CCR1999208COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #208-99 ADOPTION OF A CITY OF MUSKEG0 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA AMENDMENT WHEREAS, The Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, working in cooperation with the City of Muskego, has prepared an amendment to the sanitary sewer service area for the Muskego area; and WHEREAS, The amendment is set forth in a SEWRPC staff memorandum entitled, “Response to Request by the City of Muskego to Amend the Muskego Sanitary Sewer Service Area”; and WHEREAS, The City of Muskego concurs with the amended sanitary sewer service area set forth in the aforementioned SEWRPC staff memorandum. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego hereby adopts the SEWRPC staff memorandum entitled, “Response to Request by the City of Muskego to Amend the Muskego Sanitaq Sewer Service Area,” as a guide for the provision of sanitary sewer service within the Muskego area. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the City transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Southeastem Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. Mayor This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #208-99 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. -. 11/99jmb AMENDMENT TO THE REGIONAL WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN 0 CITY OF MUSKEG0 SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 1999 SEWRPC STAFF MEMORANDUM TO AMEND THE MUSKEGO SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA RESPONSE TO REQUEST BY THE CITY OF MUSKEGO NTRODUCTION By letter dated October 21, 1999, the City of Muskego requested that the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission amend the City of Muskego sanitary sewer service area tributary to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District as that area is currently documented in SEWRPC Community Assistance Planning Report No. 64 (3rd Edition), Sanitaw Sewer Service Area for the Ciw of Muskego, Waukesha County. Wisconsin, dated December 1997. The proposed amendment consists ofadjustments on the periphery of the sewer service area intended to accomplish the following: provide consistency with a recently executed intergovernmental service ageement between the City of Muskego and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District; ensure that all properties currently receiving public sanitary sewer service are included in the sewer service area; and ensure that, to the maximum extent practicable, the sewer service area boundary follows real property boundaries. CURRENTLY ADOPTED MUSKEGO SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA (MMSD) is shown on Map LThis area encompasses 18.0 square miles. A total of 4.5 square miles, or one-fourth of the The currently adopted Muskego sanitary sewer service area tributary to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District sewer service area, is located within environmentally significant areas consisting of 2.4 square miles of primary environmental corridor, I .4 square miles of secondary environmental corridor, 0.6 square mile of isolated natural resource areas, and 48 acres of wetlands and surface water areas less than 5 acres in size. ADJUSTED MUSKEGO SANlTARY SEWER SERVICE AREA The proposed adjustments to the Muskego-MMSD sanitary sewer service area are shown on Map I, The proposed Muskego-MMSD sewer service area including those adjustments is shown on Map 2. The changes are proposed in order to better match the sewer service area with property boundaries and to make it consistent with the agreement for sewer service between the City of Muskego and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District. With the proposed adjustments, the Muskego-MMSD sanitary sewer service area would encompass a total area of 18.7 square miles, about 0.7 square mile, or 4 percent, greater than the currently adopted area. About 4.7 square miles, or 25 percent, of the proposed sewer service area would consist of environmentally significant lands, including 2.6 square miles of primary environmental corridors, I .4 square miles of secondary environmental corridors, 0.6 square mile of isolated natural resource areas, and 0. I square mile of wetland and surface water areas less than five acres in size. Of the 420 acres which would be added to the sewer service area as a result of the sewer service area adjustments, about or small wetlands; about 100 acres consist of existing urban lands or the backlot portions