CCR1997162/ COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #162-97 OFFER TO PURCHASE (LIBRARY) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the attached Counter Offer for the acquisition of land for a City library. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor is authorized to make necessary technical changes in consultation with the City Attorney if needed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to execute the Counter Offer and closing documents in the name of the City and to extend the acceptance andlor closing dates if necessary. DATED THIS 17'h DAY OF July ,1997 SPONSORED BY: David L. De Angelis, Mayor '0 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #162-97 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. K. -h3d 7/97 jrn WE46 Multiple Counter-Oner Approved by the W8sconsin Department of Regulation and Lncensing 7-3-91 MULTIPLE COUNTER-OFFER Counter-Offers are being made by Seller to one or more other prospective buyers. The terms of this Counter-Offer may differ 3 on Seller or Buyer until the agreement is confirmed by Seller at lines 47 or 50 and the conflrmatlon is delivered as described in from the terms of Counter-Offers being submitted to other prospective buyers. Acceptance of this Counter-Offer is not binding 4 lines 31-37. Seller or Buyer may withdraw their Counter-Oner or acceptance at any time pdor to delivery of Seller's confirmation 5 to Buyer. 7 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 19 is countered. Ail terms and conditions 6main the same as stated in the Offer to Purchase except tl6 following: Any warranties and representations made in this Counter-Offer survive the closing of this transaction. I 22 received by Seller no later than 9:oo @.m. of 7- /8 , 1997 (Time is of the Essence). 21 This multiple Counter-Offer by Seller will expire and be null and void unless the wr'tten acceptance by Buyer of this Counter-Offer is - Date: 7 - Time: a:- a.m.G U/< PA 25 Seller) Seller's Social Security U d/- /6 T500F 26 This Co nter-Offer was drafted by (Licensee and Firm): 27 - d Klla7 ISeller) ~ 28 r~nw Bo, ~PZ 6. y+w Seller's Social Securlty U Acceptance by Buyer 30 29 Note: I1 the above Counter-Oller by Seller Is not accepted by Buyer in its enllrety, do not use thls form lor a Counter-Offer by Buyer. instead. wbmlt a Counter-Otfer or a new olfer to purchase. 31 32 until this acceptance by Buyer is confirmed below by Seller and a copy is delivered to Buyer on or before eL3u-p- i'-/f-92 TheaboveCounter-OflerbySeller~sacceptedbyBuyer.AcceptanceofthisCounter-OfferbyBuyerisnotbindingonBuyerorSeller 33 (Time is of the Essence). Delivery of the accepted Counter-Offer to Buyer may be made in the following ways: (1) by depositing a copy 34 postage or fees prepaid in the U.S. mail or a commercial dellvery system addressed to Buyer at " 35 36 personal delivery to Buyerwlectronic transmission of 37 38 Date: 7- 7 -9 7 Tlme: 7,iZ a.mm 39 40 This Counter-Offer by Seller was presented to Buyer by (Licensee and Firm): C,,a f /?&Nz IB"W) on 43 Date: 7- /3 - p? Time: 2.36 a.m& Confirmation by Seller 44 Seller acknowledges receipt of the acceptance by Buyer and, by signing below, Seller confirms this agreement and hereby agrees 46 is a secondary 0ffer.l 45 to Sell and convey the property to buyer. [Note: Seller should not sign below if there isan existing accepted offer unless this Counter-Offer ~ 1E()Date: Time: a.m.1p.m. 1 51 49 The acceptance by Buyer was presented to Seller by 50 (Licensee and Firm): (Seller) on (Seller) 1 52 Date: Time: a.m.1p.m ATTACH THIS COUNTER-OFFER TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE