CCR1998159COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #159-98 OFFER TO PURCHASE Easements - Parkland Drive Bike Path BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the execution of the attached Offer to Purchase and necessary closing documents for easements for the Parkland Drive Bike Path. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor is authorized to make necessary technical changes, if needed, in consultation with the City Attorney to facilitate timely execution of the Offer and closing documents. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the Offer to Purchase and closing documents in the name of the City and to extend the acceptance andlor closing dates, if necessary. DATED THIS 2!jTH DAY OF AUGUST ,1998. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMllTEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #I 59-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 8/98 jmb 2 1-GENERALPROVISIONS ~~~~ The Buyer, CITY OF !"SKIXI, a Wisconsin Municipal Corpor olfers Io purchase the Propertyknownas see attached leqal description 5 in IheCity" of Muskqo ,Count "_ Waukesha ,Wisconsin., I 6 (Addirional descriplion. if any:) . PURCHASE PRICE: Zero V 7- on the lottowing terms: ". _. -. 9 ~ ~ Dollars ( 0.00 """""""" ). 10 in Ihe form of nb' t t money of S - __ will be paid wilhin days of acceplance. i 12 m THE BALANCE.OF PURCHASE PRICE will be paid in cash or equivalent a1 closing unless otherwise provided below. 13 rn ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCLUDED IN PURCHASE PRICE: Seller shall include in Ihe purchase price and transfer, lree and clear of 14 encumbrances. all fixtures. as defined a1 lines 214 to 217 and as may be on the Properly on Ihe date 01 this Olfer, unless excluded a1 lines 15 17-18, and the lollowing additional items: ~ ~ none. 17 ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN THE PURCHASE PRICE: =._.___.~ 16 "" 18 - 19 PROPERTY CONDITION REPRESENTATIONS: Seller represents 10 Buyer lhat as of the date of acceplance Seller has no notice or 20 knowledge of conditions allecling Ihe Properly or transaction (as defined at lines 178 10 200) other than those Identilied in Seller's 21 disclosure report dated -.up- 22 \COMPLETE DATE OR STRIKE AS APPLlCABLtl and __ whlch was received by Buyer prior Io Buyer signing this Offer 23 - 24 rn ZONING: Seller represents thal the Property is zoned 25 a TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE as to: (l]Ear~~~~~ (2) binding acceptance; (3) occupancy; .(4) date of Closing 01- n/a __ accomp nles lhis Offer and earnest I ~ ~ ___~ _" - .. ~-__ "" ~ m7 ~- 6 [STRIKE AS APPLiCABLEI and all olher dates and deadlines in lhis Offer excepl: !?one.-.---.- " - ~ "" 1 OPTloNAL pRoVlsloNs AND ADDENDA 1 See lines 252 10 305 lor oplional provisions including contingencies. See line 306 lo 29 delermine if addenda, riders or olher documents have been made a part 01 lhis Oller. I 34 LACCEPTANCE, DELIVERY AND RELATED PROVE- ~ ~ "" __ "" __ 35 m BINDING ACCEPTANCE: ThisOlferisbindinguponb~thpartiesontyifacopyoltheaccepleUOIferisdellveredloWuyeronorbelore 36 &&E- 37 . DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS AND WRITTEN NOTICES: Unless otherwise stated in this Ofler. delivery of documents and written CAUTION: Thls Ofler may be wllhdrawn prlor Io dellvery of Ihe accepled Olfer. 38 nolices Io a Dartv shall be ellective only when accomplished in any 01 the lollowing ways: 39 (1) Bydeposilingthedocum~$orwritlennolice oslageorleespre aidin1heU.S.Mailoracomrnercialdeliverysyslemaddressedtothe 40 parlyat: Buyer- t.layor - DimdL. De Angefis, City of huskego, P.O. Dox 749, Muskego, WI 53150-0749 .. ! 41 @ P-*h , . -; ---,-* &~d Gym, KaJr, "7. Seller: - __ 42 (2) By giving the documenl or written notice personally lo the parly: 43 (3) By eleclronically transmittin lhe documenl or wrilten nolice to Ihe lollowing telephone number 44 Buyer: ("-.-I 414 279-5630 __ Seller: )- 48 . OCCUPANCY 01 the eas-!%nt __ ~~ ~~ 47 shall be given to Buyer a1 time 01 closing unless otherwise agreed in wriling. CAUTION: Conslder an agreement whlch addresses 48 responslblllly for clearlng Ihe Properly 01 personal properly and debrls. II appllcabla. 9 LEASED PROPERTY. I1 Property IS currently leased and leases exlend beyond closing, Seller shall assign Seller's righls under said lease(s) and transter allsecurilydepositsand prepald rentsthereunder IoBuyerat Closing. The terms 01 the (wrilten) (oral) [STRIKE ONE] "" 00 51 lease(s). if any. are Nons 52 rn CLOSING: This lransaction is lo be closed at the place designated by Buyer's mortgagee or. Muskeqo City 54 CLOSING PRORATIONS:X~~~~~~~~~~~~~, 56 ~l\~XaXSXKX~W~~~POU@JXMK%V~~ 53 __ no later lhan Seotember 70 , 193L.". unless another date or place is agreed to in wriling. 55 W"m- ____.. 61 .~~lLSte"~~WbLWl~~~~~~' 62 '~~XkESSiX~HlWWW I 63- ~~~~~~~~~~~U~~~~~~~~~I~~ .kxxmwm&naaw$mm"My~u~~~~ 64 xmmwuenkx~ 65 I FORMOFTITLEEVIDENC II give evidence01 title by5Sill(&W"X~f%XtWiW 66 insurance (STRIKE AS APPLICABLE] as further described at lines 155 to 169. , We) an owner's policy of title easmnt:~,,::i 4;uMI :I 68 conveyance as provided herein) free and clear ot a11 liens and encumbrances. except: iunictpat and zoning ordinan'ces and agreemenlr 69 enlered under them. recorded easemenls lor the distributlon of utility and municipal services. recorded building and use reslrictionsand 70 covenanls, general taxes levied in the year 01 closing M" , .. ' ' " 71 . .(provided none of the foregoing proliibil present use of'lhe Properly). which Consril& merchantable lllle ~ "WX" I 1 67 rn CONVEYANCE OF TITLE Upon paymenl 01 1he:purchase price, Seller shall convey the Property bykX~~<~~~$zz,. . ,. ., .,. , ..,1 ,.: :>,,,ui,fil,p ., , jl . ., ., i .,. ...I?,.