CCR1998030AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #30-98 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF THE LABOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUSKEGO POLICE ASSOCIATION AND THE CITY OF MUSKEGO JANUARY 1,1996 - DECEMBER 31,2000 WHEREAS, A settlement has been reached between the negotiators for the City of Muskego and the negotiators for the Muskego Police Association; and WHEREAS, The members of the Muskego Police Association have ratified the agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the attached settlement agreement, as amended, between the Muskego Police Association and the City of Muskego for the period January 1, 1996 through December 3 1, 2000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are hereby authorized to execute the labor agreement. DATED THIS 4th DAY OF MARCH, 1998 SPONSORED BY: David L. De Angelis, Mayor Reconsidered, amended and adopted March 10. 1998 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #30-98 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. a SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT by and between THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 and THE MUSKEG0 POLICE ASSOCIATION March 10. 1998 The City of Muskego and the Muskego Police Association have reached a tentative settlement for a new collective bargaining agreement, having as its effective date January 1, 1996 through and including December 31, 2000. The terms and conditions of this collective bargaining agreement shall be in accordance with the prior agreement having expired on December 3 1, 1995, except as set forth below: 1, m: All rates and classifications shall be amended as follows a. Effective January 1, 1996: 3.5% b. Effective January 1, 1997. 3.6% c. Effective January 1, 1998: 3.7% d. Effective January I, 1999: 3.5% e. Effective January 1, 2000: 3.5% (It is understood that the above increases shall be across the board applying to all rates and classifications.) f. Effective upon ratification, the starting Patrol Officer rate shall be decreased by $1,000.00 for a// new Patrol Officers hired offer rotification of ozreemenL. g. Amend the last sentence of Article 5, Section 1 to read: "The City shall pay all employees on Thursday for work performed through the previous Friday. It is understood that those employees who on March 1, 1998 are paid in a manner different than as set forth above shall have their pay adjusted at the termination of their employment. h. The Muskego Police Association agrees to review merit pay proposals and the parties can reopen the contract if agreement on the merit pay plan is reached. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT - THE MUSKEGO POLICE ASSOCIATION MARCH 10, 1998 2. Article 5 Wages. Section 2 Overtime a. Amend the last paragraph to read: "The emplqes emdover shall have the right to schedule employees for the annual inservice training and specialized training by adjusting off-duty time to avoid having to pay time and one-half (1%~) if a training session would otherwise fall on the employee's regular off time, provided the training session is a minimum of eight hours in length (to be considered the equivalent to the loss of a regular shift)." 3. Article 5 Wages. Section 4 Holidavs I 1 a. Paragraph 2: Amend the first sentence to read: "In addition to the eight (8) days of holiday pay, employees shall be entitled to take two (2) floating holidays at a time mutually agreed upon by the Chief and employee." b. Paragraph 2: Add to the last sentence: "and shall be paid with the remaining holiday pay out on the first pay period in December." 4. Article 5. Section 5 Uniform Maintenance a. Paragraph 1, Amend the first sentence to read: "A uniform allowance of $225.00 per year shall be paid to each employee at the payday nearest December 1st of each year, b. Paragraph 2: Amend the first sentence to read: "In addition, the City will pay for the cost of any officer's personal items up to a maximum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) per item, damaged, destroyed, or lost while on duty. 5. Article 5 Wages. Section 6 Shift Commander Pay a. Amend the first sentence to read: "Officers who act as shift commander (including an acting lieutenant), in the absence of a supervising officer " 6. Article 5 Wages. Section 8 a. Increase the amount of pay towards purchase of body armor from $300.00 to $350.00 for all new employees. 