CCR1997056COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #56-97 RESOLUTION AS TO OFFER TO PURCHASE EASEMENTS Buechel BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby authorize execution of the attached Offer to Purchase for the Offer to Purchase but are not attached hereto, for permanent zero dollars and necessary closing documents, which are part of sanitary sewer easement and temporary access drive easement for the Holz Drive Sewer Project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor is authorized to make necessary technical changes in consultation with the City Attorney if needed to facilitate timely execution of the Offer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the Offer to Purchase and closing documents in the name of the Citv and to extend the acceptance and/or closina - 0 dates, if necessary. DATED THIS 25th DAY OF MARCH , 1997. SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Nancy C. Salentine Ald. Robert L. Rasmussen This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #56-97 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. m 3/96 jmb PROVISIONS The Buyer. ~~~mn~ici~~~on offers to purchase Ihe 4 Properly known as seeattaChd-lEJald_deSCLiptioL- 5 In the pity of Muskeg-, County of Waukeshh ,Wisconsin. 6 (Addifional description. il any:) 7 ~ on Ihe lollowing terms: 8 I PURCHASE PRICE: __________ ~ _____________________________y _____ "_ ___________--_ _____-_--- 9 """""~"""""""""~"""""""~""""""- - 10 I EARNEST MONEY of $ O.OO-----"--------in the form of ~ accompanies lhis Ofler and earnest 11 money of $ n/a in the form of n/a will be paid within& days of acceptance. 12 I THE BALANCE OF PURCHASE PRICE will be paid in cash or equivalent at closing unless olherwise provided below. 13 I AOOlTfONAL fTEMS INCLUDED IN PURCHASE PRICE: Seller shall include in the purchase price and transfer. free and Clear of 14 encumbrances, all fixtures, as defined at lines 214 to 217 and as may be on the Property on the date of this Offer, unless excluded at lines 15 17-18, and the following additional items: none ___ " nh Dollars ($a0 _________________ ). 16 ~ __ ~ . - 17 1 ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN THE PURCHASE PRICE: mne 18 19 I PROPERTY CONDITION REPRESENTATIONS: Seller represents to Buyer thal as of Ihe date of acceptance Seller has no notice or 20 knowledge of conditions affecting Ihe Properly or lransaction (as defined a1 lines 178 lo 208) 21 "" - .. . 22 [COMPLETE DATE OR STRIKE AS APPLICABLE~ and nnne" "~ 23 .- 24 I ZONING: Seller represents lhat the Property is zoned Aa--.-_ 25 I TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE as lo: (1)- (2) binding acceptance: (3) occupancy: (4) date of closing 26 [STRIKE AS APPLICABLE I and all other dates and deadlines In lhis Offer except: -~~up "_ " " . " ". " " _~~__ ~~__ ~~ ~ ~~ - ~ ~ ~~~ " wroPTIoNAL PRoVISloNS AND j See lines 252 lo 305 for optional provisions including contingencies. See line 306 to 29 determine if addenda. riders or other documents have been made a part of this Offer 30 LADDITIONALPROVISIONS 1 Sellers shall remain responsible for all liabilities which are the "~ ~~ 31 responsibility of the owners of the fee title such as property taxes, spec_llal__a~esfl.ents_, 32 etc. ~~ 33 " 34 LACCEPTANCE, DELIVERY AND RELATED PROVISIONS 35 I BINDING ACCEPTANCE: Th~sOfterisblndinguponbothparliesonlyilacopyoftt~eacceptedOllerisdeliveredloBuyeror~orbefo~c 36 __ 37 I DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS AND WRITTEN NOTICES. Unless olherwise slated ~n lhis Oller. delivery of documents and wriltell A,&', f kT2.gfl---- CAUTION: Thlr Offer may be wllhdrawn prlor lo dellvery ol Ihe accopled Ollor. 38 notices to a party shall he eflectlve only when accomplshed in any of the following ways: 39 (1) Bydeposit~ngIhedocumenlorwrittennolicepostageorfees~~repaidintheU.S.Ma~loracommercialdeliverysystemaddressPf~lothe 40 party at: Buyer- City ~ ~ .