CCR1997057COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION t57-91 RESOLUTION AS TO OFFER TO PURCHASE EASEMENTS Schweitzer BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby authorize execution of the attached Offer to Purchase for zero dollars and necessary closing documents, which are part of the Offer to Purchase but are not attached hereto, for permanent easement for pumping station, sanitary sewer, access, construction and maintenance for the North Cape Road Lift Station. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor is authorized to make necessary technical changes in consultation with the City Attorney if needed to facilitate timely execution of the Offer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the Offer to Purchase and closing documents in the name of the City and to extend the acceptance and/or closing dates, if necessary. DATED THIS 25th DAY OF MARCH , 1997. SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Nancy C. Salentine Ald. Robert L. Rasmussen This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #57-91 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. .:* 1 "GENERAL PROVISIONS he Buyer, c,Immpration ollers to purchase Ihe 4 Properly known as -eLlleoal description 5 ~n the cj t.y of Muskeao , CGunly Of Waukesha ,Wisconsin. 6 \Additional descriplion. if any:J 7 8 I PURCHASE PRICE: _c___ on the following lerrns: 10 I EARNEST MONEY of $o.oo"------------- in Ihe form 01 n/a -i. 11 moneyo~$ n/a accompanies thls Oller and earnest in Ihe form of n-wilhlnA days 01 acceptance 12 I THE BALANCE OF PURCHASE PRICE wlll be paid in cash or equivalenl a1 closing unless otherwise provided below 13 I ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCLUDED IN PURCHASE PRICE: Seller shalt include in the purchase price and transler. free and clear 01 14 encumbrances, all ldxtures. as delined al tines 214 lo 217and as may be on the Properly on the date of this Ofler, unless excluded at lines 16 15 17-18, and the following additional Ilems: MU2 17 I ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN THE PURCHASE PRICE: nOne 18 19 PROPERTY CONDITION REPRESENTATIONS: Seller represents lo Buyer lhal as of the date 01 acceptance Seller has no notlce or 20 knowledge 01 conditions allecting Ihe Property or lransaclion (as delined at lines 178 to 208) 21 d' ' 22 [COMPLETE DATE OR STRIKE AS APPLICABLE]] 23 24 I ZONING: Seller represents thar Ihe Properly is zoned R-2 25 m TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE as to: (1)- (2) binding acceptance: (3) occupancy: (4) date of closing 26 [STRIKE AS APPLICABLE1 and all olher dales and deadlines in this Olfer except: none - ....................................... ""_~""""""""""_""""""""-"""---------- Dollars (m """-""""" _I___" _.____ " - " -, PRoVISloNS AND ADDENDA 1 See ltnes 252 10 305 lor ootional Drovislons includina continaencles. See line 306 10 - - 29 delermine If addenda, rlders or olher documents have been made a par1 01 this Oller. 30 LADDITIONAL PROVISIONS 1 32 etc. fa a UJiaiilitiEsJ-tk tyLaxes-scia-assesmenLsL. 31 reswnsibilitv of the owners of the fee ti-uom 33 34 ACCEPTANCE, DELIVERY AND RELATED PROVISIONS 35 I BINDING AC EPTANCE. Th~sOllerisbindinguponbolhparliesonlyilacopyolltleacceptedOllerisdet~veredto0uyeronorbulorC 36 . 7 r-r X, 37 I DELIVERY Ot DOCUMENTS AND WRITTEN NOTICES. Unless otherwise stated in this Oller, dclivery 01 documenls and wrillen 19 ---- CAUTION: Thls Oller may be wllhdrawn ptlor lo dellvery 01 lhe accepfed Oller. 38 notices io a party shall be elleclive only when accornpltshed in any 01 the lollowlng ways: 39 (1) BydepositinglhedocumenlorwrillennoliceposlageorleesprepaidinlheU.S.Mailoracommercialdeliverysyslemaddressedlothe 41 Seller. Caspr :._ 6, Collette Schwe&er. W319 N785 Cob-ne Ct., ne-& 7c11 53Qu3.."