CCR1998207COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #207-98 a APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO FOR THE YEAR 1999 BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole, does hereby appropriate out of the receipts of the City of Muskego for the year 1999 including monies received from the General Property Tax Levy, to the various hnds and purposes set up in the budget presented herewith for the purposes therein stated, the following amounts: SUMMARY OF REVENUE AND EXPENSE GENERAL AND DEBT SERVICE FUNDS TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTAL REGULATlONlCOMPLlANCE PUBLIC CHARGES FOR SERVICES PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS COMMERCIAL REVENUE 0 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS ACTUAL ESTIMATED BUDGET - 1597 12/31/98 1999 $ 4,427,336 5 5,441,294 $ 6,593,503 * 1,533,837 1.530.61 1 1.482.121 543,716 539,696 546.696 865,289 900,068 950,975 620 250 250 456.162 31 1,071 352.601 3,549,961 3,468,543 3,555,368 TOTALREVENUES S 11.37.215 $ 12,191,733 S 13,481,514 GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFETY HEALTH AND SANITATION TRANSPORTATION EDUCATION 8 RECREATION UNCLASSIFIED INDEBTEDNESS TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS $ 1,707,172 3,5%,077 423.258 1,565,016 952,677 0 3.352.897 2,000 S 1,946,573 3,625,260 448,991 1,667,676 1,069,450 264,033 3,507,612 0 $ 2,122,758 3,794,294 469,762 1,962,075 1 ,m.o29 300.000 3,574,095 33.500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 11,553,109 $12,529,597 $13,481,514 * Taxes Revenue includes $6,396,673 property tax lev whlch is 21.97% higher than 1596 SURPLUS APPLIED FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSPORTATION FUNDS TRANSFER FROM LANDFILL FUND TRANSFER FROM TIF TRANSFER FEDERAL FORFEITURES CAPITAL OUTUY REVENUE CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 0 0 32,400 0 0 1 15,660 250.000 45,132 14,317 2.1 00 S 59.449 0 150.160 $ 250,oM) $ 62,506 $ 153,331 16 25o.wO Resolution #207-98 2 0 FUND BALANCES GENERAL FUND DEBT SERVICE TAX LEW FUND TOTAL FUND BALANCE ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 12/31/97 12/31/98 12/31/99 0 2512.281 $ 1,961,980 S 1.461.980 933,706 671,143 421.143 s 3.445.987 a 2.653.123 a 1.883.123 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Special Revenue Funds budget for 1999 as attached is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED There is hereby levied a tax of $5.28 per $1,000.00 upon all the taxable property within the City of Muskego as returned by the City Assessor in the year 1998 for uses and purposes set forth in said budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Clerk-Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to spread the said tax upon the current tax roll of the City of Muskego. DATED THIS IO* DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1998. SPONSORED BY: COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Ad. Mark Slocomb Ad. Patrick Patterson Ad. Donna Woodard Ad. Donald Pionek Ad. Nancy Salentine Ad. Kathy Chiaverotti Ald. David Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #207-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 11/98 Resolution #207-98 3 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Revenues General property taxes Intergovernmental revenues- Operating grants Public charges for services Public improvement revenues: Sewer connection fees Special assessments Subdividers fees Commerclal revenues: Interest earned Other Donations Total revenues pwnditures Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financina sources iuses) Interfund transfer Transfer to Debt Service Fund Transfer from General Fund Transfer to Capital Projects Fund Transfer from Capital Projects Fund Transfer to General Fund Transfer to Utility - City subsidy Capital wntribbion to sewer Distribution of posltive tax increment: Go General Fund Other governments Total other financing sources (uses) Excess of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other uses Fund balances, beginning of period Fund balance, end of period REVISED BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET - 1998 12/31/98 1999 $ 1,885,874 $ 1.712.276 $ 197,500 390,797 229.781 163.033 120.640 128.588 134.280 50,OW 64.m 50,m 280,003 361,625 325.700 106,800 39,600 102,000 504,244 435.536 394,684 843.451 778,725 737,512 38,000 36,550 36,m $ 4,017,806 $ 3,788,631 $ 2,142,709 $ 1,033,348 $ 1.289.583 S 763,425 $ 2,984,455 $ 2.499.098 S 1.379.2M 0 (887.204) 0 (1 15.660) 0 (323,205) (483.077) (209,922) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2.280.863) (2,019,068) (1,698,711) 703,595 480,030 (319,427) 9,691,347 7,532,059 8.012.Ca9 S 10,394,942 $ 8,012,089 $ 7,692,662