- of Muskego -I... P.0 Box 903 2" Muskego .- I WI 531501 Attn: Mayor-D~v~d-L~ID_e.,~nngelis 41 seller: momas J. 6 Sherry J. Buechel, W136 S8427 Holz Drive, Muskeqo, WI 53150 42 (2) By giving Ihe docurnent or written notice personally to Ihe parly: 43 (3) By electronically lransmitting the document or wrlllen notice Io the following lelephone number: 44 Buyer: (-.~41.4 579-5630 ~ Seller: (- ~-.)~ ~~ ~~~ .~ ~ 45 ,"o.~.~upA.~~cv~AN~D. .RELATE~D~pR~o~~~~.io~NS~~ 46 I OCCUPANCY of ..the-premises 47 shall be given to Buyer at lime of closirlg unless Otherwlse agreed in writing. CAUTION: Conslder an agreement whlcll addresses responslbillly lor clearlng the Property 01 personal property and debrls. I1 appllcable. I LEASED PROPERTY' If Property is currently leased and leases extend beyond closing. Seller shall assign Seller's righls under said lease(s) and transferallsccurilydeposilsand prepaid rentsthereunder ~~Ouyeralclosing The termsol lhe (wrlllen) (oral) [STRIKE ONE I d - 51 lease(s). if any. are .leaseS_af~~~€t-.sa~Rremis%s 52 I CLOSING: This Iransaction is lo be closed al Ihe place designated by Buyer's morlgagee or .Mys)c~O.CitY-Hal.l.... 53 ~ no later tllnn --PI+-- ~~, 19-=-, unless anolher dale or place is agreed 10 in writing. 54 l+%~ 55 property owner's assoclallon assessments, fuel and ~ __-__ 5fi P.ny incomf. !axes or erpnnsos shall ?.ccrL!e lo Seller 2nd be 57 Ne1 general realest3le laxesshzll LE prc:a!ad hased on (the .. '59 ~ 58 ne1 general real estate taxes for the preceeding year) (.-. ). LSTRlKE ANXG+%P LETE AS APPLICABLE] CAUTION: I/ Properly has no1 been 60\ fully assessed lor tax purDoses (lor example. nedn or compleled/pendlng reassessmenll or If prorallan on the basls of ne1 ~. 66 insurance [STRIKE AS APPLICABLE1 as furlher described al lines 155 Io 169. 67 I CONVEYANCE OF TITLE: Upon payment of Ihe purchase price, Seller shall convey the Property by/w7. 68 free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, excepl: municipal and zoning ordinances and agreements 69 entered under them. recorded easements for Ihe distribution of utility and municipal services, recorded bullding and use reslrictions an? 70 covenanls. general laxes levied In the year of closlng ZXXK 71 . ,.. ~~ (provider) none 01 lhe loregoing prohibit present usc of tlle Properly). which constilutes merchanla1,le title 72 lor purposes of this lransaclion. Scller furlher agrees to cotnplele and Cxecule Ihe docuinerlts necessary lo record the conveymce. 73 CAUTION: SEE LINES 74 TO 82. easement \ / \ 74 1 ISSUES RELATED TO PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ' 75 WARNING: I(Buyerconlempla/es developing Propeqy ora use Other lhan Ihe current use. there are a varlely ollssues whlch should be 76 addressed to ensure /he developmenl or new use Is posslble. Munlclpal and zonlng ordlnances, recorded bulldlng and use reslrlctlons. 77 covenanls and easements mey prohlblt cerlaln lmprovemenls or uses and lherelore should be revlewed. Bulldlng permlts, zonlng 78 varlances, Archllecluml Conlrol Commlltee approvals, estlmales lor utlllty hook-up expenses, speclal assessmenl charges lor 79 lnslallatlon of roads orulllllles, envlronmentaleudlls, subsoll tests, etc., may need lo be oblalnad to determlne /he feeslblllly of developmenl 80 ot,oraparllcularuselor,aproperly.OpllonalcontlngencleswhlchallowBuyertolnvesllgalecerlalnolthaselssuescanbeloundatllnes 8 1 252 lo 305 01 lhls Oller and Buyer may add conllngencles es needed In addenda whlch may be added lo lhls Oller (see llne 306). Buyer 82 should revlow any plans tor developmenl or use changes to determlna what Issues should be addressed In conllngencles lo lhls Oller. 