- 42 (2) By giving the document or wrillen notice personally to Ihe party. 43 (3) By electronically transmilring the document or wrltten notice to lhe lollowlng telephone number: - - __ __ 40 party at: 6uyer:City of Muskeqo, PnMuskeqo, WI 53150, Attn: Mayor David L. De Awelis 44 Buyer (41.4) 679 - 5630 Seller: ( 46 OCCUPANCY o~ -the Dremises 47 shall be given to Buyer at time 01 closing unless otherwise agreed in writing. CAUTION: Consider an agreement whlch addresses 46 responsibility lor cleerlng Ihe Propedy 01 personal property and debrls. iI applicable. LEASED PROPERTY. I1 Properly IS currently leased and leases extend beyond closing, Seller shall assign Seller's rights under said 5 .~ase(s)andtranslerallsecurilydeposilsandprepaidrentsthereunderlo0uyeratclosing.Thetermsollhe(writlen) (oral) (STRIKE ONEj 51 lease(s). if any. are -PS 52 I CLOSING. This lransactron is to be closed at the lace desi naled by Buyer's mortgagee or -y Ha1 1 "_ 4@ 53 no later than , 19L. unless another dale or place is agreed to ~n writing. 57 Net general realeslatetavesshall bepl.oraibd based on jihe ne1 genera: real.esl6tc taxes ro'wn. 0llie:r.iise on Ihe 5E ne1 general real eslale taxes for the preceedlng year) (- ~ ) [STRIKE ANU3tXFLETE AS APPLICABLE] CAUTION: I/ Propei+y has no1 been 60 fully assessed lor lax purposes (lor example, new-n or compleled/pendlng reassessmenlJ or I1 prorallon on Ihe basls of ne1 I 61 geireral real eslal mple, changlng mlll rare), lnserf esllmaled annual fax or other basls lor proraflon. 62 B SPECIAL ASS eoflhlsOflershallbe cfalagreemontllarea 66 insurance ISTRlkE AS APPLICABLE] as furlher described a1 lines 155 to 169. an owner's policyol title 67 8 CONVEYANCE OF,TITLE: Upon paynlenl 01 the purchase price, Seller shall convey the Property byb 68 -1 69 entered under them, rec0;ded easements lor lhe dislribution 01 ulility and !municipal services, recorded buildlng and use restrictions an? -free and clear of all lhens and encumbrances, except: municipal and zoning ordlnances and agreements 71 70 covenanls, general taxes levied in the year 01 closing xiw( ~ (QrOrtded none 01 the loregoing prohibit present use 01 the Properly), which constitutes merchanlabte ltlle 73 CAUTION: SEE LINES 74 TO 82. . 72 for purposes 01 this Iransaclion. Seller lurlher agrees to complete and execule the documcnls necessary to record IhC conveyance. easement \ page 2 01 4 VACANT LAND 74 ISSUES RELATED TO PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT 75 WARNING: I1 Buyer conlempbles developlng Property ora use olher lhan /he current use. there are a varlely ollssues whlch should be 76 addressed lo ensure Ihe developmenl or new use Is posslble. Munlclpal and zonlng ordlnances, recorded bulldlng and use reslrlcllons. 77 covenanls and easemenls may prohlbll cerlaln lmprovemenls or uses and lherelore should be revlewed. Bulldlng permlls. ZOnlng 78 varlances. Archllecluml Conlrol Commlllee approvals, esllmales lor ullllly hook-up expenses. speclal assessmenl charges lor 80 ol,orapartlculeruselor,aproperty.OpllonalconllngencleswhlchallowBuyerlolnvesllgalecerlalnollheselssuescanbeloundalllnes 79 lnslallallonolroads or ulllllles, envlronmenlal audlls, subsolllesls, elc., mayneed lo beoblalnedlodelermlne Iheleaslbllllyoldevelopmenl 81 252 lo 305 01 Ihls Ollerand Buyer may add conllngenclea as needed In addenda whlch may be added lo lhls Oller (see llne 306). Buyer 82 should revlew any plans lor development or use changes lo delermlne whal Issues should be addressed In conllngencles lo lhls Oller. 83 LPROPERTY CONDITION PROVISIONS 84 INSPECTIONS: Selleragreestoallow Buyer's inspectors reasonableaccess tothe Properly upon reasonable notlce andgives Buyer's 85 inspeclors permission to perform testsol the Properly, 11 Ihe inspections and the tests are reasonably necessary to Satisfy the contingencies 86 in this Offer. Buyer agrees to promptly provide copies 01 all such inspection reporls to Seller, and Io listing broker if Properly is listed. 