CCR1997093COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #93-97 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR MUSKEGO BUSINESS/ RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AMENDMENT TO INDUSTRIAL PARK (As Amended) WHEREAS, InPro Corporation has requested an Amendment to Paragraph 4 of the Rules and Regulations for Muskego Business/Industrial Park with respect to building coverage exceeding forty-five percent (45%) of the total area for Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 1, Muskego Industrial Park; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has approved an Amendment to the Building, Site and Operation Plan subject to a variance being granted by a majority of the property owners of the Muskego Common Council. Industrial Park and a three-fourths (3/4) favorable vote of the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the attached Amendment to Rules and Regulations for Muskego Business/Industrial Park (as amended) if the Consents are in recordable form. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to make any technical changes to this Resolution or the Amendment, in consultation with the City Attorney, so that the same are in recordable form. DATED THIS 13th DAY OF MAY , 1997. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Nancy C. Salent ,ine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of City of Muskego. Resolution #93-97 which was adopted by the Common Council of the 5/97 jmb RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR AMENDMENT MUSKEG0 BUSINESS/INDUSTRIAL PARK (AS AMENDED) WHEREAS the owners of the following described real estate in the Muskego Business/Industrial Park has requested amendment to the Rules and Regulations for the park with respect to building coverage exceeding forty-five percent (45%) of the total area: Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 1, Muskego Industrial Park, being a subdivision in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 16 and of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin; WHEREAS, the majority of the property owners as defined in said Rules and Regulations have voted in favor of said amendment pursuant to the attached Consent; and WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Muskego has by a three-fourths (3/4) favorable vote of all of its members, approved said amendment pursuant to duly adopted resolution attached hereto. Muskego Business/Industrial Park is hereby amended, pursuant to NOW, THEREFORE, Paragraph 4 of the Rules and Regulations for Paragraph 15 of said Rules and Regulations to read as follows: placed, or altered on any lot which will occupy more than 4. No building or structure of any type shall be erected, forty-five percent (45%) of the total area of said lot, with the exception of Lots 5, 6, I and 8 which will occupy a total of forty-seven percent (47%). Dated this 13th day of MAY , 1997. CITY OF MUSKEG0 STATE OF WISCONSIN : : ss WAUKESHA COUNTY Personally came before me this A?& day of Mo,~ , known to me to be the person who executed the foregoing 1997, the above named < POW .: n rpd rAn instrument and acknowledged the same. . . c 7A-" /l ublic, State of Wisconsin ssion expires: 9/17/2000 b Recording Area Name and Relurn Address S80 W18766 Apoilo Drive !dm Corporano" P.0 Box 406 Mwkcgo, WI 53150 MSKC2221 016wO Parcel ldmtifi<alim Nvmbrr(PIN) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 56 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSINESS/IN~USlTUAL PARK NhRear. Ihe InPro Corporation is the omer of the following described provrly in the Muskego Businesrilndusmal Park: B Range 20 East. Ciry of Muskego, Waukerha County. Wmonsin. LOIS 5.6,7 and 8. Block 1. Murkego lndustnal Park, being a subdivision in the Nanhwert 114 of Seclion 16 and of the Nanhearl 114 of Sectton 17. Tom 5 North. Tax Key Nos. 222 I .005 and 222 1.006 Whereas sald parcel is subject to development and consrmclion ar heretofore approved by Resolution 229-96. Plan Commission of the Ciry of Muskego. dated nd; letember 4. 1996. approving the consmcliun airwo (2) 144 square foot s!los (a tolal of288 square feet) to bc iocaled on Apollo Dnvc; and Addresses: S80 W18760 Apolla Drive and S80 W18766Apalla Drive Whereas Pnue-Can Corporation on behalf of lnPro Corporation is desirous ofcansrmction sald SIIOP on the parcels, provided that a forty-five perccnl(45%) suilding occupancy of the above described parcels as required in the Rules and Regulation for Murkego Burinerrilndusmal Park ret forth on Exhibit A allached hereto. and Whereas the City of Muskego Plan Commission has approved raid modtficatian of Ihc building occupancy requirement wilh respect to said lots only, thereby ncreasing the building occupancy requiremen1 as 1.5 fonh on the s~le plan, Exhibit A, and dcpiclcd; NOW THEREFORE. Ihe undersigned. as omem of real esta~ in Murkego Burincrr/lndurmal Park. hereby vole in favor ofamcnding the Ruler and Regulations or Muskego Burinerr/lndust~al Park (as amended). with respect to Paragraph 4 thereof. so that ancr raid amendment, raid paragraph shall read as follows 4. of sald lot. with the exception of lo& 5.6.7 and 8 which will occupy a tofal of forty-seven percent (47%). No building or smucture of any type shall be erected, placed. or altercd on any lot which will occupy more than forlyfive percent (45%) oithe total area THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dated this ?Jfi day of- 1997 dumber of voles eligible to care. / Tax Key No(s). 2221 001 000 Andrew Schkeryantz, Jr. Celeste M. Schkerv- Iuner(r) Names Iuner(r) Names I I I I I I I I L ! r 1 'c-" ! I- J .. I, I1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E 4 I I t 1nPm corporation S80 W18766 Apalio Drive P.O. Box 406 Murkego. WI 53150 MSKC2221 016CQO Parcel Idrotificmtiion Number (PIN) CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSlNESS/lNDUSTRIAL PARK Whereas. the InPro Corporation is the owner ofthe following described properly in the Muskego Businesdlndusmal Park: Lots 5,6,7 and 8, Block 1, Muskego lndusmal Park, being a subdivision in the Nonhwest 114 ofSection 16 and oithe Nonheasr 114 of Section 17. Town 5 North, Range 20 East. Cily of Murkego. Waukcrha Counly, Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221.005 and 2221 .W6 Whereas said pmel is subject lo development and consbllction as heretofore approved by Resolution 229-96. Plan Commission oithe City of Murkego. dated B md; Xcember 4, 1996. approving the eansbuctian of Two (2) 144 square fwt silos (a total of288 square feet) 10 be located an Apolio Dnve; and Addresser: S80 W18760 Apollo Dnve and S80 W18766 Apallo Drive Whereas PnueCon Carparation on behalf of lnho Corporation is desirous of consrmction raid silos on the parcels, provbded that a forty-five percent (45%) milding occupancy ofthe above described parcels as required in the Rules and Regulation for Muskego Burincrdlndusmal Park set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto. and Whereas the Cily of Murkcgo Plan Commission has approved said modification ofthc building occupancy requirement with respect 10 said lots only. thereby ncrearing the building occupancy requiremcnt as set forth on the site plan, Exhiblt A. and depicted; br Murkego Burinerdlndurrrial Park (as amended), with respect to Paragraph 4 thereof, so that aflcr said amendmnt. said paragraph shall read as followa: NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned, as owners of real estate in Muskego Burincsrllndusrrial Park, hereby vote in favor oiamending Ihe Rules and Regulauons 4. No building or sUucNrc of any rype shall be erected. placed. or altered on any lo! which will occupy more than fony-five percenr (45%) ofthe total area of said 101. with the exception of lots S, 6,7 and 8 which will occupy a total of forty-seven percent(47%). THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED M COLWTERPARTS Dated this I t.r? day of -, , 1997 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 I j_ Recording Ares Name nnd Return Addrrrr 1nPm Corpontlon SBO WI8166Apalla Drive P.O. BOK 406 Murkego. WI 53150 MSKC2221 016oW Parcel Identification Numhar(PIN1 CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSINESS/INDUSTRIAL PARK Where=. the lnPro Corporalion is the owner of the following descrikd properry in the Muskego Businerrllndurmal Park: La& 5.6,7 and 8, Block I, Murkego lndusmal Park. being a subdivision in the Northwest 114 afSeclion 16 and of the Northeast 114 of Section 17. Tow 5 North. Range 20 East, City of Muskego. Waukcrha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key NOS. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Addresses: SXO W18760 Apolla Drive and SXO WI 8766 Apollo Drive Whereas said parcel IS subjecl IO development and consrmclion as heretofore approvcd by Resolution 229-96. Plan Comlsrion of the City of Muskcgo. dated D md. Iecember 4. 1996, approving the ConsTrumon of hvo (2) 144 square loot silos (a total of288 square feet) to be located on Apollo Dnve; and Whereas PnueCon Corporation on behalfof lnPm Corporation is desirous ofconsrmctm raid silos on the parcels, provided that a forty-five percent(45%) milding occupancy olrhc above described parcels as required in the Rules and Rcgulation for Muskego Businessnndusmal Park set fonh on Exhibit A atlached hereto; and Whereas the City of Murkego Plan Commission has approved raid modification of Ihe bullding occupancy requirement with respect to said lots only. thereby ncrcaring the building occupancy mquiremcnr as ret forth an the site plan. Exhibit A. and depicted; NOW THEREFORE. the undenlgned, as OWIIC~P ofreal erlate in Murkego Burinerrllndustrial Park. hereby vote in favor ofamendmg the Ruler and Regulations br Murkego Businessllndusmial Park (as amended). with respec110 Paragraph 4 thereof, IO that afler raid amendment. raid paragraph rha 4. No building or srmucturc of any rype shall be erected. placed. or altered on any lot which will occupy more than of said lot. with the exception of lots 5. 6. 7 and 8 which will occupy a tola1 of forty-seven perccnl(47%). THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dated thls A BYay of , 1997 U Uumkr of votes eligible to case: a Tax Key No(r). 2221 006 000 s '<T??rtE@ u GqLL )wner(r) Names Signalure County. Wirconsm MY commission Lcx~irerI(111 - 1 r a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 - w Y II IL 1nPro corporation S80 W18766 Apollo Drive P.O. Box 406 Mwkego. WI 51150 MSKC2221 016000 Parcel Identlfication Number (PIN) CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSlNESSllNDUSTRlAL PARK Whereas, the InPro Corporalton is the owner ofthe following described proper?, in the Muskego Businesrllndushial Park Lors 5.6, 7 and 8. Block I, Muskego lndusrrial Park, being P subdivision in the Nonhwesr 114 of Section 16 and ofthe Northeast 114 OfSecrian 17. Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City olMurkego. Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nor. 2221.W5 and 2221.006 Addresser: S80 W18760 Apollo Dnvc and S80 W18766 Apollo Drtvc Whereas raid parcel is rubjcct to develapmenl and cansmctian as hererafare approved by &solution 229-96. Plan Commission of the City oflvluskego. daled B md. December 4, 1996, approving the construction of two (2) 144 square fool silos (a total of288 square feet) to be located on Apollo Drive; and Whereas Pnuc-Con Corporation an khalfoflnPrn Corporation is desirous ofeonsmction raid silos on rhe parcels. provided that a forty-five percent (45%) mlding occupancy ofthe above described parcels as required in the Ruler and Regulation for Muskego Businersllndustnal Park set fonh on Exhibit A attached hereto: and Whereas the City afMurkego Plan Cammission has approved said modification ofthe building occupancy requircment wilh respect to said lots only. thereby increasing the bullding occupancy requirement as ret forth on the site plan. Exhibit A. and depicted; NOW THEREFORE. the undenigred, as ownen of real estale in Muskego Businessllndurhial Park. hereby vote in favor of amending the Rules and Regulations lor Muskego Businesdlndusmal Park (as amended). with respect to Paragraph 4 thereof, SO that aner raid amendment. sald 4. ofsald lot, with the exception of lots 5.6, 7 and 8 which will occupy a total of forry.rcven percenl(47%). No buildmg or stmcture ofany rype shall be erected. placed, or altered on any lot whlch will occupy THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTE0 IN COWTEWARTS Dated this btn day of “IY\kYq , 1997 Number of wte~ eltgible to case: I Tax Key No@). 2221 OlOOW dI’3 A L/PD* &W& 3wner(s) Names gnatllre L/ 3wner(r) Names Slgnaare County. Wirconrm D Mycommtrrion (arpirW(8rI 4/3a/rn/ Tk document war prepared by Mary E. Balconi lliir inlomution mu1 bc Completed by subminer document title. nome & remm oddrrrr. and (freyurrdl. Ofher in/ormr7,ion mch 09 the granring rlaw~r. leg01 dcrrrrprion. eC. mny be plnred m thisfirr,poge o/the documen, or may beploce don additionalpages O~~IE documenr Lkc ofthis cavrrpogr nddr onepclgr IO your document and $2 00 (0 the recordlor ke. Wirronlln hwes. 59.517. WRDA 2/96 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MSKCZ221 016000 Pamtl Identification Number (PIN) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5,6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSINESS/INDUSTRIAL PARK #hereas. the lnPro Corporation is Ihe owner oflhe following described propcny in the Muskego Businessilndurmal Park: B Lots 5.6. 7 and 8. Block I, Muskego lndusmal Park. being a subdivision in the Nonhwert 114 of Sectm 16 and ofthc Northeast 114 ofSection 17. Town 5 North. Range 20 East. City of Muskego. Waukesha County, Wmonsin. Tax Key Nor. 2221 ,005 and 2221.006 Addresser: S80 W18760 Apllo Dnve and S80 W18766Apollo Drive Whereas raid parcel is subject to development and consmct~on as heretofore approved by Resolulion 229-96. Plan Commission oflhe City of Muskego, dared 1"; )cccmber 4, 1996, approving the consmclm of Iwo (2) 144 square fwt silos (a total of288 square feet) to be located on Apllo Drive. and Whereas Pnue-Con Corporation on bchalfoflnPm Corporation IS desirous ofconsrmction sald silos on the parcels. prowded that a forty-five percent (45%) >uilding occupancy ofthc above described parcels as required in the Rules and Regulation far Murkego Busincrrllndurlrial Park set fanh on Exhibit A attached hereto: and Whereas the C~ty of Murkego Plan Cornmisston has approved said modification of the bullding occupancy requirement with respect to said lots only. thereby "creasing the building occupancy requirement as ret forth on the sile plan. Exhibit A, and depicted; NOW THEREFORE. Ihc undenuged. as owncrs of real estate I" Murkego Burmerrllndurtial Park, hereby votc in favor ofamending the Rules and kgulalionr 'or Muskego Burinerrnndumial Park (as amended). wnth respect to Paragraph 4 thereof, so that afler rad amendmcnt. said paragraph shall read as follows' 4. ofsaid lot. with the exception of lots 5.6. 