of parcels having minimal, if any 125 acres consist of primary environmental corridors, secondary environmental corridors, isolated natural resource areas, development potential; and about 75 acres would accommodate a landfill expansion project. The balance of about 120 acres population of about 250 persons. This would represent an increase of about I percent over the planned year 20 IO population would be available for urban development, primarily for residential use, and could be expected to accommodate a of 25,100 envisioned for the currently adopted sewer service area. WATER QUALITY IMPACTS Under the adopted regional water qualily management plan and the revised sanitary sewer service area plan herein set forth, it is envisioned that all urban lands located within the planned urban service area would receive sanitary sewer service. In are currently developed and served by onsite sewage disposal systems may be expected to reduce pollutant loadings from addition, the provision of public sanitary sewer service to those lands within the planned sanitary sewer service area which the existing onsite sewage disposal systems to both surface and ground waters. Accordingly, assuming that any applicable Federal, State, and local permits are obtained, and that proper site development and construction practices are employed, PREmmv Dm 2 0 SEWER SERVICE AREA PLANNEDSANITARY AREAS PROPOSEDTO BE ADDEDTOTHE MUSKEGO SANITARY SEWERSERVICE*REATRIBUTARY TO THE MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT "_ SERVICE AREA BOUNDARV PLANNFOSANITARISEWER -. ~ ClTY OF MUSKEG0 CIVIL DIVISION BOUNDARY Source: SEWRPC. Map 2 CITY OF MUSKEG0 PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDOR LANDS WITHIN THE PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE TREATMENT FACILITY EXlSTlNG PUBLIC SEWAGE 0 SEWER SERVICE AREA INELIGIBLE FOR SECONDARY ENVIRONMENTALCORRIDOR ISOLATED NATURAL RESOURCE AREA .. .. , ~lrYI*ICOL.LE WETLANDSAND SURFACE WATER AREAS LESS THAN FIVE ACRES IN SIZE EXISTINGAREASERVEDBY PUBLIC - EXISTING TRUNK SEWER - EXISTING FORCE MAIN I ISLE 0 SANIlARI SEWER SYSTEM: 1997 0 SEWER SERVICE AREA PLANNEDSANITARI EXISTING PUMPING STATION -. ClTV OF MUSKEGO CIVIL OlVlSlON BOUNDARY - - PLANNEOSANITARY SEWER Source: SEWRPC. SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY PrnLWrnV Dm 3 there should be no significant adverse water quality impacts attributable to the development of the planned sanitary sewer service area. COST-EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS The amended sewer service area would be tributary to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District sewage treatment facilities. The major conveyance and treatment components of the facilities needed to serve the proposed Muskego sewer service area through the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District system are in place. SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT CAPACITY IMPACT ANALYSIS The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) recently completed an updated facilities plan containing forecast year 2010 sewage flows and loadings for its sewerage system, as well as a determination of facility needs to properly convey and treat the forecast sewage flows and loadings. The facility planning was based upon the currently adopted sewer service area and accounted for the sewage flow expected to be generated from that area. Given the marginal nature of the proposed change to the sewer service area, the MMSD sewerage system, including the treatment plants, should have adequate capacity to serve the adjusted sewer service area. PUBLIC REACTION TO THE PLAN AMENDMENT Notice ofthe plan amendment was published in the on November -, 1999, and copies of a draft report setting forth the amendment were made available for public review at the Muskego City Hall. Persons wishing to comment on the plan amendment were asked to submit their concerns in writing to the City of Muskego. The comment period was held open for seven days. [Remainder 10 be completed subjecr to public comment] LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT FOR THE PLAN AMENDMENT The Common Council of the City of Muskego adopted the plan amendment on November _, 1999 CONCLUDING RECOMMENDATION amend the sanitary sewer service area for the City of Muskego as documented in SEWRPC Community Assistance Planning Based upon the foregoing, it is recommended that the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission formally Report No. 64 (3rd Edition) in the manner identified on Map 2. A more detailed delineation of the revised sewer service area and of the environmentally significant lands within is shown on a series of aerial photographs reproduced as Map 3. 