CCR1998046AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #46-98 DISAPPROVAL OF PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 AND CONTINUUM ARCHITECTS (Kurth Park Expansion) WHEREAS, Continuum Architects 8 Planners S.C. submitted a proposal for Park in the amount of $20,690; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee reviewed the proposal submitted by Continuum Architects & Planners S.C. and recommended approval contingent upon two favorable references being obtained; and WHEREAS, The Parks & Recreation Director obtained said references as requested, which were favorable; and WHEREAS, Certain issues to be addressed by Continuum prior to the City entering into an Agreement with Continuum were not satisfactorily resolved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Planners S.C. for professional services for the master planning and construction satisfactorily resolved by Continuum. I professional services for the master planning and construction documents for Kurth 0 Muskego does hereby disapprove the proposal submitted by Continuum Architects & 1. documents for Kurth Park in the amount of $20,690 due to certain issues not DATED THIS 26TH DAY OF E, 1998. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMllTEE Ald. Domonic D’Acquisto Ald. David Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine Deferred 3/24/98,4/1 4/98, 4/28/98, 511 2/98 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution M6-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. . WA 3198jmb COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #46-98 (Kurth Park Expansion) WHEREAS, Contin professional service Park in the amount of $20,690; and WHEREAS, The Fina osal submitted by Continuum Architects & Planners al contingent upon two favorable references being obtained; and WHEREAS, The Parks said references as requested, which were favorable. NOW, THEREFORE, B the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the rec ance Committee, does hereby accept the proposal submitted & Planners S.C. for professional services for the master n documents for Kurth Park in the amount of $20,690. BEITF d Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to enter into and execute nuum subject to approval of the City Attorney. DATED THIS p”’ OF / / 1998. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Domonic DAcquisto Ald. David Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine Deferred 3/24/98. 4/14/98,4/28/98, 511 2/98 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #46-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 3/98jmb Jean Marenda From: Craig Anderson Sent: To: Jean Marenda Tuesday, March 17, 1998 255 PM cc: Subject: Mark Slocomb; David DeAngelis References for Continuum Architects 8 Planners "- Jean - The following information I received from the references for Continuum Architects 8 Planners. Persons contacted were Mr Robert Yamachika, YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee (# 224-9622) and Ms. Mary Marshall, Department Questions posed to reference persons were the following: I i of Surgery - Medical School UW Madison (# 608-263-1366). 1, What project was done? 2. 3. Did the project stadend on time & within budget? Did they use sub-contractors and how did they work out? 4. 5. Would you re-hire for other projects? Other comments? Answers to above reference questions are below. Projects completed for the YMCA included rehabbing older residences for half-way houses, doing a site plan study and work for child care centers, and developing an outdoor play area which had uneven terrain. The project for the Medical School was the designing for renovating laboratories and the renovation process itself (5,000 square foot facility). All projects for both references startedlended on time and was within budget School was especially complimentary of Kramer Brothers and said the communication process between all three agencies went very well. Both references indicated they would re-hire Continuum Planners 8 Architects for future projects and have done so. The YMCA said Continuum was very hard working and diligent. The Medical School indicated Continuum staff listened well, they got exactly what they wanted, and received a lot of personal attention. Both references were very complimentary of Continuum Planners &Architects. Both references indicated sub-contractors were used and worked out very well. No complaints. The Medical References were checked on 3/17/98 by: Craig Anderson, Parks 8 Recreation Director Page 1 November 24, 1997 Mr. Peter Theis W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Parks Director P.O. Box 903 Muskego, WI 53150-0903 Dear Mr. Theis: Continuum Architects and Planners is pleased to submit this proposal to you, for professional services required for the master planning and construction documents of Kurth Park, in Muskego. We enjoyed our visit with you and stopped at Kurth Park on our way back to Milwaukee. The comprehensive information that you provided has allowed us to gain a clearer understanding of the project's specific needs and challenges. Mr. Theis, we have assembled a multi-faceted, experienced team directed under our leadership. We are determined to provide you with all the services required for the successful implementation of your project. We ensure that your project will receive the care and ability of experienced project architects, landscape architects, and civil engineers to create a highly functional recreational area that reinforces the natural uniqueness and beauty of Kurth Park. We are committed to a collaborative process with your staff and present preliminary as well as final ideas to the public. We have an excellent track record of quality project delivery on time and on budget. Please, do not hesitate to call our references and inquire about our abilities. We are looking forward to working with you and your staff. OUR TEAM: Project Architects and Project Management: Landscape Architect: Civil Engineer Surveyor: Continuum Architects and Planners, S.C. 228 South First Street Milwaukee, WI 53204 Tel: 414-220-9640 HPS IANDscape Design 2776 South Quincy Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 Tel: 414-482-3975 Barrientos Engineers 8 Architects 5323 North 118" Court Milwaukee, WI 53225 Tel: 414527-2773 Interline Survey 11221 W. Forest Home Avenue Franklin, WI 53132 Tel: 414-425-2060 OUR UNDERSTANDING: 2. The overall site is approximately 17 acres of which 6 to 7 acres are currently developed for 1 Kurth Park will be maintained as a neighborhood park. 3. Additional play fields and inter connecting walking paths are envisioned to make the park 4. In order to budget and implement a long range plan you require a new master plan 5. You envision the implementation of the master plan in two phases. 