87 Furthermore. Buyer agrees to promplly restore the'property to its original condition alter Buyer's inspections are completed. unless 88 otherwise agreed with Seller. CAUTION: Seller acknowledges lha! unless modilled. !he contingencies al lines 252 lo 305 authorize 89 Buyer's Inspeclors lo lake sol1 samples whlch may detect environmenlal contamlnatlon which may be required to be reported to Ihe YC~ Wisconsin Depanmenl 01 Nalural Rrsu~:ces. 91 I PROPERTY DAMAGE BETWEEN ACCEPTANCE AND CLOSING: Seller shall maintain the Property until the earller 01 closing or 92 occupancy by Buyer in materially Ihe same condition as of the date of acceptance 01 this Offer. If, prior to the earlier of Closing Or 93 occupancy by Buyer. the Property 1s damaged in an amount of no: more than live percent (5%) of the selling price, Seller shall be obligated 94 10 restore the Property. I1 Seller is unable to restore Ihe Properly. Seller shall promptly notify Buyer in writing and lhis Ofler may be 95 cancelled at the option of the Buyer. I1 the damage shall exceed such sum. Seller shall promptly notify Buyer in writing of the damage and 96 this Olfer may be cancelled at option 01 Buyer. Should Buyer elect to carry out lhis Oller despite such damage, Buyer shall be entitled to - - .. . ~. - " . insurance proceeds relaling lo the damage 10 the Property, plus a credit towards Ihe purchase price equal to the amount of Seller's Prooertv to delermine that there has been no siqniflcant chanqe in the cond!tion of Ihe Property, except tor PRE-CLOSING INSPECTION: At a reasonable time, preapproved by Seller or Seller's agent, within 3 days before closing, Buyer shall 101 102 104 103 105 106 107 108 109 110 112 111 113 115 114 116 1 I7 118 - changes approved by Buyer. ,I - . piiq Buyeracknowledgestha! Propertydimensions. tolal square footage. tolal acreageand allocalion 01 acreage inlormation provided to Buyer verified by survey. CAUTION: Buyer should verily Property dimensions, lolal square loolage. total acreage or allocalion of acreage by by Seller or Seller's agent(s) are approximale and, unless a survey has been provided. the Property dunensions have not been survey II malerlal to Buyer's decision lo purchase. See lines 286 to 291. 1 FENCES 1 WisconsinStatutesseclion90.03requireslheownersoladjoiningpropert~eslokeepandmainlainlegallencesinequalshareswhereone or both 01 the properties is used and occupied for farming or grazing purposes. CAUTION: Conslder an agreemenl addressing responslblllly lor fences I1 Property or adjolnlng land Is used and occupled lor larmlng or grazing purposes. mater~alfailuretoperformanyobl~galior~underlhisOfferisadefaultwhicl~maysubjectthedelaultingpartytoliabilityfordamagesorother Seller and Buyer each have the legal duty to use good faith and due diligence in completing the terms and conditions of this Oller A legal remedies. If Buyer delaults, Seller may' (1) sue for specific perlormance and requesl the earnest money as parlial payment 01 the purchase prlce: or (2) termanate the Oller and have the option lo: (a] request llle earnest ,money as Ihquldated damages: or (b) direct Broker 10 return the earnest money and have Ihe oplion to sue lor aclual damages. 119 It Seller defaults. Buyer may: 120 (1) sue lor specillc performance; or 121 (2) terminate the Olfer and request the return of the earnest money, sue lor actual damages, or bolh 122 In addition. Ihe Parties may seek any other remedies available in law or equity. 