CCR1999204c AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #204-99 APPROVE NEW AND REVISED POSITIONS WHEREAS, The 2000 City operating budget was approved with the following new and revised positions: CITY HALL -Start Mid Point Maximum One full time Maintenance Position G3 $11.89ihr. $13.991hr. $ I6.09/hr. (Hourly - 1999 rate) POINTS: KN 311p(93), PR 3Cs(20), AR DII b(35), WC C2S( 18) for a total of 166 Eliminate one part time Maintenance Position POLICE - Stan lYear Wr 3Year One Additional full-time officer $1,460.52 $1,612.06 $1,722.30 $1,835.22 (Bi-weekly 2000 rate) - Stan 6mo 18mo StartDate411100 $9.65/hr. $ I 0.801hr $1 1.621hr (1998) rates One full-time Clerk Admin/Clerical(SharedbyDepts) C&T II $10.06 $10.69 $11.31 $11.94 $12.57 $13.20 FMANCEilNFORMATlONSYSTEMS Grade Stan &!?=? 12mo 18mo &X 36mo (Hourly 2000 rate) POINTS: KN 411p(142), PR 4Ce(35), AR CII2c(53), WC(0) for a total of 230 a FMmCE Accountant Position e Change the position from exempt to nonexempt status Grade Start Mid Point Maximum GX $15.18 $17.85 $20.53 (Hourly 1999 rate) ~~ LIBRARY GradeStan6mo12mo18mo24mo36mo OneAdd'l full-timeLibrarianIC&T I1 $10.06 $10.69 $11.31 $11.94 $12.57 $13.20 Start Date 1/1/00 (Hourly 2000 rate) One Add'l full-time Library Clerk C&T 10 $9.36 $ 9.94 $10.53 $1 1.1 1 $I 1.69 $12.28 Start Date 411100 (Hourly 2000 rate) Two Add'l Library Aides C&T8 $ 8.10 $ 8.60 $ 9.1 I $9.61 $10.12 $10.63 Stan Date 411100 and 7/1/00 (Hourly 2000) (19 hrs. per week) PUBLIC WORKSIWATEFUSEWER Grade m6mo12mom36mo e One full-time Utility Maintenance PSI $11.78 $12.47 $13.16 $13.85 $14.55 (Shared between Depts) (Hourly 2000 rate) PARK &RECREATION Start Eliminate 2-26 week Seasonal $ 9.00h One full-time Parks Maintenance Technician G3 $11.89 $13.99 $16.09 Grade Start Midpoint Maximum POINTS: KN 3IIn(93), PR 3Bs( 17), AR CIlb(26), WC c3s (25) for a total Of 161 (Hourly 1999 rate) Reso. #204-99 PARKS &RECREATION cont. Recreation Supervisor Increase part-time position to full-time Change both positions from nonexempt to exempt status Grade Stan G8 $1,214.09 Mid Point $1,428.34 Maximum $1,642.58 (Bi-weekly 1999 rate) WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed all of the above new and revised positions NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the new and revised positions for 2000 as described above. DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF November , 1999. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mark Slocornb Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Nancy C. Salentine Reconsidered, Amended and Adopted 12/14/99 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #204-99 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. PROPOSED AMENDMENT COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #204-99 APPROVE NEW AND REVISED POSITIONS WHEREAS. The 2000 City operating budget was approved with the following new and revised positions: CITY HALL Gradcm Mid Point One full timc Mainlcnance Posi~io~i G3 $ I1 ,X9/lir. $13.99/hr. $l6.09/hr. Maximum POINTS: KN JIlp(YJ), PR JCs(ZO), AR Dllh(J5), WC CZS(I8) for a total of 166 (Hourly - I999 rale) Eliminalc one pan tme Mainlenance Posilion Slart IYe;lr ZYcnr mr Onc Additional frlll-lmlc omccr $I ,460.52 $1.6 12.06 Ifi1.722.3tI Ifil.XS5.22 (Bi-wckly 200(1 rate) m (,lno lXmo One lull-timc Clcrk Start Date 4/1/00 $9 6511ir. $l(I,XO/hr $I I.6211~ (I 998) ralcs FINANCE/INFORMATION SYSTEMS Grade Sl;ln Glno & 181110 AdmirdClerical (Sliarcd by Dcpls) C&T 11 $10.06 $10.69 $11.31 S11.94 POINTS: KN UIp(I42). PR Xe(J5). AR C112c(SJ), WC(0) fur a tnlill of ZJO (Hourly 