4 Map 3 INDEX ON MAPS SHOWING ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT LANDS AND PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 Source: SEWRPC. PRELIMINARY DRAFT 5 Map 3-1 ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT LANDS AND PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 U. S. Publlc Land Survey Sectlons 5,6,7. and 8 Tawnshla 5 North. Ranoe 20 East 124 SECONDARY ENVIRONMENTALCORRIDOR 0 ISOLATED NATURALRESOURCEAREA [7 WETLANDSAND SURFACE WATER AREAS LESS THAN FIVE ACRES IN SIZE 0 CORRIDORSAND ISOLATED NATURAL SURFACE WATER WITHIN ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCEAREAS Source: SEWRPC. PRELIMINARY DRAFT 6 [7 PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA - GROSS SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY 0 SERVICE AREA INELIGIBLE FOR SEWER SERVICE LANOS WITHIN THE PLANNED SANITARY SEWER CRIPHICSCALE o_-_fmsErr NOTE: Thm map replaces Map 7-1. page 20, of SEWRPC Community Aowtance Planning Reporl No. 64 13rd Edition). Sanitarv Sewer Service Area for the €iLv Of ~kapheCountV.~December1997. Map 3-2 ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT LANDS AND PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 U. S. Publlc Land Survey Sectlons 3,4,9, and 10 Townshlr, 5 North. Ranoe 20 East a PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTALCORRIDOR SURFACE WATER WITHIN ENVIRONMENTALCORRIDORS 0 AND ISOLATED NATURALRESOURCE AREAS 124 SECONDARY ENVIRONMENTALCORRIDOR 0 PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA [7 ISOLATED NATURALRESOURCEAREA - GROSS SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY .e AREAS LESS THAN FIVE ACRES IN SIZE WETLANDSAND SURFACE WATER LANDS WITHIN THE PLANNED SANITARY SEWER U [7 SERVICE AREA INELIGIBLE FOR SEWER SERVICE GRAPHICSCLL6 0 -00 -0 llOOllr, Source: SEWRPC. PRELIMINARY DRAFT NOTE: Thls map replacer Map 7-2. page 21. of SEWRPC Community Arrirranee Planning Report No. 64 (3rd Edition). Wrv Sewer Service Area f Muskeoo.WautePhaCountv.Wlpsonrln. or the Citv of Desemberl997. 7 Map 3-3 ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT LANDS AND PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 U. S. Public Land Survey Sections 1, 2, 11. and I2 Townshlp 5 North, Range 20 East a PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTALCORRIDOR 0 ANDISOLATED NATURALRESOURCEAREAS 124 SECONDARY ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDOR 0 PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA [7 ISOLATED NATURALRESOURCE AREA - GROSS SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER WITHIN ENVIRONMENTALCORRIOORS t WETMNDS AND SURFACE WATER 0 AREAS LESS THAN FIVE ACRES IN SIZE LANDS WITHIN THE PLANNED SANITARY SEWER 0 SERVICE AREA INELIGIBLE FOR SEWER SERVICE ORAP"lCSCLLE U 0 am .DO ,mor/r, P Source: SEWRPC. PRELIMINARY DRAFT 0 NOTE: This map replaces Map 7-3. page 22. of SEWRPC Community As~~stanee Planning Report No. 64. (3rd Ediflonl. Sanitarv S BWW Servlro Area for fhe C~fv of Muskeoo.WaukeshaCountv.WIXPaSiaDecembsr1997. Map 3-4 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT LANDS AND PLANNED U. S. Publlc Land Survey Sectlonr 13 and 24 Townshlp 5 North, Range I9 East - GROSS SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY 6 Source: SEWRPC. PRELIMINARY DRAFT I CRAPIIICSCILE - 0 .m -0 IllOrEEl NOTE: This map replacer Map 7-4. page 23. of SEWRPC Comrnumty Assistance Plannmg Report No. 64 (3rd Editmnl, Samlan Sewer Service Area for the Curnf Murke~o.VDDecember1997. 9 Map 3-5 ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT LANDS AND PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 U. S. Public Land Survey Sections 17, 18, 19, and 20 TownshlD 5 North. Ranae 20 East a PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTALCORRIDOR [7 AND ISOLATED NATURAL RESOURCE AREAS 124 SECONDARY ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDOR [=1 PLANNEDSANITARY SEWERSERVICE AREA 0 ISOUTED NATURAL RESOURCE AREA - GROSS SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREABOUNDARY SURFACE WATER WITHIN ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDORS 0 AREAS LESS THAN FIVE ACRES IN SIZE WETLANDSAND SURFACE WATER LANDS WITHIN THE PLANNED SANITARY SEWER 0 SERVlCEAREAlNELlGlBLE FOR SEWER SERVICE U GRAPHICSCALE 0 .DD 8.0 ,rnOFEET - Source: SEWRPC. PRELIMINARY