-*. . I 12 lor purposes of this transaction. Seller lurlher agrees 10 complete and execute the documents necessary lo record rhe conveyance. -- C.II1,A.I. .."I I.," 7, In "" 14 1 ISSUES RELATED TO PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ) ~ .~ IpaqL'2 01 4 -- VACANT LAND 75 WARNING: I1 Buysr conlemplates devsloplng Propsriy or a use olher lhan Ihs curronl use. lhero er 76 addrsssod lo snsure'lhs derelopmanl or naw use Is posslble. Munlclpal and Ionlng ordlnances. reco 4 ad dlng and us0 rorlrlcllons. elyollssuss whlch should be 77 covonanls and seaemenls may prohlbll cortaln Improvsmanls or uses arld lhernlore should be ravl 78 varlancas. Archlfuclural Conlrol Commlrlsa appro~sls, esllmalss lor ullllly hook-up expenrss. sp @ la1 osrmanl charges lor Bulldlng permlls. zonlng 79 lnrlallallon olroadsorulllllloc, snvlronmsnlsl audllr. subsoII leslr. slc.. maynsad Io bo oblalnadlo dslermlne IO0 ol,oraparllcrrlarusalor,apropsriy. Opllonalconllngenclas whlchsflow Buyorlolnvosllgalecsrtalnollhese es rlbllllyoldevalopmanl 01 252 to 305 ollhls Ollerand Buyer may add conllngenclar as nesdsdln addenda whlch may bo addsd lo lhls 0 nbeioundalllnes 82 should revlaw any plans lor dsvalopmanl or uss changes Io delarmlne whal lrruer should bs addressed In con ngen s lo Ihh Offer. e llne 30SJ. Buyer .. @ 9 84 m INSPECTIONS: SelleragreesloallowBuyer'sinspeclorsreasonablenccesstotlleProperlyuponreasonablenoliceandgivesBuyer's. 85 inspeclorspermlsslonloperlormleslsollheProperiy,iltheinspectionsandlheleslsorerensoneblynecessarylosalislylheconlingencies 87 Furlhermore. Buyer agrees 10 promplly restore Ihe properly lo ils original condition aller Buyer's inspeclions are compleled. unleS3 86 in this Oller. Buyer agrees IO promplly provide copies 01 a11 such itlspectlon reporls lo Seller. end 10 lisling broker il Properly is listed.,, -..- g~ol~r~s_e~greeed.wi(hSeller. CAUTION: Seller acknowledgea lhsl unless modllled. Ihe conllngencles ai llnes 252 lo 305 aulhorlre 90 Wlsconsln Oeparlmenl of NaIural Resources. 09 Muyefa Inspectors 10 lake soll~a~pl~s~whl~n~m~a~delecl en~~nme~l-ccnlam!nallon whlclt may be requlred to be reported lo Ike 91 PROPERTY DAMAGE BETWEEN ACCEPTANCE AND CLOSING: Seller Shall mainlain the Properly until Ihe earlier of closing or 92 occupancy by Buyer in materially Ihe same condition as 01 Ihe dale 01 accoplilnce 01 lhis Oller. 11, prior lo the earlier 01 closing or 93 occupancybyBuyer.tlleProperiyisdamagedinanamounlolno1morethan.livepercenl(50/~)ollhesellingprice.Sellershallbeobiigaled 94 10 resiore Ihe Properly. I1 Seller is unable 10 reslore Ihe Properly, Seller shall promplly notify Buyer in wriling and this Oller may be 95 canCelledalllleoplionollheBuyer.IIlhedamageshallexceedsuchsum.SellershailprompllynolilyBuyerinwrilingolthedamageand 96 this Oller may be cancelled a1 option of Buyer. Should Buyer elect Io carry ou1 (his Offer despile such damage. Buyer shall be enltlled 10 8 deductible on such policy. 7 any insurance proceeds relaling 10 Ihe damage lo Ihe Properly, plus a CrerfiI Iowarus the purchase price equal to Ihe amount of Seller's 99 m PRE-CLOSING INSPECTION: AI a reasonable lime. preapproved by Seller or Seller's agenl, wilhin 3 days belore closing, Buyer shall 100 have Iha righl lo inspect Ihe Property 10 determine thal there has been no signilicanl change in Ihe condilion 01 the Properly. except lor 101 changes approved by Buyer. m 102 LSURYEY) 103 BuyerecknowledgeslhalProperlydimensions. lolalsquarelootage. lolalacreageandallocalion olacreage inlormation provided10 Buyer 104 by Seller or Seller's agenI(s) are approximate and, unless a survey has been provided. llle Properly dimensions have not been 10.5 verified by survey. CAUTION: Buyer should verlly Properly dlmenrlons, lolal square loolage, lolal acreage or allocallon 01 acreage by 106 suney II mslerlal lo Buyer's declslon lo purchase. See llnas 286 lo 291. 107 (-I I08 Wisconsin Slalules seclion90.03 requirestheowners of adjoining properlieslo keep and mainlain legal lences In equal shareswhereone 109 or both of the properlles is used and occupied lor farming or grazing purposes. CAUTION: Consldsr an agreeman1 nddrearlng i 10 responalblllly lor Iancss I1 Propsriy or ad1olnlng land Is used end occuplad lor larmlng or grazlng purposes. 111 '12 Seller and Buyer each have the legal duly to use good lailh and due diligence in cornpleting Ihe lerms and conditions 01 this Offer, A 114 legal remedies. 113 material failure toperlor many obligation under IhisOllerisadelaull whichmay subject lhe,fl,elaulling party 10 ltabilily (or damagesorotller I15 II Buyer delaulls, Seller may: 116 (I) sue lor specllic perlormance and request rhe earnesl money as parlial paymen1 01 Ihe purchase price; or 117 (2) lerminale the Oller and have the ophon IO: (a) request the earnesl money as liquidated damages: or (b) direct Qroker 10 return the 118 I19 I1 Seller delaulls. Buyer may: earnest money and have the oplion 10 sue lor actual damages. 120 11) sue lor specilic perlormance; or 121 (2) lerminale Ihe Offer and requesl Ihe relurn 01 Ihe earnesl money, sue lor aclual damages, or bolll. 123 ThePartiesunderslandlhal lheavailabiliiyolanyjudicial remedy will depend upon Iheclrcumslances 01 lhes!lualion and Ihediscrelion 122 In addition. Ihe Parlies may seek any olher remedies available in law or equity. 124 of Ihe courls. Ileilher Parry delaulls. Ihe Parties may renegotiate Ihe Oller or seek nonjudicial dispute resolulion instead 01 the remedies 125 outlined above. By agreeing 10 binding arbilralion. Ihe Pariles may lose Ihe righl 10 liligale in a Courl 01 law lhose disputes covered by the 126 arbitration agreement. 