CCR1998218COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #218-98 APPROVAL OF JURISDICTIONAL TRANSFER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 WHEREAS, The attached agreement provides for the transfer of the jurisdictional responsibility for the former State Trunk Highway (STH) 36 from Loomis Drive to the east corporate limits; and WHEREAS, The Public Works Committee has reviewed the agreement and has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, does hereby approve the attached Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor is authorized to execute the agreement in the name of the City. 0 DATED THIS IOTH DAY OF NOVEMBER , 1998. SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC WORKS COMMllTEE Ald. Don Pionek Ald. Kathy Chiaverotti Ald. Nancy Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #218-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 11198jmb JURISDICl7ONAL 'IRATVSFER AGREEMEAT 0 BENEEN THE WISCONSIN DEPARTMEhT OF TRANSPORTATION hVD THE CITY OF RlL'SKEGO This agrsement, made and enterti into by and between the Wiscxsin Department of Transportation, htreirzfcer called the State, and the Ciry of Muskego, hereinafter called cf:? City, provides for the transfer of the jurisdictional responsibility for the former State Trunk Highiiey (STHI 36 from Loomis Drive to r-he ezst corporate limits, all within cne City. Whereas, the State is reconstrucrinq the STH 36 aliarment from Locmis - ~ Drive to the east corporate limirs at a new location under Projecc I3 2240-07-72, and Whereas, following such reconstrncrion, the former STH 36 alignment from Loomis Drive to the east corporare limits will no longer serve throuTh traffic and will be functionally clsssified as a local road, and Whereas, the State desires to transfsr the jurisdictional responsibility for the former STH 36 alignment to rne City, and Whereas, the City is willing to acc??t the jurisdictional responsibility for the former STH 36 alignment from the State, and Whereas, Section 84.02 (E), Wiscorsin Statutes, enables the Stat? to enter into jurisdictional trar.sfzr agreements with local units of government, thereby facilitating such alterations in jurisdictional highway systems. Now Therefore, the parties hereto d3 mutually agree to the transfer of the jurisdictional responsibility fsr the highway described below under the conditions described below. ROUTE DESCRIPTION: easterly to the east corporate limits, a distance of 0.57 miles and Former STH 36 alignment from the tzsterly right-of-way of Loomis Drive consisting of the entire area wixhin its right-of-way boundaries 2nd including any sidewalks, located in Township 5 North, Range 20 Esst. Secr-ion 25, all within the City, but exclusive of fee simple ownership thereof, if any, hereinafter called "former STH 36 alignment". 0 CONDITIONS OF TRANSFER: The City will accept full jurisdictional responsibility for the former STH 36 alignment following the resurfacinq of its paved roadway by the State under Project ID 2240-11-70. RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. The State shall: A. Maintain the roadway of rhe former STH 36 alignment until the first November 15th following the opening of traffic to project ID 2240-11-70. B. Retabilitats any deteriorated water conveyance structures under the roadway of the formes STH 36 alignment and all project ID 2240-11-70. connections to the same to othsr water conveyance structures under The responsibility for repair and maintenance of water conveyancs structures under the roadway of the former STH 36 alignment at its intersection with USH 45 and its connecting water conveyance structures northward toward relocated STH 36 shall remain with the State. C. Resurface the paved roadway of the former STH 36 alignment under project ID 2240-11-70. D. Perform ditching and shaping work along the south side of the City and State, for a distancs of 14 stations (1400 L.F.). The former STH 36 alignment, which is part of a 50% cost share between total cost of the work is estimated at $20,000.00. The work will take place in the 1999 construction season under project I.D. 2240- 11-70. The State will bill the City for a $10,000.00 lump sum payment for completed work. E. Perform ditching and shaping work along the north side of the former STH 36 alignment as part of project ID 2240-11-70. possession and control for the former STH 36 alignment to the City F. Turn over full jurisdictional responsibility including project ID 2240-11-70. on the first November 15‘h following the opening of traffic to G. Environmental (1) In consideration of the City entering this agreement, the State, with respect to any environmental contamination that is present or existed within the right-of-way of the former STH 36 alignment prior to the 2 - ~. - .. first November lSth following .the opening of traffic to project ID 2240-11-70, hereby agrees to retain responsibility for and address any obligation imposed by law far any such environmental contamination. (2) If any person, corporation or entity shall notify the City with respect to any such environmental contamination described in Section lF(1) of this agreemznt, znen the City shall promptly notify the State thereof in writing; provided, however, that failure to give such notification shall not affect the terms and conditiom af this agreement, unless the State shall have been actually prejudiced as a result of such failure, and then only to the extent of such prejudice. (3) To the extent tthat any action taken by the State in described in Section lF(1) of this agreement affects the connection with any such environmental contamination terms and conditions of this agreement with the City, the City shall concur with any such action. 2. The City shall: A. Not be responsible for the cost for any roadway work, including resurfacing on the former STH 36 alignment, undertaken under project ID 2240-11-70 except as otherwise provided in Sections 1D and 2B of this agreement. B. Make lump sum payment of $10,000.00 to the State for completed ditching and shaping rehabilitation of the south side ditch of the former STH 36 alignment for a distance of 14 stations (1400 L.F.). This lump sum payment is a 50% cost share between the City and State of an estimated total cost of $20,000.00 for tnis work. C. Accept full jurisdictional responsibility including possession November 15rh following the opening of traffic to project ID and control for the former STH 36 alignment on the first 2240-11-70. D. Environmental (1) In consideration of the State entering this agreement, the City, with respect to any environmental contamination that occurs within or impacts the right-of-way of the former STH 36 alignment on or after the first November 15fh following the opening of traffic to project ID 2240-11-70, hereb y agrees, regardless whether the State holds address any obligations imposed by law for any such environmental any interest in said rignt-of-way, to be solely responsible for and contamination 3 (2) If any person, corporation or entity shall notify the State with respect to any such environmental contamination describsd in Section 2D(1) of this agreement, then the State shall promprly notify notification shall not affzct the terms and conditions of this agreement the City thereof in writing; provided however, that failure to give such nor impose liability on the State for any such environmental contamination. any rights in any third person against the parties to this agreement. 3. Nothing in this agresment shall be taken as creating or increasing APPROVAL This agreement is approved and/or enacted by: Authorized Sisnature Date a City of Muskego Authorized Signature Date Wisconsin Department of Transportation 4