CCR1998251AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #251-98 APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH WAUKESHA COUNTY FOR COMPUTER ASSISTED MASS APPRAISAL PROCESSING BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee and City Assessor, does hereby approve the attached Agreement with Waukesha County for Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal Processing for a two year period commencing January 1, 1999. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the Agreement, as amended, in the name of the City upon approval of the City Attorney. DATED THIS 12TH DAY OF JANUARY , 1999. SPONSORED BY FINANCE COMMllTEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine DEFERRED: 12/8/98 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #251-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. I. 12/98jmb I. Waukesha County Department of Administration Services for Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) This Agreement is entered into this day of I -I by and between Waukesha Counry, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the Counrv, located at 1320 Pewaukee Rd, Waukesha WI. 53188, and the City ofhluskego, hereinafter referred to as the Municipality, located at W182S8200 Racine Ave, Muskego. WI 53 150. The authority for this agrcement is that contained in the Wisconsin Statues Section 66.30, which permits intergovemmental cooperation for public purpose. 1 By this agreement, the County proposes to provide the following services to the Municipality. A. The County will enter into a contract with the Cole-Layer-Trumble Company, hereinafter referred to as CLT, to acquire the CAM (Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal), Assessment Administration and Personal Property IAS base software modules, hereinafter referred to as the applications. The County Hill initially purchase licenses for ten (IO) users of the CAW and Assessment Administration products and five (5) users of the Personal Property product, and this pool of licenses will be shared among all users of the system. B. The County will provide and maintain a remote access server and server software located at the County that will allow the Municipality to connect and access the applications on the County’s network. The Counry will acquire and maintain the licenses required for the remote access server. The total number of users that will be able to anach to the remote access server to use the applications will equal the total number of concurrent CAMA licences purchased from CLT, Should the Municipality find that the number of licenses provides insufficient availability, the Municipality may request that the County purchase additional CAMA licenses in accordance with the terms and agreements set forth benveen the County and CLT, The County will acquire the additional number of remote access licenses to access the applications and the Municipality will be responsible for reimbursing the County for the additional licenses purchased from CLT C The County will provide and support the database. application and file semers locared at the County This includes the disk capacity to store the Oracle database, the applications and support files which the applications require. Waukesha County Department of Administration Services for Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (cm) D. The county will also provide and support the Oracle database and Oracle Software products which the applications require. The County ail1 perfon upgrades to the applications, C++ compiler. Oracle database and Oracle products in accordance with the agreement set fonh between the County and CLT The County will acquire and maintain all necessary licenses for the Oracle database server and software. The total number of concurrent Oracle database and runtime licenses available will equal the total number of concurrent CAW licences purchased from CLT Should the Municipaliry find that the number of licenses provides insufficient availability, the Municipality may request that the County purchase additional CM licenses in accordance with the terms and agreements set forth between the County and CLT. The County will acquire :he additional number of Oracle licenses to BWS~ the applications and the Municipality will be responsible for reimbursing the County for the additionel licenses purchved from CLT E. The County will make good faith efforts to have the applicauons available to the Municipality from 8:OO am to 4:30 pm on regular County business days. Backups of the database and files will occur betwen 430 pm and 11.30 pm on regular County business days. 2. By this agreement, the Municipality acknowledges and agrees to the following A. The Municipality will provide and rnajntah the hardware and software at the Municipality’s location necessary to COMW and communicate with the County’s remote access server, Local hardware and software upgrades that are required for the Municipality to maintain access to the County are to be performed by the Municipality in a reasonable time frame ma mst be compatible so as to not hinder or interfere with the County’s ability to provide the above mentioned services to the Municipality or orher municipalities. B. The Municipality will provide and maintrin a ineans OfcommunicatioR such as a T1 line , ISDN lie. Radio link etc. that i5 acceptable to both the County and Municipality, for the purpose of connecting 10 the County’s remote access server C. The Municipality agrees not to excessively consume remote access and database licenses which would prevent other Munic$aliues that have an agreement with the County for CAMA services from using the applications. 