DRAFT 10 NOTE: This map replaces Map 1-5. page 24, of SEWRPC Community Assistance Plannlng Report No. 64 (3rd Editionl. Wv Sewar Ser mauksrhaCountv.Wisc vice Area for the Citv of o-Decemberl997. Map 3-6 ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT LANDS AND PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 U. S. Publlc Land SurvevSectlons 15.16.21. and 22 a PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDOR 0 AND ISOLATED NATURAL RESOURCE AREAS 124 SECONDARY ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDOR CI] PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA [7 ISOLATED NATURALRESOURCE AREA - GROSS SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREABOUNDARY 0 AREAS LESS THAN FIVE ACRES IN SIZE [3 SERVICE AREA INELIGIBLE FOR SEWER SERVICE SURFACE WATER WITHIN ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDORS WETLANDSAND SURFACE WATER LANDS WITHIN THE PLANNED SANITARY SEWER ORAPltlCSCILE D 100 mo 110.FiET P Source: SEWRPC. PRELIMINARY DRAFT NOTE: This map replacer Map 7-6. page 25. of SEWRPC Community Asoiotanee Plannmg Report No. 64 (3rd Edntionl. Sarutarv Sarrer Service Area for the Citv of Muskeoo. ~keshaentv.~1~canrln.~ecsmber1997. 11 Map 3-7 ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT LANDS AND PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 0 ISOLATED NATURALRESOURCEAREA - GROSS SANITARY SEWER SERVICE MEA BOUNDARY 0 AREAS LESS THAN FIVE ACRES IN SIZE WETLANDSAND SURFACE WATER 0 SERVICE AREA INELIGIBLE FOR SEWER SERVICE LANDS WITHIN THE PLANNED SANITARY SEWER P 0 CORRIDORSAND ISOLATED NATUWL SURFACE WATER WITHIN ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCEAREM Source: SEWRPC. PRELIMINARY DRAFl 12 NOTE: This map replaces Map 7-7. page 26. of SEWRPC Community Assistance Plannmg Report No. 64 (3rd Edition). Wary Sawer Service Area far the c;llv of Murkeoo.WaukeshaCountv.WIrconsln.December1997. Map 3-8 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT LANDS AND PLANNED PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTALCORRIDOR SURFACE WATER WITHIN ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDORS 0 AND ISOLATED NATURALRESOURCEAREAS I 124 SECONDARY ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDOR I [7 ISOLATED NATURALRESOURCEAREA - GROSS SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY 0 PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA Source: SEWRPC. PRELIMINARY DRAFT NOTE: Tho$ map replaces Map 7.8. page 21. of SEWRPC Community Assistance Plannmg Reporl No. 64 13rd Edition). Sanitxv Sewer Serv -keshaCounlv,Wiss ice Area for the W o-December1997. 13 Map 3-9 ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT LANDSAND PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 U. S. Publlc Land Survev Sectlons 27.28.33. and 34 -0 a PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTALCORRIDOR 0 AND ISOLATED NATURAL RESOURCE AREAS 124 SECONDARY ENVIRONMENTALCORRIDOR 0 PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA [7 ISOLATED NATURAL RESOURCE AREA - GROSS SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER WITHIN ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDORS 0 AREAS LESS THAN FIVE ACRES IN SIZE WETLANDS AND SURFACE WATER LANDS WITHIN THE PLANNED SANITARY SEWER U 0 SERVICE AREA INELIGIBLE FOR SEWER SERVICE D .m IO0 11OOrErT P GRAPHICSCALE Source: SEWRPC. PRELIMINARY DRAFT 14 NOTE: This map replacer Map 7.9. page 28. of SEWRPC Commumty Aro#stance Plannlng Report No. 64 (3rd Editlonl, Samtan Sewer Servlee Area for the Citv d pDeeember1997. Map 3-10 ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT LANDS AND PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 U. S. Publlc Land Survey Sectlons 25,26, 35, and 36 Townshlo 5 North. Ranae 20 East a PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTALCORRIDOR SURFACE WATER WITHIN ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDORS 0 AND ISOLATED NATURALRESOURCE AREAS 124 SECONDARY ENVIRONMENTALCORRIDOR [7 PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA 0 ISOLATED NATURAL RESOURCE AREA - GROSS SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREABOUNDARY 0 AREAS LESS THAN FIVE ACRES IN SIZE WETLANDS AND SURFACE WATER LANDS WITHIN THE PLANNED SANITARY SEWER 0 SERVlCEAREAlNELlGl0LE FOR SEWER SERVICE U CRAPHICSCLLE 0 .01 'n~O0s"T m Source: SEWRPC. PRELIMINARY DRAFT NOTE: Thlr map replacer Map 7-10, page 29. of SEWRPC Community Ass~stanee Planning Report No. 64. 13rd Ed~l~onl. Sanitarv Sewer Service Area for the M Murkeoo.Wauk,Wi*~~"*i~D~~~mber 15