83 PROPERTY CONDITION PROVISIONS 84 I INSPECTIONS: Seller agreesto allow Buyer's inspeclors reasonable access to Ihe Property upon reasonable notice and gives Buyer's 85 inspeclors permission to perlorm testsol the Properly, if Ihe inspections and the tcsls are reasonably necessary to satisty the COntlngenClCS 86 in this Offer. Buyer agrees to promplly provide copies 01 all such inspection reports to Seller, and Io iisling broker il Property iS isled 88 olherwise agreed wlth Seller. CAUTION: Seller acknowledges that unless modified. the contlngencles at llnes 252 lo 305 authorlze 87 Furthermore. Buyer agrees to promptly restore Ihe property lo its original condition aller Buyer's inspections are compleled, Unless - 89- Buyer's InspecJors lo lakeaollsamples whlch-msy detect e&ronmenlal con!amlnallon whlch maybe requlredlo be reporled lo lhe 90 Wlsconsln Depariment 01 Natural Resoiirces. 91 I PROPERTY DAMAGE BETWEENACCEPTANCE AND CLOSING: Seller shall malntaln rhe Properly untll lite earlisr 01 dosing 01 92 occupancy by Buyer in materially the same condition as of Ihe dale 01 acceptance 01 this Oller. 11. prior 10 the earlier 01 closing or 93 occupancy by Buyer, the Properly is damaged in an amounl olno! more than live percent (5%) 01 the selling price, Seller shall he obllgated 94 lo restore Ihe Property. If Seller is unable Io reslore the Properly, Seller shall promplly notily Buyer in writing and this Oller may he ,96 thus Olfer may be cancelled al oplion 01 Buyer Should Buyer elect to carry oul this Oller despile such damage. Buyer shall be enlitled to 95 cancelled at Ihe oplion 01 the Buyer. II the damage shall exceed such sum. Seller shall promptly nollly Buyer in wrlling 01 Ihedamage and page 2 01 4 - VACANT LAND - - " " any insurance proceeds relating to the damage to the Property. plus a credit lowards the purchase price equal lo the amount 01 Seller's deductible on such policy. m PRE-CLOSING INSPECXN: At a reasonable time, preapproved by Seller or Seller's agent, within 3 days helore ciosiflg, Buyer shalt 100 have the rioht to insoect the Prooertv to determine thal there has been no sipnificant chanqe in the condttion 01 the Property. except lor 101 102 103 105 104 106 107 109 1 08 110 changes approved by Buyer, ,, - 1- by Seller or Seller's agent(s) are approximate and. unless a survey has been provided, Ihe Property dimensions have not been Buyer acknowledges that Properly dimensions. total square footagC. lolal acreage and allocation 01 acreage information provided to Buyer survey 11 materlal lo Buyer's declslon to purchase. See lines 286 to 291. verified by survey, CAUTION: Buyer should verlly Properly dimenslons, lotal square loolage. total acreage or allocation 01 acreage by -FENCES) Wisconsin Stalutes section 90 03 requires the owners 01 adioining properties Io keep and maintain legal lences in equal shares where one or bolh 01 the properties is used and occupied for farming or grazing purposes. CAUTION: Conslder an agreement addresslng responslblllly for lences I1 Properly or adlolnlng land Is used and occupled lor larmlng or gmzlng purposes. '12 Seller and Buyer each have the legal duty to use good lailh and due diligence in completing the lerms and conditions 01 this Ollei. A 113 matcriallailuretoperlormanyobligatior~~~nderthisOtierisadelit~~llwhiclimaysubjecllhedefa~~il~ngpartyloliabililylordamagesorolher 114 legal remedies. 115 If Buyer defaul!?, Seller may: 116 (1) sue lor specilic performance and request the earnest money as partial payment 01 the purchase prlce: or 117 (2) termlnate Ih? Oiler and have Ihe option Io' (a) requesl the earnesl money as liqtdidaled damages: or (11) dirfcl Broker 10 fCtllrll the I It1 cilrnesl nlor~;y itrbtl ILIW thu optiol, Io S~IC Iur act~~itl ~Ia!n:qcs. 120 (1) sue for specilc psrlormance: or 121 (2) terminate the Oller and requesl the return 01 the earnest money, sue lor actual damages. or t)oti1. 122 In arlclltinn IIlc Pnrlics may seek nny ntilcr rcmctlies avi~!iat~lc 111 law or eqlvily. 