CCR1998069COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #69-98 FINAL RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AND LEVYING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST BENEFITED PROPERTY Holz Drive Sewer Project (MSS-3-97) (Assessment District "SP") WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, held a public hearing at the City Hall on April 20, 1998, for the purpose of hearing all interested persons concerning the Preliminary Resolution, as amended, and Report of the City Engineer on the proposed sanitary sewer improvement within the persons to speak at the hearing: area described below and shown on the attached map and heard all Sanitary Sewer Assessment Area for Project MSS-3-97 Assessment District "SP" See Attached Legal Description and Map NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. That the report of the City Engineer and any amendments or modifications thereto pertaining to the construction of the above-described public improvements, including plans and specifications therefore is adopted and approved. That the City of Muskego has or shall advertise for bids and shall carry out the improvements in accordance with the report and any amendments or modifications thereto of the City Engineer. That payment for the improvements be made by assessing the cost to the property benefited as indicated in the report and any amendments or modifications thereto. That assessments shown on the report and any amendments or modifications thereto, representing an exercise of the police power, have been determined on a reasonable basis and are hereby confirmed. The assessments shown on the report and the modifications thereto conform with the policies of the City of Muskego now in existence as set forth in Resolution #283-97, to the extent not modified by this Resolution. Pursuant to said be a Front Foot and Unit Assessment, plus the cost of Policy, the City has determined the method of assessment to herein and any amendments or modifications to the same. laterals, as set forth in the Engineer's Report referred to Resolution #69-98 Page 2 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. That the remainder of said assessments are deferred as stated in assessment policies of the City. That the assessments due pursuant to Paragraph 5 of this November 1, 1998 or in ten (10) annual installments of Resolution may be paid in cash in full on or before principal together with twelve (12) months interest per installment to the Clerk-Treasurer, installment payments to bear interest at the rate of 8% per annum on the unpaid balance commencing on November 1, 1998 and said first are due and annually thereof. All assessments or installment being due on the date when real estate taxes be extended upon the tax roll as a delinquent tax against installments which are not paid by the date specified shall the property and all proceedings in relation to the collection, return and sale of property for delinquent real estate taxes shall apply to such special assessment, except as otherwise provided by statute. That all deferred assessments shall bear interest at the rate of 8% per annum on the unpaid balance from November 1, 1998 and until payment in full. When the deferral of an assessment ends, said assessment shall be paid in cash in the deferral unless the City, at is sole option, negotiates full on or before the first November 1st after the end of with a property owner having an assessment come due an agreement by which the assessment or a portion thereof may be further deferred when the Common Council determines that additional deferrals would be just and equitable under the particular circumstances. All assessments or installments which are not paid by the date specified shall be extended upon the tax roll as a delinquent tax against the property and all proceedings in relation to the collection, return and sale of property for delinquent real estate taxes shall apply to such special assessment, except as otherwise provided by statute. Interest rates on deferred assessments may be reviewed every five (5) years. That the Clerk-Treasurer shall publish this Resolution as a Class 1 Notice in the assessment district and mail a copy of this Resolution and a statement of the final assessment whose name appears on the assessment roll whose post office against the benefited property to every property owner address is known or can with reasonable diligence be ascertained. will allow for different payments of the assessment. Property owners may be qualified for hardship status which and must be determined to qualify for said hardship status Property owners must apply on or before September 1, 1998 Resolution #283-97 on or before October 1, 1998. in accordance with the assessment policy set forth in Resolution #69-98 L Page 3 0 DATED THIS 28TH DAY OF APRIL , 1998. SPONSORED BY: Mayor David L. De Angelis This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #69-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 4/98jmb Published Mav 7. 1998 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ) ss. (SEAL) Suzanne Sobczyk being duly sworn, doth depose and say that she is an authorized representative of The MUSKEG0 SUN, a newspaper published at MUSKEGO, Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from the said paper, was published therein on ~~ ynii . . . . . . . . . . ,7 . . -8 ... ,..... BOOKKEEPER urrtcial Notice COMMON COUNCIL. CITY OF MUSKEGO FINAL RESOLUTION AUTHORIZWG RESOLUTION H89-98 IMPROVEMENTS AND LEVYING OF SPECIAL INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWER ASSESSMENTS AGNNST BENEFITED PROPERTY Holz Drive Sever (Assessment District "SF) Project (MSS-3-97) Muskego. Wisconsin. held a public hearing at the WHEREAS. the Common Cound of the City of City Hall on April 20. 1998. for the'purpOSe ofhear. ing all interested persons concerning the Prelimi. nary Resolution. as amended. and &port of the City Engineer on the pmposed sanitary sewer improvement withi0 the area described below and shown on the attached map and heard ill persons LO spealr at the hearine: kssessment District 'SP far Project MSS-3-97 NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the See Allached Legal Description and Map Common Council of the City of Muskego as foUows: I. That the report of the City Eneeer and any amendments or modifications thereto pertaining to the construction of the ibove.deacribed pubB impmvementa. including plans and apesifications therefore is adopted and approved. tise for bids and shall cam out the improvements 2. That the City of Muskego has or shaU adver. in accordance with the report and any amendments or modifications thereto of the City En-eer, 3. That Payment for the improvements be made indicated in the report and MY amendments or by assessing the cost to the property benefited as modifications theretn f' ~ any amendments or modifications thereto. &pre. 4. That asseosments sbowun on the report and senting an exercise of the police power, have been determined 00 a reasonable basis and are hereby confirmed. 5. The assessments shown on the report and the modifications thereto conform.with the policies of the City ofMuskego now in existence as set forth in Resolution H283-97. to the extent not modified by has determined fie method al assessment to he a lhia Resolulion. l?u.suant?a Bald Poticy. the City Fmnt Foot and Unit Assessment. plus the cost or relemd to herein and anv amendments or mod& laterals. as set forth in the Engineer's Report sments arc iciea of the . 6. That the amessmenta due pursuant to Para- graph 5 of this Resolution may be paid in cash in annual indallmonts of principal together with full on or belore November 1. 1998 or in ten (10) twelve (12) montha interest per installment to the Clerk-Treasurer. installment payments to bear interest at the rate ares per annum on the =paid. balance commeocinp on November 1,1998 and said first installment being due on the date when real estate tares are due and ennu'ally thereof. All msessmenb or installmente which are not paid by the date specified shall be extended upon the tax roll as a delinquent tax against the property and ell proceedings in relation to the collection, return and sale of property for delinquent real date taxes shall apply to such special assessment, except as othenviac provided by statute. est at the rate of 8% per annum or, the unpaid bal. 7. That all deferred assessments shall bear inter. ance fmm November 1,1998 and until payment in aessment shall be paid in cash in full on or before full. When the deferral of an asBenemen1 ends. said the first November 1st after the end of the deferral unless the City. at is sole option. negotiates with a pmperty owner having 80 messmen1 come due an agreement by which the maessment or B portion thereof may be further deferred when the Common Council determines that additional deferrals would be just and equitable under the particular circum- not paid by the date specified aball be extended stances. AU aaessmenta or inslallments which are upon the tar roll as a delinguent tax against the property and aU proceedings in relation to the col- lection. return and sale of property for delinquent ment, except as otherwise provided by statute. mal estate tares shall apply to such special mess. 8. Interest rates on deferred assessments may be reviewed evey five (51 years. city. LcG&-z. : Resolution as B Clam 1 Notice in the assearmcnl 9. That the Clerk.hreasurer shall publish this district and mail a copy of this Resolution and a efited property to every property owner whose statement of the final assessment against the hen. name appears on the assessment roll whose post office address ie known or can with reasonable dili. gence be ascertained. 10. PmpertY Owners may be qualrfied Tor hard- ofthe assessment. Property owners must apply On ship st~tus which will allow for different payments Or before September 1. 1998 and must be deter. mkd to qaa1iTy Tor said hardship status in actor. dance with the assessment policy set forth m Reso. lution H283-97 on or before October I, 1998. DATED THE 28TH DAY OF APRIL. 1998. Mayor David L. De Angelis SPONSORED Bc COPY of~solution H69-98 which was adapted by the This is to certify that this IS i tme and accurate Common Council of the City of Muskego. /d Jean K. Marenda Pubhshed May 7.1998 AU that part of the Northwest, Northeast, and Southeast U4 of the Southwest l/4 and the South. west and Southeast U4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Ses- tion ~13. lbwn 5 N~rth. Range 13 East. City of Muskeao. Waukesbs County. Wisconsin. more fully described as rollmvs:, All those pmperti& abutting the right-of.wsy of Holr Drive hm Durham Drive 1850 feet more or less West and South. -. 