CCR19990340 AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #34-99 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE EASEMENT WITH SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION (SEWRPC), AND WAUKESHA COUNTY (Topographic Mapping) WHEREAS, The City of Muskego and Waukesha County have requested assistance from SEWPRC in the preparation of large-scale, digital topographic maps and digital terrain model files; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the attached agreement to be entered into by the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, Waukesha County, and the City of Muskego and has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached agreement for topographic mapping services. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the agreement in the name of the City subject to the Mayor verifying the 2' contour interval (Exhibit "A), and the AutoCAD R14 format referred to in paragraph (4) of the agreement with the Mayor being authorized to make a change to the format reference in paragraph (4), if necessary DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF FEBRUARY , 1999 SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #34-99 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 2/99jmb COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #34-99 AUTHORIZATION SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN WHEREAS, The City of Mus from SEWPRC in the prepar terrain model files; and WHEREAS, The Finance C entered into by the Southe Waukesha County, and th NOW, THEREFORE, BE I Muskego, upon the recom the attached agreement for topogrhhic mapping services. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the agreement in the name of the City. 1 / DATED THIS DAY OF , 1999 i SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #34-99 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 2/99jmb - -. AtiREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, eutered into this day of __ , 199_. by and between the Southcastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (hcreinnfter referred to as the "Chmmission"); Waukesha County (hereinafter refwrcd to 2s the "Count);"), and the City fJfkfu&Fgo (h&nafter r.cft.,-nd to a6 the %ty?; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, thecornmisslon is aut.horized bySection66.935 ofthe Wisconsin Statutes to ludw studies and prepare plans for, and to provide advisory services to local governmrut.s. and act 8s a coordinating agency for planning activities within its jurisdictional area; and WHEREAS, the County and City haw requested the Comruissinn to providc assistaucr in the preparation of large-scale digital topographic maps and digital terrRin model files, and the Count.>' and the City desire the preparation of t.he needed large-scale topographic maps tor an ~pproximatcly 36.5-square- milc area; and U'HEREAS. Sect.ions GG.94%12)(b) and GG.30 of the Wisconsin Statutes cluthonze the Commission to enter into contracts with local units of government. to make. studiee and plans to provide 3dvice. 0 NOW, THEREFORE. ln consideratioc nithcse premises and of thcir mutual and dependent promrser and agreements, the parties hereto cantract zud acrcc ns folluwj: (1) Area Covered. The area cove.red by this Agreement consists of an &ppronmatel.y 36.5-square. hereolas Exhibit "A" milo area within Waukcsha Countv 2s delineated on the !nap attached hereto and made a pfi (2) Commission to Obtain Dimtd 7'oI)ocrmhic MaDs. The Conlmissic,n agrees to act AS agent for the County and City in obtaininc xrial pllotog'raphy, large-scale digital topographic mapping. and digital terrain model film for 3 36.5.square-rnde area, and will contract with a qmlified - photogrammetric engirlecr for such work. All work pelformed imder this Agreement sball be conducted in accordance with speaficn tions prepared by the Conlmission in accordance wlth the principles and conc~ptg sct fcrth in SENWC Tdhnicnl Repod No. 7: Horizontal and Vertical Survev Control in Southeastern Wisconsb. All finished maps Fhal: be prepared to National Map Accuracy Standards. The topographic maps shali be prepared at. a scale of 1" = 100' with two- foot contour intervals for an area of ,36.5-square-miler as shown on Exhibit "A." In acting as agent for the County and City, thc Commission shall not charge the cost of administration of the mapping program to the County or City, but shall instead provide such agoncy servicw 3s part of its community assisttucx program (3j County to Receive Maps and Digital Files. The Commission shall furnish to the Coullty 011 dimensionally stable and reproducible polyester base material, the aforementioned 1" = 100' scale topographic maps of the approximately 36.5-square mile arc3 indicated on Exhibit "A." The Commission shall also furnish to the County, un magnetic tape, the digital files used to produce thc finished hard copy topoiyraphic. maps of the 36.5-sqosre-1nile project 3re.a and, tha digit.?] terrain model files. (4) City to qgWvp ais 2nd Dint31 Vile=, The Cummiskion shall furnish to the City, 011 diruenaionally stable and reproducible polyester base material, the aforernent.ioned 1" = 100' (5) (61 (71 scalc topomaphic maps OfLhc approximately 36.5-square-mile area indicated on Ejihinit "A," The Commission shall also furnish to {.he City, on C!'D-ROM, the file.$ used lo produce thc finished hard copy topographic maps ofthe 36.5-sq11are-mile project area and the digitel terraia model files in AutoCAD R14 format. Comnlission t,n Retain Data. In addition to retaining a duplicate copy of the aforementioned topographic maps and digital ternan) model files, the Coaunission shall retsin custody & aerial photography used to prepare the topographic maps. Com~ensation of the Commission. The County and thc Cit,y shd each pay tithe Cornmission 50 percent ofthc costs ofconducting the topographic mapping prap-am. The County retains tile right to receive aqv intermediate products received by the Commission 3s part of the topographic mapping process, and at no additional cnst lo the Cnunty. The agreed upm cost for Commission >emices covered ln this Agreement shall be. $190,555.00. Method of Compensation. Work on the 1" = 100' scale topographic mapping is expected to occur over an approximate 15-month period ending on .June 30,?000. In order to expedite payments determined hy the Commission, rne C.omtuission will invo~ce Waukesha Couoty and the City to the photogrammetdc engineer for work satisfactorily pelformed under this agreement as of Muekego on the following schedule: Cour.ty Cit.v Total "- May 1. I999 520,000 .. $ 20.000 August 1. 1999 2o.iroo .. Xovembtr 1, 1999 20,000 20:OOO 20.000 Upon delivery of products for Area I- February 1,2000 .. 531,759 20.000 31,759 20,000 Upon delivery of products for Area 2* Upon delivery of products fur Area 3' .. 31.759 31.759 31.7jy 47.037 Total $95,278 $95,277 $190,555 ~ - 'See map attachcd as Eshibit -4. The County and the Clty shall pay to the Commission the amounts shown on the invoices upon receipt. of said invoices. w. The work to be performed under th~s Agreement shall commence immediately upon exocution of the Agreement by the County and the City. The fiLished 1" = 100' scalc topographic maps aud attendant digital files shall be delivered to the C.ounty and the City in accordance with the following schedule- - - Area' Dellvery Datp- 2 1 January 31. 2000 3 March 31. 2000 June 30,2000 'See map attached as Exhibit A A'ITESTISG WITNESS "" Deputy Secretary AWESTIXG WITNESS Cuunty Clerk ATTESTING WITXESS 0 ". City Clerk SOLJTHEASTEKK N'ISCONSlN REGIONAL FLWNING COMMISSION muskrgo-sgrn.2/99 2/9/99 PROPOSED lARCE.SCALE OlClTbt TOPOCRAPhK MAPPING COVERatL - - MUSKEG0 AREA WWKEW COUNT~WLSCONSIN I :< LEGEND