12:i ~ll~~l'~~t~~~~s~~~~~~~rst~~~~~ltt~~tt~i~e~v~~~i~~i~~ii~y~~l~~~~~~~~~lic~~~irc~~~~~y~ill~l~~~~~~~l~~~~onll~~~c~~c~~~~~sl;~r~~es~lll~~s~t~~~~ti~~~~~~~~lll~c~lis~rcli~~~~ 124 01 Ihe courls. if eilllei Party defaults, llie Parltcs may renegotiale the Olfer or seek nonludlcial dispute resolullon Instead 01 llle rCllletlieS outliried above. By agreeing lo blnding arbitration. the Partles may lose the right to lltigate in a court 01 law those disputes covered by the arbitration agreement. l I3 II sm2r~lI~f~~,ll:;. LJuycr ,n;,y: BROKER FROM GIVING ADVICE On OPIIdIONS CONCERNING RIGI-ITS OR OULlGATtONS OF PAWTIES TO A 1-RAEJSACTION OR THE LEGAL EFFECl OF A SPECIFIC CONTRACT On CONVEYANCE AN ATTORNEY SI-IOIJLD QE CONSULTED IF LEGAL ADVICE IS REQUIRED Buyer's or Seller's legal rqlil lo In tllc ahs:we 01 a 1m111unl aglcemcnl by llw Parrws. ecrrriesf rllotlfy wdf he 133 I HEII35Y. Earnesl money, il held by a broker, shalt be held In the IrUSt account of the broker drallmg the Oller prlor to acceptance of 135 olherwise disbursed as provded in the Offer II negolialions do not resltlt in an accepled ofler. the earnest money shall II~ uromplly 134 Olterar~d~ntheiruslaccou~~tottheltsllngbroker(buyer'sagentifPropertyisnotiisled~alteracceptat~cc~~ntii~ppl~edlop~~rchasepr~caor 136 disbursed (alter clearance from payor's deposilory insl,tut#on il earnesl money is paid by check) tn the person who pilid llle earnest 137 money CAUTION: 11 someone other lhan Buyer makes paymenlo1 earnesl money on behall of Buyer, consldera spccfal agrecmenl 138 regarding dlsbursemenl. 139 DISBURSEMENT: At closing. earnest money shalt be disbursed according lo the closing stalemcnt. It this Oller does 1101 closc, lhe 140 earnest money shall be disbursed accordrng to a wtillen disbursement agreement signed by all Parties lo this Oller II said disbursement 142 dlrected by an attorney who has levlewed the transaction and does not represent Buyer or Seller; (2) into a court hearlng n lawsuil invoivlng 141 agreement has not been delivered to broker within 60 days alter the date sel lor closing, brok.cr may dlshurse Ihe earnest money: (1) as 143 the earnest money and all Parties to lhis Oller; (3) as directed by COurl order; or (4) any other disbursement required or allowed by law 144 Brokermayretainlegalservicestodirecld~sbursernentper(l)ortollleaninlerpleaderactionper(2)and,insucl~eve~~t,brokermay~ed~rci 145 lrom Ihe earnest money any costs and reasonahle nllortleys Ices. not to exceed $250, prlor Io disbursement Should persons Olller Illan 147 I L_c&!L_R!GHIS!ACl!QN; Broker's disbursemenl of earnest nloney does notdelerrnme lhelegai righlsol ttle Parliesinrelatol tolhis 146 broker llolr~ earllest Inoncy, ill1 cscrow agreclnclll stiol~ltl be drall~itl by the Parties ur rill ;Illorncy for Quycr or Seller, 148 ~~ier.Atleast30days~r~ortodlsbursementper(1)or(4),brokershalisendBuyerandScilertiolic~~l~~cdi~~~r~~~~~n~~y~~~~~~~~~~~l~,~ 1 certain other earnest money disputes. The Buyer and Seller should consider coosulting at1orneyS regarding their \cga\ ngy,\s Unt\Er ,\,15 Claims Court has jllrisdiction over ali earnest money disputes arisjng out 01 Ihe sale 01 residential property will, 1.4 dwelling ,,n,tS and d? 49 BuyerorSellcrdisagreewllh broker's proposeddisbt,rsement,a lawsuil may be filed IoObfaina COL,~) order,cgard,ng disbursement Small 152 Offer in case of a disp,rte. 153 Bvllt Porlics agree IO I~OII~ tlw broker harcnless 1ron1 ct,1y liability lor good fail11 disl)Llrserncnt o1 eartles~ in accor~~ance w,ttl ,h, 154 Ollrr or applicable Departmenl 01 Regulatlon and Licensing regulations concerning earnest money, (wis Administralive Code RL 10,) 173 successors in interesl. 174 -1 175 ACCEPTANCE: Acceplance occurs when all Buyers and Sellers have slgned the Offer. See lines 35 and 36 regarding binding 176 acceptance. CAUTION: CONSIDER WHETHER SHORTTERM DEADLINES RUNNING FROM ACCEPTANCEPROVIDE ADEQUATE 177 TIME FOREH BINDING ACCEPTANCE AND PERFORMANCE. 