CCR1998095AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #95-98 APPROVAL OF ASSIGNMENT OF LETTERS OF CREDIT FOR DEER CREEK AND DEER CREEK ADDITION NO. 1 WHEREAS, The developer of Deer Creek and Deer Creek Addition No. 1, Premier Development, has requested that the Letters of Credit for said developments be replaced by another financial institution; and WHEREAS, This request must be approved by the City; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the Letters of Credit for Deer Creek and Deer Creek Addition No. 1 and has recommended approval to the Common Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the replacement of the Letters of Credit for Deer Creek and Deer Creek Addition No. 1 to M & I Marshall & llsley Bank. 0 DATED THIS 26TH DAY OF MAY, 1998. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine Deferred 5/12/98 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #95-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 0 5/98jmb a APPROVAL OF ASSIGNMENT OF LETTERS OF CREDIT FOR DEER CREEK AND DEER CREEK ADDITION NO. WHEREAS, The developer of Deer Creek and Deer Creek Development, has requested that the Letters of Credit for said assigned to another financial institution; and WHEREAS, This request must be approved by the City; an WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed thyletters of Credit for Deer Creek and Deer Creek Addition No. 1 and has recommended approval to the Common Council. ,I / / NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That de Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Fihance Committee, does hereby approve the assignment of the Letters of Credit for Deer Creek and Deer Creek Addition No. 1 to M & I Marshall & llsley Bank. /’ DATED THIS DAY OF MAY~1998. / / SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMllTEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine Deferred 5/12/98 / This is to certifithat this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #95-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 5/98jmb SENT BY **Draft+* DATE' Kay _, 1990 IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OB CREDIT NO. SB 4810 BENEFICIARY: Cit.y of Muskego W182 5'8200 Racine P.venue Muskego WT 51150 attn MAXI" Anom: USD 98,387 14 EXPIRY DATE AT OUR COUNTBRSr November .I, 1996 Wc hereby Gpen out' Irrevocablr Sr~-dhy LFtter &F Credit No 58 1810 in your favor. for the account cut Premier: Development, :nf: , which :s Tliodndrld, Eighty-seven and 14/IUO II 5 DOL.L,?LRS (USD 58,087 14) ["Mar.imum available by your draft 3t SiGM!T up to the amount of Ninety clghr Amount"idI'a,m on the Mh'l narchall L Ilairy Dank bearlng the clrlu~e "Drawn under Letter OE Credit Nn 5B 48i3 dated May _, 199R or thr M&n: Marshall & Iloley Bank I' Your draft must be Accompanied by t.he €ol!owi:1g document ( 8) AI arnendlnent (8) ,whlck. mllst Leax yoilr written ap?!:nva? nr This oriqj-a1 Lett?:- cf cl-edit and drly ccbcequcr?c rejection El Beneficiar'y'c dated S!arcmrii:, on its lctterheab d11cl aiyrled by an individual puLTorting t3 be one Of it? offi-ials warranting "I. the unrkrsigned, am an authorized 2fficia1 of tb.e City of Nuskeyo. and duly certify Premier Development, I)P:rPlnper Agrecmellt dated Inc 11~s r4lt.d to fulfll. its obllgaclons outllnecl in a i998, by and betceen subdiviaim known az UP~K Creek " the City of M~skego and ?l'eniel- rJe-J~-!lop!\ent, Iilc for the Tho Maximum. Amount of t.his Let'rer' r,f Crrdir mdy I,? reduced upon cur receipt of the Clty of LluskfqO'P notice C'omplat-Pd in the f@rrnat attached hel'cI:c> afl Exhibit 1 (page 3:, 011 iiH letterhe25 and or:qinally Higned prenented and paid ':he oxiqioal better of cverlir. will be returl-red to Partial dIa&ingz/redirctinnn al-e pcm.i.ktod If a pal-ti.31 drawing is you If your rlrlwing erhscsts the outstanding halancc. the Letter JE Cledit will be r-ccained by 11s SENT BY: e PAGE 2, wh.1ch foi.ms dl1 integral part ot lrrevocable Standby Letrer- of Credit No SB 46Iu dated P!ay _, 19518. icsued io favor of the City of Muskego TI116 Lettel- of Credit sets fo?