CCR2000160COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #160-2000 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2000 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, pursuant to Wis. Stats. 65.90(5)(a), the Common Council of the City of Muskego is permitted to approve budget amendments to its 2000 budget, and WHEREAS, the 2000 General Fund Budget includes certain appropriations for grant and rescue call activity that will be financed directly by specific revenue sources, and WHEREAS, under generally accepted accounting principles, Special Revenue Funds should be utilized to account for specific financial resources that are used to finance specific related expenditures, and WHEREAS, the City's Grant Programs and Rescue Call activities meet the definition of a Special Revenue Fund, and WHEREAS, management recommends that the Contingency appropriation and the use of fund equity be reduced by $7,300. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Muskego does hereby approve the budget amendments on the following pages. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk-Treasurer is directed to publish a Class 1 Notice in accordance with Section 65.90(5)(a) within 10 days of adoption of this Resolution. DATED THIS 25th DAY OF Julv 2000 SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Nancy C. Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #160-2000 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 7 Cle Treasurer 7/2000mep Attachment IO Rcso. #160-2000 2000 BUDGET AMENDMENT CITY OF MUSKEG0 July, 2000 GENERAL AND DEBT SERVICE FUNDS TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTAL REGULATION/COMPLIANCE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS PUBLIC CHARGES FOR SERVICES COMMERCIAL REVENUE INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES FOR SERV INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES FOR SERV BUDGET 2ooo $ 7,017,534 1,947,000 1,067,195 538.223 391,351 250 88.350 53.m BUDGET 2ooo $ 7,007,534 1,368,750 538,223 927,195 391,351 250 88.350 53.m TOTAL REVENUES 5 10,602,902 I 10,374,652 GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFETY HEALTH AND SANITATION TRANSPORTATION EDUCATION a RECREATION UNCLASSIFIED INDEBTEDNESS J 2,281,239 4,236,350 1,957,520 1.490,2&1 175,000 3,515,119 w,m I 2,281,239 4,008.100 1,957.520 484.858 1,490.284 167.700 3,515,119 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 14.140.371 $ 13.904.821 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDSlADVANCES 3,575,969 TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS (38.500) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCESlUSES 5 3.537.469 5 3.530.169 Attachment to Reso. #160-2000 a CITY OF MUSKEG0 ZOO0 BUDGET AMENDMENT July, ZOO0 Amended BUDGET - MOO SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Revenues General property taxes 0 197.500 Intergovernmental revenues- Operating grants 279.573 Public charges for services ta.177 Public improvement revenues Sewer connection fees 50,000 Special assessments 325,700 Subdividers fees 75,600 Commercial revenues: Interest earned Other 360.350 2,720,550 Donations 38,000 Total revenues $ 4,193,450 Exc-enditures $ 1,194,467 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures S 2,998,982 Other financina sources fuses) lnterfund transfer Transfer to Debt Service Fund (184,392) Transfer from General Fund 38,500 Transfer to Capltal Projects Fund (453.035) Transfer from Capital Projects Fund Transfer to General Fund (175,000) Transfer to Utility - City subsidy (515,776) Capital contribution to Sewer Distribution of positwe tax increment: CQ General Fund Other governments Total other financing (250.000) (1 .000.000) sources (uses) 12,539,703) Amended BUDGET m $ 207.500 357.823 286.1 77 50.000 325,700 75,600 360,350 2,720,550 58.0oo S 4,421,700 S 1,422,717 16 2.998.982 (184.392) 38.500 (453.035) (175,OW) (515,776) (250.000) (1,000,000) (2.539.7031 Excess of revenues and other expenditures and other uses financing sources over (under) 459,279 0 Fund balances, beginning of period 8,149,590 Fund balance, end of period 0 8,sM1,869 459,279 8,149,590 $ 8,608,869