CCR1999054COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #54-00 GRANTING PLACEMENT OF WATER SKI JUMP ON BED OF LllTLE MUSKEGO LAKE AND PLACEMENT OF PIER AT IDLE ISLE Watcr Bugs Ski Team WHEREAS, lhe Watcr Bugs Ski TC;IIII has requcstcd pcrmlssion Io place a water ski jump on the bcd of Littlc Muskego Lake: and WHEREAS. it is ncccssaty for the Tcam to rcccivc DNR approval as well as Cily approval: and dates: and WHEREAS. said waler ski jump is lo bc localcd adjacent lo Paul DeAngclis Island and in front of Idle Isle Beach during show Recrcalion Board; and WHEREAS. thc Waccr Bugs also rcqucslcd pcrmission to placc a pier a1 Idle Isle. which was approved by Ihe Parks & WHEREAS. thc Finance Colnmitlcc has reco~n~ncndcd approval ofthc placcment ofthe waler ski jump and the pier. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED tlw the Common Council of the City OC Muskego. upon the rccomtnendalion of thc Finance Colnmittec. docs hereby grant permission lo the Waler Bugs Ski Tcam lo place a walcr ski jump adjacent to Paul DcAngelis Island and in fronl ofldle Isle Bcach during show dalcs. sub.jcct to approval by the DNR, and the condition that thc ski jump bc lighled ar nighl. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Illat approval is hercby given for lhc placclncnt ora picr at Idle lslc subicct to Ihe pier being cquippcd with rcllcclors. and localed across from Jaycee Island as in prcvious ycars. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that thc Walcr Bugs Ski Tcaln. Inc.. and thc City of Muskego shall cnler into agreemenls absolving the Cily ofMuskego from all liabllll! as pcr thc allachcd agrcclncnts relating to the plcr and the ski jump. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED lllal his approval is subjecl to reccipl ora ccriiticatc of insurance naming the Cily of Muskego as co-insurcd. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED lhal the Mayor and Clerk-Trcasurcr arc llcrcby autllorizcd LO sign lhc allached agreements with Ihc placenlcnt of thc walcr ski ,jump sub.jcct lo rc\,iew by lhc Water Patrol. DATED THIS & DAY OF APRIL . l!W) SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE AM Mark A. Slocomb Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Nancy C. Salcnlinc This is to cerlih lllal !Ills is a ~ruc and accuralc copy of Rcsolulion #54-99 which was adoplcd by the Common Council ofthe Cily of Muskego. AGREEMENT -- SKI JUMP Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. and City of Muskego This agreement is made between the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc., which is a Wisconsin corporation, and the City of Muskego. The Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc., is the owner of a ski jump at Idle Isle Park, w182 56666 Hardtke Drive, and DeAngelis Island, W187 S7160 Gold Drive. The Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc., is responsible for putting in and taking out the said ski jump. The owner will also allow the City and the public to use this ski jump at all times that it is not scheduled for exclusive use of the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. It is agreed that the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc,, is holding the City of Muskego free and harmless from any and all liability and damages that might be incurred by persons using the ski jump. It is further agreed that all maintenance and upkeep of said jump will be the sole responsibility of the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc It is further agreed that any additional approval of any governmental agency for putting in the ski jump is the responsibility of the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. This agreement is executed on the - day of , 1999. WATER BUGS SKI TEAM, INC. President Member Signed this day of , 1999. CITY OF MUSKEGO David L. De Angelis, Mayor Jean K. Marenda, Clerk-Treasurer 0 0 0 AGREEMENT This agreement is made between the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. which is a Wisconsin corporation and the City of Muskego. The Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. are the owners of a pier to be placed at Idle Isle Park (WlS2 56666 Hardtke Drive) at a distance of thirty (30) feet from the 5' x 32' pier abutting the boat landing (see Exhibit "A") having a maximum length of thirty (30) feet. The Parks and Recreation Board of the City of Muskego has approved the pier to be placed at the Park between the dates of May 10 through putting in and taking out of the said pier. September 11. The Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. is responsible for the The owners will allow the City and the public to use this pier at all times that it is not scheduled for exclusive use of the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. The Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. will make four signs, with prior approval of the Parks & Recreation Director. Two prior to and throughout the practice/show times as posted on the back signs will indicate that the swimming area will be closed ten minutes of the chair tower and at the entrance of the park. The swimming area will be open to public ten minutes after show or practice time unless in the case of a cancelled show or practice. The other two signs will indicate that the pier will be closed to public one-half hour prior to and throughout the practice/show times posted at the pier and at the entrance of the park. Pier will be open to public one-half hour after show or practice time unless in the case of a cancelled show or practice Parks and Recreation Board and Departmental staff, of the City of Muskego, and the City of Muskego, free and harmless from any and all liability and damages that might be incurred by any person using the pier at any time. The City of Muskego, Parks and Recreation Board and Department must be listed on the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. insurance as an additional insured. It is agreed that the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. is holding the additional insured in the amount of $1,000,000 must be presented to A certificate of insurance listing the City of Muskego as an the Parks and Recreation Board for this agreement to be in effect. It is further agreed that all maintenance and upkeep of said pier will be the sole responsibility of the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc., and the sign required in Section 9(b) of the usage agreement will be installed with a warning regarding swimming and diving prohibition. It is further agreed that any additional approval of any governmental agency for putting in the pier is the responsibility of the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. This agreement is executed on the - day of -, 1999. CITY OF MUSKEGO-PARKS & REC. BOARD WATER BUGS SKI TEAM, INC. Dave De Angelis, City of Muskego Mayor Organization President Jerald Hulbert, Board President Organization Member Signed this - day of -, 1999.