214 Waukesha County Department of Administration Senices for Computer Assisted Mass Aooraisd (CAMA) D. E. F G. H. The Municipality agrees not to wilfilly download any files to the County that are not pertinent to the applications or that could interfere with the County’s ability to perform its obligations under this agreemenr. Should the Municipality decide to use software for Assessment Administration that is different than what the County Tax Lister uses, the Municipality is responsible for any costs associated with providing the County with a copy of the Assessment Administntion data, at intervals of no less than a month, in a format that is compatible with the import capabilities of the Counry Tax Lister’s Assessment Administration software. The Municipality acknowledges the terms and restrictions presented in the Articles of agreement between CLT and the County. For 1999, the Municipality apes to reimburse the County $51,675.00 for software, services. and maintenance provided by CLT under the Articles of Meemcnt. For the calendar year 2000, the Municipality agrees to reimburse the County 58,000.00 for ongoing CLT charges for sofiware maintenance and support. The Municipality agrees to be financially responsible for any additional services and /or software sought by the Municipality from CLT, The Municipality will notify the County in writing of any and all change orders before procuring additional services and/or software from CLT, The Municipality will be responsible for only those additional services or software charges that have been determined to be necessary for and procured by the Municipality. If the additional services and/or software are mutually beneficial to other municipalities sharing the CAW system with the Municipality, all participants may share the costs as those participants may separately agree. For the calendar year 2000, in addition to the fees for CLT software maintenance and support the Municipality also .agrees IO compensate the County at the rate of $0.33 per Tax Key for effort of County srafand County costs related to hardware and software required to provide the praiously stated smices. 3. The “icipality will hold the County and irs officers, employees and agents harmless kom my and all damages, expenses and losses which may occur due to the County‘s inability to comply wirh this agreement which has Seen caused by a failure of CLT to meet its contractual obligations with the County or any other factor which is outside the control of the County. 4. The Municipality will hold Cole, Layer Trumble Company, irs officers, agents and 314 Waukesha County Department of Administration Services for Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CmA! 5. 6 7 8. 9 10 employees and the County, its officers, employees and agents hamless for any and all damages, expenses and losses which may arise from any vaiuation disputes Or challenges to the methodology employed in the valuation process. Neither pany shall be liable to the other for consequential, indirect or incidental damages which may arise as a result of the failure of the applicarions or hardware. The term of this agreement shall be for two (2) years commencing January 1, 1999 and expiring December 3 I, 2000. Procuring my additional modules, such as Lmdisc Plus and Visual Lmdisc, from CLT is contingent upon at least one municipality assuming the costs associated with the given module(s). It is understood and agreed that the entire conrracr between the panies is contained herein, except for those matters incorporated herein by reference, and that this asreement supersedes d oral and written agreements and negotiations between the parties related to the subject matter thereof. This agreement may not be assigned without the written permission of the other party. Each party shall have the right to terminate this agreement for cause if the other party fails to comply with any ofthe terms of this agreement. Date: Date: //h 99 // / COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #251-98 APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH WAUKESHA COUNTY FOR COMPUTER ASSISTED MASS APPRAISAL PROCESSING BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the Cit recommendation of the Finance Committee and City Ass the attached Agreement with Waukesha County for Corn Processing for a two year period commencing January 1, 1999. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk sign the Agreement in the name of the City upon approv DATED THIS DAY OF DECEMBER ,1998. SPONS&ED BY FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald!Mark Slocomb / David J. Sanders Nancy Salentine DEFERRED: 1218/98 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #251-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 12/98jmb Daniel M. Finley County Executive Waukesha COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION November 30. 1998 Mr. Russell Weber Village Assessor Village of Menomonee Falls W156 N8480 Pilgrim Road Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 Ms. Laura Mecha City Assessor City of Muskego W182 S8200 Racine Avenue P.O. Box 903 0 Muskego, WI 53 150 Norman k Cummings Director (Via fax at 255-5320, original to follow via mail.) (Via fax at 679-4106, original to follow via mail.) Re: Proposed Contracts for Partnership on CAMA Processing Dear Assessors: The purpose of this memo is to transmit a proposed contract for services for Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA). We are asking you or the appropriate City or Village official to review this contract and if it is acceptable to sign the contract on behalf of your municipality and return the signed copy. If possible, please return your signed copy by December 4. Please contact me at (414) 548- 7603 if I can provide any additional information at this time. *. *~ Jerry Schulz Manager of Information Systems m:\wpdata\cama-6.wpd Information Systems Division 515 West Moreland Boulevard Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188 Phone: (414) 548-7610 Fax: (414) 548-7000 a Waukesha County Department of Administration w Services for Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) This Agreement is entered into this day of 7-3 by and between Waukesha County, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the County, located at 1320 Pewaukee Rd, Waukesha W. 53 188, and the City of Muskego, hereinafter referred to as the Municipality, located at W182S8200 Racine Ave, Muskego, WI 53 150. The authority for this agreement is that contained in the Wisconsin Statues Section 66.30, which permits intergovernmental cooperation for public purpose. 1. By this agreement, the County proposes to provide the following services to the Municipality, A. The County will enter into a contract with the Cole-Layer-Trumble Company, hereinafter referred to as CLT, to acquire the CAMA (Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal), Assessment Administration and Personal Property IAS base software modules, hereinafter referred to as the applications. B. The County will provide and maintain a remote access server and server software located at the County that will allow the Municipality to connect and access the applications on the County’s network. The County will acquire and maintain the licenses required for the remote access server. The total number of users that will be able to attach to the remote access server to use the applications will equal the total number of concurrent CAMA licences purchased from CLT Should the Municipality find that the number of licenses provides insufficient availability, the Municipality may request that the County purchase additional CAMA licenses in accordance with the terms and agreements set forth between the County and CLT The County will acquire the additional number of remote access licenses to access the applications and the Municipality will be responsible for reimbursing the County for the additional licenses purchased from CLT C. The County will provide and support the database, application and file servers located at the County. This includes the disk capacity to store the Oracle database, the applications and support files which the applications require. D. The County will also provide and support the Oracle database and Oracle software products which the applications require. The County will perform upgrades to the applications, C+t compiler, Oracle database and Oracle products in accordance with the agreement set forth between the County and CLT The County will acquire and maintain all necessary licenses for the Oracle database server and software. The total number of concurrent Oracle database and runtime licenses November 20, 1998 1 I4 KITAXlCAhUMSKC WPD Waukesha County Department of Administration Services for Comuuter Assisted Mass Auuraisal (CAMA) available will equal the total number of concurrent CAMA licences purchased from CLT Should the Municipality find that the number of licenses provides insufficient availability, the Municipality may request that the County purchase additional CAMA licenses in accordance with the terms and agreements set forth between the County and CLT The County will acquire the additional number of Oracle licenses to access the applications and the Municipality will be responsible for reimbursing the County for the additional licenses purchased from CLT E. The County will make good faith efforts to have the applications available to the Municipality from 8:OO am to 4:30 pm on regular County business days. Backups of the database and files will occur