111 O127 NOTE: WlSCONSlNLlCENSELAWPROHlBlTSABROKERFROMG1VINGADVlCEOROPlNlONSCONCE~N~NGTHELEGAL 128 earnesl money cannol be delermined by Broker. In Ihe absence of 0 mulual agreemenr by the Parlies, earnesl money will be 130 dislrlbuled as sel forth in lines 133 lo 154. 131 CONVEYANCE. AN ATTORNEY SHOULD BE CONSULTED IF LEGAL ADVICE IS REOUIRED. Buyer's or Seller's legal right to 129 RIGHTS OR OBLIGATIONS OF PARTIES TO A TRANSACTION OR THE LEGAL EFFECT OF A SPECIFIC CONTRACT OR - 132 LEARNEST MONEY 134 133 135 I36 137 139 111 140 142 143 141 145 146 147 148 149 1.50 151 I 3a WY: Earnesl money, il held by a broker, shall be held in Ihe lrust accounl 01 Ihe broker dralling Ihe Oller prior 10 acceptance 01 Oller andin the lru51 accounlol lhelisling broker [buyer'sagentil Properly is not lisled) alteracceplanceunlilapplied to purchase priceor olherwise disbursed as provided in Ihe Offer. II negotialions do no1 resull in an accepled Offer. llle carnesl money shall be promplly disbursed (alter clearance lrom payor's deposilory inslilulion il earnesl money is paid by check) lo llle person who paid the earnest money. CAUTION: I1 someone olher lhan Buyer makes peymenl 01 earnesl money on behalf 01 Buyer, conslder a spsclal agrnemenl m DISBURSEMENT: AI closing, earnest money shall be disbursed according Io the closing slalemenl. I1 this Oller does not close, the ragardlng dlsbursemanl. earnest money shall be disbursed according 10 a wrilten disbursement agreemenl signed by all Parlies lo lhis Offer. I1 said disbursemenl agreement has not been delivered IO broker wilhin 60 days aller the dale sel for closing. broker may disburse the earnesl money: (I) as UirecledbyanallorneywholiasrevirwedlhelransaclionanddoesnolrepresenlDuyerorSeller; (2)inloacourlhearingalawsuilinvolving BrokermayrelainlegalscNiceslodirecldisbursemenlper(l)ortolileaninlerpleaderactionper(2land,insuchevenl,brokermaydeducl Ihe earnest money and all PartleS 10 lhis Offer: (3) as direcled by court order: or (4) nny other disbursemenl required or allowed by law. lrom Ihe earnesl money nny costs and reasonable atlorneys lees. not lo exceed $250. prior 10 disbursemenl. Should persons other than broker hold earnesl money. an escrow agreement should be drafled by Ihe Parlies or an altorney lor Buyer or Seller. LEGAL RIGHTS/ACTION: Broker's disbursemenlo1 earnest money does not de!ermine Ihe legal righls 01 the Parties in relalion Io lhis Oller.Alleasl30dayspriortodisbursementper(l)or(4).brokershallSendBuyerand~el~ernoliceoflhedisb~~rsementbycerliliedmail.If Buyeror Seller disagree with broker'sproposeddisbursemenl,aiawsuii may be liled looblain acourlo~der regarding disbursemenl. Small Claims Courl has jurisdiction over all earnesl money dispules arising oul of Ihe sale 01 rcsidknl.)al properly wilh 1-4 dwelling unils and ceriain other earnest money disputes. The Buyer and Seller should consider ConSllllinq'Bllbrne~s reqardinq lheir lea81 riahls under this ~ ~ ~ ~ 155 6 159 160 1 162 161 163 1 65 I64 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 1 177 176 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 & 190 192 191 193 194 195 1 96 197 198 200 199 20 1 202 204 203 205 206 207 208 209 210 21 I 212 213 215 214 216 217 218 & 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 ::: 232 233, 234 235 236 237 238 238 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 I,."JI: 3 01 4 .- VACAH'I LAl4ll Buyer FORM OF T~VlDENCd&lWf shall give evidence of lille (as selecled 01 lines 65 to 66) 10 Ihe Property in th rm 01: W%mx insurance in Ihe amount 01 the purchase price @pent ALTA form issued by an insurer licensed Io wrile lille in 2ge % olicy 01 lille PROVISION OF MERCHANTABLE TITLE/%& shall pay all cosls 01 providing tilleevidence. For purpos 1 cI ' g. tilleevidence Wisconsin. shallbeacceptableilllieabsiracloracommilmenllorlherequiredlilleinsuranceisdeliveredtoBuyer'sallo ey business days belore closing. Showing lille Io the Properly as of a dale no more than 15 days belore deli uyernollesslhan3 merchanlable. Subjecl Only lo liens which will be paid 0uI 01 the proceeds 01 closing and standa cerlificale limilalions or title evidence lo be slandard litle insurance requirements and exceptions. as approprialo. TITLE ACCEPTABLE FOR CLOSING: II li!leis nolacceplable lor closing, Buyer shall nolify Seller in #ling of objeclionslolille by the closingshallbeexlendedasnecessarylorthispurpose.InlheevenllhatSellerisunabletore~novesaidobjeclions.Buyershallhave5days l~mesellorclosing.Insuchevenl.Sellershatlhaveareasonabtelime,bulnolexceeding15days.loremovelheobjeclions,andlhelimefor lrom receipl 01 nolice Ihereol. Io deliver wrillerl nolice waiving Ihe objeclions. and the lime lor closing shall be exlended accordingly. If Buyer does no1 waive Ihe oblections. this Oller shall be null and void. Providing lille evidence acceptable for closing does no1 extinguish Seller's obligations Io give merchanlable lille to Buyer. xaI6bl""- WWMR~IW-W~~ %@% This Oller. including any amendments. contains Ihe enlire agreement 01 Ihe Parties regarding Ihe lransaclion. All prior negolialions and discussions have been merged inlo lhis Oller. This agreemenl binds and inures to Ihe benelil 01 Ihe Parlies lo lhis Oller and their successors in inleresl. IDEFlNlTlONS] 8 ACCEPTANCE: Acceplance occurs when all Buyers and Sellers have signed Ihe Olfer. See lines 35 and 36 regarding binding acceplance. CAUTION: CONSIDER WHETHER SHORT TERM DEADLINES RUNNING FROM ACCEPTANCEPROVIDEADEOUATE TIME FOR- BINDING ACCEPTANCE AND PERFORMANCE. CONDITIONS AFFECTING THE PROPERTY OR TRANSACTION: A "condilion alfecling (he Properly or lransactlon" is defined as lollows: (a) Planned or commenced public improvements which may resull in special assessmenls or olherwise materially allecl the Properly or (b) Government agency or cowl order requiring repair. alleration or correction 01 any exisling condilion; (c) Completed or pending reassessmenl 01 the Properly lor properly lax purposes: Id) Any land division involving Ihe Property, lor which required slate or local approvals were no1 obtained; Ihe presenl use 01 the Properly: , (e) Any porlion 01 the Properly being ina 100 year Iloodplain. a wetland or shoreland zoning area under local, slaleor federal regulations; , If) AnyporlionollhePropertybeingsubjeclto,orinviolalionol,aFarmlandPreservalionAgreemenlunderaCounlyFarmlandPreservalion (9) Boundarydispulesormalerialviolalionollencelaws(Wis.Slats.Chapler90)whichrequirelheereclionandmaintenanceollegallences Plan or enrolled in. or in violalion 01. a Forest Crop. Woodland Tax. Managed Foresl. Conservalion Reserve or comparable program; belweenadjoiningproperlieswhereoneorbolhoflheproperliesisusedandoccupiedforlarmingorgra~ingpurposes: Seelines 107 Io 110. (h) Maleriai violations 01 environmenlal rules or olher rules or agreements regulating the use 01 the Property: (I) Condilions constituling a signilicanl heallh or safely hazard for occupanls 01 Property; (j) UndergroundsloragelanksonlheProperlylorslorageolllammableorcombuslibleliquidsincludingbutnollimiledlogasoiineand heating0ii;NOTE: WlsconrlnAdmlnlstrallv~Code.ChaplerlLHR 1Oconlalnrreglrlrallonandoperallonruleslorsuchundsrground slorags tanks. (k) UndergroundsloragelankslorslorageolllammableorCombustiblellqu~dsincludinj~~~~lnollimiledlogasolineandhealingoil.which were previously localed on Ihe Properly: (I) High vollage eleclric (100 KV or grealer) or,sIeel nalural gas Iransnlission lines located on bul not direclly serving Ihe Properly: (m) Wells on Ihe Properly required lo be abonddned IWis. Adm. Code NR 112.26) bul whlch are not abandoned according lo slale (n) Cisterns or septic tanks on Ihe Properly which are currenlly no1 servicing Ihe Pro'perty: (0) Subsoil COndiIionS which would signilicantly increase Ihecoslot Ihe development proposed at lines 268 Io 269. if any, including. bul no1 limited lo. subsurface foundations, organic or non-organic fill, dumpsiles or conlainers on Properly which conlained or currenlly conlain loxic or hazardous materials. high groundwaler, soil condilions (e.g. low load bearing capacily) or excessive rocks or rock lormations on the Properly; regulations; (p) A lack 01 legal vehicular access Io Ihe Properly from public roads: (q) Prior reimbursemenl lor corrective action cosls under Ihe Agricultural Chemical Cleanup Program; (Wis. Slals. 594.73.) (r) Olhercondilionsoroccurrenceswhichwouldsignilicanllyincreasethecostollhedevelopmenlproposedallines268 to 269 or reduce Ihe valueollheProperlyloareasonablepersonwi1hknowledgeollhenalureandscopeoflllecondilionoroccurrence.See lines 19 Io 23. rn DJ: Daadlines expressed as a specific number of"days"from the occurrence of an event. such as acceplance. are calculaled by excluding Ihe day Ihe even1 occurred. The deadline lhen expires at midnighl on the last day. Deadlines expressed as a specilic numberol"businessdays"excludeSalurdays.SundaysandanylegalpublicholidayurrderWisconsinorFederallaw,orolherholiday deslgnaled by the President such lhal Ihe poslal service does no1 receive registered mail or make regular deliveries on lhal day. rn FIXTURES: A"Fixl~~re"isanitemo1propertywhichIsphysicallyallachedtoorsocloselyassocisledwilhlandaslobelrealedasparl D~adlinesexpreSsedasaspecilicdayoflhecalendaryearoraslhedayofaspecificevenl,sllchasclosing.expireatmldnightoflhaiday. o1lherealeslate,including.wilhoullimilalion.physicallyaltachedilemsnoleasilyremovablewilhouldamagelolheproperly,ilems specit~callyadapledlolheproperly,andilemscuslomarilylreatedaslixluresincludingbulnollimitedloall:perennialcrops:gardenbulbs: m MAP OF THE PROPERTY' See lines 288 to 291. plan1s;shr"bs;lreesandlences. CAUTIOH: A~~UALCROPSARENOTlNCLUDEOINTHEPURCHASEPRlCEUNLESSUTHERWfSEAGREEOATLl~ES13fOI8. I BOUNDARY MAJP: AmapollheProperlypreparedbyalicensedlandsurveyorwhichidenlilieslhelegaldescriplionandboundaries 01 Ihe properly. A"boundary map"als0 includes Ihe slaking 01 all corners 01 lhe Properly by Ihe surveyor. m MORTGAGE INSPECTION MAP: Amapol IheProperlyprepared bya licensed land surveyor which Identifies the legal descriplion SURVEY MAP- AmapolIheProperlypreparedbyalicensedlandsurveyor,daIednomoreIhansixmonlhspriorloIhescheduled 01 the Property. the boundaries 01 Iha Property and Ihe localion of improvemenls. closing date. conlaining Ihe ALTA certificalion and showing: complete legal descriplion 01 Ihe Properly: dedicated and apparenl slreels; boundaries: 101 dimensions; acreage or square footage: exisling improvemenls: easemenls and rights-of-way and visible E TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE II"TimeisoflheEssence"appliesloadateordeadline,la~lureloperformbylheexacldateordeadline encroachments upon Ihe Properly. isabreacholconlracl.II"TimeisollheEssence"doesnolapplyloadaleordendline,lhenperlormancewilhinareasonabletimeol Ihe date or deadline is allowed before a breach occurs. See lines 25 Io 27 I_ PROVISIONS RELATED TO FINANCING-1 - m LOAN COMMITMENT: If this Olfer is conllngenl 011 linancing, Buyer agrees 10 pay all cuslomary linancing cosls (including closing lees). IO promplly apply lor linancing and 10 promplly provide evidence 01 application upon request of Seller. I1 Buyer qualifies for Said \TO laler lhan Ihe deadline lor loan commitmelil under Ihe Financing Contingency. I1 Buyer does no1 !make linlely delivery 01 said linancingorolherlinancingacceplableloBuyer,Buyeragreeslodellver~oSeller,orSeller'sagenl,acopyoflhewrillenloancommilmenl commitmenl. Seller