CCR1998051COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #51-98 RESOLUTION APPROVING FINDINGS OF FACTS AND DETERMINATION IN THE MATTER OF REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF “CLASS 8” RETAILERS LICENSE FOR THE SALE OF FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGES AND INTOXICATING LIQUORS OF ALPINE LANES OF MUSKEGO, INC. BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the attached Findings of Facts and Determination in the matter of revocation or suspension of “Class B” Retailers’ License for the Sale of Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquors of Alpine Lanes of Muskego, Inc. DATED THIS 14TH DAY OF APRIL, 1998. SPONSORED BY: CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #51-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 4l98jmb FINDINGS OF FACT AND DETERMINATION MADE BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO IN THE MATTER OF: REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF “CLASS B“ FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGES AND INTOXICATING LIQUORS RETAILERS‘ LICENSE FOR THE SALE OF OF ALPINE LANES OF MUSKEGO. INC. A FINDINGS OF FACT 1. There was filed on October lo, 1997 with the City of Muskego a document entitled, “Complaint to the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, Against Alpine McIndoe, Registered Agent”. Lanes of Muskego, Inc., D/B/A Alpine Lanes and Lloyd S. 2. Upon the filing of the Complaint, the Common Council of the City of Muskego, pursuant to Resolution #249-97, on October 28, 1997 authorized the issuance of a Summons by the City Clerk. 3 That the Summons issued on November 3, 1997. 4. That said Summons and a copy of the Complaint were served upon Alpine Lanes of Muskego, Inc. 5. That a hearing was scheduled to be held at the City of Muskego, City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, Muskego, Wisconsin, at 7:OO p.m. on November 13, 1997, but was adjourned pursuant to stipulation of the Complainant and Licensee dated November 11, 1997 and rescheduled for 7:30 p.m on April 14, 1998. 6. That the premises which was the subject matter of the hearing is located at S80 W18700 Apollo Drive, Muskego, Wisconsin 7. That the Complainant has entered a Stipulation as to penalty for Licensee, a copy of said Stipulation being the allegations of the Complaint and as to a requested attached hereto and made a part hereof. 8. That pursuant to the Stipulation of the parties, the allegations of the Complaint and the facts stated of Muskego as part of these Findings of Fact therein are adopted by the Common Council of the City 0 Pursuant to said Stipulation referred to in Paragraph 7 above, the Common Council makes the following . B DETERMINATION 9. Each incident stated in the Complaint violates Wisconsin Statutes, 5125.07 and Muskego Ordinance Wisconsin Statutes 5125.10 and said allegations were 512.01, which are municipal regulations adopted under set forth in the Complaint as stated above are found to be true pursuant to the Stipulation referred to in Paragraph 7 above 10 The alcoholic beverages license of Alpine Lanes of Muskego, Inc are hereby suspended for ten (10) days commencing at 2 30 a.m on May 16, 1998 through 9:00 a m on May 26, 1998 as stated in the Stipulation 11. The City Clerk shall give notice of each suspension or revocation to the person whose license is suspended or revoked. DATED this 15th day of April , 1998 I, JEAN K. MARENDA, Clerk of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that members of the Common Council voted 6 to 1 to adopt these Findings of Fact and Determinations on this 14th day of April , 1998. e 3h?L+JL ENDA, City Clerk -2- BTIPULATION IN THE MATTER OF: REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF "CLASS B" RETAILERS' LICENSE FOR THE SALE OF FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGES AND INTOXICATING LIQUORS HELD BY ALPINE LANES OF MUSKEGO, INC., LLOYD S. MCINDOE, REGISTERED AGENT d/b/a ALPINE LANES and - IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED and agreed by and between the Complainant, the Licensee, and the City of Muskego, and approved by their respective attorneys, that the Complaint against Alpine Lanes of Muskego, Inc., d/b/a Alpine