CCR1998042COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #42-98 RESOLUTION OF APPOINTMENT ASSESSOR WHEREAS, Charter Ordinance #I6 provides for the appointment of the Assessor for the City of Muskego by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the Common Council effective May 1, 1998, for an indefinite term subject to removal as provided in §I 7 12, and WHEREAS, the Mayor wishes to appoint Laura L. Mecha as Assessor with four weeks vacation effective May 1, 1998, and five weeks vacation effective May 1, 2002; 180 hours to be placed in sick leave bank on 5/1/98, with said hours allowed to be used first with no payout allowed of said hours; sick leave payout to be limited to 90 days; longevity to be paid at $17.50 per month; probationary period waived; and, salary to be determined at time of completion of classification and compensation study and implemented in the same manner as other department heads, but if not complete by May 1, 1998, shall be at the interim rate of $1,691.83 biweekly; and, subject to all provisions of the Personnel Code for Management and Other Non-represented Personnel, except as provided for herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the appointment of Laura L. Mecha as Assessor effective May 1, 1998, with provisions as noted above. 0 DATED THIS 24TH DAY OF MARCH , 1998. SPONSORED BY: Mayor David L. De Angelis This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #42-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 3/98jm CHARTER ORDINANCE #16 CITY OF MUSKEG0 A CHARTER ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF THE ASSESSOR FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The City of Muskego, pursuant to S/S 62.09 (3) (b) and S/S 66.01, Wisconsin Statutes, hereby elects not to be governed by those provisions of S/S 62.09(3) (b), Wisconsin Statutes, which are in conflict with this Charter Ordinance and Charter Ordinances #11 and #15 are hereby amended, in part, in that the office of the Assessor shall be appointive and of indefinite term. SECTION 2: The office of City Assessor of the City of Assessor by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the Common Muskego is to be performed by the person appointed as City Council as provided in S/S 62.09(3) (b)2 and Chapter 1.04 of the Muskego Municipal Code, commencing on May 1, 1998. SECTION 3: The appointed Assessor shall hold office for an indefinite term, subject to removal as provided in S/S 17.12, Wisconsin Statutes. SECTION 4: Any charter provision or any previously enacted ordinance or charter ordinance inconsistent or in conflict herewith is hereby expressly repealed. (60) days after its passage and publication subject to the provisions of S/S 66.01, Wisconsin Statutes. SECTION 5: This charter ordinance shall take effect sixty PASSED AND ADOPTED BY A VOTE OF 5 IN FAVOR AND 1 OPPOSED THIS 22nd DAY OF JULY , 1997 CITY. OF MUSKEGO David L. ATTEST : First Reading: 7/8/97 e renda, Clerk-Treasurer PUBLISHED THIS 31st DAY OF JULY, 1997. 17.08 RESIGNATIONS, VACANCIES, REMOVALS 93-94 Wis. Stats. 342 thereby be restored to office, if the term for which the officer was elected or appointed has not expired, and shall thereby become entitledtotheemolumentsoftheofficeforallofthetimetheoffi- cer would have served therein had the officer not been suspended as herein provided. the governor or other officer or body to remove any officer from (2) This section in no manner impairs or restricts the power of office as provided by law. HIMry: 1991 a 316. county officers may be removed from office as follows: 17.09 Removal of elective county officers. Elective county clerk. county treasurer or surveyor, or a county supervisor, (1) COUNTY CLERK: TREASUR~: SURVEYOR; SUPERVISOR. The by the county board. for cause, by a vote of two-thirds of all the supervisors entitled to seals on such board. the judge or a majority ofjudges of the circuit coun for the clerk's county. for cause. (5) Ornm ~VECOUNTY omcERS. The sheriff, coroner or register of deeds, by the governor. for cause. (2) CLeRK OF CtRCUtTCOURT The clerk of the circuit COUTt. by HtMr).: 1577~. 449: 1579~. 32; 1989.. 31. See 11015 to 19.45. citing 66 Any Gen. 148. APmtmBY GOVERNOR. County officers appointed by the gov- 17.10 Removal of appolntlve county offlcers. (1) ernor may be removed by the governor for cause. by the county board may be removed by lhe county board for (2) Amtm BY COUNTY BOARD. County officers appointed cause. All removals may be made by an affirmative vote of tww thirds of the supervisors entitled to seats on the county board. (3) hmtmm BY CHAIRPERSON OF COUNTY BOARD. County officers appointed by the chairperson of the county board may be county civil service commission who may be removed by the removed by the chairperson for cause, except members of the county board for cause under sub. (2). A county commissioner of elections so removed may appeal to the county board within IO daysafterremoval;thecountyboardshallwnductahearinginthe manner determined by it and shall determine the question of removal. appointedbyajudgeorjudgesofthecircuitcounmayberemoved (4) APFUINTED BY THE ClRCUlT JUDGE county officers at pleasure by the judge or a majority of the judges authorized IO appoint the officers' successors. appointed by the county judge may be removed at pleasure by the (5) APp01m BY THE COUNTY IUDCE. County officers circuit judge or a majority of the circuit judges authorized to appoint the officers' successors. appointive county officers may be removed at pleasure by the offi- (6) OTHUls. (a) Except as provided under par. (b). all other cer or body that appointed them. Removals by a body, other than the county board. consisting of 3 or more members may be made by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the members thereof. (b) .The following appointive county officers may be removed for cause only: I. Disposition staff and intake workers appointed under ch. 48. 