CCR1997250COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #250-97 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Graves WHEREAS, A certified survey map was submitted on September 19. 1997 to finalize a three-parcel division of the Graves property on Hillendale Drive in the SE ’/4 of Section 7; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission has recommended approval through Resolution #P.C. 194-97. as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the Certified Survey Map to finalize a three-parcel division of the Graves property on Hillendale Drive in the SE ‘/4 of Section 7 subject to the conditions outlined by the Plan Commission in Resolution #PC 194-97 and the minutes of October 7, 1997 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this approval is subject to receipt of all fees required by Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance, any special assessments which may be due, and approval of the City Engineer I. I DATED THIS 26TH DAY OF MAY , 1998 SPONSORED BY: I Ald. Nancy C. Salentine Deferred 10/28/97, 11/11/97 11/25/97. 1/13/98 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #250-97 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. I 10197jmb BAWER BLUEPRINT (414) 542-8200 COMPANY, INC. FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. Being a part of Certified Survey Map No. 709 and of the SE 1/4 and SW 114 of the SE 114 of Section 7, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. LOT I, CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. '~~ 6539 SHALL HAVE A I/8TH UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN OUTLOT 1. ,<* '~\ '~~ ,~ * , Sheet 1 of 4 AMENDED RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL OF A CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP CREATING A THREE (3) LOT LAND DIVISION FOR THE GRAVES PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 7 RESOLUTION #P.C. 194-97 WHEREAS, A Certified Survey Map was submitted by Frederick F. Graves for a three (3) lot land division at the property located in the SE Vi of Section 7 on September 19, 1997, and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission granted sketch approval for a seven (7) lot land division for this property on April 1, 1997, under Resolution #P.C. 69-97, and WHEREAS, This Certified Survey Map contains three (3) of the seven (7) lots granted sketch approval under Resolution #P.C. 69-97, and WHEREAS, The additional four lots will be under a separate Certified Survey Map, and WHEREAS, A condition of approval of Resolution #P.C. 69-97, was that the property be rezoned to RCE/OPD, Suburban Residence with a Planned Development Overlay, evidence for successful perc test be submitted and a sketch of proposed land division indicating that all square footage regulations for a RCE/OPD lot be submitted by a registered surveyor, and WHEREAS, The property has been rezoned and all lots meet the area standards for an RCEIOPD zoning district. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission recommends approval of the Certified Survey Map for a three (3) lot land division in the SE 1/4 of Section 7 of the Graves Property subject to proof of successful perc test for each lot, resolution of technical discrepancies as identified by the City Planning Department and City Engineers, and payment of all applicable fees in Section 18.14(3) of the Land Division Ordinance. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a DXF or COG0 file of this CSM be submitted to the City prior to City signatures being placed upon the CSM (3-1/2" diskette). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a note be placed on Certified Survey Map describing ownership of Outlot #1 along with authorization of delineation of wetlands. Plan Department City of Muskego Adopted 10-07-97 Defeated 1047-97 PCMinules Page 3 NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION #P.C. 191-97 - Approval of a Building, Site and Operation Plan for Del Sievert Trucking, Inc. at the property located west of the intersections of Crowbar and Janesville Roads. Commissioner Schaumberg made a motion to approve. Commissioner Gummer seconded. Director Sadowski stated there are a number of issues with use on property and that the petitioner is investigating their options at this time and requested deferral. Commissioner Gummer made a motion to defer Commissioner Vitt seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 191 -97 was Deferred unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 192-97 - Approval to amend a Building, Site and Operation Plan for Nextel Communications at the property located at W188 S8273 Mercury Drive. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to approve. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded, The site and building plans submitted need to be reworked along with submittal of color rendering. Commissioner Vitt made a motion to defer to allow petitioner time to resubmit building and site plans. Commissioner Gummer seconded, Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 192-97 was Deferred unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 193-97 - Approval of a two (2) lot sketch land division for the Hewitt Property located at S76 W18040 Janesville Road. *Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to approve. Commissioner Gummer seconded. Director Sadowski stated that there are a number of.uses on property, access being the main concern. Several options were discussed for petitioner to rework sketch to gain access to proposed parcel; along with working out the sewer access issues. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 193-97 was Denied without Prejudice unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 194-97 - Recommendation of approval of a three (3) lot Certified Survey Map for the Graves Property located in the SE % of Section 7 Commissioner Schaumberg made a motion to approve. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Discussion ensued wherein there is a concern as to who will be responsible for maintenance of Outlot 1 and that this information should be placed on the CSM. Grading and drainage plans need to be submitted. The location of the perc test should be indicated on the CSM and documentation submitted. Access restriction to Hillendale from parcel 1 should also be indicated. Mr Stan Potrykus, petitioner's representative, addressed the Commission indicating that the delineation of wetlands was completed by the Corps of Engineers Mr Potrykus stated that each parcel will have In ownership of Outlot #1 and there will be a homeowners association developed to insure maintenance and control. Commissioner Vitt made a motion to amend resolution to state, That a note be placed on CSM describing ownership of Outlot #l along with authorization of delineation of wetlands. In the fifth and sixth WHEREAS the RS-1IOPD be changed to RCUOPD. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 194-97 was Amended unanimously. Upon a roll call vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 194-97 was Adopted unanimously