123 ThePartiesunderstandlhatlheavailabilityolanyjudicialremedywilld~penduponthectrct~mstancesollhesituat~onandlllediscrelion 124 of the courts. If either Party delaults, llle Partes may renegotiate Ihe Oller or Seek nonjudicial dispule resolution instead 01 the remedles rbilration agreement. ullined above. By agreeing to bindlng arbitration, Ihe Parlies may lose the right to liligate in a court 01 law those disputes covered by the 127 128 NOTE. WISCONSIN LICENSE LAW PROHIBITS ABROKER FROM GIVING ADVICE OR OPINIONS CONCERNING THE LEGAL earnest money cannot be determlrled by Broker In the absence of a mutual agreement by the Parties. earnest money wlll be 130 CONVEYANCE. AN ATTORNEY SHOULD BE CONSULTED IF LEGAL ADVICE IS REOUIRED. Buyer's or Seller's legal right 10 129 RIGHTS OR OBLIGATIONS OF PARTIES TO A TRANSACTION OR THE LEGAL EFFECT OF A SPECIFIC CONTRACT OR 131 dlslribuled as set lorlh in lines 133 Io 154. 132 LEARNEST MONEY 133 I HELD BY. Earnest money, il held by a broker, shall be held in Ihe trust account 01 the broker drafting Ihe Offer prior to acceptance 01 135 otherwlse disbursed as provided in the Oller If negotiations do no1 resull in an accepted oller. the earnest money shall be PromPllY 134 Oflerandinlhelrustaccounloflhelistingbroker(buyer'sagenlifPropertyisnoll~sted)alteracceplanceuntilappltedtoptlrchasepriceor 136 dlsbursed (after clearance from payor's depository institution il earnest money is paid by check) to the person who paid IhC earnest 138 regardlng dlsbursemenl. 137 nioney. CAUTION: 11 someone olher lhan Buyer makes paymenlol earnesl money on behall 01 Buyer, conslder a speclal agreemen1 139 I DISBURSEMENT: At closing, earnest money shall be disbursed according to lhe closing statement. I1 this Oller does not Close. Ihe 140 earnesl money shall be disbursed according to a written disbursement agreemenl signed by all Parlies to this Olfer If said disbursement 141 agreement has not been delivered Io broker within 60 days after Ihe date sel lorcloslng. broker may dlsburse the earnest money: (1) as 142 directedbyanattorneywhohasrev~ewedthetransactionanddoesnolrepresentBuyerorSeller; (2)inloacourthearingalawsuitinvolving 143 the earnesl money and all Parlies Io lhis Offer: (3) as direcled by court order; or (4) any other disbursement required or allowed by law. 144 Brokermayrelainlegalservicestodirecldisbursementper(l)ortolileaninterpleaderact~onper(2)and,insuchevenl,brokermaydeducl 145 lrom the earnest money any costs and reasonable attorneys fees, not to exceed $250, prior to disbursement. Should persons other than 146 broker hold earnest money, an escrow agreement should be drafted by Ihe Parties or an attorney lor Buyer or Seller. 147 I LEGAL RIGHTSIACTION: Broker'sdlsbursementolearnestmoneydoesnotdelerm~nethelegalrightsofthePartiesinrelationtothls 148 Olfer.Alleast30dayspriortodisbursemenlper(l)or(4).brokershallsendBuyerandSellernoticeolthedisbursementbycert~liedmail I1 149 BuyerorSellerdisagreewith broker'sproposed disbursemenl. a lawsuil may beflled toobtain acourtorderregardingdisbursement. Small laims Court has jurisdiction over all earnest money disputes arislng out 01 Ihe sale 01 residential property with 1-4 dwelling units and other earnest money disputes. The Buyer and Seller should consnder consulting attorneys regardlng lhelr legal rlghls under this 152 Offer in case of a dispule. 153 Both Partiesagree to hold Ihe broker harmless lrom any liability for good failh disbursemenl of earnest money in accordance with this 154 Offer or applicable Department of Regulation and Licensing regulalions concerning earnesl money. (Wis. Adminislralive Code RL 18.) 181 182 Ib) Government aqency or court order reqwring repair, alteration or correclion 01 any existing condilion: the present use 01 the Pr'operty: .. 