7 and 8 which will occupy a total of forty-rcvcn percent (47%). No building oi smcture of'any 'ype shall be erected, placed, or altered on any lot which will NCUPY more than lo THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dated this '' day of m&/L , I997 Vumberaf votes eligible to case: / Tax KeyNo(s). 2221 013WO ,, 3wncr(s) H Names se~~~2 Signature b-61 ,. jw B 3wner(r) Names Sign2t"W County, Wisconsin My commisrion (expires) (is) P/ This document war preparcd by Mary E. Balconi 'his inlornlalion mu1 bc completed by rubmmer: p and P/N(Jrequ;redl. Orher ;n/ormarion such 01 ,hegran!ingrlaum. legddcxcriprian. dc. may beplnred ~o,h;r~rrrpngro/~hedarvmrnrormaybrplarcdon~ddil;lm~lpoguoJrh~docvmrnr. U~~~J~h~~~~~~rp~g~a~on~png~royovrdorvmenrood$l.OO~orhorsrordin~ke. Wirronrln hmm, 59.517. WRDA 2/96 r .. i :1: I :j IR I 3 IP -i I I i- I i 0 I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Name and Return Address InPm cornontion MSKC2221 0160M Parcel Identification Number (PIN) CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE LOTS 56 7 KG 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSINESSIINDUSJRIAL PARK Whereas. the lnPm Corporation is the owner ofthe fallowingdercrikd propcny in the Muskeg0 Busmssllndusuiial Park: B Lots 5.6, 7 and 8. Block I, Muskego Industrial Park, king a subdivwon in the Northwest 114 o1Scction 16 and oflhe Nonheart 114 o1Seclion 17. Town 5 Norlh. Range 20 East. City of Muskego. Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tax KeyNos. 2121.005and1221.006 Addresses: S80 W18760 Apallo Dive and S80 W18766 Apollo Dnve Whereas said parccl is subject to development and consrmctlon as heretofore approved by Resolution 219.96. Plan Commission ofthe City of Murkego, dated and: December 4, 1996. approving the construction of two (2) I44 square foot silos (a total01288 square feet) IO be located on Apollo Drive; and Whereas Pnue-Con Corporation on behalf oflnPm Corporation is desirous ofconstruclion raid silos on the parcels. provided thal a forwlive percent (45%) building occupancy ofthc above described parcels as required in the Rules and Regulation for Muskcgo Businesallndurtial Park ret fonh on Exhibit A attached hereto. and Whereas the Clty of Murkego Plan Commission has approved raid modification ofthe budding occupancy requirement wllh respecl lo sald lots only. thereby increasmg the building occupancy reqvxrement as ret fonh on the site plan. Exhibit A, and depicted; NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned. as owners ofreal estate in Murkcga Burinesrllndusmal Park. hereby vote in favor ofamending the Rules and RegulationS for Murkego Burincrdlndurlrial Park (as amended), with respect Io Parapph 4 thereof, IO that after raid amendment. raid paragraph shall read as follows: 'i Nu buiiding or smcture 0t'an:v type shall be erected, placed. or alterca on any lot which w;II occupy nw~r than tbnytive percent (4%) ot'the total area ofsaid lot, with the exception allots 5.6.7 and 8 which will occupy a tool or forty-reven percent (47%). /d THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dated this 3 day of ?A* , 1997 Number orvoter eligible to case I Tax KeyNo(s). 2221 014000 /I r I I I I I I I I i 3s Io I ""~1""""""""""""""""- - I.*"% J I I I I I -r I I I I -7- I L II =DDT "1 ~ I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P.O. Box 406 Mukcgo. WI 53150 MSKC2221 016WO Parel ldentilkmtion Number (PIN) CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5,6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSINESSIINDUSTRLAL PARK Whereas. the lnPm Copration is the owner of the following dencited property in the Muskego Businessllndurtnal Park: D Range 20 East. Cily of Muskego. Waukecsha County. Wxsconsin. Lou 5. 6.7 and 8. Block I, Muskego lndusmal Park, being a subdivision in the Nonhwerr 114 ofSeclion 16 and ofthe Nonhearl 114 of Section 17. Town 5 Nonh. Tax Key Nor. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Whereas raid parcel is rubpt to development and eonsmetmn 8s heretofore approved by Resolution 229-96. Plan Commission of the Clly of Murkego. dared and. December 4, 1996. approving the construclion of two (2) 144 square fool S~OP (a Lola1 of288 square feet) lo be localed an Apollo Drive; and Addresser: S80 W18760 Apollo Dnve and S80 W18766 Apollo Dnve Whereas Pnue-Con Corporalion on behalfoflnPro Corporation IS destmus afeonrrmclion raid silos on the parcels. provided that a lorty-five percent (45%) mdding occupancy ofthe above described parcels as requlred ~n the Rules and Regulatton for Murkego Businersllndurmal Park ret fonh on Exhlbit A attached hereto; and Whereas lhc City of Muskcga Plan Commission has approved said modification ofthe building occupancy requirement with respect to said lots only. thereby Increasing the building occupancy requirement as sel fonh on the site plan, Exhlbll A, and depicted; NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned. as owners of real estate in Murkego Businessllndustrial Park. hereby vote in favor ofamending the Rules and Regulations for Murkego Burinerdlndurtnal Park (as amended). with respect to Paragraph 4 thcreol. IO that aflcr said amendment. raid paragraph shall re 4. of said lot, with Ihe exceplian of lou 5.6.7 and 8 which will occupy a total offony-sewn percenl(47%). No building or smucturc ofany type shall be crecled, placed. or allcrcd on any lo1 which will occupy more than lo THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dated this ?q day of - 1997 Number of voter eligible to case: 2 Tax Key No(s). 2221 015 000 I I I I I I I I j i L I I 1 I I i i 0 580 W18766 Apolln Drive MuJkqo. WI 53150 MSKC2221 016WO Parcel IdenHfiraUon Nurnber(PIP1) CONSENTTO MODIFY BULDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOT5 5,6 1 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSINESSIINDUSTRIAL PARK i i j "I $. r I I 91 I I I I I I I I I I i r i J J-" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I m corpontion S80 WI 0766 Apollo Drive P.O. Box 4U6 Mukcgo, WI 53150 MSKC2221 0160N Parcel IdmUnration Number(P1N) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5,6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSlNESSlINDUSTRlAL PARK Where-. the InPro Corporalion is the ouncr of the following described property in the Murkego Burinessllndushial Park: La& 5.6,7 and 8. Block I, Murkego lndusmal Park. being B subdivision in the Nonhwcrt 114 oiSeetion 16 and of the Nonhcart 114 of Sccrian 17, Town 5 Nanh, Range 20 East. City of Murkego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Tax Key NOS. 222 1.005 and 2221.006 Addresses: S80 W18760 Apallo Drive and S80 W18766 Apollo Dnvc Whereas said parcel is subjecl to development and consrmclion as hcretaforc approved by Resolutmn 229-96. Plan Commission of the City of Muskego. dated B and; December 4, 1996. approving the consrructton oftwo (2) 144 square foot silos (a total of 288 square feel) Io be located on Apollo Give; and Whereas Pnue-Can Corporation an behalfaf InPro Corporation is desirous ofconrtmctian raid sdos on the parcels, provided that a fony-five percent (45%) wilding occupancy ofthe above described parcels as required in the Ruler and Regulation far Muskego Businessllndurtnal Park set ionh on Exhibit A atuched hcrelo; and Whereas the Cily of Murkego Plan Commission has approved said modification ofthe building occupancy requirement with respect to raid lots only. thereby incrcaring rhc buildlng occupancy requirement as set forth on the site plan, Exhibit A. and depicted; NOW THEREFORE. Ihe undersigned. as owmen ofreal estate in Muskego Busmerrllndurmial Park, hereby vote in favor ofamending the Rules and Regulations for Muskego Businessllndustrial Park (as amended). with respect to Paragraph 4 thereof, so thal aner said amendment. said paragraph shall read as follows: 4. No building or srmclur~ ofsny me shall be erected. placed, or altered on any lot whlch will occupy more than fany-five percent (45%) of the total area of said lot, with the exception of lo& 5.6,7 and 8 whxh will occupy a toul offoq-seven percent (47%). THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dated this 3 day of - , 1997 Number of vofes eliglble to case: Tax Key No(s). 2221 017 OOO "" r 1- L. I "" -r I I I T -r- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II 1nPm corpontion SSn \VIS166 A?olio Drive P.O. Box 406 MSKC2221 016wO Parcel IdmURcalion Nvmbrr (PIN1 CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5,6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEGO BUSlNESSflNDUSTRlAL PARK Uhercas. the InPro Corporation is the owner of the following described properry in the Muskego Burincrrllndurmal Park: Lots 5.6.7 and 8. Block I, Muskego Industrial Park, being a subdivision in the Northwest 114 of Section 16 and of the Northeast 114 ofSeclion 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego. Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Whereas raid parcel is rubjecl Io development and consrmction as heretofore approved by Resolution 229.96, Plan Cornmisston ofthc City of Muskego. dared B md; kcember 4, 1996, approving the consrmction of two (2) 144 square foot 1110s (a total of288 square feet) Io be lofaled on Apollo hive; and Addresses: S80 W18760 Apollo Drive and S80 WI 8766 Apallo Drive Whereas PnucCon Corporalion on bchalfof lnPm Corporalion is desirous ofconsrmction said silos on the parcels. provided that a forty-five percent (45%) ,wilding occupancy dlhe abave described parcels as required in the Ruler and Rcgulalion for Muskego Burinesdlndushial Park set forth an Exhiblt A attached hereto; and Whereas the City of Muskego Plan Commission has approved said modification ofthc building occupancy requircmcnl with respect 10 said lots only. themby ncreasmg the building occupancy requirement as sct forth on the site plan, Exhibtt A. and depicted; NOW THEREFORE. the undcnigncd. as owners ofreal estate in Murkego Burincssllndusmal Park. hcrcby vote in br Murkego Burincrrllndustrial Park (as amended). with respect IO Parapph 4 Ihcrcor, IO that aner raid amendment. raid para 4. ofsaid lot. with the exception oflols 5.6,7 and 8 which will occupy a total of forty-seven percent (47%). No bullding ~r smcturc of any type shall be erec:ed. placsd. or altelcd on any ibl Whlch wlii occupy mu THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dated lhls 6 day of /n;l d;f/ , 1997 dumber of voles ellgtble 10 case 2 Tax Key No(r). 2221 018 WO I I I I I I I L. I 01 I I I I I I 11 It mm J 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MSKC2221 016WO Parcel Identificrlian Number (PIN) CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSlNESSflNDUSTRlAL PARK Whereas. the Ink Corporation is the owncr afthe fallowing described properg in the Murkego Burinessllndusmal Park. Lots 5.6.7 and 8. Block I, Murkego lndurmal Park. king a subdivision in the Northwest 114 of Section 16 and of the Northeast 114 ofSectlon 17. Town 5 North. Range 20 East. City of Muskego. Waukerha County. Wisconsin. ' TaxKcyNos.2221.005and2221.006 Addresses: S80 W18760 Apllo Drive and S80 W18766 Apollo Dnvc "d; )ecember 4, 1996. approving the consrmction of two (2) 144 square foot silos (a total of 288 square feet) to be localed on Apollo Dive; and Whereas said pard is subject to development and comrmction as heretofore approved by Rcsolut~on 229.96, Plan Commission of the City of Murkego. dated uilding occupancy ofthe above described parcels as required In the Rules and Regulation for Murkego Burincsrllndustriat Park set forth on Exhiblt A attached herelo; and Whereas Pnue-Can Corporation on behalf of InPro Corporation IS desirous of consrmction said silos on the parcels, provided that a forty-five perCCnl(45%) ncrearmg the building occupancy requirement as re1 fonh on the site plan. Exhibit A. and depicled; Whereas the Cnty of Murkego Plan Commirs~on has approved sad modification of the building occupancy requremenl wilh respect to said lots only. thereby br Muskego Busincrrllndusmal Park (as amended). wilh respect to Paragraph 4 thcrcaf. so that aner said amendment. sald paragr NOW THEREFORE. the undenipcd. as owners of real estate in Murkego Burinersllndurmal Park, hereby vote in favor ofamending the Rules and Regulations 4. No huitdin!; or structure ofmy typ shall b? erecled. placcd. or altered an aay lot which will occupy more tha of said lot, with the exception of lots 5.6.7 acd 8 whxh will occupy a total of forty-sevcn percent(47%). THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COLWTEWARTS Dated Ihis ioM day of Lfflb-'r , 1997 1~ dumber of votes eligible to case. Tax K;y No(s). 2221 019 000 I' &z /t >wner(s) Names )wner(r) Names This document was prepared by Mary E. Balconi I ! I I I I I I I 0 lnPm Corporation S80 W18766Apollo Dive P.O. Box 406 Muskego. WI 531SO MSKC2221 016000 Parcel Identification Number (PIN) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5.6 7 61 8 ONLY Of MUSKEG0 BUSlNESSllNDUSTRlAL PARK Whereas. the InPro Corporation is the owner ofthe following described property in the Murkego Burinerrllndustrial Park: D LOIS 5.6.7 and 8. Block I, Muskcgo Industrial Park. being a subdivision in Ihe Northwvcst 114 ofSection 16 and ofthe Northeast 114 of Section 17. Town 5 North. Range 20 Easl. Cily of Muskego. Waukcrha County, Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221.005 and 2221 006 Addresses: S80 W18760 Apollo Dnve and S80 W18766 Apollo hve Whereas raid parcel is subject to development and conrrmclion as heretofore approved by Resolulion 229-96. Plan Commission ofthe Cily of Murkego. dated and; December 4. 