CCR1999021AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #21-99 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RENAMING OF PARKLAND PLAZA PARK TO MANCHESTER HILL PARK WHEREAS, Muskego resident, Richard Manchester, has served as a member of the Parks and Recreation Board since 1974; and WHEREAS, The community and the Parks and Recreation Board have benefited immensely from the dedication and commitment of Mr Manchester; and WHEREAS, The Parks and Recreation Board and the Parks and Recreation Director reviewed suggestions to change the name of Parkland Plaza Park; and WHEREAS, The Parks and Recreation Board has recommended renaming Parkland Plaza Park to Manchester Hill Park in recognition of the 25 years of dedicated service Mr Manchester has given to the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Board, does hereby authorize the renaming of Parkland Plaza Park to MANCHESTER HILL PARK following the publication of Ordinance #979. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the City shall bear any costs associated with the renaming. DATED THIS 9th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1999 SPONSORED BY: Ald. Patrick A. Patterson This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #21-99 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 2199jmb i) COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #21-99 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RENAMING OF PARKLAND PLAZA PARK TO MANCHESTER HILL PARK WHEREAS, Muskego resident, Richard Manchester, has served as a member of the Parks and Recreation Board since 1974; and WHEREAS, The community and the Parks and Recreation Board have benefited immensely from the dedication and commitment of Mr Manchester; and J/ / / reviewed suggestions to Park; and WHEREAS, The Parks renaming Parkland Plaza Park to of dedicated service Mr Manchester has given to the community. NOW, of the City of does hereby 0 renaming. DATED THIS DAY F FEBRUARY, 1999 4 / SPONSORED BY: i PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #21-99 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 2199jmb Craig Anderson Director PARKS AND RECREAllON DEPARTMENT (414) 679-4108 January 12, 1999 To: Common Council From: Craig Anderson, Parks & Recreation Director Re: Naming of Parkland Plaza Park At the January 12, 1999, Parks & Recreation Board, the naming ofParkland Plaza Park was discussed. It was noted that users of the park get the park mixed up wirh Pvkland Mall. Attached are two letters the Board received for naming the park. The proposed name is Manchester Hill Park. The motion was canied by all. Richard was very iouched by rhls motion and has accepted the use of his name for the park. Toby Fhpple’s letter really says it all and I will defer to his attached letter. Thank you. W182 S8200 Racine Avenue PO. Box 749 Muskego, W~consin 53150-0749 Fax (414) 679-5637 moo2 a a 118199 To: All Muskego Parks and Reemation Board Members Calg Anderson - Muskego Parks and Recreation Director FROM: Toby Whipple - Muskego Parks and Reueation Board Member RE Naming of PPlk on Parkland Drive I talked to Craig Anderson this week. regarding how many park name promals he had received from the contest form on the last recreation programs brochure, for naming what is currently referred to as Parkland Plaza Park. He indicated that at mat time he had not received a single submittal. Based on thatfact and the fad that it 1s impoltant in my opinion to give this park an appropriate name. I decided that I would submit Something myself. After much thought and same discussion with Craig, I decided that I would propose for your consideration the name of Manchester Park or Manchester Hill Park. after currenl and longstanding board memkr, Richard Manchester. I am sure Richard will be somewhat surpnsed at this suggestion, however. I think it is very appropriate to name a park Mer him for several reasons. First of all, I have asked a few people if this particular piece of property has any sbng ties to a particular family in the c;v. To the best of my knowledge it does not. it is my understanding that this park was given to the city as pert of the apartment complex development that is adjacent to the park. Sewndly. I am of the opinion that service to a ccmmunity is very important. And I also recognize that there are far too few people that choose to get involved in this type of volunteer senice I further feel that when someone does display dedicated service over an extended period of time they should be reugnized. I think it would be extremely wrong for us to take a position that a park or facilrty should not be named after someone until they are deceased, as I have heard some people suggest. Richard has recently passed his 25th anniversary on the Muskego Parks and Recreation Board and rarely misses a meeting. As fer as anyone knows, that is the longest that anyone has served our cammunity on this board. I do not submit this out of any dose friendship or ties tu Mr, Manchester or his family. In fact, the fint lime I ever met Richard was when I was appointed to this board sevegl years ago. As a matter of fact. there have been many times that Richard and I have been on opposite sides of issues before this board, so obviously that has had no impad on this proposal. After a great deal d thougnt. I jus: think that it is very appropriate tha this man be recognized in someway as a thank you from a community and board thm he has served in a volunteer capacity for many, many years. One thing is certain. Richard has always been a friend of parks and recreation in Muskego and serves vith a dedication not often seen today. I sincerely hope that Richard will continue his service to this board and c~mmunty for many more yean to come. Even. if this board deddes to name this park something else. for whatever reason, I hope the Richard will mpt this propoael as a sincere thank yw for his years of service to this ccmmmity As a sidelight to this proposal. I would like to mention that I have read the state statutes relating to the Creation and authority of community parks and reueetion boards, and I believe this board has the authority to name this park without Commm Coumil approval. I only bring this up incase there would be disagreement between the Counal and us on how or what this park should be named. TO. Members, Parks & Recreation Board FROM: Female Constituent, City of Muskego DATE: January 7,1999 RE: PARK NAMING CONTEST MANCHESTER PARK. My recommendation for the naming the park located on Parkland Plaza Road would be What better way for the citizens of Muskego to say thank you to Mr. Manchester for his years of dedicated service on the Parks and Recreation Board. Over the years, the City of Muskego has shown confidence in Mr. Manchester by continuously reappointing him. He has been instrumental in the development of the parks system since 1974. Thank you for your consideration of this recommendation.