183 (cj Compleled or ;end-ing reassessmenl 01 IheProperty for properly lax purposes: 184 (d) Any land division involvlng Ihe Prorx?rty, lor whlch required state or local approvals were no1 obtained; 185 (e) Any portlon 01 Ihe Property being in a 100 year lloodpla~n, a wetland or shoreland zoning area under local, stale or lederal regulatlons: 186 (I) Any portion 01 the Property being subjecl to. or in violallon of. a Farmland Preservalion Agreement under a Counly Farmland Preservation 187 188 (g) Boundarydisputesormaterialviolalionollencelaws(Wis.Stats.Chapter90)whichrequiretheerect~onandmaintenanceollegaltences Plan or enrolled in. or in violalion 01. a Forest Crop, Woodland Tax, Managed Forest, Conservalion Reserve or comparable program, betweenadjoiningpropertieswhereoneorbotholthepropert~es~susedandoccupiedlorfarmingorgrazingpurposes: Seellnes 107 lo 110. ;@ ) Materlal violations 01 envlronmenlal rules or olher rules or agreemenls regulating (he use 01 the Properly: 19 ) Condilions constituting a significant healthor salely hazard for occupanls 01 Property; 192 (I) UndergroundstoragelanksonthePropertyforstorageofllamn~ableorcombusl~bleliquidsincludingbulnollimitedtogasolineand 193 healingoil: NOTE: WlsconslnAdnllnlslrallveCode, ChaplerlLHR 10conlalnsreglslrallonandoperallonrulesforsuchunderground 194 slorage tanks. 196 195 (k) Undergroundstoragelanksforstorageotllammableorcombuslibleliquidsincludingbt~lnotli~n~ledtogasolineandlle~lingoil,w~~ich 197 (I) Hlgh voltage eleclrlc (100 KV or grealer) or sleel nalural gas transmission lhnes located on buI not directly serving the Property. were previously located on Ihe Property. 198 (In) Wells on the Properly requlred lo be nbondoned (WIS. Adm. Code NR 112.2G) Ibut which are not abandoncd accordlng 10 Stnlc I99 200 (n) Cislerns or seplic lanks on the Property whlch are currenlly not servlclng the Properly; regutallons: 201 (0) Subsoil conditions which would signillcantly increase lhecost ol the development proposed at lmes268 10269, il any. including. 202 203 currently contain loxic or hazardous materials. high groundwater. so11 conditions (e.g. low load bearing capacity) or excessive but no1 lirntted lo. subsurface foundalions. organic or non-organic 1111. dumpsltes or containers on Property whicb contained Or 204 rocks or rock formations on lhe Property: 205 (p) A lack 01 legal vehicular access Io the Property from publlc roads; 206 (q) Prior reimbursement lor corrective action costs under Ihe Agricultural Chemical Cleanup Program: (Wis. Slats 594.73.) 207 (r) Olher~0nd1tion~oroccurrenceswhichwouldsignil1cantlyincreasethecoslolthedevelopmentproposedalt1nes268 to 269 or reduce Ihe 208 valueolthePropertytoareasonablepersonwilhknowledgeolrhenat~~reandscopeollhecondltionoroccurrence.See lmS 19 IO 23. 209 m DES: Deadlines expressed as a specllic number 01 "days" from the occurrence 01 an event. such as acceplance. are calculated by 210 excluding the day the event occurred. The deadline then expires at midnighl on the last day. Deadhnes expressed as a Specific 21 1 numbero1"businessdays"exclude Salurdays. Sundaysand any legal publlc holiday under Wisconsin or Federal law, or other holiday 212 designaled by Ihe President such lhal Ihe poslal Service does no1 receive regaslcred mall or make regular deliveries on lhat day. 213 Deadlinesexpressedasaspec~ticdayollhecalcndaryearoraslhedayotaspec~licevenl,suchasclos~ng,expireatm~dnighlofthatday. 214 FIXTURES: A"Fixture"isanitemotpropertywhichisphysicallyattachedtoorsocloselyassocialedw~lhlandastobetrealedasparl 215 oltherealeslate,including,withoutlimilation,physicallyatlachedilemsnoteasilyremovablew~thoutdamagetolheproperty,Ilenls 216 Spec~liCallyadaptedtotheproperty,anditenlscustomarilylreatedasl~xluresinclud~ngbutnollimitedtoall:perennialcrops:gardenbulbs: 217 olanls:shrubs:lreesandlences. CAUTION: ANNUALCROPSARENOTlNCLUOEOINTHEPURCHASEPRlCEUNLESSOTHERWlSEAGREEOA~LlNES13lO 18. 