1996. approving the consrmction afhvo (2) 144 square foot silos (a total of288 square feet) to be located on Apollo Drive; and Whereas PnueCon Corporation on behalfoflnPra Corparatim is desrour olconrrmctm raid silos on the parcels, provided that a forty-five percent(45%) building occupancy ofthe abave described parcels as required in the Ruler and Regulation for Murkego Burinesdlndurbial Park set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto; and Whereas the Cily of Muskego Plan Commission has approved raid modification ofthe building occupancy requtremenl with respecl to said 10s only. thereby increasing the building occupancy requiremcnt as scl forth on the site plan. Exhibit A. and depicted; NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned, as owen ofreal errale in Murkego Burinerrllndurmal Park. hereby vote in favor ofamending the Rules and Regulations f.7 hlr~rkego R~sir~r~IlndcrtmI 3.1: (e. ,nc+e2!. with rcrpect :s Fa-.zzph :kPcf, 13 !hz::!?-r r-id xncn?mer:t. rr~C pam~eph rha!l "ad 21 hl!@\w: 4. No building or srmcture of any rype shall be erected, placed. or altered on any lo1 which will occupy mort than forty-five percent (45%) ofthe total area afsaid 101. wilh the exception of 10s 5.6.7 and 8 which will occupy a lotal of forty-seven perccnt(47%). THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dated this 63/9n day of . 1997 Number ofvotes eligible to case: Tax Key Na(s). 2222 982 000 Subscribed and warn to before me lhir r I I I I I I I I L j j I L.. - . . . . . . . II -1 - I - I : J 3 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i MSKC2221 016003 Parr01 Identlnratlon Numbrr(PIN) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSINESSllNDUSTRlAL PARK Whereas. the lnh Corporation is the ouner of the fallowing described propemy in the Murkego Burincrrllndurmal Park: Lots 5.6. 7 and 8, Block I, Murkego lndurmal Park. being a subdivision in the Nanhwert 114 ofScction 16 and olthc Nonheart 114 of Section 17. Town 5 North. Range 20 East. City of Muskego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221.005and 2221.006 Addresses: S80 W18760 Apollo Drive and S80 W18766 Apollo Drive Whereas said parcel is subject lo development ahd consmction as heretofore approved by Resolution 229-96. Plan Commlssion of the Ciry of Muskego. dared D md; December 4, 1996. approving the construction ofhvo (2) 144 square foot silos (a toul of288 square feet) to be located on Apollo Dive; and Whereas PnucCon Corporation on bchalfof InPro Corporation is desirous ofconsmction said silos on the parcels. provided that a lony-five percent (45%) milding occupancy oflhe above described parcels as required in the Rules and Regulation for Muskego Businesdlndurtnal Park set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto; and Whereas the City olMuskcgo Plan Commission has approved said modification afthe building occupancy requirement with respcct 10 said lots only, thereby Increasing the budding occupancy requlremenl as set fonh on the s~le plan, Exhibit A. and depicted; NOW THEREFORE. the undersigned, as owners of real emte in Murkego Burincrdlndusmal Park, hereby vote in favor ofamending the Rules and Regulations roor Murkego Burincrrllndurrrial Park (as amcndcd), with respect to Paragraph 4 thereof. so that afler raid amendment. raid paragraph shall read as follows: 4. No building or structure ofany type shall be erected. placed, or aitered on any lot uhich will occupy more than forty-five percent (45%) oithe IOlal area ofsaid lot. with the exception of lots 5.6.7 and 8 which will occupy a mal of forty-seven percent (47%). THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COLINTERPARTS Dated this 7 day of 'nu , 1997 Uumber of votes eligible to case: Tar Key No@). 2222 984 003 n Subscribed and swam tu before me this I hDD F. MA= Jwner(r) Names Signature Jwnerir) Names Signature , B Coun:~. Wisconsin My EO~~~SIIOO (erpin:rl iis! L/- I 1-99 This document was prepared by Mary E. Balconi - 7 I I I I I I I 0 P.O. Box 406 Mukcgo. WI 53150 MSKCZ221 016WO Parcel IdrotificnUon Number (PIN) CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSINESSIINDUSTRIAL PARK Nherear, Ihc lnPm Corporation is the omer ofthe following descibed properly in the Muskego Businesdlndusmal Park: Lou 5.6, 7 and 8. Block I, Murkego Industrial Park. being a subdivision in the Northwest 114 of Section 16 and ofthe Nonheast 114 of Section 17, Town 5 Norlh. Range 20 hst, City of Murkego. Waukesha County. Wmonsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Whereas said parcel is subject to development and conrmuctian as heretofore approved by Resolution 229-96. Plan Commission ofthe City olMurkego. dared B Ind; Xcember 4. 1996, approving the conshrtim of NO (2) I44 square foot silos (a total of288 square feet) to be located on Apallo Dive; and Addresses: S80 W18760 Apollo Dnvc and S80 W18766 Apollo Onvc Whereas PnueCan Corporatm on behalfof InPro Corporation is desirous ofconstruction said s11os an the parcels. provided that a forty-five wrcent(45%) tuilding occupancy ofthe abvc described parcclr as required in the Rules and Regulation for Murkego Burinerdlndurmal Park set fonh on Exhibit A attached hereto. and Whereas the City olMuskego Plan Commmion has approved said modification of the building occupancy requirement with respect to said lots only. thereby "creasing the building occupancy requirement as set forlh on the site plan, Exhtbit A. and depicted; NOW THEREFORE. the undersigpcd, as owners ofreal ertale in Murkego Buriness/lndurmal Park. hereby vole in favor ofamending the Rules and Regulations or Murkego Buainerdlndurmal Park (as amended). with respect to Paragraph 4 thereof. so that sfter raid amendment. said paragrap 4. of said lot, with the exccplion of lots 5.6.7 and 8 which will occupy a total of forty-seven percent(47%). No building or shucturc of any type shall be erected. placed. or altered on any lot which will occupy more 1 THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED M COUNTERPARTS Datedthis;( f dayal ArZlfl/ ,1997 hnberofvocs eligable to case: I Tax Key No(s). 2222 984 W4 /j) k7 day of&$&& 1997 r I I I I I I I i L i! 4 ! I I I p I i i j I I I :j I I I I I i- "" r J 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEGO BUSJNESSNNDUSTRIAL PARK Whereas. the InPro Corporation is the owner ofthc following described pmpcrty in the Murkego Burinesdlndurtnal Park: Lots 5.6.7 and 8, Block I, Muskego lndusrnal Park, being a rubdivislon in the Norlhwesl 114 ofSection 16 and of the Norlhcasl 114 ofSection 17, Town 5 Norlh. Range 20 East. Ciry of Murkego, Waukesha Counry. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221 .M)5 and 2221 .W6 Whereas raid parcel is subject to development and consrmction as heretofore approved by Rerolulion 229-96, Plan Commission of the City of Murkego. dated B and; December 4, 1996, approving the construction of two (2) 144 square foot silos (a total of 288 square feet) 10 be located on Apollo Drive; and Addresses: S80 W187M) Apolla Drive and S80 W18766 Apollo Dnve Whereas PnueCon Corporarion on behalfof InPro Corporation is desirous ofconstmction said silos on the parccls. provided lhat a fortY-Iive percenl(45%) wilding occupancy of thc abve described parcels as required in the Rules and Regulation for Muskego Businesrllndustrial Park set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto: and Whereas thc City of Murkego Plan Commission has approved said modification of the building occupancy requirement with respecl to said 1015 only. (hereby increasing Ihe budding occupancy requirement as set forth on the site plan. Exhibit A, and depicted; NOW THEREFORE. the undersigned. as omem ofreal estate in Muskego Business/lndusmal Park. hereby vote in favor of amending the Ruler and Regulations lor Murkego Burincrsllndurtrial Park (as amended). with respect to Paragraph 4 thereof. so that ancr said amendment. raid paragraph shall read as follows: 4. ofsaid lot, with the exception of lots 5.6, 7 and 8 which will occupy a total of foq-seven pcrcenl(47%). No building or stlllcmre of any rypc shall be erected. placed. or altered on any lo1 which will OCCL~Y mor: lhan forly- THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED W COUNTERPARTS Dated this A? dayaf .c , 1991 Number of voles eligible to case: .;! &i ;e I 1-7 Lt&fld/P. YAdf%a p k/??”d/W 5 r I Names 3wner(s) Names Signature Counry. Wisconsin ~ MY commission (expires) (is) - This document was prepared by Mary E. Balcom r I L I J 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1nPm corponticn S80 W18166 Apollo Drive P.O. Box 406 Murkego. WI 13110 MSKC2221 016oW Parcel IdmtlLrtion Number (PIN) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENT5 RE: LOTS 56 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSINESSllNDUSTRIAL PARK Whereas. the InPro Corporation IS the ower ofthe following described property in the Muskego Businessllndusbial Park: Lots 5.6.7 and 8. Block I. Muskego lndusmal Park, being a subdivision in Ihe Northwest 114 of Section 16 and ofthe Northeast 1/4 ofSection 17. Town 5 North. Range 20 East, City of Muskego. Waukerha County, Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221 .W5 and 2221.006 Addresses: S80 W18760 Apallo Drive and S80 W18766 Apallo Drive Whereas sand parcel is subject to development and consrmclion as heretofore approved by Resolution 229-96. Plan Commission ofthe City of Muskego. dated and: December 4, 1996, approving the consrmction of two (2) 144 square foot silos (a total of 288 square feet) to be located an Apollo Drive; and Whereas PnueCon Corporation on bchalfof lnPm Corporation is desirous ofconrrmction raid silos on the parcels. pmvlded that a forry-five percent (45%) building occupancy of the sbave descrikd parcels as required in the Ruler and Regulation far Murkego Businessllndusmial Park set fonh on Exhiblt A attached hereto; and Whereas the City of Muskego Plan Commission has approved said modification ofthe building occupancy requirement wiIh respect to said lox only, thereby increasing the building occupancy requirement 85 set forth on the site plan. Exhibit A, and depicud; NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned, as owners ofreal estate in Muskego Busincrsllndurmal Park. hereby vote in favor ofamcnding the Rules and Regulations for Muskego Burinerrll~durmal Park lar amended). with respect 10 Paragraph 4 thereof. IO that aner said amendment. raid paragraph shal 4. No building or srmcture ofany type shall be erected. placed. or altered an any lot which will occupy more than ofsaid lot, with the exception oflats 5.6,l and 8 which will occupy a mtal of lorry-seven percent (47%). 2s- day of , 1997 Dated this THjS C NSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Number of votes ellgible to case: f" Tax Key No@). 2222 984 006 k'e/L I/ Tkfs a. 1 Owner(r) N&CS Owner(s) Names Stgnatwe B County. Wisconsin My commirrion (expmrrr) (is1 Thin document was prepared by Mary E. Balconi +/a/-/ j I I I I I I I ! I . ." r-" J . . - . . .. . " - . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . I 1 "I I I I I j ! - .. ' I 0 I I I I I I I I i I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! ! P.O. Box 406 Mukego, WI 53150 MSKC2221 016000 Pnrcrl Identilication Number (PIN) CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 56 7 61 8 ONLY OF MUSKEGO BUSINESS!lNDUSTRIAL PARK Uhcrear, the lnPm Corporation is the owner afthe fallowing described property in the Murkego Businessllndurmal Park: Lars 5.6, 7 and 8, Block I. Murkego lndusrrial Park, being a subdivision m the Northwest 114 of Section 16 and of the Northeast 114 of Section 17. Town 5 North. Range 20 East. City of Muskego. Waukcrha Counly, Wisconsin Tax Kcy NOS. 2221.0-35 and 2221.006 Addrcsses: S80 W18760 Apollo Dnve and S80 W18766 Apollo DrivC Whereas said parcel is sub~cclto development and construction as hcretofore approved by Resolullon 229-96. Plan Commission of the Cily of Murkego. dated D md; lccember 4, 1996, approving the conrlruction of two (2) 144 square foot silos (a tom1 of 288 square feet) to bc located on Apollo Drive; and Whcreas Pnue-Con Copration on behalfaf lnho Copration is desirous ofconstruction raid silos on the parcels. provided that a forty-five percent (45%) milding occupancy ofthc above descibed parcels as required in the Rules and Regularion lor Muskego Burinessllndurmal Park set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto; and Where- the Ctty of Murkego Plan Commmion has approved said modification ofthc building occupancy requirement with respect10 raid 10s only. thereby ncrearing the building occupancy requirement as set forth an the site plan, Exhlbit A. and deplcred; NOW THEREFORE. thc undersigned. as omen of real estate in Muskego BurincrsIlndusmal Park, herchy vote in favor of !or Muskego Burincsdlndusmal Park (as amended), wtlh respect to Paragraph 4 thereof. so that aner said amendment. said paragraph 4 No huildmg or smclttre ofany type shall be erected. placed. or altered on any lot which will occupy more tha ofsald lot. with the exception of lo& 5.6.7 and 8 which WIII occupy a tola1 of forty-seven percent(47%). THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS A/m4-c .^ Dated lhls &?f day of , 1997 Vumber of votes eligible to case: 2 Tax Kcy No(s). 2223 041 MM ~4/ra'JL Jtn-tesr I- n,-f~ Je ,qtzsd" 3wner(s) amer 3wvne;(s) Names B My commission (crpircrl (is) This document was prepared by Mary E. Balconi - [his infomtian mu! k completd by rubminer docvmsnr ME. & rerum oddrm. and plN (qrquird~. Orher ;n/ormafim Ivch (13 the gronring clower. Id dcxrriprion. CIC. may bc plarcd m thisfirstpage o/rhc dorumcnr or may beplace don addirionalpgu ./the docvmmr. & Use ofthis covrrpgc odd, om page IO your documm and 51.00 to the rerordine Tee Wixonm bwex. JRJJI. WROA A94 r 0 I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II lnP* corpantion S80 Wl8766 Apallo Dnvc P.O. BOX 10b Mwkep. WI 53150 MSKC2221 016003 Parcel Identlflcadon Nurnkr (PIN) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUlLDlNG OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 56 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSlNESSnNDUSITUAL PARK Wlhcreas. the lnPm Corporation is the owner ofthe following described property in the Murkego Businessllnduslrial Park: Lots 5.6,7 and 8. Block I. Muskego lndurmal Park. being a subdivision in the Nonhwcn 114 of Section 16 and ofthe Nonhcart 114 of Section 17. Town 5 Nonh. Range 20 East. City of Murkego. Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nor. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Addresser: S80 W18760 Apollo Drive and S80 W18766 Apollo Drive Whereas said parcel is subject m development and consrmction as heretofore approved by Resolution 229-96, Plan Commission of the Clty of Murkego. dated B md: Jecember 4, 1996. approving the consmclion of two (2) 144 square fool silos (a total of 288 square feet) to be located an Apollo Drive: and Whereas Pnuc-Con Corporalion on behalfoflnPro Corporation IS desirous ofconsmction said silos on the parcels, provided that a fony-five percent (45%) milding occupancy ofthe above dercikd parcels as required in the Ruler and Regulation for Muskego Burinerrilndustrinal Park set fonh on Exhibil A atachcd hereto; and Whereas the City of Muskego Plan Commission has approved raid modification of Ihe building occupancy requiremenl with respect 10 said lots Only. lhercby ncrearing the building occupancy requirement as set fonh on the slte plan, Exhiblt A, and depicred; NOW THEREFORE. the undersigned. as ownen of real estate in Muskego Burincrrllndusmal Park, hereby vote in favor of amending the Rules and Regulations br Muskego Businessllndusrnal Park (as amended). wilh respect 10 Paragraph 4 thereof, so that aner said amendment. said paragraph 4. of raid lot. wilh the exception of lots 5.6,7 and 8 which will occupy a toBl of forty-seven percent(47%). NO building or smcture uf any rypc shall be erected. placed. or allered on any lot whicn wlil occupy mors ihan THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED M COUNTERPARTS Dated rhlr 6' dayaf .m<& , 1997 Vumberafvater eligible 10 case: 1 Tax Key No@). 2223 W4 000 OLIdLL J /19'u'L#c,; D$&dd Jwner(s) Names Signa Jwner(s) Names B Signa re County. Wisconsin My commission icrpircr) iir) .r/aa/h/ nir document was prepared by Mary E. Balcani 'his inrormrl!an mu! bc carnplClCd by rubrnllur. document titic nome S, rerum addrux. and plN (~requred]. Olher inJormmion such (13 the grannng ciouses. !*pi desrriprion. CIC. m"Y bednccd 8" !h;sJirrrpqgs oJlrhs document or may bephcc don addirionalpagtx $rhr documen!. Use oJthis cowpge odd, onepage myour dorumm ond SI 00 IO #he rrrordinc fer. Wllronrln I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I z+ I 5% az I + Ii! 9 e 1 MSKC 2221 01 6 OW Parcel 1dentlfic.tioo Number IPINI CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSlNESSilNDUSTRlAL PARK Whereas. Ihe lnPro Corporation is the owner ofthe following descibed property in the Muskego Businessllndustrial Park: B Lots 5.6. 7 and 8. Block I, Muskego Induslrial Park. king a subdivision in the Northwest 114 ofScclion 16 and ofthe Nonheart 114 of Section 17. Town 5 North. Range 20 East. Clty of Murkego. Waukerha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 222 I .!W5 and 2221.006 Addresses. S80 W18760 Apollo Drive and S80 W18766 Apollo Drive Whereas said parcel is subject to development and consrmction as heretofore approved by Resolution 229.96, Plan Commission of the Cbty of Murkego. dated md; 3ecemhcr 4. 1996. approving the construclion oftwo (2) 144 square foot silos (a lolal af 288 square feet) to bc located on Apollo Dive; and Whereas Pnuc-Con Corporation on behalfof InPro Corporalion is desirous ofconstruction raid silos on the parcels. provided that a forty-five percenl(45%) ulding occupancy afthe above dercihed parcels as required in Ihe Ruler and Regulation for Murkego Businessilndurmal Park sel fonh on Exhibit A attached hereto; and Whereas the City of Muskego Plan Commission has approved said modification ofthe building occupancy requirement with respec1 to said lots only. thereby ncrcormg thc building occupancy requirement as sel fonh on the site plan, Exhibil A, and depicted; NOW THEREFORE. the undersigncd. as ownen ofreal estate in Murkego Burinessllndusaial Park, hereby vote in favor ofamcndmg the Rules and Regularions lor Muskego Burinersllndurhial Park (as amended). with respect to Paragraph 4 thereof. IO that aner raid amendmenl. raid paragraph shall read as follows: 4. of said lot. with the exception of lots 5.6,l and 8 which will occupy a total of forty-seven percent (47%). No building or structure of any rype shall bc erected. placed. or altered on any lot which will occupy more than fo THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED M COUNTERPARTS Dated this 7 day of k''fb& , I997 Uumhcr of votes eligible to case: I Tax Key No($). 2223 005 000 j~m~.~d,-c fkr.73'+fl 3 ep) Names 3wner(s) Names 16.11 r llc /: . l+l-l-, ti3 D My commission (expires) lis) - This documcnt was prepared by Mary E. Balconb htr laronnauou must be completed by rubntiller. doevmcnr ,irk. nomc & ,dum lrddrer. and (i/required]. 0rher;nformntion such YI rhc gmn!;nz riav~rr. izgol derrr#plion. eW moy be plnred 1 rhisjirrrpogs of rhcdorumsn! ormoy bepioced-w Use oJleu covrrpng.addx onepop !oyourdocummrmd Sl.00 to rhe recordin2 he. WmonSm ury~cs. J9.517. WROA 2/96 "" r A I I I I I ram II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I S80 W I0166 Amllo Dnvc P.O. Box 406 Murkego. WI 53150 MSKC2221 016020 Parcel Idmlhlr.Uon Number (PIN) CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE LOTS 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEGO BUSMESSmYDUSTFUAL PARK Uhercar. the lnPm Corporation is the owner ofthc folloulng described property in thc Muskego Burinessllndurmal Park B Lo& 5.6.7 and 8. Block I, Murkego Industrial Park, king a subdivision in the Northwest I14 of Sccrion 16 and of the Northeasl 114 ofSection 17. Town 5 North, Range 20 Earl. City of Muskego. Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nor. 2221.005 and 2221 .M)6 Whereas said parcel is subject to development and consmctim as heretofore approvcd by Resolulion 229-96. Plan Commission of the City of Murkego, dated md; kcember 4, 1996, appmving the consmction oftwo (2) 144 square foot silos (a total a1288 square feet) to be located an Apallo Drive, and Addresses: SSO W187MI Apollo hve and S80 W18766 Apollo Dive Wherear PnueCon Corporation on behalf of lnh Carporatim is desirous of cmsrmction said silos an the parcels. provided that a forry-five percent (45%) milding occupancy ofthe abavc described parcels as required in the Rules and Regulation for Murkego Businerrllndustrial Park set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto; and Whereas the City of Muskego Plan Commission has approved said modification ofthc building occupancy requirement with respccl to said lots only. thereby "creasing rhc building occupancy requirement as ret fonh on the si2 plan, Exhibit A. and depicted; 'or Murkego Eurinerr/lndurmal Park (as amended). with respect lo Paragraph 4 thcrcol. so that ancr raid amendment. said paragraph shall read as followS: NOW THEREFORE, thc undersigned. as omers ofreal estate in Murkego Burinesdlndurtrial Park, hereby vote in favor ofamending the Rules and Rcgulalionr 4. afraid lot. with the exception of 10s 5.6.7 and 8 which will occupy a total offolry-seven pcrcent(47%). ho budding or SMC~U~C of any 'ype shall be erected. placed. or altered on any lot which will occupy more than forty-five pcrcenl(45%) Ofthe total area THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dawd this 77% day of , I997 rlumbcrafvaterellgible to case: / Tax Key No@). 2223 M)6 000 This document was prepared by Mary E. Ealcani - 1 1.. I I ! I ! i I I L.. J I- :I .. . .. 01 -.. ,. II I "- b' mm II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MSKC2221 016oW Parcel Idmtilir.tiooNumb~r(PIN) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 56 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSINESS/INDUSTRIAL PARK Whereas. the lnPm Corporation is the owner of the following described property in the Murkego BusinessIlndusmal Park: Lots 5.6. 7 and 8. Block I, Muskego Indusmat Park, being a subdivision I" the Northwest 1/4 of Section 16 and of the Northcar1 114 of Secllon 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Addresses: S80 W 18760 Apllo Drive and SBO W 18766 Apnllo Drive Whereas raid parcel is subject to development and construction as heretofore approved by Resolution 229-96. Plan Commission of the City of Muskego. dated and; December 4, 1996, approving the construction of two (2) 144 square foot silos (a total of 288 square feet) to be located on Apollo Drive; and building occupancy ofthe above described parcels as required in the Rules and Regulation for Muskego Businessllndusmal Park ret forth on Exhibit A attached hereto: and Whereas PnucCon Corporation on behalf of lnPm Corporation is desirous of construction said silos on the parcels, provided that a low-five percent(45%) increasing the building occupancy requtrement as set forth on the site plan. Exhibit A, and depicted; Whereas the City of Muskego Plan Commission has approved raid modification of the building occupancy rcquircment wllh respect to rald lots only. thereby for Muskego Busmerdlndusmal Park (as amended), with respect to Paragraph 4 thereof, so that afler said amendment. rald paragraph shall read as lOllOW5: NOW THEREFORE. the undersigned, as omen ofreal cstatc in Murkego Businersllndusuial Park, hereby vote in favor ofamending the Rules and Regulations 4. of said lot. with the exception of lots 5.6,7 and 8 which will accupy a total of forry-seven percent (47%). No building or structure ofany rype shall be crcctcc!. placed. or altered on any lot which will occupy ma THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED W COWTERPARTS Dated this 3 2 day of ~ 1997 - Number of votes eligible to case: I Tax Key No@). 2223 008 000 / , ,, t;i h\AW rnl L L\ , F;"f .w , h 'la ., 6, -t".;$- ~- Owner(s) Narrkr Oumer(r) Names My commis~ion (expires) (15) .. 4/w/m, This document was prepared by Mary E. Balconi on thisfirs, pgc o/the documant or may be plocc don oddlrioonol pages of the dwmml. Use ofthis cowrpgc a& one pap lo your document and $2 00 lo the recordlna lee Wisronrin This idomlion mu, k complcled by rubmitwr: dowment Mr. nome & remm oddnrr. md W(i/rqulred) Other in/ormatlon such LII ,he granting dowe,, leg01 derrrlprion. <IC. may be placed Smmrrs. JPJl7. WRDA 2/96 ;I MSKC2221 016000 Parcel IdmUflc~tlon Number (PIN) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5,6 7 61 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSlNESSnNDUSTRIAL PARK Nhereas. the Ink Corporation is the owner oflhe following descrikd property in the Muskego Busincsdlndurmal Park: Lars 5.6.7 and 8. Block 1. Muskego Industrial Park, being B subdivision in the Nonhwesl 114 of Section 16 and of the Northeast 114 ofSection 17. Town 5 North, Range 20 Earl. City of Muskego, Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tar Key NOS. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Whcreas said parcel is subject to developmcnl and consrmcfion as herelofore appmved by Resolution 229.96, Plan Commission of the Clty of Murkego. daled B ind; Jecember 4, 1996. appmving the construction of two (2) I44 square foot silos (a total of288 square feel) to be located on Apallo Dnve: and Addresses: S80 W18760 Apollo Dnvc and S80 W18766 Apolla Drive wilding occupancy ofthe above descnkd parcels as required in Ihc Rules and Regulation for Murkego Businesdlndusmal Park sct fonh on Exhibit A attached hcrcto, and Whereas Pnuc-Con Corporation an behalfoflnPm Corporation is desirous ofconstruction said silos on the parcels, provided that a forty-five percent (45%) ,ncrcasing the building occupancy requirement as set ionh on the site plan. Exhlblt A. and depicted; Whereas the City of Muskego Plan Commission has approved said modification ofthe building occupancy requ~remenl with respect to said lots only, thereby Tor Murkego Burincrsllndush’iial Park (as amended), with respcct to Paragraph 4 thereof, so that aner said amendment, sand paragraph shall rcad as iollowr: NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned, as owners of real esmte in Murkego Businerr/lndurmal Park. hereby vote in favor ofamending the Ruler and Regularions 4 ofsald iol. wilh lie excrptlon ai IOLS 5.6. 7 al;G Z which wili occupy 3 total of forb-seven percenl(4’Yo). No building or structure of any tpe shall be rrecled, placed, or alwred on any lo1 which will occupy more than lony.fiVC nerccn1(45%) ofthe total area THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED M COLINTERPARTS Dalcdthis I day of mA,Y I 1997 Number ofvoles eligible to case’ I Tax Key No(s). 2223 994 008 I I I i" I !I I -r I I -, i '' ... I. 01 I I I I I I ! "f- I I . 'I MSKC2221 OI6wO Parcel Idmtilicrtion Number (PIN) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE LOTS 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSlNESSllNDUSTKIAL PARK A'herear. the InPm Corporation is the owner ofthe following described propeny in the Muskego Burmess/lndurtnal Park: Lots 5.6.7 and 8, Block I, Murkcgo lndusmal Park. being a subdivision in the Nonhwvcrt 114 of Section 16 and afthe Northeast 114 of Secuan 17. Town 5 North. Range 20 East. City of Muskego, Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221.005 and 2221.W6 Addresses: S80 W18760 Apollo hive and S80 W18766 Apolla Dnve Whereas said parcel is subject to development and eanrmction as heretofore approved by Resolution 229-96. Plan Commission of the City of Muskego, dated md; Jecember 4, 1996. approving the conrrmclion of two (2) 144 square fool silos (a total of288 square feet) to be located on Apollo Dnve; and Whereas Pnue-Con Corporation on behalfof lnPm Corporalion is desirous ofconsrmclion said silos on Ihe parcels, provided that a foWfive percent (45%) wilding occupancy ofthe abve described parcels as required in the Rulcs and Regulation for Muskego Businersnndusmal Park set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto; and Whereas lhe City of Muskego Plan Commission has approved said modification ofthe building occupancy requirement with respect to said lots only. thereby ncrcasing the building occupancy requircmnl as set forth on the site plan, Exhlbit A. and depicted; NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned. as ownen of real estale In Muskego Businesrllndusmal Park, hereby br Murkego Burinesdlndusmal Park(as amended). wilhrespect 10 Paragraph 4 thereof, so that anerraid amendment. raid 4. No building orsmcture of any typc shall he erected. placed, or altered on any lot which will uccupy ofraid lot, with the exception of lots 5. 