4 INSTALLMENT BOIZ Dm ASSESSMENT SEWER PROJECT NOTICE AIsessment District 'SP" WSS3-97) been leL for Assessmen1 District 'SP" ror the HOLZ NOTICE is hereby given that contracts have Sewer Project MSS.3-97. and that the amount of the special assessment therefore has been deter- mined as to each parcel of real estate affected thereby and a statement of the same is on file with same in ten (10) instsllmenta, as provided for by the Clerk-Reasurer; it IS proposed to collect that Section 66.54 olthhe Wisconsin Statutes. with inter- est thereon at eight percent (8%) per year; that dl assessments will be collected in installments 8s above provided except such assessments OD pmper- tr where the owner Of the 8ame shall file with the Clark Reasurer wiWh 30 dajg fmm dare of this the special assessment on the owner'= pmperty, Notice a written notice that the owner elects to pay describing the same. to the Clerk-'hasurer on 01 before November 1. 1998. unless the election is revoked. If afler maLig such election. said proper. ty owner fa116 to maLe the payment to the Clerk Reasurer. the Clerk-?hasurer shall place the entire 88ses8ment on the next succeeding lax mu commencing November 1. 1998. Any deferred por- tion of any amessment is not Bfleeted by this Notice. DATED THlS 3UTH DAY OFAPRIL. 1998. CIn OF MUSKEG0 /d Jean K. Marenda. CMC Clerk.%aaurer Professional Engineers 63 Registered Land Surueyon since 1946 February 1 1, I997 LEGAL. DESCRIPTION Assessment District "SP" Holz Drive For: City of Muskego All that part of the Northwest, Northeast, and Southeast 114 of the Southwest 1/4 and the Southwest and Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 13, Town 5 North, Range 13 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, more fully described as follows: AI1 those properties abutting the right-of-way of Holz Drive from Durham Drive 1850 feet more or less West and South. Richard Eberhardt, RLS OWNER. City of Muskego RAE/sjd \\Lanl\rmdara\USERS\SID\WO~-~EG~S9~MS-SP.~ 13-92083.231 cc: File W239N1812ROCKWOODURlVE (4141 542-5733 WAUKESHA. WISCONSIN 53188-1 I13 FAX I4141 542-5631 MSS-3-97 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT "SP" Ruekert Mielke I *m m "" FINAL REPORT OF THE ENGINEER ON SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ -~. FOR PROJECT MSS-3-97 REBID ASSESSMENT DISTRICT "SP CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN HOLZ DRIVE In accordance with the Resolution of the City of Muskego, we herewith submit our report on the assessments for the sanitary sewer improvements made in the City of Muskego. All of the data shown is based on as-bid project costs. This report consists of the following schedules: Schedule "A" - Summary of assessments and estimate of entire cost of the improvements. Schedule "B" - Estimate of assessment for each parcel of property affected. Schedule "C" - Final plans and specifications. The properties against which assessments are proposed are benefited and the improvements constitute an exercise of Police Powers. RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. Consulting Engineers W239 NISI2 Rockwood Drive Waukesha,WI 53188-1113 April 22,1998 Final Report of the Engineer Holz Drive City of Muskego April 22,1998 Page 2 -b Assessment District "SP" A. Estimated Project Cost I Total Estimated Project Costs $87,871.20 a 04/22/98 1392083.232 2 \Uanl\rmdata\client\13\1392083.232\~;sernm~\~nal rcportofLheengineerl.doc @ Assessment District "SP" Final Report of the Engineer Holz Drive City of Muskego April 22,1998 Page 3 B. Estimated Assessable Main Costs C. Estimated Assessable Lateral Costs 1, 6 inch Lateral 3. 700.00 20% Administration, Engineering & Contingencies $ 3,500.00 50.00 70 L.F. 6" Sanitary Lateral I Total Estimated 6 inch Lateral Assessable Costs $ 4,200.00 04/22/98 1392083.232 3 \\lanl\rmdata\clien1\13\1392083.232\aEsensmt\final fcportofihtengincerl.doc Final Report of the Engineer Assessment District "SP" Holz Drive City of Muskego April 22, 1998 Page 4 2. 1 112 inch Pressure Laterals 7. 3,150.00 150.00 21 EA. 1-1/2" Sanitary Pressure 8. $ 6,860.00 10.00 686 L.F. 1-1/2" Sanitary Pressure Laterals Box Lateral Curb Stop and Total Estimated Pressure Laterals Construction Costs $10,010.00 20% Administration, Engineering & Contingencies 2,002..00 1 Total Estimated Pressure Laterals Assessable Costs $12,012.00 I I I D. Estimated Assessment Rate Calculations 1. 50/50 Front Foot / Unit Rate 50% Estimated Main Assessable Costs $35,829.60 a. Frontage Rate $35,829.60/2729.86L.F.=$13.1251/L.F Use $13.13 1L.F. b. Unit Rate $35,829.60 / 25 Units = $1433.1840 /Unit Use $1,433.18 Per Unit 2. 6 inch Sanitary Lateral Rate Estimated 6 inch Sanitary Lateral Assessable Cost - $4,200.00 Estimated 6 inch Sanitary Laterals - 3 $4,200.00 / 3 laterals = $1,400.00 per 6 inch lateral 3. 1 1/2 inch Pressure Lateral Rate Estimated 1 1/2 inch Assessable Pressure Lateral Costs = $12,012.00 Estimated 1 112 inch Pressure Laterals = 21 $12,012.00 I21 Laterals = $572.00 / 1 112 inch Pressure Lateral 4 04/22/98 1392083.232 \Uanl\rmdata\clienl\l3\1392083.232\asrcrsml\final report of he engineer1 .doc c Final Report of the Engineer Assessment District "SP" Holz Drive City of Muskego April 22,1998 Page 5 E. Estimated Non-Assessable Costs There are no estimated Non-Assessable Costs. Actual quantities and rounding may cause a small value to be Non-Assessable. 04/22/98 1392083.232 5 \Uanl\rmdala\clicnI\l3\1392083.232\smcrrml\final rcporIoftheengineerLdoc m 3 .