178 m CONDITIONS AFFECXING THE PROPERTY OR TRANSACTION; A "condilion affecting the Property or transaction" is defined as 179 lollows: 180 (a) Planned or commenced public improvements which may result in special assessments or otherwise materially affect the Property or 182 (h) Government agency or court order requiring repair, alteralion or correction of any existing condition; 183 (c) Completed or pending reassessmenl 01 the Property lor property lax purposes: 184 (d) Any land division involving the Properly, for which required state or local approvals were not obtained: 185 (e) Any portion of the Property being in a lOOyearfloodplaln,a wetlandorshorelandzoningareaunderlocal. staleor federalregulations; 186 (1) Anypoflionof thePropefly being subject lo, orlnviolation 01. a Farmland Preservation Agreement undera County Farmland Preservation 187 Plan or enrolled in. or in violation of, a Forest Crop, Woodland Tax, Managed Foresl, Conservalion Reserve or comparable program: g) Boundarydisputesormaterialviolationoflencelaws(Wis.Slats.Chapter90)whichrequiretheerectionandmainlenanceoflegallences betweenadjoiningpropertieswhereoneorholhoftheprope~iesisusedandoccllpiedlorfarmingorgrazingpurposes; Seefines 107 to 110. 181 the present use 01 the Properly; 1 'or 190 (h) Material violations of environmental rules or other rules or agreements regulating Ihe use Of the Property: 191 (i) Conditions conslituting a signlficanl healthor safely hazard lor occupants 01 Property: 192 (I) Undergroundslora~etanksontheProperlyforslorageofflamrliahleorcombuslibleliqllidsincludingbulnollimiledtogasolineand 193 194 hea1ingoil;NOT.E: WlsconslnAdmlnlsfraflveCode,ChaplerlLHR 10conlalnsregfsfrallonandoperaflonrulesforsuchunderground sforage lanks. 196 195 (h) Undergro~~ndSloragetanksforslorageolfl~mtnahleorcomb~~slihleliq~~~dsincI~~di~lghulnoll~~n~ledlo(lasOIineandhc;ltingoiI,wl1ich were previously located on lhc Properly; 197 (I) tligh voltage electric (100 KV or greater) or steel nalural gas transmission lines located on hul no1 dlreclly serving the PrOpPrty. 198 (In) Wells on Ihe Property rcqilirc0 to he nhontloned (Wis. Adm. Code NR 112.26) 11811 which are no1 ahan(1oncd according Io slate 199 200 (n) Cisterns or septic lanks on the Properly which are currently not servicing the Properly: rcgulations; 201 (0) Suhsoll conditions which would signilicantly increaselhecoslol thedevelopment proposed al lines 26810 269. il any. Including. 202 203 blat ti01 limited to. subsurlace foundalions, organic or non-organic 1111. dumpsiles or containers on Properly which contained or G!lrrenlly conlain Ioxic or hazardous matcrIaIs. high grouridwalcr. so11 contlilions 1e.g low load Ilcardng capacilyl or exct!SSive 205 (11) A lack 01 legal vehicular access 10 llie Properly from publ~c roads; rocks or rock Ior#tlations on lllc P!opolly: 206 (4) Prlor reimhursemenl lor correcttve acllon costs under Ihe Agricllllural Chemical Cleanup Progranl: (Wis. Slats 594 73.) 207 (r) Olhercondilionsorocc~~rrenceswllichwol~lds~~nllicantlyincreaselhecostollhedcvelopmentproposeLlaIl~nes260 10 269 or reduce Ihe 209 DAYS: Deadlinesexpresserf as a spccilic numberol"days" froni Iheoccurrence of an event. Sllch as acceptance. arecalcdaled by 210 excluding the day the evenl occurred. The deadline then expres at mldnlghl on Ihe 1851 day. Deadlines expressed as a specrlic 21 I n~lml1crol"husinessdays"exclltdeSalurd~ys. Sundaysand any legal I)tdbljc holldny under Wisconsin or Federal law, or olher hollday 213 Deatllinesexpressedasaspecilicdayoftliecalendaryearoraslhednyolaspecilicevent,suchasclosing,expireatmidniglllolthalday 212 designoled hy Ilbe Presldenl such lliat the poslal scrvlce docs not receive reglslercd !mail or make regular dellverles on lhal day. 