6. The implementation of Phase One will be in 1998, while the completion of Phase Two may 7 The project budget for work to be completed in 1998 is approximately 5 200,000.00 8. It is our understanding that we would primarily be meeting with the Parks Director and his 9. We are allowing for two community presentation meeting to present preliminary and final recreational use. more usable for the neighborhood. identifying the different improvements and cost budgets. be over a five to ten year period. staff for establishing the concepts and long term implementation. ideas Phase One: 1 Existing Restroom to be remodeled to comply with ADA requirements. 2. Convert one Tennis Court into a Basketball Court. 4. Install new fencing, backstop and infield mix for the existing softball field. 3. Design a play ground and play structure for children, ages toddler to teens. Phase Two: 6. Maintain the existing swale that originates at the housing subdivision to the west. Provide a 5. Develop the central park area into a managed turf or open area. 7 Enclose the western and southern edges of the park with a new fence. 8. Investigate options to provide sound and visual barrier to the neighbors to the southwest. 9. Develop a soccer field, a play area and parking for 45 to 50 cars at the south end of Kudh culvert or bridge over the open swale to provide a connecting walking path. Park. OUR SERVICES: Master planning for the entire Kurth Park: . . We will provide an overall survey, including topographical information of the entire Kurth Neighborhood Park Establish an overall site assessment to evaluate natural features, conditions of the existing land forms and natural grasses. Prepare designs for new paths and any general regrading. Prepare recommendations for the re-seeding of the playfie!ds and open, managed turf areas. Prepare design ideas for visual or noise barriers for the southwest neighborhood. Design a "bridge" across the existing drainage to connect the walking paths. Prepare construction budget for Phase One and Phase Two improvements. We will prepare recommendations for slowing the traffic on Woods Avenue. Phase One, Design and Construction Documents for the Northern Portion: Construction drawings to upgrade the restrooms in order to be ADA compliant. Construction drawings and specifications to re-grade and refurbish the baseball field, install Construction documents to convert one tennis coud to a basket ball court. Design drawings for a new play structure. The actual construction drawings of the structure Cost Estimate for Phase One. Phase Two, Design and Construction Documents for the Central and Southern Portion: Construction drawings to establish one U-10 soccer field, a second play structure and a Construction drawings and specifications for fencing around the western and southern new fencing and backstop. itself will be established by the playground manufacturer. parking area for approximately 50 cars. boundaries of Kurth Park. Construction Administration. In our fee, we included one site visit each for Phase One and Phase Two. Any additional schedule for the break down of our hourly rates. construction site visits will be charged at a Time and Material basis. Please see our fee NOT INCLUDED IN OUR FEE: Traffic engineering and traffic design for Woods Avenue. at the southern entrance of the park is not included in this proposal. PROJECT EXPERIENCE: HPS LANDscape Design METROPOLITAN MILWAUKEE YMCA Milwaukee, WI West Suburban YMCA' HPS LANDscape developed the drawings and specifications for landscape improvements as well as a fitness trail. North Suburban YMCA' HPS LANDscape Design designed all the playfields and an extensive nature trail system Tri-County YMCA" HPS LANDscape Design developed the overall masterplan and playfields for the new facility. existing bog. Special attention was paid to the environmental concerns of maintaining and enhancing the MSOE PLAYFIELDS Milwaukee, WI HPS LANDscape Design developed the overall master plan for the campus. Not unlike your project the masterplan was implemented over the course of a two to three year period. I I 'e PROJECT EXPERIENCE: Continuum Architects and Planners NORTH CENTRAL YMCA TOT LOT ON lZth AND GARFIELD Milwaukee, WI Size: 15,OOOSF Construction Cost: Completed: Continuum Architects + Planners designed the overall park arrangement for hard and soft surface areas, seating for parents as well as the actual play structure itself. We prepared design and construction drawings for approval by the City of Milwaukee and renderings for fundraising purposes. S 65,000.00 1997 TEENCENTER Mequon. WI Size: 10,OOOSF Construction Cost: $ 1,000,000.00 Completed: Continuum Architects + Planners prepared the program and the design documents for a privately operated Teencenter. The center is specifically designed with and for high school students. Obviously recreation and especially outdoor recreation is crucial to the success of the project. In Design Process FRANCES BROCK STRAMS EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Milwaukee, WI Size: 20,000 S.F Construction Cost: Completed: This 19'" century Romanesque structure underwent both an interior and exterior renovation to was brought up to code and modifications were made to provide for the handicapped house an early childhood center for 180 students for the Milwaukee Public Schools. The building