 88'24'45'' East, 1003.41 feet, along thc South line of said Southeast onc- uarfcr; thence North continulng Nonh 00°28'00" West. 268.28 fox, alon the wc~t linc of lands known as Tax Key 0 South 79'07'01" East, lY.91 fcct. along thc north right-of-way oPcxistiig Mmln Drive; thence No. MSKC 2172.919 to a point in the north right-ohay line of cxistiny Mertin Drive; thence South 8S012'15" Easr, 427.63 feet, alony the north right-of-way of axiadng Mufin Drive; tlwncc along an arc of a cuwc 37.1 1 feet, center which lies 10 thc Soctheast, radius of 2,315.7B rcct, and u chord hcarin South 52?26'46" West, 37 11 fccr; thcnce South 85°12'15" Ea$ 6.93 feet Lo n poinr; thence a f ong an arc of a CIIWC and the northwcst riglif-of-wo line of Jsnesville Road (C.T.1-I. "L"), 389.16 fcct, center which lies to the Southcart, radius ofh0.76 fae!, and a chord boaring South 43'53'59'' Wcst, 388.70 feet; thcncc South 39'05'45" Was& 38.44 feet, along the norrhwesr right-of-way linc Janesville Road (C.T.H. '7,''); thence Nortb 50G54'1S" West, 138.04 feet, along northcast right-of-way line of proposed Martin Drive; thence alon an urc of P CUNC md conunuin along chc northcast right-of-way line of Martin Drive, 26.52 eet, center which lies lo the Noti east, radius of460.~ feet, and a chord beuring North 4$l015'10'' or less of Iund west, 26.51 feet 10 the point of baginning. containing 2.1604 acres (94,107 square feet), more !I ?I f Marlin E. Kulinskl OWNER Alvin and Carolyn Base (Grantor) S70 W16050 Janesville Road Muskego, WI 53 1 SO Tax Kay No. MSKC 21 72.999 MEKplw "~l'cn~lnllulI7l.l~~apn1 Mp(l<u1.20~9z~nim clrivs ,I@I ~w~y~~q~i~it;~~,dw ! * OWNER/CRANTOR ALVIN AND CAROLYN BAS&- S70 Wi6050 JAkESWLLE ROAD MUSKEGO, M 55150 TAX KEY NO 2172-998 I S