215 01 the real estate, including. wilhoutlimilation. physically attached items no1 easily removable wolhoul damage to Ihe property, Itenis 214 FIXTURES: A'Fixl~~r~"isanitemolproperlywhichisphysiCallyattachedloorsocloselyassocialedw~lhlandaslohetreatedasparl 216 specilicallyadaptedtolheproperty,anditemscustomarilylrealedaslixt~rresinclud~ngbutnotlimitedtoall:perennialcrops:gardenbulbs: 217 plants:shrubs:treesandlences. CAUTIOM: ANMUALCROPSARENOTINClUDEDINJIIEPURCHASEPRICEUNLESSOTHERWISE~GREE~~TLIN~S 1310 18. I MAP OF THE PROPERTY. See lines 286 10 291 I BQ_UN-DP_RY-MAP: Am;lpol Ihe Properly prepared hyallcensed landsurveyor whichidcnliiiesthelegal descriplion and boundaries 01 the property. A"boundary map" also includes the staking 01 all corners 01 the Property by Ihe surveyor, I I MORTGAGE INSPECTG.M&P: A map of the Properly prepared bya licensedlandsurveyor which identilie st he legal description 222 of Ihe Property, Ihe boundaries of the Properly and the location of improvements. 223 3,URVE.Y MAP- A map of the Properly prcpared by a licensed land surveyor, dated no more than six months prior lothe scheduled 224 closing dale. containing the ALTA cerlilicatioti and showing: complete legal descriplion 01 the Property; dedicated and npparenl 225 Streets; boundaries; lot dimensions; acreage or square loolage; existing iniprovenlents; easements and rights-of-way and visible 226 encroaclm?nts upon Ihe Property. 227 TIME IS OF TH_E-ESSENCE: I1"Timo isof the Essence"app1ies loadaleor deadline, failtlre to perlorm by theexact daleordeadline 228 is a breach 01 conlr2c1. !I "Time is 01 the Essence"does notaoply 10.2 dateordeadllne, then performance within a reasonable lime of 229 Ihe date or deadline is allowed before a breach occurs, See llnes 25 lo 27 20.1 208 v~lueollhePropcrlyloareasonahlepersonwithknowle~geoflhenat~~reandscopeof1heco~~dilionoroccurrence.See lines 19 10 23. !P ~ . ." ~~~ ~~. . . .. ~ ~. . .~ 230 231 232 233 234 235 23G 237 238 239 24 1 240 242 243 244 245 246 247 '4R ~~ ~ ~~ I PROVISIONS RELATED TOFINANCING 1 L_OAN~,COMM!TMcN_T- If this Ofler is contingent on linancing. Buyer agrees lo pay all customary lirlanclng costs lincludlng closing Ices). lo promptly apply lor linancing ant1 lo prolrlptly provide evidence 01 applicalioll upon reqllesl 01 Seller I1 Ouyer qklalilles lor sa16 linancingorollierfinancingacceplabletoB~~yer.O~~yeragreestodelivertoSellcr,orSellt.r'sag~nl,acopyollhewrrllunloanco~~~~nilment no 15ter than the deadlille tor loan comrmlrnuI!I wider the F~nancing Conlingency If Buyer does not make tltnely dellvery 01 said cominitmenl. Seller [nay tcrlninale tllis Oflcr 11 Sellcr delivers a written notice of tcrrninalwri lo Oyer prror to Seller's achlal reccipl 01 :I copy 01 Utayer's W~IIICII loan colnmilmctll. FINANCING ...~ UNAVAILABILITY: ~~~ II Illis OIIer is contingent 011 fmanciny and financrng IS not available on llre lerms staled. Buyer shall promptlydclire! written notice IoSellerot same includingcoplesof lender(s)'rejecllotl letter(s) orolher evidence01 unavallability. Unless a SPeCIIic loan source is named in the Ilnancing conllngency. Seller shall then have 5 days lo give Buyer wrllten notice of Seller's ClOslnD extended accordingly. 11 Seller's nottce is no1 timely given. lhis Ofler Shall bc m1I1 and void. decision IO llnance lhis lransaction on the same lerms set forlh herein, and lhis Oller shall remain tull force and elfect, with the time lor 1 ~AND.