WHEREAS, The Public Utilities Committee directed the Utilities Superintendent to
obtain quotes for the forced sewer hookup of the John Bieniewski property located at
S86 W17985 Woods Road and a quote from Wayne Stever, Inc. in the amount of
$5,980 was received; and
WHEREAS, The Public Utilities Committee has recommended acceptance of the quote
from Wayne Stever, Inc.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of
Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby
accept the quote from Wayne Stever, Inc. for the forced sewer hookup.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the above quote does not include the $500
connection fee and the final dollar amount for the sewer hookup will be determined
upon completion of the work as outlined in the attached proposal.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are hereby 0 authorized to sign the necessary documentation in the name of the City.
Ald. David Sanders
Ald. Donna Woodard
Ald. Mark Slocomb
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #187-98 which was
adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego.
1000 S. 124th Street - Franksville, WI 53126
(4I4) 425-7767
Licensed Plumber #MPRS3062
Leave it to Stever!
I, 1 1) Proposal Submined io: Description of Job: ll
City of Muskego
W182 S8200 Racine Av
Muskego WI 53 150
JO~ Bieniewski
Muskego WI 53 150
IIII 414-679-0792 September 17,1998
We hereby submit specifications and estimates:
Pay plumbing permit. Offset sewer to meet 8’ requirement around well.
Install 4” PVC sanitary sewer lateral from lot line to side of house.
Break and replace basement floor. Install new inside sewer. Connect floor drain, laundry
tray, and stack. If any drywall must be removed to install vent, home owner to replace drywall.
Install new vent for laundry tray. Vent to be installed through breezeway and garage roof.
Vent to be expose on outside wall of breezeway and exist through garage roof.
Kitchen sink to remain unvented. If plumbing inspector requires loop-vent to be
installed on kitchen sink, add S480.00 to contract price.
Install 1 %” polyethylene water line from lot line to west side of house. If city water is
connected on inside of house, add $450.00 to contract price.
If concrete dam is needed around sewer pipe, add $150.00 to contract price.
Pump and fill septic tank. Haul away excess ground. Power sweep lawn area.
Dewatering time included in this contract is two hours for two pumps and two hours setup
time for one laborer. Labor cost is $45.00 per hour per man and pumping cost is $8.00 per
hour per pump. If this time is not needed, this will be deducted from contract price. If more
time is needed for pumping, it will be added onto contract price at above cost.
Contract price is $5980.00. - All work lo done according to Wisconsin State Plumbing Code.
* Additional Cbarge will be made for any tigbt sheeting which may be required, excessive water & bard rock conditions.
* Not resl~onsible for private utilities not staked by owner. - Not responsible for restoration of trees, grass, shrubs, sidewalks, driveways, asphalt.
“h required by the Wisconsin COWINCUO~ Wen Lsw. Udder hereby nolines omer that pcnonr or Companies f-hing labor or mnterinlr far the
construction an her’s land may have lien righh on her‘s land nnd bullding If not paid. Those rnUUed to Lien Right., in addition lo the undersigned
builder. are those who conlr~cl directly wilh the omcr or those aha glve the omer notlee rriulln sixty days 1601 after they flnl titmish labor or mslcrlals for Ihc
constmaion Accordingly. owner probably will rccelvr noUeer from those who fudh labor or mnleriah for the romlruruon, nnd should @e B copy of each
notice received to hidher mortcaaee lender, If any, to see lhalsll potentid lien daimm~~ are duly paid.”
S5980.00 with payment to be made as follows: $5980.00 on completion of iob.
We hereby propose to furnish labor and materials complete in accordance with the above specifications, for the sum of
Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us ifno! accepted within 60 days.
All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work is to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard
orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or
practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written
lays beyond our control. Owner to carry Fire, Tornado and other necessary Insurance. Our workers are fully covered by
Compensation Insur nce B.
Authorized Signature: ,f. L
Miscellaneous: Purchaser will pay for all reasonable Attorney Fees, Court Fees and any other legal fees that may occur with
the collection of this contract sum.
Purchaser further agrees to pay full contract price within 30 days after completion of this plumbing work. Past due Accounts
will be subject to 1 112% per month late charge.
shall be deemed accepted unless written protest is made within thiriy days from the date of said final bill.
Upon completion of the work, the company’s final bill shall be notice of completion of the terms of this agreement, and same
The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are aulhorized to do the work
specified. Payment will be made as outlined above.
Signature: Date Accepted:
Signature: Date Accepted: \
, \ ,.