6.7 and 8 which will occupy a total of forty-seven percent(47%). THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dated this &day of I , 1997 Uumber ofvoter eligible to case: Tax Key Na(r). 2223 994010 Merit Asphalt, Inc. my Louktcs 1-5 3wner(r) Names County, Wisconsin My commmm (crpircr) (a) This document was prepared by Mary E. Baleani JL\U 0 2 . ..2c;o 0 ihis inlormation mu, bc complctcd by rubminer p, and (fryulrcd). Olhrr in/ommation such LII #he gronling claur~l. Iezd derrriprion. CrC. ""Y bsplored ~n,hi~~r~~po~co/,hrdocum~~n,armaybrpbccdon~ddilionl?lpoguo/~hlrrdocvmcnl. & U11ofrhrrc.vrrpogcaddron.po~rrayovrdacumen,.nd11.00rothrrpcord,neIrr Wilmn5in u_I > D! - n I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Y 2 x W 1npr.a corporation S8U Wi8166Ap0llo Lkve P.O. Box 406 Mukcgo. WI 53110 MSKC2121 016WO Parcel IdenUfieaHon Number(PIN) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE LOTS 56 7 61 8 ONLY OF MUSKEGO BUSINESS/INDUSTRIAL PARK Nhmas. the InPro Corporation is the owner ofthe following descibed property in the Muskego Buslness/lndurmal Park: B Lots 5.6,7 and 8, Block I. Muskego Industrial Park, being a subdivision in lhe Nonhwert 114 ofScction 16 and of the Nonheast 114 of Seclion 17. Town 5 Nonh. Range 20 East. City of Muskego. Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Whereas said parcel is subject to development and consmclion as heretofore approved by Resolution 229-96. Plan Commission of the City of Muskego. dated lnd: Xcembcr 4, 1996, approving the consm~lion of two (2) 144 square foot silos (a mtal of 288 square feet) to be located on Apollo Give; and Addresses: S80 WI8760Apollo Drive and S80 W18766Apllo Drive Whereas PnueCon Corporation on behalfoflnPm Corporation is desirous ofconsmction said silos on the parcels. provided Ihat a forb-live pcrcenl (45%) uilding occupancy ofthe above described parcels as requimd in the Rules and Regulation for Muskego Businesdlndustrial Park set forth on Exhibil A atlached hereto: and Whereas the City of Muskego Plan Commisslon has approved said mcdification oflhc building occupancy requmement wilh respect to said lots only. Thereby ncreasing the budding occupancy requirement as set forth on the site plan, Exhtbit A, and depicted; NOW THEWFORE, the undersigned. as omen af real esla~ in Muskego Buainesrllnduruial Park, herchy vote in favor afamending the Rules and Regulations 4. of said lot. with the exception of lots 5.6,7 and 8 which Uill oecupy a total of forty-seven percenl(47OA). No building or smcture of any type shall be erected. placed. or altered on any lot which will occupy more tha THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dared this 3 day of .//v , 1997 iumberofvotes eligible locare: 1 Tax Key No@). 2223 994 014 Lesc-/pr )wncr(r) Names L My commission (expires) (is) 4'a &w/ llis document was prepared by Mary E. Balconi I. nrhi~ljr~rpogeo/rhedorummrormoyhploccdon~dd;rion~lp~gr~o/lhrd~um~~nl. Ureo/~hbcov~rpog~oddronep.grroyovrdocum.nr.ndIl.Dororhcrerordin.fee. Wirronrin his infomuhon mu, bs complckd by subminm docvmrnr rirlc. name & ICNYI~ addrm. and pIN (i/rquired). Other in/ormtim such the 8roming rlaum. legal dexription. eir may bepiaced IaNtex. 59Ji7. WRDA 2/06 1 I 1- I I -r- I I I I .. I, MSKC2221 016wO Parcel IdmUficnUon Number (PIN) CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5,6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEGO BUSlNESS/lNDUSTRIAL PARK Whereas, the InPro Corporation is the owner of the following described properly in the Muskego Burincsrllndusmal Park: B Lots 5.6.7 and 8. Block I. Muskego Indushal Park, kmg a subdivision in the Nonhwert 114 afSeclion 16 and ofthe Northeast 114 ofSection 17, Tom 5 North. Range 20 Earl. City of Muakcgo. Waukerha County, Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221.W5 and 2221.006 Addresses: S80 W18760 Apollo Dive and S80 W18766 Apollo Dive Whereas said parcel is subject lo development and conrmclion as heretofore approved by Resolution 229.96, Plan Commission of the City of Murkego. dated and; December 4. 1996. approving the constmction oftwo (2) 144 square foot silos (a total of 288 square feel) to be located on Apollo Drive; and Whereas Pnue-Con Corporalion on behalfoflnPm Corporation is desirous ofconrmclian raid silos on lhe parcels. provided that a forly-five percent (45%) bullding occupancy of the above described parcels as required in the Rules and Regulation far Murkego Businesdlndusmal Park set fonh on Exhibit A attached hereto. and Whereas the City of Muskego Plan Commission has approved said modification of the building occupancy requirement with respect 10 raid lots only. thereby Increasing the building occupancy requiremenl as set forth an the sitc plan. Exhibit A. and depicted; NOW THEREFORE, !he undersigned. as omen of real estate m Muskego Burinerdlndusmal Park, hereby vote in favor of amending the Rules and Regulations for Murkego Burinerrllndushial Park (as amended), with rcrpccl Lo Paragraph 4 thereof. IO that atler sad amendment, raid paragraph shall read as follows 4 ofsaid lot. with the exception of lo& 5. 6.7 and 8 which will occupy a !mal of fortyseven percent (47%). No building or structure of any type shall be erected. placed. or altered an any lot which will occupy more than forty-five percent (45%) of the lolal area THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Datedlhir day of MA y , I997 Number ofvoles eligible 10 case. I Tax Key No($). 2221 994 015 Subscribed and swam to before me this LCEE DE L AHEY " *9+ 3wncr(r) Names Signamre 3wner(r) Names Signature Caunry. Wisconsin I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 . I I I I I I I 1 - . .. J J MSKC2221 016wO Parcel Identificadon Number (PIN1 CONSENT TO MODIFY BULDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5,6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSlNESSnNDUSTRlAL PARK Whereas, the Ink Corporation is the owner oflhe following described pmpeny in the Muskego Businessllndusmal Park: B Lots 5.6,l and 8, Block 1. Muskego Industrial Park. being a subdivision in the Northwest 114 of Section 16 and ofthe Northearl 114 of Section 17. Town 5 North. Range 20 East. City ofMuskego, Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Addresses: S80 W18760 Apollo Dive and S80 W18766 ApOllO Drive Whereas said parcel is subject to development and construction as heretofore approved by Resolution 229-96. Plan Commission ofthe Ciry of Muskego, dated and; Decemkr4. 1996. approving Ihe construction of two (2) 144 square foot silos (a total of288 square feet) to be localed on Apllo Drive; and Whereas PnueCon Corporation on behalfoflnPro Corporation is desirous ofconrrmction said silos on the parcels, provided that a forty-five percent (45%) building occupancy afthe above described parcels ar required in the Rules and Regulation for Murkego Burincrdndurmal Park set forth on Exhxbit A attached hereto; and Whereas the City ofMurkcgo Plan Commission has approved said modification ofthe building occupancy rcquiremenl with respect to said lob Only, thereby increasing the building occupancy requirement as re1 forth an the sitc plan. Exhibit A, and depicted; NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned. as omen ofreal estlte in Muskego Businerdlndustnal Park. hereby vote in favor ofamending the Rules and Regulalions for Murkego Businessllndusmal Park (as amended), wlth respect to Paragraph 4 thereof, so that afler raid amendment, raid paragraph shall read as fallows: 4. afraid lot. w4th the exception of 10s 5,6, 7 and 8 which will XCUQY B total of fop-seven percent (47%). No building or srmcturc ofany type shall be erected, placed, or altered on any lot which will OCCUPY more than forty-five percent (45%) oflhc total area THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED M COUNTERPARTS Dated this 5 day of MAY , 1997 Number of voter eligible to case: I Tax Key No@). 2223 994 016 Subscribed and warn to before me this ~arr A AAIEY y- Is)& Omer(s) Names Signature Owner(s) Names Signature Caunry, lNtscons!s D My ~orm~rior ICxpiW lis! AL$35"- This document was prepared by Mary E. Balconl his inromlion mu, bc camplc8d by submitter document ti&-. a TCN~ oddrerr. and pIN (~mquircd]. O!hrrin/ornarion mch 01 the Zmnling clauu. legal dncriprion. Clc. may be pbced 'hrurer. IP.Jl7. WRDA 1/96 n rhirfirrtplrgr o/rhe document or may beplace don nddiriondpagu o/lrhe document. & Use a/rhb cover pge add, onrpgc Io your documen, andJZ.00 ID :he recordine fee. WiXonrin I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I r L L I I j" I I I" .. 1 J I 1nPmcorpontion 580 W18166 Apollo Dnvc P.O. Box 406 Mukcgo. WI 53150 MSKC2211 016Mo Parcel Identification Number (PIN) CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 56 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSINESSIINDUSTRIAL PARK Whereas. the InPro Corporation is the owner of the fallowing dcrcnbed propcrty in the Murkego Bwnesdlndusmal Park: D Lots 5.6, 7 and 8, Block I. Murkego Industrial Park, being a subdivision in Ihe Northwest 114 ofSection I6 and of the Northeast 114 of Secuon 17. Town 5 Norlh. Range 20 Earl. City of Muskego. Waukerha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221.W5 and 2221.006 Addresses: S80 W18760 Apcllo Drive and S80 W18766 Apollo Dnve Whereas said parcel is subject to development and consrmction as heretofore approved by Rerolulion 229-96, Plan Commission of the City ofhluskego. dated md; December 4, 1996. approving Ihe consrmction of two (2) 144 square fmt silos (a total 01288 square feel) to be located on Apollo Drive; and Whercar PnucCan Corparation on behalfof lnPm Carparalion is desirous ofconsrmction said silos on the parcels, provided that a forty-five perccnl(45%) milding occupancy of the above described parcels as required in the Rules and Regulation for Murkego Busmesdlndustrial Park x1 ionh on Exhibit A auached hereto; and Whereas the City olMuskego Plan Commission has approved said mcdlfication ofthe building occupancy requirement with rerpecl to raid lots only. thercby ncreasing the building occupancy requirement as set fanh on the site plan, Exhibit A, and depicted; br Murkego Burinerr/lndus@iial Park (as amended), wlh respect to Paragraph 4 thereof. so that afler said amendment. rad paragraph shall read as follows~ 4. of said lot, with the exception of lots 5.6,7 and 8 which will occupy a IomI of foq-seven percent (47%). No building or smcturc ofany rype shall be erected. placed. or allered on any lot which WIII occupy more than f NOW THEREFORE. !he undrrsigned. as ownen of re21 emte I" Murkqo Rusinesdlndurtrial Park. hcrcbs vufe ip. fava, ofamcndinp the Kuler and Reaulalions THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED W COLINTERPARTS Daled this Jf day of A/"/r//r , 1997 rlumber of votes eligible IO ease: /. Tax Key No(s). 2225 999 003 &"h// /q//f/%" &M$- )wner(s) Names SigGmrc Iwncr(s) Names Signature County. Wtrconrin B My commiwon (cxpimrl (is1 This document was prepared by Mary E. Balcani L ", r -r- I I I !I 0 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II MSKCZ221 016wO PmrceI IdrotificaHon Number (PIN) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEGO BUSlNESS/INDUSTRlAL PARK hihereas. the InPro Corporalion is thc owncr ofthe following described properly in the Muskego Businesr/lndusmal Park: B Lab 5.6,7 and 8, Block I. Muskego Industrial Park, being a sutdivision in the Northwest 114 of Section 16 and of the Nonheasl 114 ofSectian 17. Town 5 North. Range 20 East. City of Murkego. Waukcsha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Whereas said parcel is sublecl to development and consmction as hcrctofore approved by Resolution 229-96. Plan Commission of the Clty of Murkego. dated md: Iecember 4, 1996. approving the consmction oi two (2) 144 square fwt silos (a total of288 square feet) to be located on Apollo Drive: and Addresses: SBO W187M) Apollo Dive and S80 W18766 Apallo Dive Whereas PnueCon Corporation on behalf of lnPm Corporation is desirous of consmction said silos on the parcels. provided that a forry-five percent (45%) ruildlng occupancy of the above described parcels as required in the Rules and Regulation for Muskego Businesshdustrial Park set fonh on Exhibit A allached hereto; and Whereas the City of Muskcgo Plan Commission has approved raid modification ofthe building occupancy requirement wnh respect to said lots only. thereby ncreasing the building occupancy requirement as set forth on the site plan, Exhibit A, and depicted, br Muskego Burinerdlndurmal Park (as amended), with respect to Paragraph 4 thereof. so lhat after raid amcndmcnt. said parapaph shall read as follows: NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned, as owners oireal crtale in Muskego Businessllnduamal Park. hereby vote in favor ofamending the Rules and Regulations 4. ofsaid lot. with the exception of lob 5.6,7 and 8 which will occupy B total offony-seven percent (47%). No budding or struclm ofany rype shall be erected, placed, or altered on any lot which will occupy more than forty-ZLe perce?l(45%) or the total area THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED M COUNTERPARTS Dated this 2 cbz day of &f&d , I997 dumberaf votes eliglble to case: 2 ' Tax Key Na(r). 2225 999 006 r I L 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II Name and Return Addrrtr S80 WI 8766 Ap01l0 Drive i'.O. tiur 4% Mwkego. WI 53150 InPmCorporalio" MSKC 2221 016wO Parcel Identificntion Number (PIN) CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE LOTS 56 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEGO BUSlNESSllNDUSTRlAL PARK Whereas. the lnPm Corporation is the oxner of he following dcscribed property in the Murkego Businessllndustrial Park Lots 5,6,7 and 8. Blwk I, Muskego lndusmal Park, being a subdivision in the Nonhwert 114 afSection 16 and of the Nonhcart 114 of Secuon 17. Tom 5 North. Range 20 East. City of Muskego. Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Whereas rald parcel is subject to development and ~onrtr~clion as heretofore approved by Resolution 229-96. Plan Cornmission oflhe City of Murkego. dated and; December 4, 1996. approving the consmction ofwo (2) 144 square foot silos (a total of288 square feet) to be located on Apdl~ Give; and Addresser: S80 W18760 Apollo Drive and S80 W18766 Apollo Drive buildmg occupancy ofthc above described parcels as required in the Rules and Regulation for Muskego Burinessllndusmal Park set forth an Exhibit A attached hereto; and Whereas PnueCon Corporation on behalfof lnPro Corporation is desirous ofconsmaion raid silos on the parcels, pmvidcd that a fony-live percent (45%) increasing the budding occupancy requirement as set fonh on thc site plan, Exhibit A, and depicted; Whereas the City of Muskego Plan Commission has approved raid modification of the building occupancy requiremenl with respecl to said lots only. thereby far Murkego Businersllndurtrial Park (as amended). with respect to Paragraph 4 thereof. so that ah rad amendment. sald paragraph NOW THEREFORE. the undersigned. as owmen afreal estate in Murkego Businessllndustrial Park. hereby vote in favor of d No hui1di::g I:: stluclure dany lye shd: he rrer!ed, "1are.i. :I vllereti on 2.1) Io1 Nhich will occupy mnre Ih olsaid lot. with Ihe exceptm of lots 5.6, 7 and 8 which will mcupy a total of forty-seven percent (47%). THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED M COUNTERPARTS Dated this 1997 Number ofvoter eligible tocare: Tax Key No(s). 2225 999 007 Omer(s) Names County. Wisconsin Mu comlission (emred (151 J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Name mnd Rebrn Addroll Recording Area SBOW1Rl66ApolloDrivc Mukcgo. WI 53150 P.il. >ox roo lnpm cownuon MSKC2221 016WO Parcel Id.nti~rltionNumb.r(PIN1 CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REOUIREMENTS RE: ~~ LOTS 5,6 7 dr 8 ONLY OF MUSKEGO BUSINESS/INDUSTRIAL PARK Whereas, the InPro Corporation is the owner ofthe following described property in the Muskego Businerrllndurtnal Park: D Lots 5.6. 7 and 8. Block 1. Murkego Industrial Park, being a subdivision in the Nanhwert I/$ of Section 16 and ofthe Northeast 114 of Section 17. TOW 5 Nonh. Range 20 East. CiIy of Muskego, Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Whereas said parcel is subject to devclopmert and conrlluctian as heretofore appmved by Rerolulion 229.96, Plan Commission ol the City of Murkego, davd and; December 4, 1996. approving the conslruetion of two (2) 144 square foal silos (a toIa1 of 288 square feel) to be locared an Apollo Drive; and Addresser: S80 W18760 Apollo Drive and S80 W18766 Apollo Drive Whereas hue-Con Corporation on behalfoflnPm Corporation is desirous ofconsrmction said silos on the parcels, provided that a forty-five percenl(45%) building occupancy or the abavc dcscnbcd parcels as required in the Ruler and Regulation for Muskego Busincrsllndustrial Park set fonh on Exhibit A attached hereto. and Whercar the City of Muskego Plan Commission has approved said modification olthe building occupancy requirement with respect to said lo& only, thereby increasing the building occupancy requirement as set fonh on the sile plan. Exhiblt A. and depicted; I lor Muskego Businesr/lndusbial Park (as amended), with respect to Paragraph 4 Ihcreof, so lhat aner raid amendment, raid paragraph rh NOW THEREFORE. thc undersigned. as ownen orreal estate in Muskego Busmersllndurtrinal Park, hereby vote in favor afamending the Ruler and Regulations 4. No building or sm~clure ofany rype $hall be treclcd. placed. or altered on any io1 which will wcupy more than ofsaid 101. wlth the exception oflols 5.6.7 and 8 which will occupy a 10191 of forty-Seven pcrcent(47%). THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dated this fa'" day of , I997 Number of votes eligible to cue: Tax Key No@). 1225 999 010 Z&n T *1(1 5 B Owncr(s) Name? - - Owncr(s) Names - >,Lv;+wi< L.,"&& Cn My commission (cxp8rcrI (is1 .- > h 3 /aOd / This dacument was prepared by Mary E. Balconi I I r I I I I I "" r l i j j I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I InPrn Corponllon 580 W18166 Apollo Drive P.O. Box 406 Makego, WI 53150 MSKC2221 016000 Parcel Id~odnrltlonNumbrr(P1N) CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSlNESSIINDUSTRlAL PARK Whereas. the lnPro Corporation is the omer ofthe following descikd property in the Muskego Businessllndusmal Park: B Lots 5.6.7 and 8. Block I. Muskego Industrial Park, being a subdivision in the Nonhwcsr 114 of Section 16 and afthe Nonheast 114 ofSection 17. Town 5 North. Range 20 East, City of Muskego. Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nor. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Addresses: SBO W18760 Apollo Dnve and S80 W18766 Apolla Drive Whereas said parcel is subject to development and conrmction as heretofore approved by Rcrolution 229-96. Plan Commission of Ihe City of Muskego. dated and; December 4, 1996. approving the consrmction of two (2) 144 square loot silos (a total of 288 square feel) to bc located on Apollo Dnve; and Whereas PnueCon Corporation on bchalfof lnPm Corporalion is desirous ofcanrmuction said silos on the parcelr. provided that a forwfive percent (45%) budding occupancy of the above described parcels as required in the Ruler and Regulation for Murkego Businessnndusmal Park ret lonh on Exhibit A attached hereto; and Whereas the City of Muskego Plan Cornmission has approved said modification ofthe bulldmg occupancy requirement wlth respect 10 said lots only. thereby increarmg the building occupancy requirement as set forth on the site plan. Exhtbit A, and depicted; NOW THEREFORE. the undersigned. ar omcn ofreal estate in Muskego Businerrllndurlrial Park. hereby vole in favor ofamending rhe Ruler and Regulations for Murkcgo Corinersl:nd:;itri:l Park (as am:nded), with res;ect IC Paragraph 4 rhcrenf. $2 tbt altpr said rmendmen:. raid pxrapaaoh shall read as fallows: 4. of raid lot, with the exception oflols 5.6,7 and 8 which will occupy a total olfony-seven perccnl(47%). No building or smctwe ofany ‘ypc shall be erected. placed, or altered an any lot which will occupy more than fo THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dated this Rtll day of /& , I997 Number ofvoter eligible to case: 1” Tax Key No@). 2225 999 015 / d J OL 1 f, Jd.-Vh B ;rMdcI s CO< Dwner(r) Names “ County. Wisconsin My commi~~m (crpirarl (is) s//;l&w, This document was prepared by Mary E Balconi lhir Infoornubon mu1 br completed by submitter: and pIN (ifmquind) Other lnJormorion wrh 01 the granring clau~er. le@ dmrriplion. elc. may be placed )I thbjrstpoge ofthe dacumrnr or may brploce don addirioonnlpgu o/rhc document. &~g Ore ofthlr coverpage adds oncpoge lo your docvmsnl ond $2.00 Io Ihe recordinr fee. WircOnlln imalulcr. 19 JII. WRDA 2/96 i. I I I L" j 0 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MSKC2221 Ol6W Parcel Identification Number(PIN) CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSINESSlMDUSTRlAL PARK Whereas. the InPro Corporation is the owner of the following described property in the Murkego Burincsdlndurtial Park: Lots 5.6.7 and 8. Block I, Murkego lndustial Park. being a subdivision in the Nonhwert 114 of Section 16 and of the Northeast 114 ofSecrlon 17. Town 5 Nonh. Range 20 East. City of Muskego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin. TaxKeyNos.2221.005and2221.006 Addresses: S80 W18760 Apollo Dnvc and S80 W18766 Apollo Dhve Whereas said parcel is subject to development and construction as heretofore approved by Resolution 229-96. Plan Commission ofthe City of Murkego. dated D and; December 4, 1996. approving the construction of two (2) 144 square foot silos (a total of 288 square feet) to be located on Apollo hve; and Whereas PnueCon Corporation on behalf of lnPro Corporation is desirous of comtruction said silos on 1hc parcels. prowded that a forty-five percen1(45%) ,uilding occupancy of the above described parcels as required in the Rules and Regulation for Muskego Burincrrllndustrial Park re1 fonh on Exhibit A attached hereto; and Whereas lhc City of Muskego Plan Commission has approved raid modification of the budding occupancy requiremenl with respec1 to raid lox only. thereby "creasing the building occupancy requirement as set forth on the sile plan. Exhibit A, and depicted; NOW THEREFORE. the undenimed. as ownen ofreal estate in Muskego Businessnndusmal Park. hereby vote in favor ofamendmg lhc Ruler and RegulatiOnS Tor Muskego Busincsdlndurmial Park (as amended). wilh respect 4. No building or structure of any type shall b ofsaid lot. with the exception of lots 5.6.7 and 8 which will occupy a torn1 of fow-seven percenl(47%). THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dated lhir n4e day of flay ,1997 Vumberofvoter eligible to case: 1 Tax Key No@). 2228 999 M)2 fi/qPVL /Yi95&j:,< g- u B Tiis document wa prepared by Mary E. Balcanl q/32/w/ er(r) Names My mnmision (expires) 11s) :his infomtion must be colnpleled by rubminer document Me. nome & return addrur. and pIN ({required). Other ;+nulfioon such (IS !he gr.?~;~ clauex. legoldarcriplion. EE. moY be plnced 81 rhiJJrllpqe o/rhe documem or may beplace don ndd;r;onolppl a/rhc docunm,. NylE Use o/rhb coverpage ah oncpoge lo your dommcnf and $2 00 Io the recordinn fee. Wisconsin ;!muter. IPS17 WRDA In6 I I [-- L I I -4 il I .. 5 *? -mEs .. . . .. . .. ... . ... ;$"" -. .. . .. .. .r I I I j 1 =====!- I I + I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L Inpro corporation P.O. BOA 406 S80 W18766Apollo Dim Mukep WI 53150 MSKC2221 0160h) Parcel Identification Number IPIN) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LO= 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSINESSIINDUSTRIAL PARK Whereas, the lnPm Corporation is the ower ofthc following described properly in the Murkcgo Busincrdlndurtnal Park LOIS 5.6.7 and 8, Block I, Murkego lndurmal Park, being a subdivision in the Northwest 114 ofSectian 16 and ofrhc Northeast 114 of Section 17. Town 5 North, Range 20 East. City of Murkcgo. Waukcrha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nor. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Whereas raid parcel is subject to development and consrmclion as herelofore approved by Resolution 229-96, Plan Commission of the City of Murkego. dated and: December 4. 1996, approving the constructton ofwo (2) 144 rquarc foot silos (a total of 288 square feet) to be located on Apallo Drive; and Addresses: S80 W18760 Apollo Drive and S80 W18766 Apalla Dnve building occupancy oflhe above descibed parcels as requtred in the Rules and Regulation for Muskego Businesdlndurtrial Park ret forth on Exhlbit A atlached hereto; and Whereas Pnue-Con Corporation on bchalfof lnPro Corporation is desirous ofcansmction said silos on the parcels. provided that a forty-live percent (45%) Increasing the building occupancy requirement as set forth on the silc plan. Exhibit A, and depicted; Whereas Ihe City of Muskego Plan Commission has approved raid modification of the building occupancy requirement with respect to said lots only. thereby ior Muskego Buainesdlndurrrial Park (as amended). with respect to Paragapl? 4 thereof, so that ana said amcndmenr. raid parqapn shall read as follows: NOW THFWFORE. the undenigmed, BS ownerr ofrtal estm in M,lsSe:o Icusinesrllndt~srriaI Park. hereby vote ~n favor ofamending the Ruler and RCKulations 4. ofraid lot, with the exception oilos 5,6,7 and 8 which will occupy a total of foq-seven percent (47%). No building or struct~r~ of any lypc shall bc erected. placed. or altered on any lot which will occupy more than forty-five percenl(43%) o!:hc total am THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUWTERPARTS Dated this d@ % day of , 1997 Number of vows eligible to case: i Tax Key No@) 2228 999 004 Subscrtbed and swam to tcfurc me this I I I I I I I I L.". I i I . ! : I /. I L .-"fr""-*"""""--------------- AI II mar 0 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MSKC2221 016wO Pnrccl Idsntilicatloo Number (PIN) . CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5,6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSINESS/lNDUSTRlAL PARK Whereas. the InPm Corporation is the owner aflhe fallowing describcd property in the Muskego Businesrllndusmal Park: La15 5.6.7 and 8. Block I, Muskego lndusmal Park. being a rubdivtsion in the Nonhwsr 1/4 ofScction 16 and ofthe Nonhcasr 114 of Section 17. Town 5 North. Range 20 East. City of Murkego. Waukcrha County. Wisconrln. Tax Key Nos. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Whereas raid parcel is subjecl to developmntand consmtion as heretofore approved by Resolution 229.96, Plan Commission ofthc City of Murkego. dated and; December 4, 1996. approving thc construction of two (2) 144 square foot silos (a total of288 square fcct) to be located on Apolla Drive; and Addresses: S80 W18760 Apolla Dive and S80 W18766 Apollo Dnvc building occupancy ofthe abve descrikd parcels as required in the Rules and Regulation for Muskego Businerdlndustrial Park set fonh on Exhibit A attached herelo; and Whereas hue-Con Corporation on behalfoflnPm Corporation is desirous ofconstruction said silos on the parcels. provtded that a fony4ve percent(45%) increasing the building occupancy requirement as set fonh on the site plan. Exhibit A, and depicted; Whereas the City of Muskego Plan Commission has approved said modification ofthe building occupancy requirement with rerpecl to said lo15 only. thereby Tor Muskego Businesdlndurtrial Park (as amended), with respect to Paragraph 4 thcrcof. so that alter said amendment, said parag~aph shall read as follows: NOW THEREFORE. the undcnigred. as owners ofreal estate in Muskcgo Burincrsnndustrial Park. hereby vote in favor of amending the Rules and Regulations 4. ofsaid lot. with the exception oflo!s5,6,7 and 8 which will occupy a total of forty-seven percent (47%). No building or stmcture of any type shall be errcled, piaced, or altrrcd on any lot which wdl occupy morc IIYII Tuny-itve pcrcm! (.;h~ *>Cihc tu4 arc:. THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dated thin / day of , 1997 Number of votes eligible to case: dL Tax Key No(s). 2228 999 005 Subrcrtbed and swam to before me this MSKC 2221 016 WO Parcel Identification Nurnber(PIN) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5,6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEGO BUSlNESSllNDUSTRlAL PARK hrhereas. the lnPm Corporallon is the owner ofthe following described pmpeq in the Murkego Burincrrllndurmal Park: Lo& 5.6, 7 and 8. BlKk I. Muskego Indushial Park, being a subdivision in the Northwest 114 ofScction 16 and althe Northeast 114 of Section 17. Tom 5 North. Range 20 East. City of Muskego. Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221.005 and2221.006 Whereas said parcel IS subleet to development and conrmctian as heretofore approved by Resolulion 229-96. Plan Commtsrion of the City of Murkcgo, dated md; )eeemkr 4, 1996. approving the consmction oftwo (2) 144 square foot silos (a total of288 square feet) to be hated on Apollo Dnve; and Addresses: S80 W18760 Apallo Chive and S80 WI 8766 Apollo Drive Whereas PnueCon Corporation on behallollnPro Corporation is desirous of consmction said silos on the parcels, provided lhal a forty-five percent(45%) wilding occupancy of the above described parcels as required in the Rulcr and Regulation for Muskego Businersllndusmal Park ret forth on Exhlbit A attached hereto; and Whereas the City olMuskego Plan Commission has approved said modification ofthe building occupancy requirement with respect10 sald lots only. thereby ncreasing he building occupancy requircrnent as ret forth an the rite plan. Exhibit A, and depicted; NOW THEREFORE. the undersigned. as owerr ofrcal cmls iq Muskego Businerdlndurtnal Park. hereby vote in favor of amending the Rules and Regulations br Murkcgo Burinerrllndusmal Park (as amended). with respect to Paragaph 4 thereof. IO that after rald amendment. said paragraph shall read as follows: or said lot, with the exception of lots 5.6,7 and 8 whlch wdl occupy a total offorry-seven percent (47%). 4. No building or smcture ofany type shall be erccted. placcd. or altered on any lot which will occupy more THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dated this ' day of /nffyV , 1997 ~umberalvotcrcligiblc tocase: Tax Key No(a). 2228 999007 c I I I I I L. i j I iI I . -. I I I I "" -t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I zc I 5% az 1nPm COrpOnlion MSKC2221 016000 Parcel Idenlifimion Number(PIN) CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSlNESSflNDUSTRlAL PARK Whereas, the lnh Corporation is the owner ofthe following descnbed propeny in the Muskego Burincssllndurlrial Park Lnls 5.6.7 and 8, Block I, Murkego Industrial Park. king B subdivision In the Northwest 114 of Section 16 and ofthe Northeast 114 of Section 17. Taw 5 North. Range 20 East. Ciry of Muskego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Tar Key Nor. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Addresses: S80 WI8760 Apollo Drive and S80 W18766 Apollo Drive Whereas said parcel is subject to dcvclapmmr and conrrmction as herelafore approved by Rerolutmn 229.96, Plan Commission oflhc Ctty of Muskego. dated B and; December 4, 1996. approving the conrmclion oftwo (2) 144 square fool silos (a total of288 rquarc feet) to be Ixaled on Apollo Drive; and Whereas PnueCon Corporallon on txhalfof lnPro Corporation is desirous ofconrmctian raid silos on the parcels, provided that a forty-five percent (45%) building occupancy ofthe above described parcels as required in the Ruler and Regulation far Murkego Burinerrllndurlrial Park set forth an Exhibit A attached hereto; and Whereas the City of Muskego Plan Commission has approved raid modification oflhc building occupancy requirement with rcrpccl IO raid lots only. thereby Increasing Ihe building occupancy requirement BS set forth on the site plan. Exhibit A, and depicted; NOW THEREFORE. the undersigned. as omcrs ofreal estate in Muskego Businessllndustrial Park, hereby vote in favor ofamending Ihe Rules and Regulations for Muskego Businesdlndurmal Park (as amended). with respect10 Paragaph 4 thereof, so that aner said amendment. said paragraph shall read as follows: 4. No bulljing or s1ruc:t;re ufany r):le Shd CF crrclrd. plactd. UT ailfled on a::y ltit chich wiil oxug) nuw hi fb!y-;L pzrccni (4%; L'iihc :x:! PrC: ofraid 101. wiIh the exception of lots 5.6, 7 and 8 which will occupy a total of fort-seven percent (47%). THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dated this / day of /&H , 1997 Numbcrofvotcseligiblc tocase: / Tax Key Na(s1. 2228 999 014 I Subscnbsd and swam la beiore me this U This document was prepared by Mary E. Balconi I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 a P 0. Box 406 Murkego. WI 13110 MSKC2221 016004 Parcel Id~nrifl~lUonNumb~r(P1N) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 56 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEGO BUSINESSIINDUSlXIAL PARK Whereas. the InPro Corporation is the owner ofthe following described propmy In the Murkcga Burmessllndurlrial Park: B LOCI 5,6.7 and 8. Black I. Muskego Industrial Park, being a subdivision in the Nanhwerr 114 ofSeclion 16 and oflhc Northeast 114 ofSectm 17. Town 5 Nonh. Range 20 Earl. City of Muskego. Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Whcrear raid parcel is rubjecl to dcvelapment and ~omlmruclian as herefofore approved by Rerolvlion 259.96. Plan Commission orlhc C~ty of Muskego. daled and; December 4. 1996. approvmg the canrmction of two (2) 144 square fool silos (a lolal a1288 square feet) lo be located on Apollo Drive; and Addrerrcs: S80 W18760 Apolla Dive and S80 W18766 Apollo Drive Whereas Pnue-Con Corporalion on khalfof lnko Corporalion is desirous afconslmction raid silos on the parcels. provided lhat a folfy-five percent (45%) mlding occupancy of the above descdxd parcels as required in lhe Rules and Regulation for Muskego Buriness/indurtrial Park re1 fonh on Exhtbit A attached hereto; and Whereas the Ciry of Muskego Plan Commission has approved said modification of the buildmg occupancy requirement wilh respect to said lots only. thereby ncreasing the buildlng occupancy requirement as scI fonh on the site plan, Exhlbit A, and depicled; i?r Mu5kgq Pus~?:s:1ldm+al kk (nr amendd!; wn*> rrcneil 1.3 Pummn;>h 4 therenl. so lht afler said arnendmm. sad paragaph shall read as lollowr: NOW THEREFORE. Ihe undersigned. as omen of real estate In Muskego Buriness/lndurlrial Park. hereby volc in favor of amending the Ruler and Rcgulatlons 4. ofraid 101. with Ihe exception of lo& 5, 6. 7 and 8 which will occupy a mal offmy-sewn pcrcenl(47%). No building or smcture of any rypc shall be erected. placed, or allered on any lo1 which wll accupy more than forty-five percenl(45%) of the total area THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Daled this day of [HLL 1.y , 1997 iJ Uurnberofvotes ehgible 10 case: Tax Key No(s). 2228 999 01 7 Subscnbed and .warn 10 before m? this My c~mmisston (cxpimr) (151 1-2-99 This document was prepared by Mary E. Balconl I I I I I I I I I I I I 1nPm Corponllu" S80 W18766 Apollo Drive P 0 Bur 406 MSKC 2221 016 WO Parcel Identification Numbrr(P1N) CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5,6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEGO BUSlNESSllNDUSTRlAL PARK Whereas, the InPro Corporation is the owner oirhe fallowing described properly in lhe Muskego Burincrrllndusuial Park: Lots 5.6,7 and 8. Block I, Muskego lndurmal Park, being a suMivision in the Nonhwcrt 114 of Sectton 16 and oithc Northeast 114 oiSection 17. Town 5 Nonh. Range 20 East. Cily oiMurkcga, Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nor. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Addresses: S80 W18760 Apollo Drive and S80 W18766 Apollo Dnve Whcrear raid parcel is subject to development and consm~tion as heretofore approved by Rcrolulion 229.96. Pian Commission aithc Ctly oiMuskcgo. dalcd B and; December 4, 1996, approving the consmction of two (2) I44 square iwt silos (a total of288 square ieet) to be located on Apalla Dnve; and Whereas Pnue-Con Corporation on behalioflnPm Corporation is desirous oieonrmclion raid silos on Ihe parcels. provided lhar a iony-five perccnr (45%) xilding occupancy ofthe above dercnbed parcels as required in Ihc Rules and Regularm for Muskego Businesrllndurrial Park set ionh an Exhiblt A attached hereto; and Whereas lhe Ciry oiMurkego Plan Commission has approved said modification ofthe building occupancy requirement with respect to raid lots only. thereby increasing thc buildmg occupancy requiremenl as scf ionh on the site plan. Exhibit A, and depicted; NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned. ar owners of real estate in Murkego Burinesdlndustnal Park. hereby vote in favor ofamending the Rules and Regulations for Muskego Businersilndushial Park (as amended), with respect to Paragraph 1 thereof, so that aner sad amendment. said paragraph shall redd as follows: 4. No building or structure oiany type shall be erected, placed, or altered on any lot which will occupy more than iolrj-five !xnsrtt (45%) 01 The LOCI area of raid 101, with the exception allots 5.6.7 and 8 which will occupy a total of fortyseven percent (47%). THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED M COUNTERPARTS Dated this J$ day oi F&i , 1997 Number oivoler elig,ble 10 case: Tax Key No($). 2228 999019 Dwncr(s) Names D Signature This document was prepared by Mary E Balconi Subscribed and sw to before me !his I ] ,, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II MSKC2221 0160W Parcel Idendficrtion Number (PIN) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5,6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSINESSllNDUSTRlAL PARK Whereas, the lnPro Corporation is the owner of the fallowing dcscnbed propemy tn the Muskego Businersllndustrial Park: D Lob 5,6.7 and 8. Block I. Muskego Industrial Park. being a subdivision in the Nonhwest 114 ofScction 16 and of the Northeast 114 of Sectton 17. Tom 5 North, Range 20 East. City of Murkego. Waukerha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key NOS. 2221 .XI5 and 2221.006 Addresser: S80 W18760 Apollo Drive and S80 W18766Apallo Drive Whereas said parcel is subject to development and consmction as heretofore approved by Resolulion 229.96, Plan Commlrslon ofthe City of Muskego. dated and; December 4. 1996. approving Ihe consmction of two (2) 144 square foot silos (a total of 288 square feet) IO be located on Apollo Drive; and Whereas Pnue-Con Corporalion on behalfof InPro Corporation is desirous ofconsmction sald sdos on the parcels, prowded that a lorry-five percent (45%) building occupancy of the above described parcels as required in the Ruler and Regulation for Muskego Burinerrilndushial Park set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto; and increasing the building occupancy requirement as set fanh on the site plan, Exhibit A, and depicted; Whcrear the City ofMuskego Plan Commission has approved said modification of the buildmg occupancy requirement with respect to rald lob only. thereby "r ?I-rkr;n Sri?essilndu:7i21 Pmk (2s amcnd:dl. with respe:t to Panpph 4 !hereof. so that zfrr said amcndmcnt. raid NOW THERFFORE. the undersipncd. as omem of real cstate in Murkego Businesrllndurhial Park. hereby vote 4. of said lot. with the exception or lots 5.6,7 and 8 which will occupy a mal of forty-seven percent (47%). No bullding or struct~re ofany type shall be erccred, plaeel', or altered on any lot which will occupy ma THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dated this &k dayaf Yy'? , I997 Number ofvoles eligible to case: I Tax Key No@). 2228 999 021 /"&4fi<- Subscribed and swam lo before me thls & .dc €UEf /3 I rd day of*, 1997 (I) Names Signature 9 ',,,!.& Omer(s) Names Signature Caunry. Wisconsin B My c~mm~ssmn (rxplrcr) (is) 412.2 /& This documcnr was prepared by Mary E. Balconl V/ rhir information murt be completed by submitter: document ,;!le, name & remrn nddws, and pIN (Jrrquirrd). ofher in/ormotion such 01 ,he granting rlaursr. legal dexrripnon. clr may be plnrcd m thisfirnpogc ollhe document or may be place don addi,iondpagex olrhe docvmrcr. Use oflhis cowrpoge adds one pogr toyour documem nnd $2.00 Io the recordinn fee. wi~consi" imaiunr. 59.5l7. WRDA 2196 ?"- I I I I I I I "I 1 I, II I I1 I, IIIIIIIIIIII~ f~~-"-"-*""""""-"-"-"-"-"-"". mm I I I I r 1 7 J I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I MEMO TO: JILL BLENSKI I DEPUTY CLERK i FROM: CARLOS TREJO PLANNING AND ZONING ASSISTANT DATE: MAY 9,1997 RE: IPC VARIANCE REQUEST DEPARTMENT OF CITY PLANNING Matthew G. Sadowsh, AICP Director of Planning (414) 679-4136 Enclosed is a list of all the properties of the Muskego Industrial Park. The list includes owners, acreage, and the number of permitted votes allowed per Section 14 of the Rules and Regulations for Muskego Businesshndustrial Park. There are a total of 94 possible excluding the City and IPC. Mer counting the results, it appears that a majority of operty owners have approved of PC’s request to exceed the permitted 45% maximum lot coverage. A total of 54 votes for approval were received, this excludes the property owned by the City and PC Prior to the issuance of building and zoning permits, Common Council approval of the variance request (per Section IS) is necessary and PC must record the variance request with the County. Should the Council or you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me. W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Box 903 Muskego, Wisconsin 53150-0903 Fax (414) 679-5614 Tax Ke) 2221 2221 2228 2228 2223 222 I 2225 2228 2228 2223 2223 2221 2221 2228 2225 2221 2225 2221 2223 2228 2222 2228 2225 2228 222 I 2221 2223 2223 2223 2222 2223 2221 2228 222 I 2225 2222 2223 2221 2223 2223 2223 2222 2223 2228 2223 2223 222 1 2225 2228 I No. Roperty Owner 014.000 Apollo Invst. 