CCR1999109COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #109-99 AMENDMENT TO POLICY FOR REFILLING VACANT POSITIONS WHEREAS, The Common Council of the City of Muskego adopted Resolution #236-82 on December 14, 1982 which established a policy to require the review and approval by the Common Council of the filling of any vacant positions in the City; and WHEREAS, The policy was amended in 1985 through the adoption of Resolution #47- 85; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed and recommended that the policy be amended, as attached. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby amend the Refilling of Vacant Positions policy as attached to this Resolution. DATED THIS 8th DAY OF June , 1999. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Nancy C. Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #109-99 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 6/99jmb REFILLING OF VACANT POSITIONS General Policv & ScoDe It is the policy of the City of Muskego that the Common Council review and approve the filling of any vacant positions. 1. Department Heads shall notify the Mayor and Finance Department in writing of 2. A copy of said resignation shall be supplied to the Aldermen by the Mayor. 3. The Aldermen shall advise the mayor immediately if they wish to review the refilling of the position. 4. If review is requested by the Mayor or Aldermen, the matter shall be referred to the Finance Committee for review and recommendation to the Council. 5. If the Department Head has received no notification of request for review of the position within three (3) working days of submittal of the resignation notice to the Mayor, the Department Head may automatically refill the vacant position. the resignation of any employee. 6. This Policy shall apply to positions which are authorized in the Budget. Created by Resolution #236-82 Amended by Resolutions #47-85 and #log-99 Refilling of Vacant Positions.doc