2 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT - THE MUSKEGO POLICE ASSOCIATION MARCH 10, 1998 7 Article 6 Vacations, Section 1 a. Add the following language: "The hiring date of all employees shall be converted to the first day of the month (see kdkwmg femdft) (An emplovee hired on or before the dav ofthe month shall be elieible for vacation accrual the 1st dav of the month hired An emnlovee hired on the 1 ?' of the month or after shall be eligible for vacation accrual the 1st dav ofthe followinp montk) and the resulting date shall be used to determine the amount of vacation to which they are entitled." 8. Article 6 Vacations. Section 4 a. Paragraph 1 Amend the third sentence to read: "Vacation picks will commence on January 1st of each year " b. Paragraph 2: Amend the first sentence to read: "During the annual seniority vacation picks, the maximum vacation period which may be requested shall be two weeks, or fourteen (14) days, including regular days OK I' 9. Article 7 Health and Welfare a. Effective January 1, 1998 there will be a monthly insurance co-pay at $10.00 for family coverage and $5.00 for single coverage. b. The City agrees to maintain current practice with respect to health insurance waiver by employees as per the attached policy. (Appendix A) c. Life insurance: The City agrees to offer the Wisconsin Retirement Service, basic policy. d. The City of Muskego agrees to set up a segregated trust hnd for sick bank money for health insurance pay out. The trust hnd administrators will consist of two trustees from the Police Association and two athisoy trustees from the City. All administration costs to be borne by the trust hnd or Muskeeo Police Association, and all losses to be borne by the trust hnd. 10. Sick Leave: Amend to provide for banking of up to two thousand (2,000) hours, with pay out to remain at current level. 3 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT - THE MUSKEGO POLICE ASSOCIATION MARCH 10, 1998 1 1 Article 11 Time off for Funerals a. Add to Section 11.01 “In the event of funerals out of town (more than 250 miles) an additional one (1) day of absence with pay shall be granted.” a Amend Section 11.01 to read. “In the event of the deoth of one emplovee’s mother, father. spouse, child, brother, or sister. three (3) dovs leave of absence with pav shall be pronted In the event of the death ofanv emplovee’s wondmzrents. or spouse’s immedate fomilv. up to three (3) days leove of absence with pov will be pranted In the event offunerals out of town (more ton 250 miles). on odditionol one (1) dov of absence with poy shall be wanted For Muskego Police Association For City of Muskego 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Jean K. Marenda, CMC City ClerWComptroller (414) 679-5625 APPENDIX A IN LIEU OF HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT I qualify for reimbursement in lieu of Health Insurance Coverage for 1994 in accordance with Resolution #309-92. I have signed a "WAIVER OF GROUP COVERAGE" provided by Prime Care Health Insurance and understand that pre-existing condition limits may apply in accordance with the Prime Care Plus Health Insurance plan if application is made for coverage at a later date. Please check applicable category: - Employees Eligible for Family Plan Coverage - Employees Eligible for Family Plan Coverage - Employees Eligible for Single Plan Coverage and Elect Payment in Lieu of Coverage $150/Month * and Elect Single Coverage $100/Month and Elect Payment in Lieu of Coverage $ 50/Month * Eligible Part-Time Employees May Obtain Reimbursement on a Pro-Rata Basis I understand that the above reimbursement will be included on my second payroll check of each month subject to FICA and withholding taxes. (Signature) (Date) W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Box 903. Muskego, Wisconsin 53150-0903 Fax (414) 679-4106 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #30-98 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF TBE LABOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUSKEGO POLICE THE CITY OF MUSKEGO JANUARY 1,1996 - DECEMBER 31,2000 WHEREAS, A settlement has been reached between the City of Muskego and the negotiators for the Muskego Police Association; and WHEREAS, The members of the Muskego Police NOW, THEREFORE., BE IT RESOLVED, That does hereby approve the attached settlement and the City of Muskego for the period BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor are hereby authorized to execute the labor agreement. DATED THIS 4th DAY SPONSORED BY: David L. De Angelis, Mayor This is to certify that is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #30-98 which was adopted by the Common City of Muskego. 2/98jmb . Lindner&Marsack WUUL. uu4 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT by and between THE CTTY OF MUSKEGO and THE MUSKEGO POLICE ASSOCIATION March 3, 1998 Tile City of Muskepo and the Muskego Police Association have reached a mrative seblement for a ncw collective bargaining agreement, having as its effective date January 1. 