2. Any person appointed to administer services under s. or 51.437. ine to merit and fitness under and subiect to a civil service law. or (7) GENWLAL EXCEPTION. County officers appointed accord- * as therein provided. wKose removal is governed by such ilaw, shall be removed only Hlrtory: 1577 c. 154 1983 L 192; 1985 a. 29. 17.11 Suspenslon of dlstrlct attorney or sheriff. (1) anyoffenscagainstthelawsofthisstate,orifthegovemoriscred- If any district attorney or sheriff is arrested for or charged with ibly informed that any district attorney or sheriff is guilty of any offense against the laws of this state, or that proceedings are pend- ing before any coun or officer involving any criminal charge against any district attorney or sheriff, or that any district attorney orsheriffwilfullyneglecuorrefusesloperformthatdistrictauor- ney's or sheriffs duties. the governor shall in the case of a felony andmayinthecaseofamisdcmeanorsuspendthedistrictaltomey or sheriff from office until the charge shall be investigated and finally determined. The governor shall. in the case of the district attorney. appoint the attorney general or one of the attorney gener- governorshall,inthecaseofthesheriff,appointasuitablcperson. al's assistants or some competent attorney of the state, and the todischargethedutiesoftheaffectedofficeduringthesuspension. under sub. (I) for his or her services and expenses in an amount (2) (a) The state shall pay an attorney temporarily appointed determined and fixed by the governor. (b) The county in which a person is temporarily appointed sheriff under sub. (I) shall pay the appointed sheriff for his or her services in an amount determined and fixed by the governor and cenified by the governor to the county clerk of the county. power and discharge all the duties of the district attorney and that (3) Any attorney so temporarily appointed shall have all the anorney shall speedily bring 10 a hearing and determination any charges made against thedistrict attorney sosuspended. Any per- son so temporarily appointed as sheriff shall have all the power and discharge all the duties of sheriff. (4) If it is determined in the action or proceeding or is found upon the investigation that a district attorney or sheriff suspended under this section is not guilty of an offense, or has not wilfully neglected or refused to perform his or her duties, as charged, that fact shall be certified by the governor to the department of admin- istration if a district attorney is involved or to the county clerk of thesheriff'scountyifasheriffisinvolved. Uponthecenification, the district attorney or sheriff shall be: (a) Entilled to the emoluments of the office for the time he or she would have served in the office had he or she not been sus- pended under lhis section; and elected or appointed has not expired. @) Restored to office if the term for which he or she was ing to the removal from office of the district attorney or sheriff. (5) This section in no manner affects provisions of law relat- HLr~r)l:1989a31:1991r316. GENERALANDSFWIALCHARTER 0fficersofcities.exceptpublic 17.12 Removal and suspenslon of city offlcen. (1) officials. as defined in s. 66.146 (I) @). operating under the gen- eral law or under special charter including school officers, may be removed as follows: or by the common council, for cause. (a) Elective. Elective officers by recall as provided ins. 9.10. appointed. by the common council. for cause, except officers (c) Appoinlive. Appoinlive officers. by whomsoever appointed by the council who may be removed by that body. at pleasure. Officers appointed by any other officer or body without confirmationorconcurrencebythecouncil,bytheoflicerorbody that appointed them. at pleasure. Thecouncil mayconducta hear- ing thereon by a committee which committee shall proceed in such manner as may be determined by it and make full report to the council, which shall determine the question upon such appeal. (d) Voles required. Removals by the common council may be made only by an affirmative vote of three-fourths of all the mem- bers thereof. and by any other body consisting of 3 or more mem- bers. by an affirmative vote of twMhirds of all the members thereof. commission form of government may be removed ar follows: (2) CoMMtssloN FORM. Officers of cities operating under the (a) Elecrive. Elective officers by mall as provided ins. 9.10. (c) Appoinlive. Appointive officers. by whomsoever appointed. by the council. at pleasure, by a majority vote; andoffi-