may lerminale lhis Olfer il Seller delivers a wrillen llolice of terminalion Io Buyer prlor Io Seller's aclual receipl 01 a Cbqy 01 Buyer's wrilten loan commilmenl. rn F2NClNG UNAVAILABILITY: If lhis Oller is conlingent on linancing and linancing is no1 available on Ihe lerms slaled. Buyer shall a specllic loan source is named in Ihe financing conlingency, Seller shall lhen have 5 days 10 give Buyer writlen notice 01 Seller's prompttydeliver wrillen nolice IoSelleralsame including copies01 lender(s)'rejeclion lelter(s) or olher evidence01 unavailabilily. Unless decision to finance lhis lransaclion on the same lerms sel forlh herein, and lhis Olfer,shall rernain,luil force and ellecl. wilh Ihe lime for closing extendsd accordingly. I1 Seller's nolice is no1 ilmely given, this Olfer shall be'nuil and void. rn LAND CONTRACT: If Ihis Oller provides lor a land conlracl, prlor Io execulion 01 Ihe land conlracl,Seller shall provide the same evidence 01 merchantable lille as required above and written proof. al or before execution, lhal the tolal underlying indebledness. it any, is 1101 in excess of the proposed'balance of the land conlracl. lhal the payments on the land conlracl are suflicienl to meel all 01 llie obligalions of Seller on thp underlying indebledness. and that all'credilors whose consent is reqirired have considered 10 the land conlract sale. I1 individual parcels 01 Ihe Property are being released on paydown on lhe land conlracl. Ihe lerms and condilions of such releases should be included in the land contracl. ~. I ,' . .. , .. .. -. 9 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 0 OPTIONAL PROVISIONS: TH ISIONS ON LINES 252 THROUGH JOB ARE A PART OF THIS OFFER IF MARKED, S-tacllecl legal kscrlpion ~ .- .. page 4 01 4 - VACANT LAND , I SUCH AS WITH AN "X WA HE ARE NOT PART OF THIS OFFER IF MARKED NIA OR ARE LEFT BLANK. 2 0 FINANCING CONTINGENCY: J- >3 a is conlingenl upon Buyer being ab10 10 oblain. within days OlaCCeplanCa 01 lhis Ollor. .4 (/ired) (adjiuslable) (S JRIKE ONE] ralo lgage loan conlrnilmonl. in an anmnl 01 no1 less lhan S lor a fern) 01 i6 unless ofherwise provided. shall be adjusr r7 paymenls shall ba adiusled as necessary 10 nlainlain Iha lerm and amorlizaliorr SlalcII above. e same parcenlage 01 lhe purchase prm as in Illis conllngency arrd lhe monrhly ;E IF FINANCING IS FIXED RATElheannualralaolinlereslshallnoleKceed~ %andmonllilypayme~llsolpr~ncipalandinleresrshall ig no1 exceed f io IF FINANCING IS ADJUS JABLE RATE Ihe inilial annual inloresf rale shall nor exceed _- %. Jhe inilial inleresl rale shall be lixed il lor __ monlhs. a1 which lime lhe inleresf rale may be increased not more lhan __ %per year. The maximum inleresl rale during .33 Monlhly paymenls olprincipalandinlarasl may be adjislea lo rellecl irileiesl clia-nges- 24 MONTHLY PAYMENJS MAY ALSO INCLUDE 7/121h ol /he eslimaled ne1 annual real esrale faxes. hazard insurance premiums. and 65 privalemorlgageinsurancopremiunls. Jhemorlgagemaynolincludeaprepaymenlpremium. fl~,yerogreesropoyaloanfeeinanamounl 67 Closing COsls.] SEE LINES 230 TO 248 FOR ADDITIONAL FiNANClNG P/2OVlSlONS. 66 nolloexceed~%ollheloan.~Loanleerelerslodiscounlpoinlsand/orloanoriginalionlee,bulDOESNOJincludeBuyer'solher , 68 17 PROPOSED USE CONTINGENCY: Buyer is purchasing lha properly lor Ihe purpose 01: A - LL] ;5 no1 less lhan __ years. anlortizedover __ years. I1 Ihepurchascprico under lhis Olleris rrlodilied. lheloanalnounl. -. -~ 52 Ihe morlgage lerm shall.n_o?e~eed __ %. lnilial m?nLhly paymenls 01 principaland inleresl shall no1 exceed 5 .I ~~ i" - " - - ~ ,@ Wrillen ovidence a1 iBuyer's) (Seller's) [STRIKE ONE] expense lrom a qualified soils cxpcrl lhal Ihe Properly is lree 01 any ________ This Oller is conringenr upon Buyer oblairling Ihe /o//owing [CHECK ITEMS THAT APPLY I: '72 Subsoilcondilion which wo~~ldmahelheproposaddovclopmcnrimpossibleorsrgnillcanllyincreaselhecoslsols~~chdevelopmenl; '73 See line 88. t7 4 0 Wrillen evidence at (Buyer's) (Seller's) (STRIKE ONE I expense 110m i, ccrliliorl soils fester or olher q~mlilied expert /ha1 ind~caleSlhallheProperly'ssoilsallocalionsrelecredbyDuyerandallolhorco~~d~lionswhichm~slbeappr~ved~~obl~in~per~i~ !76 I~nserlproposed~rscolProperty;e.g..lhreebedroomsinglelamilyhomojmeelapplicablecodesinellec~asollhedareolrhisOlle~. 177 176 A con~ent~onal SYSlem 1dOesJ (doas no11 [STRIKE ONE1 include allernale privole syslcms SUCII as mound syslems or in-ground i79 prossllro dislribulion syslems lor lhe purposes 01 Illis conlingerrcy. A convenlional syslcrri does nor include a holding lank, privy, composring loilet or chemical roilel. !?5 lor a private convenlional saplic system lor: - " - 180 0 COPieSaliBuYer'ssl iSeller'sJ PTRIKE ONE] expenseolallpublicandprivaloease~rlenls. ~ovenanlsandreslriclionsallec/ing !82 !81 sign!licanlly delay or increase llle cosls 01 lhe proposed use or developmenl idenlilied a1 lines 268 Io 269. Ihe Properly and a wrlllen delerminelion by a qualiliedindependenl Ihrrdparly, a1 Buyer's expense, lhal nono OIlheSe prohfbil 01 0 Permtts. approvalsandlicenses. asappropriale, or1he/ina1d~screli0naryaclionby/he'jmnring~t~~ho~ilyp~i~~~~~~~i~~,,~~~~~~ 184 ~uchpermils.approvalsandlicensesal~8uyer'sl (Seller's) @TRIKE ONE] experrse'lbrllrelollowi~~pilcrnsreli~lcdlolheproposed !85 developmenr __ ~ .. .~~ __ - - ~ ~ . 