218 MAP OF THE PROPERTY. See lines 286 lo 291, 219 BOUNDARY MAP: A maDof the ProDertv "reoared bva licensed land surveyor which idenlilies lhelegal descriplion and boundaries f the properly. A "bounda;y map" also Includes the siaking 01 all corners of the Property by Ihe surveyor, ". , ,. . INSPECTION MAP: Amapol Ihe Property prepared bya licensed land surveyor whlch identilies the legal descrlpllon 222 olhe Properly, the boundaries 01 the Properly and the location 01 improvements. 223 8 SURVEY MAP: A ma0 01 Ihe Prooertv OreDared bva licensed land surveyor. dated no more lhan SIX months prior to the scheduled 224 closing date.Gntaining t~le ALTA certitlcation andshowing: complete legal description of the Properly: dedicated and apparenl 225 streets; boundaries; lo1 dimensions: acreage or square lootage: existing improvemenls; easements and rights-of-way and vlsible . .. . 226 encroachmenls upon the Property. 227 m TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE: II"TimeisoftheEssence"appliesloadateordeadline,failureloperformbylheexacldateordeadline ~ 228 is a breach 01 contract. If"Time is 01 the Essence" does not apply to a date or deadline, lhen performance within a reasonable time01 ,229 Ihe dale or deadlnneis allowed belore a breach occurs. See lines 25 to 27 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 24 1 240 242 243 244 245 247 246 248 PROVISIONS RELATED TO FINANCING m LOAN COMMITMENT: If this Otter IS conltngent on hnancing, Buyer agrees to pay all customary Ilnancing costs (including Closing lees), to prolnplly apply lor financtng and to promptly provlde evidence 01 application upon request Of Seller I1 Buyer qualilies for said lmanclng orother financing acceplable toBuyer. Buyer agrees lodel~ver toSeller, or Seller'sagcI11, a copy 01 Ihe written lOanCOnl~1iIlllenl no later than the deadline lor loan commilment under llle Financing Contlngency. I1 Buyer does not inake tiniely delivery 01 said commitment, Seller may terminate 1111s Offer 11 Seller delivers a wrillen notice 01 terminallon to Buyer prlor to Seller's actual recelpl 01 I FINANCING UNAVAILABILITY: If this Oller is conlingent on financing and linanclng is not available on llle terms slated. Buyer shall a copy 01 Bu%er's wrllten loan commilment prompllydellver written notice toSellerolsame including copiesol lender(s)'rejection leller(s) orolher evidence01 unavailabllily. Unless declsion lo finance this lransacllon on the same terms set lorlh lhereln, and this Oller shall remain lull lorce and elfecl, with the tlme lor a Specific loan source is named in the linancgng contlrlgency. Seller shall lhen have 5 days to give Buyer written nolice 01 Sellel's closing exlended accordi?gly. I1 Seller's notice IS not llmely given, this Offer shall be null and votd. LAND CONTRACT: II thls Oller provides lot a land conIract, prior to execulion 01 Ihe land conlracl Seller shall provide the salne evidence 01 merchantable lille as requlred above and wrnlten proof, at or belore execulion. [hat Ihe lolal underlying indebledness, il any, IS no1 in excess 01 Ihe proposed~balarlce 01 Ihe land conlract, lhal Ihe payments on the land COnlraCl are Sulliclenl to meel all 01 IIlc obligallons 01 Seller on the unde:lying Indebtedness, and that all creditors whose consenl is requlred lhave considered lo llle land conlract sale. If indlvidual parcels of the Property are being released on paydown on Ihe land conlracl. llle terms and Coridiliuns 01 such releases should be included in the land conlracl. CAUTION. I/ Buver rsqulres llnanclng lor conslrucllon or developmenl, conslder adding a conllngency lor lhal purpose. 270 .2 a 273 274 275 276 278 277 279 280 28 1 282 284 283 285 286 287 288 289 290 29 1 292 293 294 295 ~~ ~~ - 320 THE CONVEYANCE OF THE PROPERTY THE UNOERSIGNEO HEREBY AGREES TO CONVEY THE ABOVE-MENTIONED PROPERTY ON THE ERMS AND CONOlTlONS AS SET FORTH HEREIN AND ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF A COPY OF THIS OFFER. (Seller's S0gnature)A Prinl Name here:cCaSper Schweitzer (Soctal Securily NO.) (Dale) ?@ Thls conllngency shell be deemed sellslled unless Buyer wlthln __ days of acceptance dellverr Wrlnen noflce IO SellOr SpeClfYlng hose llems of lhls conllngency whlch cannol be sallsfled and wrllten evldence subslenllallng why each speclflc llem Included In Buyer's 299 0 INSPECTION CONTINGENCY: This Oller is contingent upon a qualilied inspeclorfs) conducting an inspeclion(s). a1 Buyer's 29 nollce cannol be sallsfled. 300 expense. 01 Ihe Properly and which discloses 301 nodeleclsasdelinedbelow. Th~sconlingencyshallbedeemedsalisliedunlessBuyerwilhin __ daysolacceplancedeliversloSellera 302 copy ol Ihe inspector's written inspeclion report and a writlen notice lisli!Jg lhe delecls idenliliedin /he report lo which Buyerobjects. For 304 saletyolpersonswhooccupyormakeuseolitorgivesevidenceolanymalerialuse,storageordisposalolhazardousorloxicsubslances 303 /he purposes ollhis conlingencya delecl is'delinedas anycondiliofJ ollhe Properly which ConsliIuI~s a SigniliCanl threalto lhe health Or 305 on IheProPerlY. original of the 306 OTHER: Thdatlached -s aha1 1 k PYPrlltPd 307 IF ACCEPTED, THIS OFFER CAN CREATE A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE CONTRACT BOTH PARTIES SHOULO CAREFULLY READ THIS Flare made par1 01 thrs Oller. 308 DOCUMENT. BROKERS MAY PROVIDE A GENERAL EXPLANATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE OFFER BUT ARE PROHIBITE0 BY LAW 309 FROM GIVING ADVICE OR OPINIONS CONCERNING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS UNDER THIS OFFER OR HOW TITLE SHOULD BE TAKEN AT CLOSING. 310 AN ATTORNEY SHOULD BE CONSULTED IF LEGAL ADVICE IS NEEDEO. 31 1 This Oller was drafted on 3-13-97 [dale] by s. Eblterr Jr., AEYZ, ?h3' 312 CITY OF WSKEGO 313 (x) : 314 (%yw'yer.rS!gnalureiA Ptinl Name here.- David L. De Angelis, Mayor ID# (Dale) closing and b Riffle. S.C. [Licensee and Firm] 315 (x) By: 316 (0uyer'rSignalure)A Plinl Name hew- Jean K. Mar-nda, Clerk 317 EARNEST MONEY RECEIPT Broker acknowledges receipt of earnest money as per line 10 of Ihe above Olfer. ID# - (Dale) 318 - Broker (By) 319 SELLER ACCEPTS THIS OFFER. THE WARRANTIES. REPRESENTAflONS AND COVENANTS MADE IN THIS OFFER SURVIVE CLOSING AND 249 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 25 1 250 OPTIONAL PROVISIONS: THE PROVISIONS ON LINES 252 THROUGH 306 ARE A PART OF THIS OFFER IF MARKED. 252 0 FINANCING CONTINGENCY: Tlris Ollerisconringenl upon Buyerbeing able looblain, wilhin - days olacceplanceollhis Oiler. 253 a [STATE LOAN PROGRAM AND STATE IF CONSTRUCTION LOAN] 254 (lixed) (adjuslable) LSTRIKE ONE I rale IirsI mortgage loan commflmenl. in an amounl 01 no1 less lhan I lor a lerm 01 255 no1 less lhan ~ years, amortized over nor less lhan - years. I1 Ihe purchase price under this Oller is rnodilied, Ihe loan amounl. 256 unless ofherwise provided, shall be adjusted lo the same percentage 01 Ihe purchase price as in lhis contingency and lhe monlhly 257 paymenls shall be adjusted as necessary lo maintain lhe lerm and amorlizalion slared above. 259 no1 exceed S 258 IF FINANCING IS FIXED RATElheannualrareolinlereslshallnolexceed~ %andmonlhlypaymenlsolprincipalandintereslshall 260 IF FINANCING IS ADJUSTABLE RATE the rnifial annual inlerest rale shall no1 exceed ~ %. The inilial inleresl rale shall be lixed 261 lcr ~ monlhs. a1 which lime /he inleresl rale may be increasednol more lhan ~. %per year. The maximum inleresl rale durq 262 the mortgage lerm shall not exceed- %. lnilial monthly payments olprincipal and interest shall no1 exceed $ 2G3 Monlhly paymenls olprincipal and inleresl may be adjusled lo rellecl mleresl changes. 