CCR1997114COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #114-97 WITH LEGAL ACTION AGAINST SANITARY DISTRICT NO. 1 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY ATTORNEY TO PROCEED OF THE TOWN OF NORWAY WHEREAS, the City of Muskego filed a Notice of Circumstances of Claims and Notice of Claims dated January 21, 1997 with the Sanitary District No. 1 of the Town of Norway on or about January 30, 1997; and; WHEREAS, there has been no resolution of said Claims to the attached hereto. satisfaction of the City of Muskego, a copy of said notices being NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the City Attorney to proceed in a timely manner with any necessary legal action as to said Notice of Circumstances of Claims and Notice of Claims. DATED THIS 27th DAY OF MAY , 1997. SPONSORED BY: David L. De Angelis, Mayor This is City of Resolut 5/97 jmb .ion #114-97 which was adopted by the Common Council of the to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Muskego. '0 I ""_"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" CITY OF MUSKEG0 W182 59200 Racine Averus P. 0. Box 903 Yluskego, WiSCOC6in 53350, NOTICE OF CIRCUMSTANCES OF Zlzinant , -V$ - SANITARY 3ISTRI.CT KO. L OF THE TOWN OF NCRWAY Wind, 7.akls. Wis:or,sin 53185, 6419 Keg Park Road Respondent. """""""""""""""""".."""""""""""""" TO: SLVLTARY DISTRICT NC. 1 OF THE TOWN OF N0ZO.Y Wind Lake, Wisconsin 53185 6419 Heg Park Road p"q ?lease be advised that ;he aimve-captioned claimant is a parry wit.h stacdicg :o sue for declaratory judgment concerning the meaning of an agreement for sewer service dated April 16, 1378 by and betweef. Sanitary District No. 1 of the Town of Norway, hereinafter referred to as ofDistrict'l, and the City o€ MLskego, hereinafter referred to as "City". You are hereby formally zotified on behalf of the c?aimant, pursuant to the provisions of §993.80(1) (a), Wisconsiz SLat.Jtes, of the circumstances of the following cl;,irns: 1. The Distric: has stated that it interprets the contract ca mean that the City's use of tf?e District Sanitary Sewer Facility is limited to a "pak wet" flow of 191,750 galAons pcL Cay a;:d, c'neraEalre, tha rityln use is above 'chat allowed by the agreema-nt. The City hao taken the position that tke contract limit of 393,750 ga1;Lcr.s per day is a "base dry" flow ?.umber and tha: mans the City's "base dry" flow number is below the xse alLowe5 by cne contract and not above the use allowed by the contract as contendsd by cne District. 2. That certain persons have applied to the City for permission to conmct to sewer serv,lce iil that parr; of the City within the District sewer service a'rea and the City has granted permission for certain of those persons to cmnect contingent upon the District approving the same. The District has denied permission for new sanitary sewer connections within the City urr:il the 14th day of November, 1996 statlag thac the City was in vioiation of the contract in that the zse being made within the city was in excess of that alicwed by the contract of 191,750 gallons per day. 3. On the 14th day of November, 1996, the District,, however, did grant to the Muskego-Slorway School District, for purposes of building within the City, 35 additional sewer connections, ever. though it had denied such connec:ions to others within the City. 4. In light of all the foregoing circumstances of claim, I the District should be ordered to tio the fallowing! A. Correctly interpret the coctract co determine the City's usage based upon a base dry-fluw per as.y syscem; ~ILJ B. Gram permissioa fo:c all sewer connections areviously granted by the City to 'connect to the District's system. NOTICE OF YOU ARE HERESY NOTIFIED, pursuant to the provisions of §893.80(1) (bl, Wisconsin Statutes, that as a result of the above-stated cosduct of the gistrict, the City maintains a claim On the basis chat it has been deprived of the right to extend additional sewer cor.neetions, in violation of the contract. Therefore, the City der.ands tne immediate grar.ting the City demands that the District, interpret :he contract io permit 191,750 galions per day on a base dry flow basis, and permic future requests for sewer c:onnections on this basis. In thc event the District denies che City's claim, the City shall commence an action in the Circuit Court for Waukesha County for -2- all Pendirw Ciiy. xeyucsta for fewer exterxinns in addition, declaratory judgmen: determining the rights of the parties and for attorney fees, costs and disbursements and for such other relief that the Courc may deem ;usE and equitable. Dated this 21s: day of Zanuary, 1997. W1.82 $8200 RaciLe Avenue F,O. Box 903 Muskego, Wiscoasin 53150 -3 -