CCR2000114COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION # 114-2000 RESOLUTION TO RENEW THE PARTICIPATION AND EXECUTION OF A COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR THE HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM WHEREAS, The City of Muskego has been a participant, along with Waukesha County and communities throughout the HOME participating Consortium Counties; and WHEREAS, Federal regulations require that each participating community renew its Cooperation Agreement to continue its participation every three years from the initial grant year; and WHEREAS, The HOME Investment Partnership program has been a success providing residents housing program opportunities for home ownership, housing rehabilitation assistance, home buyer counseling and specific housing development needs; and I WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the attached Cooperation Agreement and has recommended approval. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve renewal of participation in the HOME Investment Partnership Program for the period 0 January 1,2001 through December 31,2003. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk Treasurer are authorized to sign the Agreement in the name of the City. DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF Mav ,2000 SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #114-2000 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 2-/?czflen$L @ 5/00jmb Dear Mayor DeAngelis: The HOME Investment Phership Program requires that participants who have previously executed Cooption Agreements to renew those Agreements every Ihree years. 1 encourage your prompt approval of the attached resolution and execution of the Cooperation Agreement for the 2001-2003 program years. The HOME Consortium has been a mendous success. Not only have federal tax dollars been returned to our County, but publidprivate parhlerships have been developed and residents throughout our County have purchased or renovated their homes because of the HOME program. The HOME Consortium administers three primary HOME projects. There were 125 resident households in Waukesha County that received DownpaymenUClosing Cost assistance to purchase a home, 56 resident households have received Housing Rehabilitation assistance, and 176 households have received Homebuyer Counseling Assislance. In addition, rehabilitation assistance was provided for the renovation of a housing units as par? of the Phoenix Heights development, the largest residential "brownfeld" development in four unit rental project in Okauchce and $90,000 was allocated to assist in the development of 105 affordable the United States. A total of 844 households in the four participating HOME Counties have benefited hm the HOME programs. HOME activities and accomplishments have exceeded the expectations for the first three years of operations. 1 strongly encourage your approval of the attached resolution and Cooperation Agreement extending your participation for the 2001 - 2003 program years. Should you have any questions regarding the HOME program, please contact Mr. Glen Lewinski, Community Development Coordinator, as the HOME lead agent, at (262) 548-7921, or Mr. Scon Fergus, Executive Director, Community Housing Initiative, Program Administrator, at (262) 650-2700 ex. 226. Sincerely. County Executive Cc: AdministratodClcrk 1320 Pewaukee Road - Room 320 Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188 Phone: (414) 548-7902 Fax: (414) 896-8510 TDD: (414) 548-7903 0 e 0 MUTUAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT UNDER THE NATIONAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING ACT The Home Consortium Program Years 2001 - 2003 This Agreement is entered into between Waukesha County, a political subdivision of the State of Wisconsin and the City of Muskego in Waukesha County, municipal corporations of the State of Wisconsin (hereinafter parties). WHEREAS, the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended. allows units of general local government to enter into a mutual cooperation agreement to form a Consortium to obtain federal funds as a participating jurisdiction under the HOME Investment partnerships Program (hereinafter the HOME Program), and WHEREAS, the parties have mutually developed a Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan, and WHEREAS, the parties have determined that obtaining funds under the HOME Program will increase their ability to provide affordable housing; NOW THEREFORE, the parties do agree and covenant as follows: SECTION 1 k B. DEFINITIONS “Member’ means a unit of local government which signs this Agreement or a substantially similar Agreement, and therefore is a member of the Consortium organized to carry out eligible activities under the HOME Program. Each participating County shall have not less than a three person representation on the Consortium Board appointed by the County Executive or County Board Chairman. Each participating County may also designate one alternate member. “Representative Member” means the unit of local government which acts as a representative of all members for the purposes of this Agreement. The representative member shall assume responsibility for ensuring that the Consortium’s HOME Program is carried out in compliance with the requirements of 24 CFR part 92 and 91, the requirements of 24 CFR 92.350 (a) (5). and for the requirements of the Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan. SECTION 2.- FUNDING Funds for the Consortium will be distributed as follows: A B. C. SECTION 3 A B. SECTION 4 A B. C. Not more than 25% of the funds allocated to the Consortium shall be reserved for specific member activities or Consortium-wide projects to be determined by the Consortium Board. Not less than 75% of the funds shall be distributed among MEMBERS based on the percentage of population of the respective County's participating in the HOME program Consortium. Each member shall be responsible for providing required match funds or credit based upon the amount of its allocation and its use of funds. If a match cannot be provided by a County, it shall be the responsibility of the Consortium, as a whole, to provide match funds. ACTIVITIES Each member shall cooperate in undertaking, or assist in undertaking, eligible HOME Program activities in compliance with the regulations at 24 CFR part 92. Each member shall take affirmative action to further fair housing in their 0 jurisdictions. Such actions may include planning, education and outreach, and enforcement components. ADMINISTRATION Waukesha County shall be the representative member and shall carry out necessary overall responsibilities for the Consortium, with the cooperation of all members, consistent with the HOME Program regulations. Each member shall submit in a timely manner to the representative member all information necessary for participation in the Consortium. This includes, but is not limited to, all information necessary for the Consolidated Plan, the program description and certifications (24 CEX 92.150). written agreements executed with subrecipients, and performance reports. Each member of the Consortium shall start its Community Development Block Grant and HOME program years on January 1. SECTION 5 - DURATION OF THIS AGREEMENT A. This Agreement, entered into this __ day of 2000, is in force for the time necessary to complete HOME Program activities 'funded from federal fscal years 2001, 2002 and 2003. It shall terminate when all HOME I 1 B. C. D. hogram funds are expended, or are permanently withdrawn by HUD. The members shall remain in the consortium and not end their participation in it until the time of termination. This Agreement in accordance with federal regulations provides for an automatic renewal for each successive three year qualification period provided that the Consortium lead agent notifies each participating unit of general local government in writing of its right not to participate for the successive three year qualification period. The automatic renewal provision requires a stipulation that requires the Consortium to adopt any amendment to the Agreement incorporating the changes necessary to meet the requirements for Cooperation Agreements. Failure to adopt. execute and submit amendment requirements will void the automatic renewal provision. The lead agent with the approval of the HOME Board is authorized to amend the Consortium Agreement on behalf of the entire Consortium to add new members to the Consortium. This Agreement is executed by the respective .parties as members of a HOME Consortium partnership. Attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement are Agreements executed by other HOME participating municipalities and governing bodies. In so doing, all existing municipalities and governing bodies are agreeing to participate under the terms of the HOME Consortium partnership with any other municipality or governing body which has joined or subsequently joins the partnership. I hereby fmd that the terms and provisions of this Agreement are fully authorized under state and local law and that the Agreement provides full legal authority for the signatory parties to undertake or assist in undertaking HOME Consortium activities. By: Date: Mayor David De Angelis City of Muskego By: Date Clerk-Treasurer, City of Muskego Jean' K. Narenda, CMC By: Date: Daniel M. Fmley County Executive By: Date: Legal Counsel