between 4:30 pm and 11 :30 pm on regular County business days. 2. By ths agreement, the Municipality acknowledges and agrees to the following: A. The Municipality will provide and maintain the hardware and software at the Municipality’s location necessary to connect and communicate with the County’s remote access server. Local hardware and software upgrades that are required for the Municipality to maintain access to the County are to be performed by the Municipality in a reasonable time frame and must be compatible SO as to not hinder or interfere with the County’s ability to provide the above mentioned services to the Municipality or other municipalities. B. The Municipality will provide and maintain a means of communication, such as a TI line, ISDN line, Radio link, etc, that is acceptable to both the County and Municipality, for the purpose of connecting to the County’s remote access server. C. The Municipality agrees not to excessively consume remote access and database licenses which would prevent other Municipalities, that have an agreement with the County for CAMA services from using the applications. D. The Municipality agrees not to willfully download any files to the County that are not pertinent to the applications or that could interfere with the County’s ability to perform its obligations under this agreement. E. Should the Municipality decide to use software for Assessment Administration that is different than what the County Tax Lister uses, the Municipality is responsible for any costs associated with providing the County with a copy of the Assessment Administration data, at intervals of no less than a month, in a format e November 20. 1998 214 KITAAXICAMAMSKC. WPD Waukesha County Department of Administration Services for Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) that is compatible with the import capabilities of the County Tax Lister's Assessment Administration software. F, G. H. The Municipality agrees with the terms and restrictions presented in the Articles of Agreement between CLT and the County. For 1999, the Municipality agrees to reimburse the County $5 1,675.00 for its share of the software and services provided by CLT under the Articles of Agreement. This fee includes three(3) months software maintenance. For the calendar year 2000, the Municipality agrees to reimburse the County for any ongoing CLT charges such as but not limited to maintenance and support fees. Initially, full annual support fees for CLT are $6,500. For 2000 and subsequent years, CLT may increase this fee not to exceed 5% each calendar year. The Municipality also agrees to reimburse the County for any charges from CLT resulting from additional services, and 1 or software approved by the Municipality that causes the Municipality to exceed its share of $51,675.00. The Municipality will notify the'county in writing of any and all change orders before any additional services and / or software is to be procured from CLT For the calendar year 2000, the Municipality agrees to compensate the County at the rate of $0.33 per Tax Key for the previously stated services and provisions. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Municipality will indemnify and hold harmless the County, its officers, employees and agents for any and all damages, expenses and losses which may occur due to the County's inability to comply with this agreement. The Municipality will indemnify and hold harmless the County, its officers, employees and agents for any and all damages, expenses and losses which may occur due to any valuation disputes or challenges. Neither party shall be liable to the other for consequential, indirect or incidental damages which may arise as a result of the failure of the applications or hardware. The term of this agreement shall be for two(2) years commencing January 1, 1999 and expiring December 31,2000. This contract is contingent upon at least two(2) municipalities signing an agreement with the County for CAMA services. In the event that the County is unsuccessful in obtaining a second municipality to sign a CAMA services agreement, this agreement shall be Novcmbcr 20, 1998 3 /4 N:ITA,NCAMAMSKC. WPD Waukesha County Department of Administration Services for Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) 8. 9. 10. 11 12. terminated, notwithstanding paragraph 9, below. Procuring any additional modules, such as Personal Property, Landisc Plus and Visual Landisc, from CLT is contingent upon at least one municipality picking up the costs associated with the given module(s). Each party shall have the absolute and unilateral right to terminate this agreement effective at the end of a term upon giving of twelve(l2) months notice prior to the expiration of the term. It is understood and agreed that the entire contract between the parties is contained herein, except for those matters incorporated herein by reference, and that this agreement supersedes all oral and written agreements and negotiations between the parties related to the subject matter thereof. This agreement may not be assigned