CCR1998209COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #209-98 APPROVAL OF 1998 SEWER UTILITY BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby approve the attached Sewer Utility Budget for the year 1999. DATED THIS IOth DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1998. SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMllTEE Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Donna M. Woodard Ald. Mark A. Slocomb This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #209-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. QWK PIA 11/98jmb NOV-09-98 MON 02:23 PN VIRCHOW KRAUSE AND GO. FAX NO, 414 798 8977 P. 01/11 - .~ -- - OUR MISSION: Contributo to our clients' success by sewing as their most valued advisor. AREAS OFSERVICE Accounllny &Audltlng: New business analysis Financial slalements h analysis Morgors & acquisitions Audits Rovlews Aulornafod bookkccplng SeNiCeS Compilations Specialized ilnanclal repods Deports to govcrnment agencies Accountiny system fQVleWS Infernal audlf rovh Tax Sorvlcos: Tax pionnlng Tax return preparation review Estato planning Pension plan consultallon Sltucturiny new businesses FlotlromonVponslon planning Lib insurance evaluation Management LL Inlormatlon Services: Management consulting Operations improvement (TOM) Computor consulllng Litlgalion supportfexpert wltness Oflice automation consulting 01~sinoss valualion Strategic planning PAYPRO" payroll processing Sorninars a training sessions Foasiblllty sludlos Software Implementation Human rwources consulting Afflliates: Corporate Financial Advisors Creative Financlal Sfeffing Vlrchow Krauso Business Strategy Vlrchow Krause Stattord Walter 01 Wisconsin Group Vlrchow KreusG Woalth Managorncnt CONFIDENTIAL FACSIMILE 0 URGENT 0 NORMAL Date " Wisconsin TO: Name J/LG Fax Number: 414-798-8977 Originals will follow: 0 Yes 0 No Via If YOU do nof receive si/ pages, or should you encounter any othor diflicuhy with this transmission, contact ourreceptionist immediately at 4 14-798.8900. Thank you. MESSAGE: the use of Ihe addressee. //you are not the addressee, or the person resp.onsible for dellvering it to the person addressed, The informallon contained in this facsimile is privileged and confidential iniormallon and 1s lntanded only for you may not copy or dejjvar his to anyone else. If you receive this facsimile by mistake, please notlfy us Immediately by telephone and return the originalmessage to (IS at the above via U.S. POSlal Serfice. Thank you. P. 02/11 CITY OF MUSKEG0 SEWER UTILITY BUDGET I999 NOV-09-98 MON 02 23 PI VIRCHOW KRAUSE AND CO. FAX NO. 414 798 8977 0 0 CONTENTS Stalornent of lncorno and expense Dctailorl schedule or operatlng expenses Schedulo of capital outlay Schcdule or changes In utllity working capllal: 1Q98 Projocted 19D9 Budget Schedula of constructton funds Sowor Utltlly Speclal Debt Sorvlce Fund P, 03/11 Schedule E%9 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 8 7 7 0 NOV-09-98 ION 02 24 PI VIRCHOW KRAUSE AND CO. FAX NO. 41 4 798 8977 P. 04/11 NOV-09-98 MON 02:24 PI VIRCHOW KRAUSE AND CO. FAX NO. 414 798 8977 P. 05/11 r 05 w 5 *rJ 0 0 M r- NOV-09-98 MON 02:24 PN VlRCHOW KRAUSE AND CO. FAX NO. 414 798 8977 P. 06/11 0 v) .. H : NOV-09-98 MON 02 :25 PM VIRCHOW KRAUSE AND CO. FAX NO. 414 798 8977 P. 07/11 08 .. - NOV-09-98 RON 02 :25 PI VIRCHOW KRAUSE AND CO. FAX NO. 41 4 798 8977 P. 08/11 NOV-09-98 ION 02 :25 PN VIRCHOW KRAUSE AND CO. FAX NO, 414 798 8977 P. 09/11 0 m c, e .- .- 0 0 I I NOV-09-98 ION 02:26 PI VIRCHOW KRAUSE AND CO. FAX NO. 41 4 798 8977 P. 11/11 0 CITY OF MUSr I/ \, EGO SEWER UTILITY BUDGET 1999 Statement of income and expense Detailed schedule of operating expenses Schedule of capital outlay Schedule of changes in utility working capital: 1998 Projected 1999 Budget Schedule of mnstruction funds Sewer Utility Special Debt Service Fund CONTENTS .h"W/am Schedule 1 2 3 &gs 1 3 4 jp r a 000 0 0 00~000 000 oo;looo 000000 000000 "Nr" """ "rN0N NOrNrD 000000 mulmmmm 000 00 000 000000 C" 856 ;;lzi&d.& d&d&4& 000 mmm ZZEZEZ r (0 m 2 WOOOOO D00000 w NNWNN .- (1000Nm D m. m. 0. 0. cy 9 z. H ,.-a. I c 2 a