-t~ll in full our ~~ndertaking. and fmch underraking shall noc i(1 dlly way be Inlorlified, anlpllfled, 01- 1imit.ed by reference t.n any ficrurnent. inncr.urrent or ayl'eement referrcd to in this Lettel- of Credit, except only th? iini.lorm Customs and Practice referred to herein. and any such retc?el!ce shall not be deemed to incorporate herein any reterence to .1 document, inatrument 01 agreement The Letter of Credit is suuject rn rlw lrniform CUS~OWPI and Practice $01- Docuinentary CI?Cll.tR (1993 F!c?v<eiorll, Internat~.?nai Chaxber- oE Comnerce Fublication No 5Dci Prnaonration and paywrrt. of your d:dxingr. undel- chi3 Letter G€ Credit ~\TE reurricted to our counters PuL-suanc co U S Law. we are prohibited fror lsnning, transferring. accepting or paying ?ettel-s OF c ?dit to nny !'M~LV or entity identified bv :he Otfice of Foreign AsEet C3nrv.r:I. IJ :: Lkpal-crnent. of Treasury, or flubject to the lwnia! of Erporr ?-ivilegen by the U S Depa?'trner.t of Commerce 'n'e hereby onqage uirh you that ~ny dra,xing:s) uncle>: and in sowpl idt:c? slit11 the terms and conditions or this Lettel- of Credit 61m11 be rlc,ly honored by us upon OUT receiyc cf your origimlly signed docgments (a:~tn Internatlvnal Depai-trnent. 710 N Water Street , 4th floor, M.i Iwaukee IkI Monday through Fl-irlAy, on or hefore the current E%piry Uate, upon which 53102)~ before the close or out business ar 4 00 pm (Milwaukee tinlei date this Letter of Cred~t. exoil-e; ev-n rhmugh the original Letter of Credlt and amendment Is), if dlly, re nor returned to our counterz M&I WRSHALL & TL5LEY BANK DpbBU Authorized Signature/Title SENT BY: *+Draft** Credlt SB 4ti'1!i dated May _, 19YR. issued in fa.dor CJP the City of Page 3, Expihit 1, which fox-mF; and inteql-al p:t of IrrevocJble LetteK of Muskego and all appr0priat.c fields are cornp1etr:d) (The following tc appeal- on tk? eeneficiary'r letterhead, duly signed, .."~ ~........ ...~ "" """" ~"...--- ."~~ CERTIFICATE OR REDUCTION TO LETTER 01 CREDIT SB 4810 DATE . " Regard8 City of MuHhego Authorized signature / Tlrle cc Applicanl SENT BY 0 **Draft** DATE, Ray -, 1958 IRREVOCABLE STRHDBY LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 6B 4809 BEREPICIARY: Ci.ty of hskegrr attn MAXI" AMom: USD286.761 U2 APPLICANT: Promier Dcveloprnent, ltrc EXPIRY DATE AT OUR COWERSr November 4, 1998 We her-ehy open 0111' Irrevrlrablr. :t.sndby Letter of C1-ed.il. b!o SB 4uu9 in your favor.. fol tie account of Prernjcr De.Jelopment., In:: , which i3 available by your dl~aft at S':G.qT IIC: to the anount of Twilo HGnrJred, Eighty Six Thousald, Seven ilundred. Sixty-tu0 and 02/:00 9 S DOLLARS :USD286,762 02) ("l.l~xlmurn Arnount")draw:n WII the MtiI Marshsi! & lleley Bank bearing th? clause "D1-aic.n cnder Lcrtpr of Credit No 38 4009 datr;l Play acco!npaniod by c!le €01 ?or;iny dccun1e:rt !s; - , :790 iif the M&I PlarshA-?l S Ilslcy Bank I' 'four ciraft must Le A) Thi~e c,-i.jin,?l Lette~' c.f CredLt and any subnecpent anlendmerit is: .which must ;>ear your: wrir.r.en appl-o'?al or rejection E) Beneficial.,.':: dated StntemeItI, oil Its letterhead and zigned by an indi'dldual puqmttin,g to be one of it.8 dff,uinlo, .xa.rrantiny "1. the unders~qned, am a!> autho~ized official 9f the Ci;y ot Yuskego, and duly certify Premier Development. requi1:W tln3cIr thc ;evelcpes Agl'eelnt.!:t dat.ed No\,erber 1. Inc har .rdileti t.0 zorcy:et? rile Suhdivi eion Trnpl~oYen!ent; as 1997, by and bstreen tn? City nF Muukeqo and Fremier Develcpmenp, Inc for Che ;ubdivi$ion known an Deer Creek lat Ldddtion; 'we at-e ent.irled to draw upon this Letter; of Credit SB 4809: and these funds will bc used towjr:ds the completion of the Subdlvisim 1mp"o'vernentp. " The Maximum Amotlrit of this Lett?r of Credit may be reduced upon ~UI- receipt of the City (JC Muske.yo'5 rj?ticr! completed il: the format attached hereto dB Exhibit ? (pay 3). on ~tr. 1ct.terl:pad and originally ei~ned Farcirl. dl3UinqE/reduct,lons ale pc~mitt.ed pregented and paid, clie 01-iqinal Letter of Cledic wi~ll be retul-ned to If a partla1 drawing is Credit will be retained by us you If' your dl-.>winq exhaustu tt.0 nuts:anding balance. the Letter oE Conti.nued on Page 2 SENT BY WLI MARSHALL L 1LSLEY BANX SENT BY **Draft.* C1-edit SM 48uY dacecl May , 199R. issued In Eavor of the City of Page 3, Exhibit 1, which forlna and integral part. of irrviocable Letrel- of Muel..ego (The follo.ding to appear nn %e Seneficiary'z letterhead, duly 6;gned. and all applopriate fields are comp)r.tPCI: .- . . . . . . . . . . """ ....~.~.~. ................ CERTIFICATB OF REDUCTION TO LETTER OF CRKDIT 58 4809 Regardo, City of Muskeyo Authorized Siynat.llre / Titl? cc Appl 1 cant