001.000 Badeertscher, R. 999.005 Banker, CI 999.014 Banker, CI 007.000 Bittoni 016.001 Borchardl, W 999.003 Byme 999.008 Cull 999.009 Dalal 994.015 Delaney 015.001 De1p.A. 994.016 Delaney 015.002 Delp. A. 999.007 Delta 999.m7 hott 020.M12 Dcerr, K. 016.000 Durango. R. 999.004 Domin 006.000 Filocha. M. & D. 999.013 Great Lakes Dart 984.004 Gumieny, R. & D. 999.004 Hamm 999.012 Higgins 999.003 Hwmnann 020.000 Hunt 006.000 InF’ro 994.003 Janesville Dist. 994.001 Janesville Dist. 001 .OOO Jenesch 984.006 Kelley Tufseal 017.000 Konke and Marcotl 994.005 Kids Kampus 999.002 Kmeger 009.000 Kuglitsch 999.005 Lanke 982.000 Lanson Ind. 0 I8.oM) Ludwig and Jakober 994.014 Lester 994.002 Maciolek 994.012 Maciolek 004.000 Mc Clue, 0. &A. 984.003 Marek, L. 994.010 Merit Asph. 999.017 Mick Roperties 994.013 Miller 994.008 Mueller 02 I .OOO Muskego 999.001 Muskego 999.010 Muskeeo I 2228 999.023 Muskego 2228 999.024 Muskego Acreage # of votes Sheet1 Signed Consent 1.7 1.1 3.4 1.9 1 2.8 1.7 2.6 1.1 1.9 2.8 3.4 4 1 1.1 2 I 5 1 1 1.5 2.9 1.8 1.1 4 3 2.1 3 2.4 9.9 3.2 I 2.4 4.3 6 2 3.2 1.7 I .x I 2.5 1 4.7 2 2 I I 2 I 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 I 1 1 1 2 1 I 1 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 1 2 1 3 I 2 2 I 1 2 1 1 1 for allowing Variance Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Approval votes or i 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 Page I 2228 2228 2228 2223 2223 2223 2225 2223 2228 2228 222 I 2228 2228 222 I 2225 222 1 222 1 2225 2225 2225 2228 2221 2222 h22 I 2221 2223 2225 2223 999.020 Noway-Aire 999.021 Norway-Aire 999.022 Poje 994.004 Rub. R. 994.009 Raab, R. 003.000 bush. R. 999.009 Rowinski 005.000 Saleway Pest 999.012 Santi 999.006 Santoro 004.000 Schkeryantz 999.019 Schopf 999.018 Schrader 013.000 Schwnrz 999.006 Simpson Realty 002.000 Smart 020.001 Sumitomo 999.010 Surinak 999.01 I Surinak 999.015 Surinak 999.016 The Shop 003.000 Trison Util. 984.005 Wandler, D. & T. 010.000 Wiza Ind. 019.000 WizaInd. 008,000 Wolverlon 999.008 WIT Holdings 002.000 Zbikowski, W. & M TOTAL 2.6 2.9 1 3.5 3.2 I I 1 4.3 1.5 I 2.6 2 5.3 1.7 I 1.1 2 3.2 2.3 I .4 I 3.1 2.4 10.1 3.7 1.3 1 Sheet1 I I 3 1 1 I I 2 I I 1 1 1 2 1 3 I I I 2 5 I 2 94 1 1 Y Y I Y 1 Y I Y I Y 2 Y 2 Y Y 1 Y 2 Y 5 Y I Y 54 Page 2 Ipc Door and Wall Protection Systems INPRO CORPORATION May 13, 1997 Muskego. WI 53150 (41 4) 679-901 0 Mr. Carlos Trejo Assistant of Planning & Zonlng Planning Department City ofMuskego W182 S8200 Racine Avenue P.O. Box 903 Muskego, WI 53150-0903 Re: New Consent Documents Dear Mr. Trejo: Enclosed please find the five additional new Consent documents from the property OVfnerS which &present 7 votes. please submit this information to the Common Council for their meeting schedule for $ay 13th. Thank you again for your assistance in this matter Very truly yours, INPRO CORPORATION Mary E! Balkni Executive Assistant MEBI Enclosures FAX414-679-9506 PRESIDENT FINANCE FAX:414-679-5530 MARKETING FAX:414-679-5407 HUMAN RESOURCES FAX:414-679-5531 . ! PO. Box 406 MSKC 2221 016 WO Parcel Idrotificatioo Number (PIN) CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSMESSnNDUSTRlAL PARK iYhcrcar. the hd!o Corporalton is the owncrofthe followingdcrcibed property in the Muskego Businessllndurmal Park: Lots 5.6, 7 and 8. Block I. Murkego lndurtnal Park, being a subdivision in the Nonhwert 114 of Section 16 and of the Nonheast 114 of Section 17, Town 5 North. Range 20 Earl. City of Muskego. Waukerha County, Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos 2221.005 and 2221.006 Addresses: S80 W18760 Apollo Drive and S80 W18766 Apolla Drive Whereas said parcel is subject to developmenl and consmclion as heretoron approved by Resolution 229-96. Plan Commission ofrhe City of Murkego, dalcd >ecernkr 4. 1996. approving the construction oftwo (2) 144 square foot silos (a total of288 square feel) to be located on Apollo Wvc; and Whereas Pnuc-Con Corporation on bchalfoflnPro Corporation is desirous ofcansrmclion raid silos on he parcels. provided that a forty.five percenr (45%) wilding occupancy ofthe above descnbed parcels as requircd in the Rules and Regulation for Muskego Burincsdlndusmal Park sct fonh on Exhiblt A attached hereto; and Whereas the Cily of Murkego Plan Commission has approved said modification ofthe building Occupancy requirement wilh respect to sad lots only. lhcreby ncreasing the building occupancy requirement as set fonh an the site plan, Exhibil A, and depicted; NOW THEREFORE. the undersigned, as owners ofreal estate in Muskego Businesdndustrial Park. hereby vote in favor ofamendmg rhe Rules and Regulations or Muskego Businerdlndurmal Park (as amended). with respect to Paragraph 4 thereof. so that afler said amendment, raid paragraph shall read as fallows: 4. No building or SrmCNre of any ’ype shall be erected, placed, or altered on any Iut which will occupy more than fony-five purcent (45%) ofrhe total area of raid lot. with the exception of lots 5.6.7 and 8 which will occupy a total of foorry-seven pcrccnl(47Oh). THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Dated this ?tk : day of d.44 , 1997 dumber of voter eligible 10 case: a Tax Key Na(s). 2223 994 CQ4 Subscribed and swam to More me this RUDOLPH RAAB nT c M ne )wncr(s) Names Signature Cauxy. Wircms.n My c:,numsion 1expm~:s~ (IS) . This document was prepared by Mary E. Balconi his inlomalion must be mmplcted by rubrmacr p and EN(JrequbcdJ. Oth~rinformmion such os fhe gramin8 cburer. Iqd dewio,;ca. efc. mn) bopfared n rhilJktpage o/thedocummrormqv beplmedm .zdd;,;ona/pagrr oflhodocunennr. Use ojrhb coverpsp ad& onrpogc ~r,~ovrdorvm~olond~Z.Oflm rhr <~CW?E.K&. L?rrronrin mmrrr. SP.Sl7. WRDA 2/96 .. .. . . I r I I I I I I I L.". I j I I Ji: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P 0. Box 406 Mukcgo. WI 13150 MSKC2221 OItiQOO Parcel Idmlilicntion Numbcr(P1N) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSlNESSllNDUSTRlAL PARK Kherear. the ln#mCorporalion is the owner ofthe fallowingdcrc&xd properry in Ihc Muskego Burinerrilndustrial Park: Lols 5.6, 7 and 8. Block I, Muskego Industrial Park. king a subdivision in the Nonhwest 114 of Section 16 and of the Nonhearl 114 of Scction 17. Town 5 North. Range 20 East. City of Murkego, Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nos. 2221.005 and 2221.006 Addresses: S80 W187M) Apollo Drive and S80 W18766 Apollo Dnve .._, Whereas raid parcel is subject 10 development and cons~clion as hmtafore approved by Resolution 229-96, Plan Camminrlon oflhe Cily of Muskego, dated )ecember 4, 1996, approving the conrmction ofwo (2) 144 square fwt silos (a tolal of288 square feel) to be located on Apollo Dnve: and tuilding occupancy ofthe above described parcels BS required in the Ruler and Rcgulatian for Murkego Burinersllndusmal Park set forth an Exhibit A arlached hereto: and Whereas Pnue-Con Corporation on behalf oflnPm Corporation is dcsimus ofconstruction raid silos on the parcels. provided that a forty-five perccnt(45%) ncrcaring the building occupancy requ~rement as ret fonh an the silt plan. Exhibit A. and depncted: Whereas the C~ly of Murkego Plan Commission has approved said mcdificalion ofthe building occupancy requirement with respect to raid IOU only. lhereby br Muskego Burincsrllndurtrial Park (as amended). with respect IO Paragraph 4 thereof, IO that atler rand amendmenl. raid paragraph shall read as follows NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned. as owners ofrcal mate in Murkego Burinerrllndurtrial Park. hereby vote ~n favor ofamending the Ruler and Regulations 4. of said lot, with the cxccption aflols 5,6,7 and 8 which will occupy a toml of forty-seven percent (47%). NO building or SITUC~U~C of any typ? shall be erected. placed, or altered on any 101 which will occupy mare than forty-five percenl(45%) of the total area THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED rh COUNTERPARTS Dated this 4 day of /vt& v , 1997 dumber ofvotes eligible 10 casc: 1 *40& )uner(r) Names Slgnaturc )mcr(s) Names Sipalure County. Wirconrm Subscrlbcd and swam to before !ne this f#LP/ &v5+ My commission (crpirerl (is) s-a-97 This documenr was prepared by Mary E. Balconl I I I fij I I 1 I I I I= lg !- '0 I 1 fr--"-"~""""""-"-"-"-"-"". mox J II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MSKC2221 016000 Parcel Identification Number (PIN) CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: , LOTS 56 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEGO BUSlNESSllNDUSTRlAL PARK Whereas. lhe Indm Corporation is the owner ofthe followingdescibed property in the Muskego Burinerrllndurmal Park Lots 5.6.7 and 8. Block I, Muskego lndurhial Park. king B subdivision in the Northwest 114 of Section 16 and ofthe Nartheasl 114 of Section 17. Tow 5 North. Range 20 East. Cily of Muskego, Waukesha County. Wisconsin. Tax Key Nor. 2221.W5 and 2221.006 Addresser: S80 W187MI Apollo Drive and S80 W18766 Apolla Drive Whereas said parcel is subject 10 development and consmclion Y heretofore approved by Resolution 229-96, Plan Commmion ofthe Clty of Muskego. dated a Dccemkr 4. 1996. approving the construction of two (2) 144 square fwl silos (a lotal of 288 square feet) to be located on Apollo Dnve; and building occupancy ofthe above described parcels as required in the Rulcr and Regulation for Muskcgo Businessllndushial Park set fonh on Exhibit A attached herera; and Whercas Pnuc-Can Corporation on behalf of lnPm Corporation is desirous ofconsmctlon said silos on the parcels. provided that a forty-five percent (45%) increasing the building occupancy requiremen1 as set lorth on the stte plan, Exhibn A, and deplcted. for Muskego Businessllndushial Park (as amended). with respect to Paragraph 4 lhereof. so that aner said amendment. said paragraph shald ~ ~ ~ Whereas the City ofhluskego Plan Commission has approved said modification ofthe building occupancy requirement with respect 10 sald lots only. !hereby NOW THEREFORE. the undenigned. BS owners of real estate in Murkego Businersllndurtrial Park. hereby vote in favor of amendin th$ Rules and Regulallons 4. of said lot, with the exception of lots 5.6,7 and 8 whxh will occupy a tola1 offorry-seven percent (47%). No building or structure ofany type shall be erected, placed. or alered on any lo! which will occupy more than THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED M COUNTERPARTS Dalcd this /p day of y~ , 1997 Number of votes eligible to case: I Tax KeyNo(r). 2221 020M)I L." I i I- I I I I I .L 1 1 I I 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MSKC2221 016OW Parcel ld~ntili~ntionNumb~r(P1N) . CONSENTTO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE LOTS 5.6 7 & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEGO BUSINESS/INDUSTRIAL PARK Whereas. the In d' IO Corporation IS the owner afthe following descibed property in the Murkego Busincsrllndustial Park Lots 5.6. 7 and 8, Block I. Muskego lndurtnal Park. bemg a subdivision in the Northwest 114 of Section 16 and ofthe Northeast 114 of Section 17. Town 5 Narlh. Range 20 East. City of Murkego. Waukerha County, Wlsconrin B Tax Key Nos 2221.005and 2221.006 Addresses: S80 W18760 Apollo Drive and S80 W18766 Apollo Drive and: December 4, 1996. approving the construction of two (2) 144 square foot silos (a total of288 square feet) 10 be Iocaled on Apolla Dive; and Whereas said parcel is subject to development and constructm' as heretofore approved by Resolufion 229-96. Plan Commission of Ihe City of Murkego, dated Whereas PnueCan Corporation on behalfaflnPro Corporation is desirous ofconstruction raid silos On the parcelr, provided that a forty-five perccnl(45%) building occilpancy of the above dercnbed parcels as required in the Ruler and Regulation for Muskego Burinesrilndurmal Park re1 forth on Exhibit A atlachcd hereto: and Whereas the City of Murkego Plan Commmion has approved said modification ofthc building occupancy requlremcnt with respect to rad lots only. thereby "creasing the building occupancy requirement as ret forth on the site plan. Exhibit A, and depicted; NOW THEREFORE. the undersigned, as omers of real estate in Muskego Burincrrllndusulal Park. hereby vote in favor of amending Ihe Ruler and Regularms ofsaid lot. with the exception of lots 5.6. 7 and 8 which will wcupy a total of forty-reven percenl(47%). THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Vumber of voter eligible to case: Tax Key No(r). 2228 999 007 )vmer(r) Names 3vmer(s) Names I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 'I I "1 I I I I I I I i .. J MSKC2221 0IbW0 Parcel Idmlificntion Number (PIN) \ CONSENT TO MODIFY BUILDING OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS RE: LOTS 5.6 'I & 8 ONLY OF MUSKEG0 BUSINESS/INDUSTRIAL PARK i Whereas. rhe lnPa Corporation is the Owner ofthe fallowing dercdxd property in the Muskego BurinesJlndusUial Park: Lols 5.6. 7 and 8. Block I, Muskego Industrial Park, being a subdivision in the Nonhwesr 114 ofSeclron 16 and oflhe Northeast 114 ofSecrlon 17. Town 5 North. Range 20 East. Ciry of Murkego. Waukerha County. Wisconsin. TaxKeyNos.2221.005and2221.006 Addresses: S80 W18760 Apollo Drive and S80 W18766 Apallo Dive Whereas said parcel is subject to dcvelapmen! and construction as herctolore approved by Resolution 229-96. Plan Commirrlon ofthe City of Murkego. dared D md: December 4, 1996. approving the comtmction or two (2) 144 square fmt silos (a total of288 square feet) 10 be located on Apllo Drive; and Whereas Pnuc-Con Corporation on bchalfof lnPro Corporation is desirous ofconrrmctian raid silos on the parcels. provided that a forty-five percent (45%) milding occupancy ofthe above described parcels as required in the Rules and Regulation lor Muskego Businesdlndurtnal Park set forth on Exhibit A allached hereto. and Whereas the Clly of Muskego Plan Commission has approved said modification ofthc building occupancy requirement with respect to sald IOU only. (hereby Increasing the budding occupancy requirement as set fonh on the site plan. Exhibit A, and depicted; NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned, as owncrs of real esute in Muskego BurinesJlndusmal Park. hereby vole in favor Tor Muskego Businerdlndurtrial Park (as amended). with respect to Paragraph 4 thereof, so that afier said amendment. said paragrap ofsaid lot, with the exception of lois 56.7 and 8 which will occupy a total offoq-seven percent (47%). 4. No building or ~tructure of any rype shall bc erected, placed, or altered an any lot which iviil occupy more than /'day of YJ Dated this , 1997 THIS CONSENT MAY BE EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS Number of votes eligible to case: * Tax Key No(r). 2225 999 005 Subscribed and swam to before me this Owner(s) Names Omcr(s) Names My commsuon (enpirer) (19 B q/33/ao/ Thtr document was prepared by Mary E. Balconi I rhir inromacion must k complelcd by rubminer: and plhi (i/requ;red). Other ;nforma!ion surh 01 Ihc grnn,;ng claurer. kg01 derrriplzoo. err. "JOY be ploczd )n diTfir5rpoge oflrhrdocumm, 07 may beplacedon odd;tmalpager ofrhsdocumrnr. && Ore o/thhlr rovsrpagraddr onepage ro yourdorumenl nndS2 00 lo rhe recordme hee W;mns;n !mrurer. ID.Jl7. WRDA Zr96 r I I I I I I I I L. I "" r I I I I -j 4 i 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I