CCR1997017ATTEST: COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #17-97 RELOCATION ORDER OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN (North Cape Road Pumping Station-Schweitzer) by its Common Council and for its Relocation Order hereby resolves as follows: NOW COMES the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, 1. That this Resolution is a Relocation Order in accordance with §32.05(1), Wisconsin Statutes, for the purposes of the within described public improvements project and it is also a determination of necessity for that project in accordance with §32.07(2), Wisconsin Statutes. necessary and public purpose to construct sanitary sewer improvements as shown on the map attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "A." 2. That the City of Muskego hereby determines that it is a 3. That said sanitary sewer improvements will be built as set forth on the map which is annexed to this Relocation Order as Exhibit "A" and is incorporated herein. 4. That the site of said sanitary sewer improvements is contained in Exhibit "A," which is incorporated herein; that the hereof and marked Exhibit "E. 'I legal description to said site is attached hereto, made a part 5. That the City of Muskego will acquire a permanent easement for pumping station, sanitary sewer, access, construction and maintenance as indicated on Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B. " Passed and approved this 28TH day of January, 1997. I hereby certify that on the 28TH day of January , 1997, the within Relocation Order was adopted by a vote of of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. 7 ayes to 0 nays by the Common Council of the City a DAV 0 10 20 SCALE IN FEET FUTURE 1 OO'x150' VISION CORNER EASEMENT / S 87'26'16" W/ 7-"-" / \ PROPOSED PUMPING N 87'26'16" E STATION TAX KEY NO. 2209,999 SOUTHEAST CORNER. S.E. CORNER OF THE- N.E. 1/4. SEC. 13-5-20 EXHIBIT '!A" Ruekert I Mielke / I \ ." '.o.B.7 " 11 5.00' \ 1: hi PERMAI \. a 11 5.00' Q - 0 " C II II . I I J, N 01'21'44" W 181 4.60' NT EASEMENT EXHIBIT k VE S. NORMCAPE ROAD LIFT STATION I Aofsswnal Engineen Registered Land Sumps CITY OF MUSKEG0 Kuekert JMielke Professional Engineers 8 Registered Land Surweyon since 1946 EXHIBIT "B" January 23,1997 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Permanent Easement for Pumping Station, Sanitary Sewer, Access, Construction and Maintenance For: City of Muskego All that part of the Northeast one quarter of the Northeast one quarter of Section 13, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin more hlly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Northeast one quarter Section 13; thence North 01O21'44" West, along the East line of said Northeast one quarter, 1,814.60 feet to the Southeast comer of that property known as Tax Key Number 2209.999 as recorded in Document No. 1584935 on Reel 2427, Image 90; thence continuing along said East line and the centerline of North Cape Road, CTH "J", 50.01 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing along said East line, 130.00 feet; thence South 87"26'16" West, 115.00 feet; thence South 01'21'44" East, parallel to said East line, 130.00 feet; thence North 87"26'16" East, 115.00 feet to the place of beginning containing 14,947 square feet (0.3431 acres) more or less gross. Excepting therefrom previously dedicated or purchased right-of-way for North Cape Road, CTH "J" Richard Eberhardt, €US OWNER. Casper and Colette Schweitzer Tax Key No. 2209.999 RAEIsjd 13-92083.210 \U,anI\rmdala\USERS\SJD\WORD~DOC\LEGALS9AMS_LIS.DOC cc: File W239 N1812 ROCKWOODDRIVE WAUKESHA.WlSCONSM53188~1113 (414)542-5733 FAX (414) 542-5631