CCR2000020COMMON COUNCIL. CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #20-2000 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FILING, SERVING AND TAKING ALL NECESSARY ACTIONS TO FILE A NOTICE OF CIRCUMSTANCES OF CLAIMS AND NOTICE OF CLAIMS BY THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AGAINST SANITARY DISTRICT NO.1 OF THE TOWN OF NORWAY WHEREAS" The City of Muskego, hereînafter referred to as "City," has attempted" unsuccessfully. to negotîate a new întermunicipal Agreement wïth Sanitary District No.. 1 of the Town of Norway" hereînafter referred to as "District":; and WHEREAS" The City beheves that the actions of the District as set forth in the attached Notice of Cîrcumstanæs of Claims and Notice of Claims have vïolated the rights of the City of Muskego.. NOW" THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the Cîty of Muskego does hereby direct the City Attorney, in consultation with the Mayor, to proceed to file the attached Notice of Circumstances of Claims and Notice of Claims, and if necessary" to take legal action against the District for the purposes stated in the attached Notice, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor, City Attorneys" and all other City officials are authorized to execute any necessary documentation in this regard, DA TED THIS 20th DAY OF Januarv .2000" SPONSORED BY:: David l De Angelïs" Mayor This is to certîfy that this IS a true and accurate copy of Resolution #20-2000 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Musk-ego I' '...- 1/2000jmb CITY OF MUSKEGO W182 S8200 Racine Avenue P.O. Box 749 Musk-ego, Wïscons'in 53150, Claïmant, NOTICE OF CIRCUMSTANCES OF CLAIMS & NOTICE OF CLAIMS -V6- SANITARY DISTRICT NO.1 OF THE TOWN OF NORWA Y 64 1 9 Heg Park Road Wind Lake, Wisconsin 53185, Respondent. TO SANITARY DISTRICT NO 1 OF THE TOWN OF NORWAY 641 9 Heg Park Road Wïnd Lake, Wisconsin 53185 NOTICE OF CIRCUMSTANCES OF CLAIMS Please be advised that the above-named claïmant ïs a party wrth standïng to sue for declaratory judgment concerning the meanïng of an agreement entitled, "Financial Assistance Agreement" and related and supportïng documents, agreements, laws, rules and regulat'ions, said Fïnancïal Assistance Agreement approved by the Sanitary Distrïct No.. 1 of the Town of Norway, here'inafter referred to as "Dlstnct", on or about January 13, 2000 and to be approved by the State of Wisconsin on or about January 26, 2000. The City of Muskego ïs a third-party beneflciarv of said Financial Assistance Agreement and related and supporting documents, agreements, laws, rules and regulations.. You are hereby formallv notifïed on behalf of the claïmant, pursuant to the provisions of ~893 80(1)(a), Wisconsin Statutes, of the cïrcumstances of the following claims: 1 .. The D'istr'ict and State of Wisconsin have approved B certain Facïlities Plan to provide sewer service to an area located in the City of Muskego delïneated In the Facïlïties Plan In a tïmely manner to a growth level delïneated 'in the Facïlitles Plan and 6a'id facïlïty wïll be 3. fînanced pursuant to the terms and condltïons of the Fïnancial Assïstance Agreement and related and supporting documents, 2.. agreements, laws, rules and regulations, That the District has refused. contrary to the terms of the Financïal Assistance Agreement and related and supportïng documents, agreements, laws, rules and regulations, to give to the Cïty of Muskego the benefits of said agreements and laws, rules and regulations to whïch it ïs legally en'tîtled in many substantïal respects ïncludlng, but not lïmited to, the following A Failure to provide service to the delïneated sewer service area; and B. Failure to agree to provide timely service to the area delïneated to the level of growth delineated ïn the Facïlïties Plan contrary to applicable agreements, laws, rules and regulations; and Failure to adopt ordïnances 8S to user fees whïch are c, proportional and as reqUired by applicable agreements, laws, rules and regulations.. In lïght of all the foregoing circumstances of claïm,the Distrïct should be ordered to do the following: A.. Provide sewer servïce to the servïce area delïneated În the Facilities Plan; and B.. Provide timely sawer servïce within the delineated sewer servïce area up to the level of growth delïneated ïn the Faclhtïes Plan~ and c.. Charge a user fee wïthïn the City of Muskego which ïs proportionate to that charged to other users in complianca with the Fïnancïal Assïstance Agreement and related and supportïng documents, agreements, laws, rules and regulations, all pursuant to the terms and condïtlons of the Financïal Assistance -2- Agreement and related and supporting documents, agreements, laws, rules and regulations. NOTICE OF CLAIM YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED. pursuant to the provisions o'f ~893..80(1I(b), WisconsÎn Statutes, that as a result of the above-stated conduct of the District, the Cïty of Muskego maintains a claïm on the basï~ that It 15 being deprived of rights to which It 15 entitled pursuant to the Financial Assistance Agreement and related and supporting documents, agreements, laws, rules and regulatïons" Therefore, The City of Muskego demands the following 1 The District provide sewer service to the service area delineated În the Facïlïtïes Plan, and 2 The District provide timely sewer service within the delineated sewer service area up to the level of growth delïneated an the Facilities Plan; and 3 The DïstrÎct charge a user fee within the City of Muskego which Îs proportionate to that charged to other users in compliance with the Financial Assistance Agreement and related and supporting documents, agreements, laws, rules and regulatIons, all pursuant to the terms and condi tions of the Financial Assistance Agreement and related and supporting documents, agreements, laws, rules and regulations. In the event the District denies the City of Muskego's claim, the City of Muskego shall commence an actÎon In the Circuit Court for Waukesha County for declaratory ,udgment determïning the rîghts of the partìes and for attorney fees, costs and dìsbursements and for such other relïef that the Court may deem just and equìtable.. Dated this f).,C' day of January, 2000 / " c~~~//// ay~--r= --d-- ~- David L [)ã Angells, Mayor W182 58200 Racïne Avenue PO.. Box 749 Muskego, WI 531 50 -3-