264 MONTHLY PAYMENTS MAY ALSO INCLUDE 1/121h ol /he es0maled ne1 arlnual real eslale faxes, hazard insurance premiums. and 265 prrvale mortgage insurancepremrums. The morfgagemayn~incl~de~ap~epayin~n?pre~i~~rr,'Eu~e~~~gr~~~ lo~ayaloaii1ze~ina;ramount 266 not to exceed ~ %ollhe loan. [Loan lee relers lo discounlpointsandlor loan onginalion lee, but DOES NOTinclude Buyer's olher 267 closing COSIS.) SEE LINES 230 TO 248 FOR ADDITIONAL FINANCING PROVISIONS. 268 0 PROPOSED USE CONTINGENCY: Bcyer is purchasing the properly lor the purpose 01: 269 This Oller is contfngenl upon Buyer oblaining the lollowing [CHECK ITEMS THAT APPLY]: 0 Wrillen evidence a1 (Buyer's) (Seller's) LTRIKE ON€] expense lrom a qualilied soils expert fhal /he Properly is Ires 01 any .. page 4 01 4 - VACANT LAND SUCH AS WITH AN 'X"~ THEY ARE NOT PART OF THIS OFFER IF MARKED NIA OR ARE LEFT BLANK. -~ -~ . " - subsoilcondilion which wouldmake lheproposeddevelopmenlimpossible orsignihcanllyincrease lhe cosls olsuch developmenl: See line 88. 0 Wrillen evidence a1 (Buyer's) (Seller's) [STRIKE ONE] expense Iron, a cerlilied soils lesler or olher qualilied experl that indicares lhal /he Properly's soils at localions selecled by Buyer and all Olher condilions which musl be approved 10 oblain a permil lor a privale convenlional septic syslem lor: A convenlional System (does) (does not) [STRIKE ONE1 include allernale privale syslems such as mound syslems or in-ground [inserl proposed use olProperly; e.g.. three bedroom single lamily home] meel applicable codes in ellect as 01 Ihe dale 01 lhis Oller. pressure distribution Systems lor Ihe purposes ol lhis contingency. A convenlional syslem does no1 include a holding lank. privy. composting loilet or chemical loilel. the Properly and a wrillen determinalion by a qualilied independenl lhirdparly, a1 Buyer's expense, lhat none 01 these prohibil or 0 Copies a1 (Buyer's) (Seller's) [STRIKE ONE] expense olallpublicandprivaleeasemenls. covenanlsandreslrictions allecling signfhcanfly delay or increase /he costs 01 the proposed use or developmenl identilied at lines 268 lo 269. 0 Permils. approvals andlicenses. asappropriale, Orlhe liqaldiscrelionaryaclion by the granting authorilypriorlo theissuance 01 suchpermils, approvalsandlicensesat(Buyer's) (Seller's) ISTRIKE ONE] expenselorlhelollowiogilemsrelaledtotheproposed development 0 A map 01 lhe Property a1 (Buyer's) (Seller's) [STRIKE ONE] expense ol Ihe lollowing type: 0 a boundary map; 0 morlgage inspection map: 0 survey map [CHECK ONE BOX TO DESIGNATE MAP TYPE ] See lines 218 to 226 lor definitions ol each map lype. I1 /his paragraph is checked but more than one lype or no lype is selecled. a boundarymap is deemedselecled. CAUTION: Consldercostendlheneedforthelealures of the verlous map types beforemaklng a selecllon. The map ol Ihe Properly shall show no signilicant encroachmenls or any inlormation malerially inconsislent wilh lhe prior represenlalions lo Buyer or which would render /he proposed development impossible or signilicanlly increase its cosl. 0 Wrftlenevidenceal(Buyer's)(Seller's) /STRIKE ONE] expnnselhallhelollowingulilityconneclionsarelocatedaslollows(e.g.0n lhe Properly, a1 Ihe lo1 line, across Ihe sfreel. alc.): eleclricily municipal sewer other- ETRlKE AND COMPLETE AS APPLICABLE]. ,~ gas , municipal wafer-.; lelephone __-. 324 (I) 326 This Offer was presented to Seller by On 328 - (Seller's lnillalrl lDalsl 325 (Seller's Signa1ure)A Print Name hee'e:tCollette schweitzer (Socoal Securlly NO.) (Dale) - -..-. x, ?<IS OFFER IS REJECTED , 19-. at- a.m./p.m. ~ THIS OFFER IS COUNTERED [See attached counter] 1Seller'r lnitialrl IOnlel