~oN~pA~:'ll lhis Oller provldes lor a land conlract. prior 10 execution 01 the land Conlracl Seller shall provide Ihc smne evidence 01 merchantable lille as required above and wrillen proof. al or belore execullon, lhat tlie tolal underlyrng indebledness, 11 any ohllgarions 01 Seller on the underlying indebledness. and that all creditors whose consent is required have considered lo Itre lantl is 1101 In excess 01 the proposed halance 01 the land contract, lhat Ihe payments on the land conlract are sutlicient 10 meet all of lhc Contract sale. It individual parcels of the Property are being released on paydown on the land contract, the terms and condillons 01 such releases should he included in the land contract. CAUTION. I1 Rtrver reqlllres Ilnanclnq lor conSIrt~cllon or developmenl. conslder adding a conllngsncy lor that pl,rpose, 249 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: .Se~att_ached~~escription_.-~----.-. page 4 01 4 - VACANl LAND 250 252 0 FINANCING COHTINGENCY: Tl~isOIIerisconIingentl~ponBuyerbein~abl~IOoblai~. within - daysolacceptanceoilhis Oiler. SUCH AS WITH AN "X". THEY ARE NOT PART OF THIS OFFER IF MARKED NIA OR ARE LEFT BLANK. 251 OPTIONAL PROVISIONS THE PROVISIONS ON LINES 252 THROUGH 306 ARE A PART OF THIS OFFER IF MARKED- 253 a - [STATE LOAN PROGRAM AND STATE IF CONSTRUCTION LOAN1 254 (/;xed) (adjuslable) [STRIKE ONE I rale lid nlorlgage loan COmmilmenl. in an afllOUrl1 01 no1 less than $ tor a lerm oi 255 less than __ years, amorlized over not less than __ years. 11 Ihe purchase Price Under lhis olleris modilied. the loan &mounl. 256 Ofherwise provided, shall be adjrrSled IO the same percentage 01 /he purchase price as in lhiS conlwwncy and /he nlonlh/~ 257 payments Shall be adjusled as necessary IO mainfain Ihe ferm and amorfizarion stated above. 258 IF FINANCING IS FIXED RATE l/reannuaira/eolinterestshallnol exceed __ %andmonlhlypaymentsolprincipalandin~eres~shaJJ 260 IF FINANCING 1s ADJUSTAOLC RATE Ihe initial annual inleresl rale shall no1 exceed- %. The initial inleresl rate shall be fixed 259 no1 exceed S 261 lor __ monlhs, at which time Ihe inleresl rate may be Increased not more lhan __. % por year. The maximum inleresl rate during 262 Ihe mortgage term shall no1 exceed __ % lnilial monlhly payments olprincipal and inleresl shall no1 exceed $- 263 Monlhly payments olprincipal and interesl may be adjusted lo rellecl inleresl changes. 264 MDNTHLV PAYMENTS MP.YALS0 INCLUQK 7112th ache oslimated net a~l~n~al~e~sfale~~,.hazard insurance premiums, and 265 privalemortgagei~csurarlccpre~!~ilrms. Tho morlgsgemaynol include sprop~ynrcnlprerniun!. Bcyeragrecs topaya hiin lee in a~a~nrlnl 266 nolloexceed~%ollheloan. (loanleerelerslodlscountpoinlsandlorloanoriginalionlee,butDOESNOTincludeBuyer'solher 267 closing cosls.] SEE LINES 230 TO 248 FOR ADDITIONAL FIN.1NCING PROVISIONS. 268 0 PROPOSED USE CONTINGENCY: Brlyer is purchasing lhe properly lor the PurPOse 01: 269 This OIleris conlingenl upon Buyer obtaining the lollowing [CHECK ITEMS THAT APPLY 1: subsoilcondilion which wouldmakelheproposeddevelopment impossible orsignilicanllyincrease thecosls olsuch developmenl; 0 Written evidence a1 (Buyer's) (Seller's) LSTRlKE ONE] expense horn a qualified soils expert thal Ihe Property is Ires 01 any See line 88. 274 indicalesthatlheProperlySsoilsallocationsselectedbyBuyerandallolhercondilionswhichmustbeapprovedlooblainapermil 0 Writfen evidence a1 (Buyer>) (Sellor's) [STRIKE ONE] expense lrom a cerlilied soils tesler or olher qualiiied expert Ihal 275 lor a privale convenlional soplic syslem lor: 276 277 (inserlproposeduseolProperly:e.g..lhreebedroomsingleiamilyhorna]meetapplicablecodesinelleclasolthedaieoffllisOller. 278 A convenlional syslem (does) (does not) [STRIKE ONE] include sfternale privale systems such as mound syslems or in-ground pressure distribulion syslems lor the purposes 01 this conlingency. A conventional Syslem does no1 include a holding tank, privy. 279 composling toile1 or chemical loilel. fi 280 0 Cnpies a1 (BuyerSJ (Seller's) [STRIKE ONE 1 expense olallpublic andprivateeasemenls. covenanlsandreslriclions atlecling 28 1 Ihe Properly and a wrillen delermirralion by a qualilied independenl lhirdparly, a1 Buyer's expense. lhat none ollheseprohibil or 282 significantly delay or increase the cosls of Ihe proposed use or developmenl idenlilied a1 lines 268 to 269. 