WHEREAS, Waukesha County, Wisconsin (the “County”) has proposed the
implementation of a Countywide trunked radio system (the “Trunked Radio System”) for
local government radio communications within the County: and
WHEREAS, the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin (the “Municipality”) has
determined that participation in the Trunked Radio System is necessary and
advantageous to the Municipality; and
WHEREAS, participation in the Trunked Radio System requires the Municipality to pay
its share of the infrastructure cost of the Trunked Radio System; and
WHEREAS, the Municipality’s obligation to pay such infrastructure cost is to be
evidenced by the issuance to the County of a general obligation promissory note of the
Municipality pursuant to the provisions of Section 67 12 (12). Wis. Stats.,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Common Council (the “Governing
Body”) of the Municipality that:
1 This Governing Body hereby authorizes the issuance of a general obligation
promissory note (the “Note”) of the Municipality in an amount not to exceed
$132,727 for the purpose of paying the Municipality’s share of the infrastructure cost
of the Trunked Radio System.
2. The Note shall bear interest at the rate of 0% per annum and shall be payable in
annual installments of principal over a term of nine (9) years from the date of
issuance of the Note.
3. The final principal amount of the Note shall be established when the infrastructure
costs of the Trunked Radio System are determined and the extent of participation by
other municipalities in the County is known, The principal amount of the Note and
other terms of the Note shall be subject to approval by subsequent resolution of this
Governing Body.
Title: L David L. De Angelis
Attest: K 3-r?d
Title: / Clerk-Treasurer G
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #38-99 which was
adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego.
Daniel M. Finley
County Executive
Norman A. Cummings
February 17, 1999
To: City of Muskego
David L. DeAngelis, Mayor
P.O. Box 903
Muskego, WI 53150
Re: Countywide Trunked Radio System
The next step in your community’s participation in the implementation of the Countywide
trunked radio system is adoption of an initial resolution authorizing the issuance ofa general obligation
promissory note to the County to cover your share of the cost of the infrastructure of the system. A
form of the resolution to be adopted, which was drafted by Quarks & Brady LLP, the County’s bond
counsel, is enclosed. This resolution authorizes the issuance of a general obligation promissory note to
Waukesha County in an amount not to exceed the principal amount stated in the resolution. This “not
to exceed” amount has been reduced somewhat from earlier estimates based on the projected capital
cost of the in6astructure and a higher anticipated level of participation by other Waukesha County
municipalities. Adoption ofthis resolution is an important step in moving ahead with the project
because it signifies your municipality’s commitment to participate and enables us to refine our planning
and our cost projections. The resolution needs to be adopted in the form that it is presented, so that we
have uniform commitments from all of the participating municipalities.
At a later date you will be asked to adopt a resolution approving your municipality’s entry into
an intergovernmental cooperation agreement relating to the financing, construction and operation of the
trunked radio system. This later resolution will also specify the final details of the promissory note to
be issued to the County with respec! to the ihfrast:uc!we cos! of the system. In the event your
municipality decides to finance radio purchases through the County, the financing of those radio
purchases will be handled separately from the note to be issued for infrastructure costs and will be
addressed in another, subsequent resolution.
In order to keep this project on schedule, please forward the executed resolution and completed
excerpts of minutes, to be received by Wednesday, March 3 I, 1999, to Keith Swartz at the Waukesha
County Administration Center, Room 310, 1320 Pewaukee Road, Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188. In the
meantime, if you feel it is necessary to meet with me to discuss this resolution further or have any
questions, please call me at 548-7026.
Waukesha. Wisconsin 53188
1320 Pewaukee Road
Phone: (414) 548-7020
Fax: (414) 548-7913
A duly-convened meeting of the Common Council (the “Governing Body”) of the , &
of Muskego Waukesha County, Wisconsin (the “Municipality”), was held in open session upon
due notice on 3 / 9 , 1999 at 7 ; 30 P.M. The following members of the Governing
Body were present:
Aldermen Slocomb, Chiaverotti, Patterson, pionek,
Salentine, Sanders, and Woodqrd
The following were absent:
The presiding officer opened the meeting by announcing that this was an open meeting of
the Governing Body. Notice of this meeting was given to the public at least 24 hours prior to the
meeting by forwarding the’complete agenda to the official newspaper of the Municipality, and to
all news media who have requested the same as well as posting. Copies of the complete agenda
were available for inspection at the Municipality’s offices.
(Here occurred business not pertinent to the note issue.)
The attached Resolution No. 38-99entitled “Initial Resolution Authorizing the Issuance
of General Obligation Promissory Note to Finance Infrastructure Costs of Countywide Trunked
Radio System: was moved by Alderman Sanders and seconded by
Alderman Salentine
On roll call vote, the following voted aye:
Aldermen Slocomb, Chiaverotti, Patterson, Pionek,
Salentine, Sanders, and Woodard
and the following voted no:
Whereupon, the resolution was declared adopted and the Clerk recorded the same.
(Here occurred business not pertinent to the note issue.)
Upon motion and vote, the meeting adjourned.