CCR19972570 AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - ClTY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #257-97 APPROPRIATlNG THE NECESSARY FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 FOR THE YEAR 1998 BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. does hereby appropriate out of the receipts of the City of Muskego for the year 1998 including monies received from the General Property Tax Levy, to the various hnds and purposes set up in the budget presented herewith for the purposes therein stated. the following amounts: SUMMARY OF REVENUE AND EXPENSE GENERAL AND DEBT SERVICE FUNDS TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTAL REGULATlONlCOMPLlANCE PUBLIC CHARGES FOR SERVICES PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS COMMERCIAL REVENUE 0 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS TOTAL REVENUES GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFETY HEALTH AND SANITATION TRANSPORTATION EDUCATION a RECREATION UNCLASSIFIED INDEBTEDNESS TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS ACTUAL ESTIMATED BUDGE7 1996 12/31197 1998 $ 4,111,101 $ 4.428.298 1,487,390 594,293 1.445.037 555,686 531.1 32 826,626 999 760 402,656 319,017 3,490,547 4,132,934 $ 10.888.118 $ 11,708,358 0 5,455.664 * 1.437.91 1 532.886 890,598 250 261.850 3,839,239 $ 12,418398 $ 1,546.727 3.223.625 393,907 1,037,546 932,588 25,831 3,532,298 10.637 $ 1,721,245 $ 1,990,507 3,366,552 3,523,310 427,197 444,520 1,655.81 1 1,737.817 1,030.6W 1,052.541 34.216 41 1,365 3,344,969 3,258,338 2,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 10,703,159 511,582,594 $ 12,418,398 * Taxes Revenue mcludes S5244.464 property tax levy which IS 23 9% hlgher than 1997 SURPLUS APPLIED FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 52.309 $ 32.400 TRANSPORTATION FUNDS 16 12,300 TRANSFER FROM LANDFILL FUND 326,246 115,660 TRANSFER FROM TIF 220,000 45,132 TRANSFER FEDERAL FORFEITURES 5.841 12,970 2,100 CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTIAY REVENUE $ 564,387 $ 110.411 $ 150,160 $ 550.151 $ 78.011 $ 150,lM) Rcsolulion #257-91 2 ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 12131196 12/31/97 12131198 0 FUND BALANCES GENERAL FUND DEBT SERVICE TAX LEVY FUND $ 2.598.008 $ 2,197,599 $ 1,690,199 625.163 656,427 656.427 5 3.223.171 $ 2.854.026 $ 2,346526 TOTAL FUND BALANCE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Special Revenue Funds budget for 1998 as attached is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED There is hereby levied a tax of $5.29 per $1,000.00 upon all the taxable property within the City of Muskego as returned by the City Assessor in the year 1997 for uses and purposes set forth in said budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Clerk-Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to spread the said tax upon the current tax roll of the City of Muskego. DATED THIS a DAY OF NOVEMBER. 1997 SPONSORED BY: COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Ald. Dornonic D’Acquisto Ald. Patrick Patterson Ald. Donna Woodard AM Donald Pionek Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. David Sanders Ald. Mark Slocomb This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #257-97 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 1 1/97 Resolulion #2.57-97 3 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Revenues General propew taxes Intergovernmental revenues- Public charges for services Public improvement revenues: Operating grants Sewer connection lees Special assessments Subdividers fees Commercial revenues. Other Interest earned Donations Total revenues EaDenditures Eacess of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financinq sources (uses) lnterfund transfer Transfer to Debt Service Fund Transfer from General Fund Transfer to Capital Projects Fund Transfer from Capital Projects Fund Transfer to General Fund Transfer to Utiliy . City subsidy Capital contribution to sewer Distribution of positive tax increment City General Fund Other governments Total other financing sources (uses) Excess of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other uses Fund balances. beginning of period 0 Fund balance, end of period REVISED BUDGET 1997 ESTIMATED 12131197 BUDGET - 1998 $ 3.282.000 $ 3,428,284 $ 1,885,874 527,103 376,105 390,797 117.716 120,338 120.640 50,000 172,300 68.500 290.335 280.000 50.033 91.800 66,600 106,800 489.000 454,960 504.244 502.750 652.406 643.451 38.000 38.093 38.000 $ 5,270,669 $ 5,493,621 $ 4.017.806 $ 1,303,681 S 1,071,929 $ 1,033,348 16 3,968,988 $ 4,421,692 $ 2.984.458 5,000 (30.wO) 2.000 46,071 (577.000) (349.885) (184.792) (881.481 ) (887,204) 2.000 (115,660) 46,071 (577.000) (585,000) (382.007) (483.077) (174,083) (209,922) (165,000) (165,000) (642,WO) (800.000) (1,895,605) (2,931,500) (2,280,553) 2,071,332 1,490,192 703,595 7,838,456 8.190.604 9,680,796 $ 9,909,838 $ 9,680,798 $ 10384.391 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #257-97 BE IT RESOLVED That th f Muskego. upon the recommendation of the Co appropriate out ofthe receipts of the City of Muskego for th ed from the General Property Tax Levy. to the various funds esented herewith for the purposes therein stated. the following amounts: GENERAL AND DEBT SERVICE FUNDS TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONICOMPLIANCE PUBLIC CHARGES FOR SERVICES PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS COMMERCIAL REVENUE 0 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS TOTAL REVENUES GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFETY HEALTH AND SANITATION TRANSPORTATION EDUCATION 8 RECREATION UNCLASSIFIED INDEBTEDNESS TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS ACTUAL 1.487.390 594.293 555.6 801,132 826.626 999 402.656 319,017 261.850 3.490.547 4,132,934 $ 1,546,727 3,223,625 393,907 1,037,546 932.588 25,831 3,532,298 10.637 $ 1,721,245 $ 2.W0.381 3,366,552 3,523,310 427.1 97 444,520 1,655.81 1 1,737.817 1,030,604 1,052.541 34.216 41 1,365 3.344.969 3,258,335 2,000 .\ TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 10,703,159 $ 11,582.594 $ 12,428,272 \ * Taxes Revenue includes $5.320.782 properly tax levy which is 25 7% higher than 1997 SURPLUS APPLIED FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 52,309 $ 32.400 TRANSPORTATION FUNDS $ 12,300 TRANSFER FROM LANDFILL FUND 326.246 11 5,660 TRANSFER FROM TIF 220.000 45,132 TRANSFER FEDERAL FORFEITURES 5.841 12.970 2,lW CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY REVENUE $ 564,387 $ 110,411 $ 150.160 $ 550.151 $ 78.011 $ 150.160 Rcsolulion #257-')7 2 ACTUAL 12/31 196 FUNDBAIANCES GENERAL FUND DEBT SERVICE TAX LEVY FUND I 2,598.C 625.1 TOTALFUNDBALANCE $ 3,2231 ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 12/31/97 12/31/96 108 S 2,197,599 S 1,690,199 63 656,427 656.427 71 2,854,026 3 2,346.626 ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOL hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED is hereby levied a tax of $5.37 per $1,000.00 upon all the taxable property within the uses and purposes set forth BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the spread the said tax upon th DATED THIS - DAY OF NOVEMBER. 1 Ald. Mark Slocomb This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy ofResolution #257-97 which by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. I 1197 Clerk-Treasurer \ a REVISED BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1997 12/31197 1998 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Revenues General properly taxes inlergovernmentai revenues- Public charges for services Public improvement revenues: Sewer connection fees Special assessments Commercial Subdividers revenues. fees '...; Operating grants Other Interest earned Donations Total revenues Emenditures ~~~ ~ EKcessofrevenuesover (under) expenditures Other financina sources (Uses) lnterfund transfer Transfer to Debt Service Fund Transfer from General Fund Transfer to Capital Projects Fund Transfer from Capltal Projects Fund Transfer lo General Fund Transfer to Utility - Clly subsidy Capiial contribulion to wr Distribution of positive tax increment: City General Fund Other governments Total other financing sources (uses) ~ I Eacess of revenues and other Rnanclng sources over (under) expenditures and other uses a Fund balances, beginning of period - Fund baldnce. end of period f 3,282,000 S 3.426.284 $ 1.883.874 527,103 376.105 390.797 117,716 120,358 120.640 59,m 68.m 59.m 172.300 290.335 280,000 66.600 504,244 592.750 652.406 643.451 30.093 58.ooo ? 1,303.681 $ 1,071,929 $ 1,033,348 S 3,966,988 5 k421.692 $ 2,984,459 (1.895,Mw) (2,931,333) (2,280,863) \ 2.071.582 1.490.192 703.595 7,838,456 6,190,634 9.680.796 I 9,909,830 $ 9.680.796 S 10.384.391 NOV 07 '97 12:39PM EHLERS BROOKFIELD P. 1 Alderperson ine introduced the following resolution and moved iL< adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 255-97 RESOLUTION AUTHOKIZING EHLERS A3'D ASSOCIATES, INC. TO SOLICIT COMPETITIVE PROPOSALS FOR NOT TO EXCEED $2,775,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION PROMISSORY NOTES OF THE CITY OY MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN WHEREAS, Wisconsin Statutes, Section 67.12(12) authorizes the City of Muskego to issue Oeneral Obligation Promissory Notes: and WHEREAS, the City needs to finance he construction of a new Community Center, 1998 capital projects and 1998 water projects; and WHEREAS, Ehlers and Associates, Inc. is the financial advisor for the City of Muskego: NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Waukerha County, Wisconsin, that Ehlers and Associates. Inc. is authorized to solicit competitive proposds for the purchase of not to exceed $2.775.000 General Obligation Promissory Notes of the City of Muskegu. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Ehlers & Associates is authorized to prepare an Official Statement in behalf of the issuer in accordance with Rule 1.5~2-12 of the General Rules and Regulations, Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing rcsolution wm duly seconded by Alderperson S locomb and upon a vote being takcn, the following voted in favor thereof: D'Acquisto, Patterson, Salentine, Sanders, Slocomb, and Woodard and the following voted against the same: None whereupon sad resolution was dwlared passed and adopted. n Adopted this &my of November , 1997.f 1 .. David DeAngelis, Mayor Attest: e T:\GENERAL\OSFORMS\EQARES