283 0 Permils. approvalsandlicenses, asappropriate. or Iheli~aldiscrelionary action by Ihe granlingaulhorilypriorlo lheissuance of 284 285 wchpermils, approvals andlicensesal (Buyer's) (Seller's) YSTRIKE ONE] expense tor Ihe lollowing ilems relaledlo theproposed development-~ ~ ~ 287 286 0 A map ol lhe Properly at (UuyerSJ (SellerS) @TJlKF ONE] expense 01 Ihe lollowing lype: 0 a boundary map; 0 morlgage inspeclion map; 0 survey map [CHECK ONE BOX TO DESIGNATE MAP TYPE 1 288 209 See lirres 218 to 226 lor delinilions 01 each map fype. Ii lhrr paragraph is checked but more fhan one lype or no type is selecled. a boundarymapisdeernedselecled. CAUTION: Consldercostandtheneedlorfheleaturesolfhevarlousmeplypesbaforemaklng 290 29 1 a selectlon. The map 01 the Properly shall show no signilicanl encroachmenls or any inlormalion materially inconsislenl wilh /he prior represenlalions 10 Buyer or which would render the proposed devcloprnenr impossible or signdicanlly Increase 11s cosl. 292 0 Wriiren evidenceal~Buyer'sJ(Seller's) 1-1 expcnse Ihal Ihe lollowrng t,lililyconneclionsarelocaledas loltows(e.g. on 293 the Properly. a1 rhe lo1 line. across Ihe slreel. etc.): eleclricily 294 . gas- municipal sewer __ 295 other" , telephone__---_- 296 Thls contlngency shall be deemed saflsfled unless Buyer wlfh/np days of acceptance delivers wrlffen noflce to Sel/erspecllylng fhose items of fhls conflngency whlch cannot be sallsfled and wrltlen evldence substantlatlng why each speclflc llem Included In Euyets 299 0 INSPECTION CONTINGENCY: This Oller is conlingent upon a qual!lied inspeofor(s) conducring an inspeclion(sJ. at Euyer's nollce cannot be saflslled. 300 expense. 01 ihe Properly and 301 nodeleclsasdelinedbelow. Th~sconlingencyshallbedeemedsarisiiedunlessBuyerwifhin.~ daysofaccep/ancede/,versloSellera __________.________ which discloses 302 CopyO/llJe illspeclor's wrillcn inspeclion report anOa wriilerl noltceiisti~lg llre rlelecls idenlilred in the report lo whrch &ryerob;t.cls. For 303 llle Illrrposos ollhisconlingencya dolocl is &linedas anycondilion nithe Propcrly wlrichconslilulsS a signilrcanl 11,reaf 10 Ihc healftt or 305 on IheProPerly. original of the 304 sa~elyO/persOnSwhooccl~pyor~rlakci~seolllorgivesevidc~~c~ot;rrlynralerial~~~o,s~~~ra~e~r~;~po~~l~fh~~~~~~l~~~r~~x~~~~r~~~~~~~~ 306 OTHER: Thehached &runents-shaU..k ~CU~y_SeIJe?2SotLDLhfQr&/are ,Ilade 01 this ' 300 DOCUMENT. BROKERS MAY PROVlOE A GENERAL EXPLANATION OF TllE PROVISIONS OF TllE OFFER BUT ARE PROHlBlTEO By LAM 307 IF ACCEPTED. THIS OFFER CAN CREATE A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE CONTRACT. BOTH PARTIES SHOULIJ CAREFULLY READ THl: , , municipal wafer - /-[, 0 closing and 309 FROM GIVING AIM?E on OPINIONS CONCERNING YOUR LEGAL RlGllTS UNOEA THIS OfFER OR HOW TITLE SHOULD BE TAKEN AT CLOSING 310 AN ATTORNEY SllOULfl BE CflNSItLTEO IF LEGAL AOVlCE IS NEEDED. ;; ; vj@ "GfW&2fi'&d 0" 3-12-97 I,I~I 11y hmld S. %l@rr Jr., Am, .Fbl@r, btq d Riffle, S.C. 1I.tcL'nsco nlrl Firm 1 313 tK1q:. 314 tU~~vur'rSl!~~~~t~~rv~l PCI~~I NW~.~~I~~~~ - navid L. DE nnclelis, M~~~~ ~~"-~#twrtat IO.llC) 3 15 1.1 -- -~ By : 316 (6uyer.s SwstuwA P~I ~ame hele.. Jean K. Mareniia~; Clerk IW -%="aww (Dale, 317 EARNEST MONEY RECEIPT Broker acknowledges receipl 01 earnest money as per line 10 01 (he above Ofler. 31R 319 SELLER ACCEPTS THIS OFFER: nIE WARRANTIES. flEPflESENTAtlONS AN0 COVENANTS MADE IN THIS OFFER SURVIVE CLOSING AN 320 THE CONVEYANCE OF THE PROPERTY THE UNOERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO CONVEY THE ABOVE-MENTIONEO PROPERTY ON TH .. .. . ~ ~ i Broker (By) .~ ~. . ~ ~ "" ~~ ~ ~. "" AN0 CONolTloNS AS SET FORTH HEREIN AND ACKNOWLEOGES RECEIPT OF A Copy OF THIS OFFER. (Serkr's Slgnaruretl Prinl Name here" Thomas J . Buechel (Social SeCurily No ) (Dale)