CCR1998180AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #180-98 OFFER TO PURCHASE Easements - Parkland Drive Bike Path BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the execution of the attached Offer to Purchase, as amended, to Gerald and Constance Kozey in the amount of $500 and necessary closing documents for easements for the Parkland Drive Bike Path. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor is authorized to make necessary technical changes, if needed, in consultation with the City Attorney to facilitate timely execution of the Offer and closing documents. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the Offer to Purchase, as amended, and closing documents in the name of the City and to extend the acceptance andlor closing dates, if necessary. DATEDTHIS 22"d DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 1998. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMllTEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #180-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #180-98 OFFER TO PURCHASE Easements - Parkland Drive Bike Path BE IT RESOLVED That the Common recommendation of the Finance Com attached Offer to Purchase to Gerald necessary closing documents for ea BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That technical changes, if needed, in co execution of the Offer and closing documents. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Tha sign the Offer to Purchase and clo the acceptance and/or closing dat DATED THIS DAY 1 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #180-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. I Clerk-Treasurer 9/98 jmb 1. WB-13 VACANT LAND OFFER TO PURCHASE . ~ - 34 1 ACCEPTANCE, DELIVERY AND RELATED PROVISIONS - ~~ ~. 35 BINDING ACCEPTANCE, This Oller 1s btnding ~pot~ bolh palliesonly ~la copy ut llle ;~cccl~lcd Ollcr is delivered 10 Duyer on or before 36 _-sCP_t,- 39; .L,lsytF___--p-__ CAUTION: Thls Offer may be wllhdrawn prlor lo dellvery of Ihe accepled Offer. 37 . DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS ANT) WRIlTEN NOTICES: Unless olherwise slaled in lhis Oller, delivery of documents and wrlllen 38 nolices lo a uarlv Shall be elleclive only wllell acconlplislled ill any 01 llle lollowillg ways. .. 39 (I) Bydeposilingllledocum~nlorwrillerlnolice oslayeorleespre aidlnllteUS Mailoracornrnerc~aldrliverysyslemaddressedlollle 40 parly at. Buyer LY "la or ixmd L. I& Hngefis, ~ -. City . -. of - huskego, P.O. Dox 749, Muskeqo, WI 5315U-0749 41 GZdd P. Kcmy h R. blq, Si5 lQG'l3I (bat, km, HI - .__- Seller: ~ . . ~ I~.'~CJ~ 2 01 4 - VH~AN I LANU 74 I ISSUES RELATED TO PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT' 1 75 WAflNING: I1 Wuyerconlemplales developlng Properly or a use olhur lhan the current use. them are a varlely ollssues whlch should be 1 .tG addressed to ensure the developmenl or new use Is posslble. Mut~lclpal andzorllng ordlnatKas. recorded bulldlng and use reslrlcllons, 77 covenenls and easemenls may proldbll cerlaln lmprovernenls or uses arrd Iherelore should be rovlewed. Bulldlng permlls, zonlng 82 rl~ould revlew any plans lor developmenl or use changes to delermlne whal Issues should be addressed In conflngencles lo lhls Oiler. 