1996 through and including December 31, 2000. The terms and conditions of this collective bargaining agriecment shall be in accordance with the prior agrecmcnt having expired 011 December 3 1, 1995, except as set forth below: 1, w: All rates and classifications shall be amended as follows. a. Effective January 1,1996: 3.5% b. Effective January 1, 1997: 3.6% C. Effective January 1, 1998: 3.7% d. Effective January 1, 1999: 3.5% e. Effective Jmua~y 1,2000: 3.5% (TI is understood that the above increases shall be across the board applying to all rates and classifications.) f. Effective upon ratification, the starting Patrol Officcr rate shall be decreased by $1,000.00. g. Amend the last sentence of Article 5. Section 1 ta read: "The City shall pay all employees on Thursday for work performcd through the previous Friday. It is understood that those employees v,ko on March 1! 1998 are paid in a mer different than as set forth above shall have their pay adjusted at the termination of their employment. h. The Muskego Police Association agrees to review merit pby proposals and the parties can reopen the contract if agreement on the merit pay plan is reached. 03/03/98 13 5g F.il 414 273 0522 LindnertUlarsack 2. Article 5 Wapes. Section 2 Overtime a. Amend the last paragraph to read: "The employees shall have the right IO schedule employees for the annual insenice kaining and specialized kaining by adjusting off-duty time to avoid having to pay time and onc- half (1%~) if a training session would otherwise fall on the employee's regular off time, provided the training session is a minimum of eight hours in length (to be considcred the equivalent to the loss of a regular shift)." 3. Article 5 Waees. Section 4 Holidavs a. Paragraph 2: Amend the first sentence to read: "In addition to the eighi (8) days of holiday pay, employees shall be entitled to take two (2) floating holidays at a time mutually agreed upon by the Chief and employee." b. Paragraph 2: Add to the last sentence: "and shall be paid with the remaining holiday pay out on the first pay period in December." 4. Article 5. Section 5 Uniform Maintenance a. Paragraph 1: Amend the first sentence to read: "4 uniform allowance of $225.00 per year shall be paid to each employee ar the payday nearest December 1st of each year. b. Paragraph 2: Amend the first sentence to read: "In addition, the City will pay far the cost of any officer's personal items up to a maximum of two hundred dollars (S200.00) per item, damaged, destroyed. or lost while on duty 5. Article 5 Wages. Section 6 Shift Commander Pay a. Amend the first sentence to read: "Officers who act as shift commander (including an acting lieutenant), in thc absence of B supervising officer.. . ." 6. Article 5 Wazes. Section 8 n. Increase the amount of pay towards purchase of body armor from S300.00 to $350.00 for all new employees. 7 Article 6 Vacations, Section 1 a. Add the following language: "The hiring date of all employees shall bc converted to the first day of the month (see following formula), and the resulting date shall be used to determine the mount of vacation to which they arc entitled." 2 8. Article B Vacations. Section 4 a Paragraph 1; Amend the third sentence to read: "Vacation picks will commence on January 1st of each year. " b. Paragraph 2: Amend the first sentence to read: "During the mual seniority vacation picks, the maximum vacation period which may be requested shall be two weeks, or fourteen (14) days, including regular days off." 9. Alzicle 7 Hedrh and Welfare a. Effecrive January 1, 1998 there will be a monthly insurance co-pay at S10.00 for family caserage and $5.00 for single coverage. b. The City agrees to maintain current practice with respect to health insurance waiver by employees as per the attached policy. (Appendix A) c. Life insurance: The City agrees 10 offer the Wisconsin Retirement Servicel basic policy. d. The City of Muskego agrees to set up a segregated trust fund for sick bank n~oney for health insurance pay out. The nut fund administrators will consist of tu'o trustees from the Police Association and two trustees from the City. All administration costs to be borne by the trust fund, and all losses to be borne by the trust fund. 10. Sick Leave: Amend to provide for banking of up to two thousmd (2,000) hours, with pap out to remain at current level. 1 1, Article I 1 Time off for Funerals a. Add to Section 11.01 ' "In the event of funerals out of time (more han 250 miles) an additional one (1) day of abscnce with pay shall be granrcd." For Muskego Police Association For City of Muskego 3