CCR1996236COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #236-96 Big Muskego Lake Dredging of Canal Rejection of Bid for Boat Access Project WHEREAS, the City of Muskego adopted Resolution #214-96 on September 24, 1996 concerning the awarding of bid for the Big Muskego Lake Dredging of Canal for Boat Access Project contingent upon the review and approval of the City Engineers; and WHEREAS, the City Engineers have not approved of the award of said bid and have recommended that all bids be rejected. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby reject all bids for the Big Muskego Lake Dredging of Canal for Boat Access Project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to take any action necessary to finalize rejection of said bid. DATED THIS 8th DAY OF OCTOBER , 1996. SPONSORED BY: Mayor David L. De Angelis This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of City of Muskego. Resolution #236-96 which was adopted by the Common Council of the 10/96 jmb Ruekert ~ Mieke October 7, I996 Mayor David L. De .hetiis City of Muskego Wi8i S8200 Racine .L\vence Post Ofice Box 903 Muskego, $7 53 159 Re: Big Muskego Lake Public Bozt Access Dredging Project Dear Llayor' specifications for the Big Muskego Lake Public Boat Access Dredging Project. "hs As directed per Common Council Resolution, we hzve reviewed rhe plans and review has turned up engineering and legal concerns that prevent us from m&ng I recommendation to award rhe bids. The major concerns are as follows: 1. We found no record that the project was advertised in the le@ newspace: fer 2. There wa no bid bond provided in the information furnished to us. 3. The specifications and plans that we:e fimjshed to us appear incornpicre the City (Xluskego Sun). do not address the derails of the consmcrion of the sedimenr basin or how ~ke sediment will be measured. 4. Tie agrement included mlth t!!e Contract Documents was capied Con another project, describes a different project, lisu RuekenlblieLke: Inc. engineer and has dates in November of 1995 listed for Substanrial ant Fhi problems in enforcement of the Contract. Completion. The careless use of these bidding documents could lead to mzjcr 5. There is anorhe: agreement that has been drafied that lisrs construction requirements that were not included with rhe original biddins documem which could pose legal problems. 6. The DKR pennit is for "hydraulic" dredging rather than mechanical. hlr Paulat te!ls me hat the !ow bidder bid this project with mechanical dredging which is in conflict with the DNR permit. For these reasons we cannot recommend award of this contract. We would dsc suggest that the Bidding Documents be re-done and the project plans and specifications be revised to clear up these and orher concerns prior to rebidding. Very n~ly yours, RUEKERT & MIF;L&€,JNC. Dt&fi@k Michael F. Campbel , P.E. bff C:eu cc: Jean Marenda, Clerk 13110960.100 IZ:UAZ\WORD_WC~~FC\I007DE.U.I Doc] Mark Paulat, City of Muskego Attorney Donald S. bfoiter, Jr., Arenz, Molter. Mac). & Riffle, S.C. File W??9 VI812 ROCKWOOD DS!YE ,v+L-xc<"., .,~,~~~~~,.,.~-..~~.,,,~