accessibility requirements of the ADA. The renovation included roof and window replacement, tuck pointing of brick and extensive reworking of the playground. The outside play area included a new play structure, tot lot, as well as new fencing and parking paving. $ 3,000,000 1992 RACINE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY' MAXIMUM AND MEDIUM SECURITY PRISON Racine, WI Size: 500,000 SF Construction Cost: 560.000.000 Completed: 1991 The 650 bed facility was a renovation of the former St. Bonaventure High School and addition of new housing facilities. The Correctional Institution was designed under the open supervision concept where the inmates are supervised from open workstation. The design incorporated a segregation unit, a clinic, exercise facility as well as a state of the art dispatch and central control tennis courts as well as full and half-court basketball courts. system. In order to fulfill the recreational program for the inmates we designed baseball fields, FAMILY ACTIVITY CENTER PLANNING STUDY' ONEIDA TRIBE OF INDIANS Green Bay, WI Size: 40,OOOSF Completed: Master plan completed 1997 The Oneida Tribe commissioned a diverse, local and national team to develop a master plan for tribal members generated the concept of providing a single, integrated facility where the entire an recreational, aquatic and community center combined into one facility. The philosophy of the an aquatic center with both a 6-lane pool as well as a leisure pool, gymnasiums, fitness family may come and find age-appropriate activities. The program included educational spaces, areas as well as social and multifunctional spaces. HIGHLAND PARK MASTER PLAN DEVELOPMENT. An lntergenerational Campus for Jewish Community Center Size: Mequon. WI Completed: Master Plan completed The first phase of the Master Plan, established the overall conceptual programming functions. and analyzed the overall site development to create a new community in an suburban setting. The program includes independent. assisted living as well as skilled care for the elderly, a recreational facility, community activities, a religious facility as well as social spaces. The emphasize is on sharing common functions and services to run an efficient operation but most important is the residents into the community. bringing together of the different population segments. In particular, the integration of the elder 200,000 SF WALKERS POINT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION HISTORIC RENOVATION I DAYCARE FACILITY FOR LA CAUSA Milwaukee, WI Size: Construction Cost: Completed: Under Construction This historic renovation project involves the reconstruction of an extremely dilapidated structure. The entire facade is being rebuilt from a combination of new brick and stone and existing decorative stone pieces found in storage from a 1970's demolition project. Upon completion, the building will De placed on the National Historic Register, and will house a daycare center for 60 children of age infant to 5 years old. 5,800 S.F $ 400,000 * Architect of Record are firms other than Continuum Architects + Planners, although the principals of this team where the leaders of the respectively noted projects. REFERENCES: '0 Mr. Robert Yamachika YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee 735 West Wisconsin Avenue Suite 600 Milwaukee,, WI 53233-2416 Ms. Judith Keese Manager, Office 8 Building Services Blood Center Of South Eastern Wisconsin 1701 W. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee. WI 53233 Tel. 414 - 224 - 9622 Tel. 414 - 937 - 5000 Mohammed H. Zagloul. P.E. Tel. 414 - 747 - 5321 Milwaukee County 5300 S. Howell Av. Project Manager - Mitchell International Airport Milwaukee, WI 53207-6189 Mary Marshall Department of Surgery Medical School, UW-Madison 600 Highland Avenue H4n10 Clinical Science Center Madison. WI 53792-7375 Tel. 608 - 263 - 1366 As you are inquiring about our technical, design and management abilities please ask these references about Ursula Twombly, Falamak Nourzad and Robert Barr's performance, as many of these projects were completed while we were employed with other architectural firms. 0 0 Architectural Fee ........................................................................................................................ Survey Civil Engineering Landscape Architecture and Management Master Planning, Architecture $ 5,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $5,000.00 Continuum Architects + Planners S.C. commits to perfom the above professional services for the Master Planning, Phase One and Two documents as outlined in this proposal for a lumpsum of $13,000.00. Reimbursable, reimbursable expenses such as reprographics, long distance telephone, fax, postage, handling, In addition to basic services fees, Continuum Architects + Planners will charge the owner for and mileage. We suggest you allow 5% of the fee as a budget for these expenses. Provisions for Additional Services, If authorized by owner in advance, tasks outside of the scope of basic services will be charged The hourly rate for additional services are as follows: on additional time and material basis per the above listed hourly rates. Drafting Design, Management and Client Meetings $45.00 per hour $65.00 per hopr Payment provisions, of the invoice date. Late charges of 1% of the outstanding balance accrue after 30 days. All Invoices will be sent monthly on a percent complete basis. Invoices are payable within 60 days fees quoted do no include any future state-mandated tax on professional services. ApprovallAuthorization to Proceed, If this proposal meets with your approval please sign the attached copies and return one copy to to working with you on this project. us. We are pleased to have this opportunity to submit a proposal to you and are looking forward APPROVAUAUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED Approval for: the above proposal. Master planning and preparation of construction documents for Kurlh Park, as outlined in City of Muskego: (Signature) (Date) Continuum Architects + Planners, S.C.