Lanes and Lloyd S. McIndoe, registered agent Gated arid filed with the City Cierk October 10, 1997 concerning the above matter be disposed of as follows: 1. The Licensee does not contest any of the allegations of the Complaint and agrees that the Complaint and the facts stated therein may be adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego as its Findings of Fact in this case. 2. The Common Council for the City of Muskego may enter its decision that Licensee has violated the alcoholic beverage laws and ordinances as stated in the Complaint without further hearing, the right to which hearing Licensee expressly waives: and the City of Muskego shall suspend Licensee's Class B Retailers' License for the sale of Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquors May 16, 1998 through 9:00 a.m. Tuesday May 26, 1998. for a period of ten (10) days, from 2:30 a.m. Saturday 3. Licensee shall withdraw his appeal of the Judgments of the City of Muskego Municipal Court entered February 25, 1998 in City of Muskego citation numbers G79473 and G79518 forthwith upon approval of this Stipulation by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 4. The City of Muskego shall not use the allegations of the Complaint filed in this action, this suspension, or any prior suspension as a basis for a future license suspension, revocation, or non-renewal proceeding, as Stipulation as the penalty for said violations. The City Licensee is receiving the suspension referred to in this of Muskego may, however, use the allegations of the Complaint filed in this action, for the sole purpose of determining the penalty to be imposed upon the Licensee have subsequently violated alcohol beverage laws or in the event Licensee is found by the Common Council to ordinances, for which a suspension or revocation could be imposed. 1 0 Dated this __ day of , 1998. COMPLAINANT: LLOYD S. MCINDOE, CHEIF OF POLICE REGISTERED AGENT CITY OF MUSKEGO: By : DAVID L. DE ANGELIS, MAYOR APPROVED BY: TIMOTHY P. GARRITY LAW OFFICE SCHOBER & SCHOBER, S.C. By: ATTORNEYS FOR COMPLAINANT ARENZ, MOLTER, MACY & RIFFLE, S.C. By : DONALD S . MOLTER, JR. ATTORNEYS FOR CITY OF MUSKEGO . 2 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #a-98 RESOLUTION APPROVING FINDINGS OF FACTS AND DETERMINATION IN THE MATTER OF REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF "CLASS B" RETAILERS' LICENSE FOR THE SALE OF FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGES AND INTOXICATING LIQUORS OF ALPINE LANES OF MUSKEGO. INC. BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the attached Findings of Facts and Determination in the matter of revocation or suspension of "Class B" Retailers' License for the Sale of Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquors of Alpine Lanes of Muskego, Inc DATED this day of , 1998 SPONSORED BY: CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL FINDINGS OF FACT AM) DETERMINATION MADE BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO IN THE MATTER OF: REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF "CLASS B" RETAILERS' LICENSE FOR THE SALE OF FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGES AND INTOXICATING LIQUORS OF ALPINE LANES OF MUSKEGO, INC. A FINDINGS OF FACT 1. There was filed on October 10, 1997 with the City of Muskego a document entitled, "Complaint to the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, Against Alpine Lanes of Muskego, Inc , D/B/A Alpine Lanes and Lloyd S. McIndoe, Registered Agent". 2. Upon the filing of the Complaint, the Common Council of the City of Muskego, pursuant to Resolution #249-97, on October 28, 1997 authorized the issuance of a Summons by the City Clerk 3 That the Summons issued on November 3, 1997 4. That said Summons and a copy of the Complaint were served upon Alpine Lanes of Muskego, Inc. 5. That a hearing was scheduled to be held at the City of Muskego, City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, Muskego, Wisconsin, at 7:OO p.m. on November 13, 1997, but was adjourned pursuant to stipulation of the Complainant and Licensee dated November 11, 1997 and rescheduled for 7 30 p m on April 14, 1998. 