186 0 A map ollhe Properly at [Buyer's) (Seller's) [STRIKE ONE] oxperlse 01 (he lollowr,q type: ?87 LO8 a boundary map: 0 mortgaqs;nspec/lon map; 0 survey map [CHECK ONE BOX TO DESIGNATE MAP TypEl LE9 Sea lines 218 10 226 lor dalinilions 01 each map lype. 11 lhis paragraph is checked bul more Illan ono lype or ,IO type is sclecled, i( boundar~ma~;sdcemedselecled. CAUTION: Consldarcoslsndll~enaedlorll~elealuresollhevarlousmaplypesbel~ramaklny '9 1 292 prior represerllalio!ls Io Buyer or which would render Ihe proposed d~veloppmenl impossible or s;gnll;~~nlly Incr~asc ifs cos!. 293 W~i~~enevidencealfBuyer's)(Sellor'sJ -1 expenserl~irrrr~alollow~ngt~/,li~yconnec~ionsarc/oca~edaslof~ows(e.g.on the Properly, a1 Ihc 101 line. across Ihc sfreef. erc.)' elecrriciry gar , ?94 ?95 Olher- municipalsewer municipal wafer" ..-, ~ lelephone ___-, 296 Jhls conllngency shall be deemed sa119lled unless Buyer wllhln __ days oIacceplenca dellverr wrlrlan nollce lo .$&~rrpscllylng 7 lhose llems 01 lhls conllngency whlch cannol be sallrlled and wrlllen evldence subslanllellng why each speclflc llem lncludedln Buyafs 299 0 INSPECTION CONTINGENCY: Jhis Oller is conlingenl upon a qualllied inspeclor(r) conduufing an impecr;on(s), a1 BuyerB 300 uxpolse. 01 1he Propurly and ___ which discloses 301 ~lodeleclsasdeliiledbelo~r. Thisconlingencyshallbedecn~edsalislied~nilessBuyerwilhin..~_ daysolacceplancedelrversloSellera 302 cOpyollheinspeclor's~vr~lreninspeclionrepolla~ldawrillennolicelislin~lllcdeleclsldenlill~dinlhereporllowl~ich~~ryero~~eclp.F~r 303 lhepurpoSeSollhisconlinpencyadeleclisdelif~edasanycondirior~ollhcProperlywhichco~~sliluresasipnilicanlll~ru~ffolhcl~cnlfl~or 304 salelyolperronswhooccupyormalre~~seolrrorgrvesevrdenceolanyrllarerial~rse.slora~eordisposalolharardousorloxicslrbslances 305 on Ills property. 306 @ OTHER: Jhe allached Lm-ts-. ~ ~ ."$lare made par1 01 rhls Oller, 308 DOCUMENT. BROKERS MAY PROVIDE A GEHERAL EXPLANATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF lllE OFFER BUT ARE PROHIBITED BY LAW 307 IF ACCEPTED, THIS OFFER CAN CREATE A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE COHTRACT. OOTH PARTIES SHOULD CAREFULLY READ THIS 310 AN ATTORHEY SHOULD DE CONSULTEO IF LEGAL AOVICE IS NEEOEO. 309 FROM GIVING ADVICE OR OPINIONS CONCERNIHG YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS UNOER THIS OFFER OR NOW TITLE SHOULD BE TAKEN AT CLOSING. 31 1 Tlm Oller was dralled On .~~ lanlc] by bnalcl -~ 5. Molter ~.-.I&.-.L Jr. Al-enz L Molter L Milcy 6 Riffle. S.C. '90 a sslecllon. Jhe map 01 Ihe Properly shall show no signhcarrr encroachmenls or any inlorma1iof1 rnalc,ially mconsislonl wilh ne -. e " BPI. 98 nollce cannot be sallslled. ti&,% 312 wry OF MUSW (Licensuc and Firm] 3 I3 1.1 -By.: __ ~-Vid. ~-~.~~~~.i-~- 3 14 lauleir sagmurc)~ P,,~, N~~~~ 315 1.1 .Y ~ ~- ~ __ ~ "" 316 10twci3 Siunslure)A PIIIII flme hemdean K. Marenda, Clerk 317 EARNEST MONEY RECEIPT Broker acknowledges receipl 01 earnesl money as per line 10 01 Ihe above Oiler. 319 SELLER ACCEPTS THIS OFFER. THE WARRAN&S. REPRESENTAflONS AN0 COVEHAHTS MADE IN TlllS OFFER SURVIVE CLOSING AND 320 THE CONVEYAHCE OF THE PROPERTY. THE UNDERSIGNEO HEREBY AGREES TO CONVEY THE ABOVE-MENTIOHED PROPERTY OH THE 321 TERMS AND COHOITIONS AS SET FORTH HEREIN AND ACKHOWLEOGES RECEIPT OF A COPY OF THIS OFFER. ...".~_I_ &%X~IX~~XK TD-II" u: IDalel h.haFIwxRxma lollel 318 Broker (By) - 0 322 1x1 -__ 323 ISeller's LgnmurelI Prim Nanlenere:cChald P.~ 324 (x) 326 Thls'bller was presented 10 Seller by .. (Social Sccurily NO.) (Dale) ~" 323 ISeller'S S1gnaIure)A Print flame here:r'mg (Social Security NO.) (Dale1 rL4'C nFFCFl IS RF.IECTED THIS OFFER IS COUNTERED [See allached counter] onp-, 19-,afp a.m./p.m. ISPW'~ J~,J~RI<I maw . . MH I BIT \' #" - " ADMISSION OF SERVICE Due Service of a Copy of: CERTIFICATE OF COMPENSATION & RIGHT TO APPEAL THE AMOUNT OF PURSUANT TO WISCONSIN STATUTES & 532 06(2a) Admitted this day of , 1998. GERALD P KOZEY CONSTANCE R KOZEY ADMISSION OF SERVICE A Due Service of a Copy of CERTIFICATE OF COMPENSATION RIGHT TO APPEAL THE AMOUNT OF CO PURSUANT TO WISCONSIN STATUTES §32 Admitted this day of , 1998 ST. FRANCIS BANK, FSB NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL. THE AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION PURS TO WISCONSIN STATUTE §32. y%% AS TO THE WATERCOURSE/ WATER DRAINAGE IMPRO $$ish Any person named in the Certificate of Compensation, a copy of which is attached hereto, may within six (6) months after the date of recording of said Certificate, appeal from the amount of ’ compensation therein stated in the manner set forth in Wisconsin Statute 32.05(9) to (13) for appeals from an award under Wisconsin Statute 532 OS(7). For purposes of any such appeal, the amount of compensation stated in the Certificate shall be treated as the award and the date the conveyance is recorded shall be treated as the date of taking and the date of evaluation Dated this day of , 1998. CITY OF MUSKEG0 David L. De Angelis, Mayor ATTEST Jean K. Marenda, Clerk NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL THE AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION PURS TO WISCONSIN STATUTE 532.p 6g%%% AS TO THE BIKE PATI$\ ,h Any person named in the Certificate of Compensation, a copy of which is attached hereto, may within six (6) months after the date of recording of said Certificate, appeal from the amount of compensation therein stated in the manner by filing a petition with a Judge of the Circuit Court for Waukesha County, Wisconsin for proceeding to determine the amount of just compensation in accordance with Wisconsin Statute 532.06(7). For purposes of any such appeal, the amount of compensation stated in the Certificate shall be treated as the award and the date the conveyance is recorded shall be treated as the date of taking and the date of evaluation. Dated this day of , 1998 CITY OF MUSKEG0 DAVID L DE ANGELIS, Mayor ATTEST: ,JEAN K MARENDA, Clerk CERTIFICATE OF COMPENSATION Document No - Pursuant to Wisconsin Statute S32. Waukesha County Register of Deeds, this document shall be recorded Wisconsin. That the City of Muskego has acquired a permanent easement in the property described below pursuant to 532.05 of the Wisconsin Statutes. an interest of record in the property 1. The identity of all persons having immediately prior to its conveyance is as L Return To: follows: City of Muskego P 0. Box 749 Gerald P Kozey and Muskego, WI 53150 St. Francis Bank, FSB Constance R. Kozey, his wife Tax Key No.: Part of MSKC 2198.119 easement was acquired is described as follows 2. The legal description of the property in which a permanent See Attached Legal Description 3. The matter of the interest acquired and the compensation for such acquisition is as follows: The matter of the interest acquired is a permanent easement and necessary temporary construction easement for watercourse/storm water drainage improvements The amount of compensation is $0.00. Dated this day of , 1998. CITY OF MUSKEG0 David L. De Angelis, Mayor ATTEST CITY SEAL Jean K Marenda, Clerk This Instrument Was Drafted By: Attorney Donald S Molter, Jr. 720 N. East Avenue, P 0. Box 1348 Arenz, Molter, Macy & Riffle, S C Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187-1348 Being all chat pan of Lot 1 oiBresra ELdge. 2 recordcd subdivision plat. also beinq a pan or' rhe NE1114 o-f che SWl/4 and the SEliJ of he ;u'W1/4 of Section 10, Town 5 fiorrh. Rmge 20 Eat, .Ciry of LLLuk:~o, Waukesha County Wisconsin. bounded and described as follo~~s: LEG& DESCNPTIOK P~rmanent Drainqe Emmen: ~cmporxy Consrrucrion Easerr.er..r - For. City of Muskego 1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPENSATION Document No. Pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 532.06(2a), this document shall be recorded with the Waukesha County Register of Deeds, Wisconsin. That the City of Muskego has acquired a permanent easement in the property described below pursuant to 532.06 of the Wisconsin Statutes. an interest of record in the property 1 The identity of all persons having immediately prior to its conveyance is as follows Gerald P. Kozey and St. Francis Bank, FSB Constance R. Kozey, his wife Return To: City of Muskego Muskego, WI 53150 P.O. Box 749 Tax Key No. : Part of MSKC 2198 124 easement was acquired is described as follows: 2. The legal description of the property in which a permanent See Attached Legal Description 3. The matter of the interest acquired and the compensation for such acquisition is as follows The matter of the interest acquired is a permanent easement The amount of compensation is $0.00, and temporary construction easement for a bike path. Dated this day of , 1998. CITY OF MUSKEG0 ATTEST David L. De Angelis, Mayor CITY SEAL Jean K Marenda, Clerk This Instrument Was Drafted By: Attorney Donald S Molter, Jr Arenz, Molter, Macy & Riffle, S.C. 720 N East Avenue, P.0 BOX 1348 0 Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187-1348 . . - For' City oiMuskego Said pemmcnrbike path exerr!ent 1s bounded Jnd descnbed a follows: Commencing ar rhe Sourhwest corner of Lor 6 of szid Breann adge Plar; thence NOl014'j7"W, 1j.00 fee4 along he West line of sad Lor 6, (also being che ELST line of PxUand Drive); thencz Sl9"+0'4;"E. lj,81 feet ro 2 point on the South line of Loc 6 (also bemg on the Yorh line of lrcob Ct.); t'enc: S8S045'2O''W, 5.00 fez alooz he Sourh line of szid Lor 6 to [he polit ofbeginwns, conbg 0.0009 acres (j7.j Sq. Ft.) more or less o i lmd. Together with a LO foot remoorary consmcrion elsemenr described as follo~ The West LO feet ofiot 6 of aream hdge, a recorded subdivision plat. WAIVER OF APPRAISAL, RECOMMENDATION & NOMINAL PAYMENT OR NO PAYMENT PARCEL Owner: Gerald P. Kozey & Constance R. Kozey, his Acquisition of: See Attached Legal Interest Acquired: Permanent Easement & Temporary Construction Easement for Bike Path and Permanent Easement & Temporary Construction Easement for Watercourse/Storm Water Drainage Improvements. The undersigned owners of land designated as in the attached legal description, containing approximately 0.0009 acres (bike path easement) and approximately 0.0406 acres (watercourse/storm water drainage easement), agrees to accept settlement in the amount of Zero ($0.00) Dollars as full payment for the easements stated, subject to the approval of the City of Muskego The undersigned owners have been fully informed of the right to have the property appraised, and to receive just compensation based upon an appraisal, have decided to waive the right to an appraisal The undersigned owners further state that the decision to waive such right to an appraisal was made without undue influence or coercive action of any nature. It is intended that the instrument of conveyance will be executed upon presentation by the City of Muskego, agents or representatives. Dated this day of , 1998 GERALD P. KOZEY CONSTANCE R. KOZEY . , For. City of Mukego Eking all that pan Of Lor l of Bream Lase. 2 recorded subdivision plat. also being a pan or L-K NE1114 of che SWiIC md rhe SE1/4 of he XV/1/4 of Secrion IO, Town 5 bionh, Range 20 East,City of Muskego, Waukesha County Wisconsm. bounded md described as follo~~vs: Commencing at Lhe i.lorrhwes: comer ofscd Lot I, hence SOIa14'37"E, 141.67 feet along the Wtsr he of said Lor l (also being che Erst line oE Par.khd Drive) to che Southwesr comer of said Lot I. bene Y88"<5'38"E. 20.00 feet along the South line of said Lot I, thenct iU'O7"17'lj"W. 142.46 feet ro a point on the i\lorrh line oEs2.id Lot I (also bein3 the SOUL^ line of Jacob Ct.); hence SSS"aj'20"W. 5.00 feet along the Yonh line of said Lot 1 to [he poinr of besinning conraining 0.0406 acres (i 77 L Sq. Ft.) more or less of land. WAIVER OF APPEAL RIGHTS AS TO AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION PURSUANT TO WISCONSIN STATUTE 532.05 & §32 06\ $$%% For valuable consideration, hereby ackno dged by the undersigned, we hereby waive any and all rights that we may have to appeal the award of compensation made under Wisconsin Statute 532 05 and Wisconsin.Statute 532 06 N Dated this day of , 1998. GERALD P. KOZEY CONSTANCE R. KOZEY EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made this day of P KOZEY & CONSTANCE R KOZEY, husband an , 1998, by and between GERALD and wife, and ST FRANCIS BANK, FSB, hereinafter referred to as party of th first part, and the CITY OF MUSKEGO, located in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, hereinafter referred to as party of the second part. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the party of the first part, L Return To: City of Muskego GERALD P. KOZEY & CONSTANCE R KOZEY, owns a parcel of real estate and the party of P.O. Box 749 the first part, ST. FRANCIS BANK, FSB, holds Muskego, WI 53150 mortgages on said real estate located in the City of Muskego and described as follows: Tax Key No.: Part of MSKC 2198 124 & Part of MSKC 2198.119 SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION MARKED EXHIBIT "1" ; and WHEREAS, party of the second part has requested from the party of easement for watercourse/storm water drainage improvements including the first part a permanent easement for a bike path and a permanent construction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of the bike path and watercourse/storm water drainage improvements and necessary temporary construction easement. NOW, THEREFORE, party of the first part, in consideration of the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and confessed, do grant and sum of ONE DOLLAR and other good and valuable consideration, the convey unto the party of the second part, a permanent easement for a bike path and a permanent easement for watercourse/storm water drainage improvements including construction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of the bike path and watercourse/storm water drainage improvements and necessary temporary construction easement in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, on, over and in the following described real estate SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS MARKED EXHIBIT "A" & "8" USE OF LAND Party of the first part consents to the entry of the employees, workmen, agents or independent contractors of party of the second part reconstruction of said bike path and watercourse/storm water drainage for and incidental to the construction, repair, maintenance and land included in said easement, subject to the ordinances of the City improvements, but reserve to themselves the right to make such use of of Muskego, the regulations of the party of the second p statutes of the State of Wisconsin as will not disturb o with such bike path or watercourse/storm water drain or prevent ingress, or egress, thereto for the pur construction, repair, maintenance and reconstructi The parties expressly acknowledge that the party of the second part may allow others not parties to this easement to use the easement for the purposes indicated above part, shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective heirs, successors and assigns. THIS INDENTURE, upon its acceptance by the party of the first r IN WITNESS WHEREOF, party of the first part has executed this indenture the day and year first above written. THIS IS NOT HOMESTEAD PROPERTY. GERALD P. KOZEY STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) ) ss CONSTANCE R KOZEY the above named GERALD P KOZEY & CONSTANCE R KOZEY to me known to be Personally came before me this day of , 1998, the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF WI My commission expires: ST. FRANCIS BANK, FSB I By: By : STATE OF WISCONSIN 1 COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) )ss. Personally came before me this day of 1998, the above named , as the , and , of ST. FRANCIS BANK, FSB, to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument , as the 0 -2 - THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Attorney Donald S. Molter, Jr. ARENZ, MOLTER, MACY & RIFFLE, S C 720 N East Avenue, P 0 Box 1348 0 Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187-1348 -3- EXHIBIT Lot 6 of 3rean? Ridge, being a Subdivision Sur-Jey Map No 5336 of a ?art of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 1/4 of Section ?arcel A IC, TSN, ?.zoz, ir. the Ci:;/ of Musktgo, County of Waukesha, State of Wisconsia Tax Key X0 MSK 2199 124 ?.DIJR~SS Si5 W167aa Jacob Court ?arcel 9 Lor; 1 of '3reanT Ridse. bein5 a Subdivision of Parcel 2 of Certified Survey Map No ;a86 of a part of the X5 1/4 of the SW 1/4 and the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 0: Section 10, TSN, ?.2OE, in the City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, State of Wisconsin Tax Key No MSKC 2193 119 mo.Ess 575 W16775 jacob Court e . .. - ror City oiM~ke30 Toxether wirh a LO foor temporary consmcrion easemenr described as h!!owS: T'ne West LO fe?t of Lor 6 of Breau Ridge, a cecgrded subdivision plat. - Pem.mcnt Drainqe Ezsement L cmporary Construction Easement For. City of Muske,oo Commencing x he Norrhwesr comer oijid Lo( 1, hence SOl0I+!'j7"E, 141.67 fee! along che Wesr line of said Lot I (a!so being rhe Erst line of Par.khd Drive) to che Sourhwes: corner of said Lot I, thence Y88'4j';E"E. 20.00 feet along the Socth line of said Lot 1, chencc N07"17'lj"W, 141.46 fez ro J. point on be Nonh line oEsaid Lot 1 (also bein3 the Soh line of Jacob Ct.); [hence SSSa$j'20"W. j.00 fex along rhe Sonh Line of said Lor 1 to [he point ofbegiming conirining 0,0406 acres (1 771 Sq. Ft.) more or less of land.