CCR1998101CORRECTED. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #101-98 AWARD OF BID Police Department Expansion WHEREAS, The City advertised for bids for the expansion of the Police Department building and the following bids were received: Contractor Building Innovate Design Findorff 8 Sons Guenther-Wagner-Johnson Jens Construction Joseph Lorenz Maas Brothers Construction Oliver Construction Co. Platt Construction Reichl construction Sackerson Construction Selzer-Ornst Co. Stevens Construction Co. Base Bid 1,344,900 1.21 7,500 1,290,219 1,492,000 1,359,000 1,413,870 1,350,000 1,309,459 1,364,000 1,325,500 1,360,000 1,329,650 Alternate #1 - Garage +12,800 +24,100 +14,991' No Bid +15,600 +13,162 +15,700 +14,104 +14,000 +20,000 +22,200 +14,500 Alternate #2 - Site +1,800 +2.200 +1.468 No Bid +2.000 +1,644 +1,860 +1,728 +3,000 +2,200 +1,900 +2.300 #3 - Finish Alternate +2.120 +4.000 +2.384 No Bid No Bid +2,220 +2,000 +6,500 No Bid +4.000 +3,670 +3,650 #4 - Bike Rack Alternate +1,380 +750 +1,096 No Bid +756 +615 +1,900 +1,500 +1,200 +1,375 +1,100 +1.325 WHEREAS, The apparent low bidder, Building Innovative Design (BID, Inc.) requested that the base bid of $1,217,500 and the bid including alternates of $1,246,900 be withdrawn from consideration because the bid contained an error; and WHEREAS, The City architects and the Finance Committee have reviewed all bids and have recommended to accept withdrawal of bid from BID, Inc. because the bidder stated the bid contained an error and also because it was unresponsive as to carpeting; and WHEREAS, The City architects and the Finance Committee have recommended to accept the next low bid from Guenther-Wagner-Johnson with a bid of $1,310,158, including all alternates, for the Police Department Expansion Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City architects and the Finance committee, does hereby accept withdrawal of bid submitted by BID, Inc. and accept the bid of Guenther-Wagner-Johnson in the amount of $1,310,158, including all alternates, for the Police Department Expansion Project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are hereby authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City, and are further authorized to sign any change orders at their discretion upon recommendation of the City architects. Total 1,246,900 1,364,650 1.310.158 1,492,000 1,377,215 1,431,652 1,371,460 1,333,291 1,343,700 1,413,145 1,387,300 1,351,425 Reso. #101-98 0 DATED THIS 26TH DAY OF MAY , 1998. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #101-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 5/98jmb COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #101-98 AWARD OF BID Police Department Expansion WHEREAS, The City advertised for bids for the expansion of the Police Department building and the following bids were received: Contractor Building Innovate Design Findorff & Sons Guenther-Wagner-Johnson Jens Construction Joseph Lorenz Maas Brothers Construction Oliver Construction Co. Platt Construction Sackerson Construction Reichl construction Selzer-Ornst Co. Stevens Construction Co. Base Bid 1,217,500 1,344,900 1,290,219 1,492,000 1,359,000 1.413.870 1,350,000 1,309,459 1,325,500 1,384,000 1,360,000 1,329,650 #1 - Garage Alternate +24,100 +12,800 +14.911 No Bid +15.600 +15,700 +13,162 +14,104 +14.000 +22.200 +20.000 +14,500 Alternate #2 - Site +1,800 +2,200 +1.468 +2,000 No Bid +1,644 +1,860 +1.728 +3,000 +1,900 +2,200 +2.300 #3 - Finish Alternate +2,120 +4,000 +2,384 No Bid No Bid +2.220 +2,000 +6,500 No Bid +3.670 +4.000 +3,650 #4 - Bike Rack A;termate +1,380 +750 +1.096 No Bid +615 +756 +1.900 +1.500 +1,200 +1,375 +1.100 +1,325 WHEREAS, The apparent low bidder, Building Innovative Design (BID, Inc.) requested that the base bid of $1,217,500 and the bid including alternates of $1,246,900 be withdrawn from consideration because the bid contained an error; and WHEREAS, The City architects and the Finance Committee have reviewed all bids and have recommended to accept withdrawal of bid from BID, Inc. because the bidder stated the bid contained an error and also because it was unresponsive as to carpeting; and Total 1,246,900 1,364,650 1,310,158 1,492,000 1,377,215 1,431,652 1,371,460 1,333,291 1,343,700 1,413,145 1,387,300 1,351,425 WHEREAS, The City architects and the Finance Committee have recommended to accept the next low bid from Guenther-Wagner-Johnson with a bid of $1,310,158, including all alternates, for the Police Department Expansion Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City architects and the Finance Committee, does hereby accept withdrawal of bid submitted by BID, Inc. and accept the bid of Guenther-Wagner-Johnson in the amount of $1,310,158, including all alternates, for the Police Department Expansion Project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are hereby authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City, and are further authorized to sign any change orders at their discretion upon recommendation of the City architects. Reso. #101-98 DATEDTHIS 26TH DAY OF MAY , 1998. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMllTEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #101-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 5/98jmb ? CI -Treasurer