6. That the premises which was the subject matter of the hearing is located at S80 W18700 Apollo Drive, Muskego, Wisconsin 7. That the Complainant has entered a Stipulation as to the allegations of the Complaint and as to a requested penalty for Licensee, a copy of said Stipulation being attached hereto and made a part hereof. 8 That pursuant to the Stipulation of the parties, the allegations of the Complaint and the facts stated of Muskego as part of these Findings of Fact therein are adopted by the Common Council of the City C' Pursuant to said Stipulation referred to in Paragraph 7 above, the Common Council makes the following: B DETERMINATION i 9. Each incident stated in the Complaint violates Wisconsin Statutes, 3125 07 and Muskego Ordinance §12.01, which are municipal regulations adopted under Wisconsin Statutes S125.10 and said allegations were be true pursuant to the Stipulation referred to in set forth in the Complaint as stated above are found to Paragraph 7 above 10 The alcoholic beverages license of Alpine Lanes of Muskego, Inc are hereby suspended for ten (10) days commencing at 2 30 a m on May 16, 1998 through 9 00 a m. on May 26, 1998 as stated in the Stipulation 11 The City Clerk shall give notice of each suspension or revocation to the person whose license is suspended or revoked DATED this day of , 1998 I, JEAN K MARENDA, Clerk of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that members of the Common Council voted to to adopt these Findings of Fact and Determinations on this 0 day of , 1998 JEAN K. MARENDA, City Clerk -2- IN THE MATTER OF: REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF "CLASS 8" FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGES AND INTOXICATING LIQUORS RETAILERS' LICENSE FOR THE SALE OF XELD BY ALPINE LANES OF MUSKEGO, INC.. LLOYD S. MCINWE, REGISTERED AGENT d/b/a ALPINE LANES and IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED and agreed by and between the Complainant, the Licensee, and the City of Huskego, and approved by their respective attorneys, that the Complaint against Alpine Lanes of Wlskego, Inc., d/b/a Alpine Lanes and Lloyd S. Mcrndoe, registdrad agenc uated arid filed with the City Clerk October 10, 1997 concerning the above matter be disposed of as follows: 1. The Licensee does not conteat any of the allegations of the Complaint and agrees that the Complaint and the facts stated therein may be adopted by the common Council of the City of Muakeqo as its Findings of Fact in this case. 2. The Common Council for the city of Huskego may enter its decision that Licensee has violated the alcoholic beverage laws and ordinances as stated in the Complaint without further hearing, the right to which hearing Licensee expressly waives; and the City of Muskego shall suspend Licensee's Class B Retailers' Licence for the sale of Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquors May 16, 1998 through 9:OO a.m. Tuesday May 26, 1998. for a period of ten (lo) days, from 2:30 a.m. Saturday 3. Licensee shall withdraw his appeal of the JudgrPent8 of the City of Muakego Municipal court entered February 25, 1998 in City of Huskego citation numbers G79473 and G79518 forthvith upon approval of this Stipulation by the Common Council of the City 02 Muskego. 4. The City of Muskego shall not use the allegations of the Complaint filed in this action, this suspension, or any prior suspension as a basis for a future license suspension, revocation, or non-renewal proceeding, as Licensee is receiving the suspension referred to in this Stipulation as the penalty for said violations. The City of Huskego may, however, use the allegations of the Complaint filed in this action, for the sole purpose of detennining tha penalty to be imposed upon the Licensee in the event Licensee is found by the Common Csuncil to have subsequently violazed alcohol beverage laws or ordinances, €or which d suspension or revocation could be imposed. 1 - Dated this __ day of , 1998. col4PLAInwT: JOHN R. 3OWSON, LLOYD 5. MCIHWE, CHEIF OF POLICE REGISTERED AGENT CITY OF MUSKEGO: By : DAVID L. DE ANGELIS, MAYOR APPROVED BY: TIMOTHY P. GARRITY LAW OFFICE SCHOBER h SCHOBER, S.C. 0 By : TIXOTHY P. GARRITY ATTORNEYS FOR COMPLAINANT ARENZ. MOLTER, HACY h RIFFLE, S.C. By : WNALD S. MOLTER, JR. ATTOEWEYS FOR CITY OF WUSKEGO