without the written permission of the other Party, If Municipality fails to comply with any of the terms of this agreement, it may be terminated for cause by the County. Waukesha County City of Muskego By: By: Date: Date: November 20, 1998 414 N:ITAXCAMAMSKC WPD AENZ MOLTER MXY PAGE El LAW 0.ncu 0. ARENZ, MOLTER. MACY & RIFFLE, S.C. 720 N. UST AVENUE P.O. BOX 1-9 WAUKESHA WlSCONSlH 531BXIW Deceinber 2, 1998 VIA FAX TOTAL PAGES: 3 Mayor David L. De Angelis CITY OF MUSKEGO Post Office Box 749 Muskego, Wisconsin 53150-0749 Ms. Laura Mecha CITY OF MUSKEGO Zity Assessor Post Office Box 749 ~~~~~ .. Muskego. Wisconsin 53150-0749 Dear Mayor and Laura: On December 1, 1998 I received the above-mentioned proposed contract with the County along with the cover letter dated November 30, 1998 December 4, 1998. After my conferences with both of you, it ie my from the County indicating that our signed copy should be returned by understanding that the City will not be returning the contract by that date. have not reviewed the technical aspects of the contract and assume I have made a general initial review of the contract as to form. I that the Assessor will make review of the same. I do not think the contract can be entered by the City in its present form. I have the following specific comments: 1. Paragraph 1 B refers to certain licenses being purchased in accordance with the terms and agreements set forth between the County and CLT. To the best of my knowledge. no one from the City has seen said contracts, so how can we agree to the same 2. Section,l D, again, refers to agreements in accordance with 0 the County and CLT contract that we have never seen. 12/62/1998 16: 58 41455E3211 ARENZ MOLTER MACY PAGE 02 Mayor David L. De Angelis Ms. Laura Mecha -2- December 2, 1998 3. Section 2 c indicates. in parc, that the municipality agrees what excessively is supposed to mean in this context. not to excessivelY COnSUme certain things. I have no idea 4. As to Paragraph 2 F, I have the, following problems: A- It, again, states that the municipality agrees to the have never seen the same. agreement between CLT and the County even though we B. It says we are supposed to pay the County $51,675 for its share Of software and services provided by CLT under the Articles of Agreement. What is our share and what does the contract say we get? c. It indicates that this fee includes three months software maintenance. What happens after that? D. It says that for the year 2000 we agree to reimburse include, but are not lirniced to, maintenance and the County for certain ongoing CLT charges which charges might be. support feee -- we have no idea what the basis of these E. A portion of the paragraph refers to annual support fee of $6,500. What year is that for? F. It also refers to the year 2000 and beyond, but I have no idea what we really would have to pay. 5. Paragraph 2 G indicates if certain services exceed Our share, we will have to pay more. How is that to be determined? 6. Paragraph 2 H sets forth a fee per tax key number and indicates that is what we will pay for PreviouslY stated services and provisions. However, I Cannot tell if that fee is in excess of the fees already referred to. 7. Paragraph 3 is unacceptable as it agrees. in general and in part, that we will indemnify and hold the County harmless for damages which may occur due to the County's inability to comply with this agreement. 12/82/1998 18: 58 5i45463211 azaz MOLTER MACY ?AGE 83 W OmCE6 OF ARENZ. MOLTER. MACY & RIFFLE. S.C. Mayor David L. De Angelis Ms. Laura Mecha -3- December 2. 1998 8. Paragraph 4 is unacceptable in that it indicates the municipality will indemnify the County for damages caused by valuation disputes or challenges, apparently, even if it is the County’s fault. 9. Paragraph 6 indicates the contract is for two years terminating December 31, 2000. This does not seem to make sense in light of Paragraph 9 of the agreement. 10. Paragraph 7 indicates, in general and in part, chat the municipalities to sign the same, and if they do not, they do agreement is contingent upon the County getting two us whether or not they will comply with the contract. not have to perform. It has no date when they have to tell 11. Paragraph 8 I do not quite understand, but it, apparently, means if we want certain types of modules, we have to pay for the same. a 12. Paragraph 9 seems to indicate that if you want to terminate does this mean we would have to give the notice on or before the contract, you have to give 12 months prior notice, so December 31, 1999? Also, the contract does not provide for any renewal periods, so, apparently, it would terminate in any event on December 31, 2000. 13. Paragraph 12 indicates that the County may terminate the agreement if the municipality fails to comply with the same, but has no mutual provision in favor of the City. could give a favorable recommendation as to the City entering the In conclusion, this agreement must be substantially redone before I same. ~onili 16 pl ter, Jr . Cc: Ms. Jean Marenda, Clerk (Via Fax/, 3 Pages) DSM/pw