CCR1998142ARENZ MOLTLH MCILY COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION # 142 -98 RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY (Parkland Drive - Bike Path) THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: 1. That this Resolution is a resolution of necessity in accordance with §32.06(1) and 32.07(2), Wisconsin Statutes, relating to the within-described public improvement project I 2. That it is hereby determined that it is necessary for the City of Muskego to acquire a permanent easement and temporary construction easement for a bike path; 3. That it is also necessary, in the furtherance of the above stated public purpose, for the City of Muskego to acquire permanent easements to the following described real estate: r SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND MAP MARKED EXHIBIT "A" 0 4. That the City of Muskego will acquire, by condemnation necessary, the above-described interest in the above in accordance with Chapter 32, Wisconsin Statutes, if described real estate from the record owners thereof, and from any and all other persons or entities who may have a record interest in said real estate. That the herein Resolution was passed and adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego this 28th day of Julv 1998 by a vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays. APPROVED : CITY OF MUSKEGO DAV- . E ANG~LIS, Mayor 87/23/1998 18:44 4145489211 ARENZ MOLTER WLY LEGAL DESCRlPTIOEj Permanent Bike Path Easement 10' Temporary Constmction Easement For: City of Muskego Beins rhar pa7 Of Lot 6 of Brem Ridze, a recorded subdivision plat. also being a pan of the NE114 of &e SW114 and the SE1/4 of the ?JW1/4 of Section 10. T5N. WOE. City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Said permanent%ike parh easement is bounded and descnbed as follows: Commencing at the Souhwest comer of Lor 6 of said Brem Ridge Plat; thence N0Io14'~7"w, 15.00 feet, along the West line of said Lor 6, (also being the Ear line of Parkland Drive); thence S19"10'43"E, 15.51 feet to a point on the South lie of Lot 6 (also being on the North line of Jacob Ct.); thence Sg~045'20"W, 5.00 feet along the South line of said Lot 6 to rhe point of beginning, containing 0.0009 acres (37.5 Sq. Ft.) more or less of land. Together with a 10 foot temporary consrmction easemenr described as tbllow: The West 10 feet of Lor 6 of Bream Ridge, a recorded subdivision plar. " I BREANN RIDGE W' >I EASEUfNT io' lEuPOR*RY CONSlRUCTlON AREA= 0.0323 AC. (1.417 SF.) ,, I LOT 6 GERALD AND CONSTANCE KOZEY T.K. No. MSKC-2198-124 Qmm I }" - - JACOB ." -. ._ - COURT - "- - I w-f+ I I I 0 C, \DW\IJDZ1JB\SVCKESMT \ I \ \ I \ LOT 1