01 252 lo 305 01 lhls Oller and Buyer may add contlngenclas as needed In addenda whlch may be added lo fhls Oller (see ltne 306). Buyer 83 LPAOPERTY CONDITION PROVISIONS 84 INSPECTIONS: Seller agrees Io allow Buyer's inspectors reasonable access to Ihe Property upon reasonable noticeand gives Buyer's 85 insoeclors oermission to oerform tern 01 Ihe Property, if the inspectionsand the lesb are reasonably necessary to satlslythecontingencies 86 in /his Offer. Buyer agrles Io promplly provide.coples 01 all such inspection reports 10 Seller. and to listing broker il Properly is listed. 87 Furlhermore, Buyer agrees to protnplly reslore the properly lo ils original condition aller Buyer's inspeclions are completed, unless Og Buyer's Inspectors lo lake mtt samples whlch may detecl envlronmenlal conlaminallon whlch may be requlred lo be reported lo Ihe 88 otherwise agreed wllh Seller CAUTION: Seller acknowledges that unless rnodllled. the contlngencles 81 llnes 252 lo 305 authorize 90 Wlsconsln Deparlment 01 Natural Resources. 91 . PROPERTY DpMAGE_EETWEE_N_-fiGC_tiPTANCE AND CL_QSIN_G: Seller shall mainlain Ihe Properly unllt lhe earlier 01 closing or YZ occupancy by Buyur in maleriillly Iha same condlt!on as 01 llle dale 01 acccpl;mce 01 Illis Oller. 11, prior 10 lhe earlier 01 closing or 93 occupancy by Buyer. llbe Property is damaged inanamounlot no1 more lhan llve percent (5%) 01 llleseltl~lg price, Sellerstlall beobligaled 1 94 to reslorc the Property. I1 Seller IS orlill)lc 111 testore the Property, Scllcr shall promptly nolily Quyer in writing and lhis Oller may be 95 callcelled a1 ll~c ot>l~on 01 Ihe Uoyer It ltle (lalnage s11illtcxcceds:IIcli s(m1. Scllcr ~llitll pro,npllynotifyBuyer in wrllingof Ihedanlageand 1 96 Illis Oller may bc cancelled a1 oplion 01 Buyer. Shotlld Btlyer elecl to carry out lllls Otter despite such damage. Buyer shall be entitled Io , 97 any insurance proceeds relaling to the dalliaip 10 lt~e Property. plus a cre<lll Iowar(ls Ihe IbiIrchaSe prxe equal IO Ihe amounlol Seller's 100 have the right to inspect the Properly lo delerrlllne lllal lhere thas becn no signilicanl change in Ihe condolion 01 the Property. except for 99 PRE-CLOSING INSPECTION: At a reasonable lime. preapproved by Seller or Sellcr's agenl. witllin 3 days belore closing, Buyer shall 101 changes approved by Buyer, Y8 deducllble on Such POlICy. 102 pGGq - 103 Buyer acknowledges Itlat Propertydilnensions. lolal sqlldre loolage. lotill ~~creayeandallocallon 01 acreageintormationprovidedto Buyer 105 verilled by survey. CAUTION: Buyer should vertfy Properly dtmensions. lolal square tootage. lotat acreage or attocatton of acreage by 104 by Seller or Seller's agent(s) are approximale and. unless a survcy thas heell provided llle Properly dlnlensions have no1 been 106 survey I1 mslerlal lo Buyer's declslon to purchase. See llnes 286 lo 291. 1. FENCES 108 WisconsinStalules secl1on90.03requires the ownersoladjoining properliesto keepandnlaintaln legal lences inequal shares whereone 109 or both 01 the properties is msed and occupied tor tarming or grazing purposes. CAUTION: Consldar an agreemenl addresslng 110 responslblllly lor lances I1 Property or ad/olnlng land Is used and occupled lor larmlng or gfazlng purposes. I ::: 113 114 115 116 118 I17 120 I19 121 I22 123 125 124 126 ., Seller and Buyer each have Ihe legal duly lo use good lailtl and due ditlgence In cornplatlrlg the lerms and conditions 01 lhis Oller A legal remedies. n~ateriallaiturelopertormanyobligationunderthisOtlerisadelautlwh~chmaysubjec~tt~ed~laull~ngparlylotiabilitylorda~nagesorotller It Buyer delaulls, Seller rnay: (I) sue lor specillc performance and request the earnest money as parllal payment 01 the purchase prlce; or (2) terminale the Oller and have Ihe opllon to: (a) requesl Ihe earnest money as lil~~ridaled.d;~mages: or (b] dlrect Broker 10 return the I1 Setter delautls, Buyer may: earnesl money and have Ihe optlon to sue lor actual damages. - (1) sue lor specific perlormance: or (2) terminate the Oller and requesl the relurn of the earnest money. sue lor actual damages. or both In addilion, the Parties may seek any olher rernedres available In law or equily The Parliesunderstand lhal theavailabilllyol any judlcial remedy will depend upon Ihecircumstancesol Ihesltualionand Ihedlscretion outlined above By agreeing to bindlng arbitratioll. the Parlies may lose the ngllt lo htigate in a court of law Iflose dlsputcs covered by llie 01 Ihe courts. If either Party delautls, Ihe Parties may renegotiate the Oller or seek nonjtldicial dlspule resolulion inslead of Ihe remedies arbitratlon agreement. 127 RIGHTS OR OBLIGATIONS OF PARTIES TO A TRANSACTION OR THE LEGAL EFFECT OF A SPECIFIC CONTRACT OR 128 NOTE: WISCONSIN LICENSE LAW PROHlBlTS A BROKER FROM GIVING ADVICE OR OPINIONS CONCERNING THE LEGAL distributed as sel lorlll In lines 133 lo 154. 131 earnest money cannol be determlned by Broker. In ltie absence 01 il !nllluat agreelncnt Iby ltle Parties. earnesl money will be 130 CONVEYANCE. AN ATTORNEY St~lOULD QE CONSULTED IF LEGAL ADVICE IS REOUIRED. Buyer's or Seller's legal right 10 129 @PMONEY] m !iiIJg~. Earnesl rnnney. if lleld by a broker. shall be held in Ihe ImsI accotmt of the broker drafting the Oller prior Io acceptance 01 134 Oller and in the lrust account 01 Ihe llsling broker (btlyer's agent it Property is no1 li~ted) alter acceptance llntil applied 10 purchase price or 135 otherwise disbursed as prov~ded in the Otter. I1 negollalions do 1101 resutl In an acceplec oller, the earnest money Shall be promplly 136 dISbursed (alter clearance from payor's deposilory insIIIution it earriesl money IS [laid by check) to lhe person who paid Ihe earnest 137 money CAUTION: I1 someone other Illart Ouyer makes paymenl ol earnas1 money on behall 01 Brryer. conslder a speclal agreeman1 130 regarding dlsbt,rssmenl. 139 DISBURSEM~~~~ 'At ClosiIig. earliest money Shail he disbtlrsed aczording 10 ltle closing Stalemenl. I1 lhls Oltnr does no1 close, the 140 earnest money shalt be disbursed according Io a written disbursemenl agreement signed by all Parlies to this Offer. II said disbursement 14 t agreement has no1 been delivered to broker wllhin 60 days aller the dale set lor closing, broker may dlsburse the earnest money: (1) as 1.12 directed by anattorney who11asreviCwed the IransacIIoo aliddoesnolrepresent Ruycror Seller; (2) inlo acourl hcarlng a lawsuil involving 143 llle earnesl money and all Parties lo 1111s Oltrr: (3) as (I~rected by COurl order. or (I) any oltier disbursement reqllired or allowed by law. 145 ltoln Ihe earnesl money any cosls and reasonable attorneys lees. not 10 exceed $250. prior lo dlsbursemenl. Should persons olher than 14.1 Broker may relaill legal SCrviCeS 1odireCl~islbursernenl per (1) or lo file an interpleader actlon per (2) and. in such event. brokermaydeducl I47 LEGAL RIGHTS/ACTION: Broker'sd~sbursemeritolearneslmoneydoesnotdelerminelhetegalrightsotlheParlies~nrelal~onlothis 146 broker hold earnest money, an escrow agreemenl should be dratted by the Partles or an attorney lor Buyer or Seller. 149 BiryerorSellerdlsagree withbroker'sproposeddisbursemenl, alawsuil rnay beliled looblain acourtorder regarding dlsbursemenl. Small 148 Offer.Alleasl30dayspriortodisburse~nenlper(l)or(4),brokerst~allsendBuyerandSellernoliceoltl~edisbursenientbycertifiedmail.ll 150 Claims Courl llas jurisdlclion over all earnest money disputes arising oul 01 Ihe sale 01 residential property wlth 1-4 dwelling units and 151 cerlain other earnesl money disptrles The Buyer and Seller Shou1d consider constjltlng attorneys regarding their legal rlghls under this 152 Oller in case 01 a dispute. ~ 1 150 Bolh Parties agree Io thold the broker tiarll1leSs lrom any tiabillty lor good Iailh disbursemcnl 01 earnest money in accordance with this 15.1 Oller or appticalblc Oet)arlment of Regulalion and Licensing regulations concerning earnest money, (wis. ~drnin~s~rali~e Code RL 18,) 157 ~lo~~~~nw~~~~~~~-~jl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A~~~~R~~l~'"~Ull OWnci'S POliCY 01 lllk . ~ 158 iosuratlce in llle aoloulll 01 the ALTA lorm lsslled by an bi>surer licensed to wrlte title Insurance ill WiSCOnSin. M~E~CHANTABLE pay all costs 01 prouidlng lillr evrdence. For purposes 01 closing. litle evidence days belore closing, showing lllle to Ihr Properly as 01 a dale ,to nlore Illan 15days belore delivery 01 such title evidence 10 be il Ille~l,slracloracommllnlenl lor the requlred titleins~ltance lsdelivered to Buyer's allorr1eyor 10 Buyer no11eSS than3 162 merchanlable, subject only 10 liens which will be paia ou1 01 the proceeds 01 closing and standald abstract Cerlillcate llnlitationS Or 163 Standard litle insurarlce requirements and exceptions. as appropriate. 165 limesel lor closing In such evenl, Seller shall havea reasonable lime, bul not exceeding 15days. lo removetheobjections. and lhetimelor 164 TITLE ACCEPTABLE FOR CLOSING: I1 li!leis not acceptable lor closing, Buyershall nolily Seller in writing01 objeCI!onstolitle by the 167 lrom receipt 01 nol,ce thereof, 10 deliver wrrllerb notlce walving the obIecltons, and llle tillle lor closing shall be extended accordingly. I1 166 closing shall beexlended as ltecessary lor lhls purpose In Iheevenl lhat Sellerlsttlbable lorelnove sand objections. Buyer shall have5days 168 Buyer does not wave Ihe objeclions, this Oller shall be null and void Providlng lllle evidence acceplabte lor closing does no1 exlirlguish 169 Seller's obligalions 10 give rnercllanlable title lo Buyer. I ~ ~ 170 LENTIRE CONTRACT 1 171 This Oller. including arly aillendmenls. contains the entire agreement 01 the Parties regilrdlrig Ihe lransaction All prior negotiations and 1/2 discussrons have been merged ~rllo Illis Oller. This agreement binds and Inures 10 the Ihenelil 01 the Parlles 10 lhis Oller and lheir 173 successors in interesl. 174 [mNS) 175 rn ACCEPTANCE: Acceptance occurs when all Buyers and Sellers have signed the Oller See lines 35 and 36 regarding binding 176 acceplance. CAUTION: CONSIDER WHETHER SHORT TERM DEADLINES RUNNlNG FROMACCEPTANCE PROVIDEADEOUATE 178 CONDITIONS AFFECTING THE PROPERTY OR TRANSACTION: A "condition allecring Ihe Properly or transaction" is delined as 177 TJME FORXH BINDING ACCEPTANCE AND PERFORMANCE. 180 la1 Planned or Commenced DubllC ionDrovernents whKh may resull in special assessnlenls or OlllerwrSe maleriallyallect Ihe Properly or 179 lollows: - ,. the present use 01 Ihe Property; 182 ibl Government a4ency or court order requiring reparr. alleralron or correclio!l 01 any exisllng condition. .. 183 (c) Completed or pending reassessment 01 IheProperly lor property tax purposes: 184 (d) Any land dlvlslon Involving Ihe Properly. lor whlch required state or local approvals were not oblained; 185 (e) Any portionol Ihe Properly being tn a 100 year 1loodplaln.a wetland or shoreland zoning area under tocal.staleor lederal regulations; 106 (f) Any portion ollhe Properly betngsrrbjecl to. or in violalion 01. a Farmland Preservation Agreemenl under a Counly Farmland PreSeNallOn Plan or enrolled in, or in violalion 01, a Foresl Crop, Woodland Tax, Managed Foresl, Conservation Reserve or comparable program; (9) QoundarydisputesOrmaterialviolalionollerlcelaws(Wrs.S1~ts.Chapter90)whichreql~irellleereclionand~nainlenanceollegallences helweenadjoinlng properties whereone or bothol the properliesis llsedandoccupied lor larltling orgrazing pllrposes: Seelines 107 10 110. " e 190 (h) Malerial violations 01 environmental rules or olher rules or agreemenls regulating the use 01 the Properly; 191 (I) Conditions consllluling a signlllcarll health or safely hazard lor OcCu~~aIlIs 01 Properly; 192 (j) UndergroundstoragetanksonlheProperlylorslorageolllammableorCombuslibleliqr~ids~nclud~ngbuln01limitedt0gasolineand 193 194 healingoll:NOTE: Wlsconsln AdmlnlslrallveCode. ChaplerlLHR 10conlalnsreglslrallonandoperallonrulesiorsuchunderground storage tanks. 195 (k) Undergroundstorayelankslorslorageolllammableorcombusl~hleliq~~~dsincl~~dinj~bulr~otlirll~ledlogasolineandllealingoil,which 196 were previously located on the Properly; 197 (I) Iljgh voltage eleclric (100 KV or grealer) or Sleel nalural gas transnriss#on lines located on blrl no1 directly serving the Properly. 198 (nb) Wells on the Property requlred to be abondonrd (Wis. AUm Code NR I12 26) bul WIIICII are 1101 abandoned according lo slate 200 (I)) Cisterns or septic lanks on llle Properly wI1Ich are currelllly no1 serviclng llle Propcrly. 201 (0) Subsoil conditions which would s!gnilicanlly increase the cost 01 Ihe developme'nt proposed a1 llnes 268 10269, it any, Including. 202 203 bo1 not Inmiled lo, subsurlace loundalions. organlc or non-organic 1111, dumpsites or containers on Property which contained or currently contain IOXIC or hazardous materials. hlgh groundwater, so11 conditoons (e g. low load hearing capacity) or excessive 204 rocks or rock lormalions on Ihe Properly, 205 (p) A lack 01 regal vehicular access IO the Property from punltc roads: 206 (q) Prior reimbursement lor corrective action costs under the Agricultural Chernlcal Cleanup Program; (Wis. Stals 594 73 ) 207 (r) Olhercondilionsoroccurrenceswhichwouldsignilicanll~increasethecoslotthedevelopmentproposedatllnes268 lo 269 or reduce the 208 209 rn OA-YS: Deaalinesexpressed as a speclllc number 01 "days" lrom the occurrence 01 an event, such as acceptance. are calculaled by valueolthePropertytoareasonablepersonw~thknowledgeollhenatureandscopeollllecond~lionoroccurrence See IlneS 19 10 23. 210 excluding the day Ihe evenl occurred. The deadline then expires at nlidntghl on the last day. Deadlines expressed as a specilic 21 I number 01 'businessdays"exclude Saturdays. Sundays and any legal public holiday Llllder Wisconsln or Federal law, or other holiday 212 designaled by Ihe Presidenl such that the poslal service does no1 receive reglslered mail or rnake regular deliveries on that day. 213 t~r~0linesexpressedasaspecllicdayoithecalendaryearorasthedayolaspecilicevenl,s~~chasclos~ng,explrealmidnightollhatday. 214 I F!XTURES A"Flxlure"isanilemolpropertywhlchisphysicallyallachedtoorsocloselyassocialedwi1hlandastobelreatedasparl 215 01 llle real eslate. including. without I~milalion. physically attached items not easily removable without damage tothe properly. llems 216 specillcallyadapted tolhe property, and~lemscusromarlly lrealedas Ifxluresincluding but no1 llrnlted loall: perennia1crops:garden bulbs: 217 planls.shrubs;treesaildlences. CAUTION: ANNUAlCROPSARENOIlNCLUOEDINTHEPURCHASEPRlCEUNLESSUTHERWISEAGREEOATLlNES13loI8. . M!P_gF_T_H-E PROPEflIY See lmes 286 lo 291 I 03lJNJAR_YMAP: A nlap 01 the Properly prepared by a licensed land surveyor which identllies tlle legal description and boundaries 221 MORTGAGE INSPECTION MAP: A mapol Ihe Property prepared byalicensed land surveyor which identilies lhelegaldescrlplion 01 the property. A 'boundary tnap' also mcludes llle slaking 01 all corriers 01 llie Properly by the Sklrveyor 222 01 the Properly. llie boundaries 01 the Properly and the location 01 improvements. 223 SURVEY ,MAP: A mapol the Properly prepared by a licensed land surveyor. dated no more lhan six months prior 10 the scheduled 221 closing dale, conlainmg the ALTA cerlilicalion and showing. complele legal descriptlon 01 the Properly: dedicated and apparent 225 streets; boundaries: lo1 dimensions: acreage or square loolaye; existlng improvements: easements and righls-of-way and visible 226 encroaclimenls trpon llle Properly 227 TIME IS OF T.!:Ic~ESSEN_CE: II"Time~solll~eEssence"nppl~estoarlatcordea~lline,la~l~~retoperlormby~l~~exacld~ta~r~leadiine 228 is a breach olconlracl II"Time 1s 01 the Essence"does nolapply to a date or deadline. then perlormance wllhin a reasonable lime 01 229 Ihe date or deadllne is allowed belore a breach occurs. See lines 25 to 27 I99 regdallons. @ I . ~ ~ ~ ~~- 23U [ PROVISIONS RELATED TO FINANCING 1 231 m !.,OAN C,QMOM!T_MLNT. I1 lhs Oller is cutllmgenl 041 Ilrtanclng. Buyer agrees 10 pay all cuslomary Ilnanclng COSIS (Including closlng 232 lees). to prontplly apply lor lirlanci8ly anu 10 I,roxt>plly provide evidence 01 apl)llcalion upon rcqtlesl 01 Seller I1 Buyer qualdies lor sand 233 llnancinq or Otller liilancing ilcceplahle lo Buyer. Buyer aqreeslodel8ver IoSellcr. or Sellur'snqenl. a copy01 Ihe wrilten loancomn~~lmrr~l 234 235 23G 237 230 239 240 24 1 242 ?43 24 .I 245 216 247 !50 I 5 I SUCH AS WITH AN "X" THEY ARE NOT PART OF THIS OFFER IF MARKED NIA OR ARE LEFT BLANK. I OPTIONAL PROVISIONS: THE PROVISIONS ON LINES 252 THROUGH 306 ARE A PART OF THIS OFFER IF MARKED, 270 27 1 272 273 274 275 276 277 17m 27 280 28 I 282 !83 !n4 !OS '86 '87 !88 !89 '90 !9 I !Y2 !93 !94 !95 117 EARNEST MONEY Pf$!ElPT Broker acknowledges receipl 01 Uilrne! 51 lllL mey 310 ~-.. ... ~~ ~ .~ . ~~ Broker (By) .. ~ ~~ 119 SELLER ACCEPTS THIS OFFER. THE WARRANTIES. REPflESENTAtlONS AN0 COVENANTS MADE IN TJIIS OFFER SURVIVE CLOSING AND PO THE CONVEYANCE OF THE PROPERTY THE UNDERSIGNED HEnEDY AGREES IO COINEY THE ABOVE-MENTIONED PROPERTY ON THE ,21 TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS SEI FORTH IlERElN AN0 ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF A COPY OF THIS OFFER. . . \\ fl" MHlBlT