CCR1998168COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #168-98 APPROVAL OF PARKS AND RECREATION PART-TIME AND SEASONAL PAY CLASSIFICATIONS WHEREAS, The Parks and Recreation Director has requested approval of the revised Part-TimelSeasonal Pay Classifications, as attached, to include the Parks seasonal positions; and WHEREAS, The Parks and Recreation Board and the Finance Committee have reviewed and recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Part-TimelSeasonal Pay Classifications effective January 1, 1999. DATED THIS DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1998. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Nancy C. Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #168-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. I 9198jmb (li HUSKEGO PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTHENT Compensation Plan Pay Scale (Per Hour) Part-time/Seaeonal Recreation Employees POSITION CLASSIFICATION 1 STEPS 2 3 4 5-10 PC-1 Kin. Wage Min. Wage Min. Wage Min. Wage +$.25/year to a +$.25 +s.so +$. 75 maxhum of $7.00 PC-2 $6.00 $6.25 $6.50 $6.75 maximum of $8.00 +$.25/year to a PC-3 $6.50 $6.75 $7.00 $7.25 maximum of $9.00 +$.25/year to a PC-4 $7.25 $7.50 $7.75 $8.00 +$.25/year to a maxim of $9.50 PC-5 $7.50 $7.75 $8.00 $8.25 +$.25/year to a maximum of $10.00 0 PC-6 $8.50 $8.75 $9 .oo $9.25 maximum of $12.00 +$.25/year to a PC-7 $8.75 $9.00 $9.25 $9.50 maximum of $14.'*0 +$. 25/year to {a PC-8 <&? $9.25 $9.50 $9.75 +$.25/year to a -.. " maximum of $15.00 PC-9 .. $9,: 5.0- $9.75- $10.00- $25.50 $25.75 $26.00 $26.25 maximum of $16.00 -$30.00 $10.25- +$.25/year to a PC-10 Unclassified \ Personnel PARKS & RECREATION BOARD REVIEW BaoketballCamp Arsistsnt Basketball IeagueScorekeeper Cashier (Youth) (Pool/Wilhout Certilicntion) Locker Room Atlendant Playground Assistant Volleyball Camp Assishnt Fc-2 Onreball Moinlennnce I'eerrt~mel Building Cuslodisn (Jensen/liorn) CnJhier(WithoutCertification/Adult/Supervisors) Cnshier (With CPll/Pirsl-aid 'Training) Gym Supervisor ldlelsle Atlendant Parks Mainlenance Personnel PIRyground Leader (Nu Experience) Swim Aide (Certified) I pc-3 BuildingSupervisor(Schooi Facilities) Lifeguard Lifeguard (Head Supervisor$.Z5 ")crease base salary) ParkManager Park Ranger Playground Leader (With Experience) pc-6 Dnby-silting Instructor DowlingCoordinnlor PlaygroundCoordillntor Special Needs Coordinator lloller Hockey Courdinalur Wnter Safely lnshuctor (Swim Lessons) pc-7 pc-8 CPR and First-aid Inslructor pc-9 ChessClubCuordi~~atur Choir Coordinator liead Acrobic/Workout Illltruclor/Coordinntor Head Dance iurlructor Head Tennis Instructor Mead Water Safely l~utructor Ready Set Grow Instructor Roller Hockey Referee TotProgram IIIS~~UC~O~ Volleyball Referee pc-Io Unclassified