2lW ralc) FINANCE Accountant Position Change the position from exempt lo nonexempt status. LIBRARY One Add’l full-lime Librarian I Srafl Dalc 1/1/00 One Add’] lull-timc Library Clcrk Stan Dalc 4/l/00 Two Add’l Library Aidcs Siafl Dalc 4/1/00 and 7/1/00 (IY l~rs. per meek) PUBLIC WORKSIWATEWSEWER One full-lime Ulilip Mainlenance (Sharcd belwcen Depcs) PARK &RECREATION Elirninatc 2-26 wek Scasolwl Grade G8 (Hourly 1YY9 rate) Mid Point S15.18 S17.8J Grade m (” 181110 C&T II $10.06 $10.6‘1 $11.31 $11.94 (Hourly 2000 ralc) C&T10 $Y.30 $9.94 $10.53 $II,II (Hourly 2000 ralc) C&TX $8.10 $X.hO $0.11 $9.61 (Hourly 2l)W) Maximum SZO.5J $11.69 $12.28 $10.12 $10.63 (;radc &rJ (,lno&2?mo36mo PSI $I1,7X $12.47 $13.16 $13.Xj $14.55 (Hourly 2000 rale) &rJ $ 0.Whr (;radc Slan Mid Point Maximum Onc lull-time Parks Mainlenance Teclmician G3 $Il.X‘) $13.99 $16.09 POINTS: KN Jlln(93). PR JBs(17). AR Cllh(Zh), WC CJS (25) for a total of 161 (Hourly IYOY ralc) Reso. #2OJ-99 PARKS & RECREATION con1 Recreation Supcnjisor Incrcase pan-timc position io full-limc Chanp hoth positions from nnnexcmpl to exempt stntw Grade - Sldd Mid Point G8 (Hourly 1999 rate) S1.214.09 Maximum $1.428.34 SI ,642.58 WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed all of the above new and revised positions NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the new and revised positions for 2000 as described above. DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF November , 1999 SPONSORED BY. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Nancy C. Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #204-99 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #204-99 APPROVE NEW AND REVISED POSITIONS WHEREAS, The 2000 City operating budget was approved with the following new and revised positions: CITY HALL Mid Point Maximum One full time Maintenance Position G3* $I 1.89ihr. $13.99hr. $ I6.09ihr. Eliminate one part rime Maintenance Position ‘Estimate (hourly) lYear ZYear 3Year e One Additional full-time officer $1,460.52 $1,612.06 $1,722.30 $1,835.22 (Bi-weekly 2000 rate) - Start 6mo 18mo Start Date 4/1/00 $9.65/hr $10.80h $1 I .62/hr (I 998) rates One full-time Clerk FlNANCE/lNFORMATlON SYSTEMS Grade 6mo 12mo 18mo 36mo AdminiClerical (Shared by Depts) C&T IO* $9.36 $9.94 $10.53 $I I, I I $I 1.69 $12.28 * Estimate (hourly) LIBRARY One Add’l full-time Librarian IC&T I I $10.06 $10.69 $11.31 $1 1.94 $12.57 $13.20 Gradem6mo12molgmo24mo36mo Start Date l/l/OO (hourly) One Add’l full-time Library Clerk C&T IO $ 9.36 $ 9.94 $10.53 $1 1.1 1 $1 1.69 $12.28 Start Date 4/1/00 (hourly) Two Add’l Library Aides C&T8 $X.lO $8.60 $9.11 $9.61 $10.12 $10.63 Start Date 4/1/00 and 7/1/00 (hourly) (19 hrs. per week) PUBLIC WORKSIWATERISEWER Grade 6molZmo24mo36mo One half-time Utility Maintenance PSI $1 1,7X $12.47 $13.16 $13.85 $14.55 (Shared between Depts) (hourly) PARK & RECREATION Eliminate 2-26 week Seasonal $ 9.00hr One full-time Parks Maintenance Technician (To be determined upon completion of Job Description) Increase from part-time to full-time Recreational Supervisor WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed all of the above new and revised positions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the new and revised positions for 2000 as described above. Grade Sran Mid Point Maximum DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF November , 1999. Reso. #204-99 0 SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Nancy C. Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #204-99 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego.