CCR1996235COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #235-96 Muskego/Wind Lake Canal Dredging Project Rejection of Bid WHEREAS, the City of Muskego adopted Resolution #226-96 on Muskego/Wind Lake Canal Dredging Project contingent upon the September 26, 1996 concerning the awarding of bid for the review and approval of the City Engineers and further subject to certain other approvals and receipt of certain grant monies; and WHEREAS, the City Engineers have not approved of the award of said bid and have recommended that all bids be rejected. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council Of the City of Muskego does hereby reject all bids for the Muskego/Wind Lake Canal Dredging Project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to take any action necessary to finalize rejection of said bid. DATED THIS 8th DAY OF OCTOBER , 1996. SPONSORED BY: Mayor David L. De Angelis This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution X235-96 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 10/96 jmb Ruekert ;Mielke October 3. 1996 Mavor David L. De heelis CiG of Muskego W182 S8200 Racine Avenue - Post Office Box 90; Muskego, WI 53 150 RE: MuskegoiWind Lake Canal Dredging Project Dear Mayor De Angelis: the plans and specifications and bidding documents for the Muskego/Wind L&e Cand As directed per the Common Council in Resolution Z76-96, we have reviewed Dredging Project. Th~s review has tumed up both engineering and legal concerns Liar should be dealt with. This her addresses the engineering concerns. Also ahached is a letter from City Attorney Molter hat addresses the legal concerns. e In summary, .Attorney Molter and I are in agreement that the bids should be rejected. There are just too many issues that are unciear or unsolved to make an award. The following is a list of our concerns divided into three pms a) bidding documents; b) plans and specifications: c) permits, approvals and access. a) Bidding Documents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. There is a question whether this project shouid have a DILHR wege scale. We wouid suggest that the City apply for one and inciude ir ir; the bid pack3ge if DILHR determines that one is required. The bid pzckage should require a bidder's proof of responsibility Normally. this is sent with the bid package as a prequalification form. This will allow the Cip to review the financiai stabiliry 2nd experience oithe bidders prior to award. The bid form is not clear. The units for the due: bid items are cot provided. .Alsol it is not specified on whar combination of items andor criteea rhe projec: will be awarded. There are a number of different dates nored for both the srarting date and substantial completion dates. Tnis couid lead to difficulry in enforcing any liquidated damage clause and gives the conuactor too much flexjbility The insurance requirements should be reviewed by your insurance advisor. IVhelke Mayor David L. De Angelis City of Muskego October 3, 1996 Page 2 6. There was one agreement form provided \\ith the original bid package that lists a quantity of "in excess of 10.000 cubic yards." There is a contains a quantity of 12.000 cubic yards plus a number of other second agreement which has been drafied since bids were opened that makes the proposed contract differem than what the bidders saw conditions and clarifications that were not in the bid package. This which presents legal problems. b) Plans and Specifications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The measurement and payment specification for how dredging material will be paid for is KO[ clear Erosion controls and restoretion reqcirements and responsibilities are not clear. The project plans should be labeled TO more clearly define project limits. the project work and cross sec:icn iocations. There should be a clex summap of :he entire work project estabiishing the work to be performed by the Contractor, the City and the DNR. The project specifications need to be organized and numbered and included in one section. We believe he plans musi be stamped by a registered professional engineer. c) Permits, Approvals and Access. 1. The spoil site agreement must be coapieted and signed by all parties. 2. Normally, access agecaents are arranged prior to bids so that the contractor is not delayed. !fan agreement can not be manged, the conuactor may be prevented from performing the work. 3. It is not clear if adjacent riparian owners have been notified or if the creek is on their propeny in whch case hey would have to co-sign the DNR permit and agree IO grant access. 4. The Town of Norway ana County of Racine should be notified and permits obrained if required such as erosion control, land filling, and shorelandwetland permits. Mayor David L. De Angelis City of Muskego October 3, 1996 Page 3 5. The Public Works Com,inee re:om!ended rhar the DXR review and approve iloocplain imczcts pi+or io awzc. Because of these issues and the reizrea legai issxs: xe u-ouid recommend that he bids be re-iecred. As you requested, a separate letter wil! follow 3-nici cutlines the esrimzred work effon to prepare the projecr for rebidding. Please contacr CUT office wirh any qsesrions rcgx:rg this mane: .. \ [FJI! yam. AMENDED APPROVAL OF A CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP CREATING A RESOLUTION-#P.C. 194-96 THREE (3) LOT LAND DIVISION BY ROBIN RADTKE AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 17 (TAX KEY NO. 2227.989.004) WHEREAS, A Certified Survey Map was submitted on September 20, 1996, to create a three (3) lot land division located in the SW 1/4 of Section 17, and Resolution #P.C. 188-96, and WHEREAS, A Sketch was approved by the Plan Commission under be placed on the Certified Survey Map that parcels 1 and 3 not be further divided and that the outbuildings on lots 2 and 3 be removed within 60 days after the City of Muskego Common Council grants approval, and WHEREAS, Conditions of sketch approval were that a note must WHEREAS, The property is zoned RS-2 20,000 square foot Single Family Suburban Residence and Agricultural 120,000 square foot District, and WHEREAS, The current configuration of said lot meet the RS-2 and Agricultural zoning district requirements, and municipal sewer, and WHEREAS, All three parcels are proposed to be serviced by WHEREAS, The parcels will have access from Woods Road. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approve the Certified Survey Map for a three (3) lot land division in the SW 1/4 of Section 17 of the Radtke Property and recommend approval to the Common Council subject to resolution of technical discrepancies as identified by the City Planning Department and City Engineers, and payment of all applicable fees in Section 18.14(3) of the Land Division Ordinance. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That no building permits will be the time frame has been extended from 60 to 90 days for removal issued for any buildings outside of 400 feet from Woods Road; of foundation and buildings; and field delineation of SEWRPC wetlands is required prior to issuance of permits for areas beyond 400 feet from Woods Road on lots 1 and 3. Plan Department City of Muskego m Adopted 10-1-96 Defeated BADGER BLUEPRINT (414) 542-8200 COMPANY. INC. FORM BBC-IO1 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. Being a redivision of parcel 4 of Certified Survey Map 7109 being a part of the SW 114 of the SW 114 of Section of 17, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. \SW CORNER sw 1/4 17-5-20 N 328,590.96 W/BRASS CAP ? E 2,490,589.48 CONC MONUMENT ~.. "" ~~. "" C.S.M. NO. 1194 PARCEL 2 43.997 S.F. 1.010 ACRES m 0 -DENOTES I"xZ4" IRON PIPE 1.13 LBS. DwLt. > PER LINEAL FOOT SET AT ALL LOT CORNERS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. BEARINGS REFER TO THE WISCONSIN STA TE PLANE CO-ORDINA TE SYSTEM SOUTH ZONE. IF AT SOME TIME A BUILDING PERMIT IS REOUESTED WITHIN THE WESTERLY 400 FEET OF PARCEL I. THE WETLAND LIMITS SHALL BE FIELD DELINEATED, 3 "" WOODS 330.00 ROA Di? S 07 "04'07)' E .~~~... ~~~...~......~~---- 7""- I ,I A GRADING a DRAINAGE PLAN MUST BE SUBMITTED a APPROVED BY PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE PRIOR I FOR PAXCELS 2 a 31 ~~ 4 .. 3 .. 2 I CSM: .@Q. ~~~~......~~~ .. C.S. M. NO 6828 37-57 TO THE iSSUANCE OF 1 BUILDING PEA'MIT, -1 \Im SCALE: 1" = 200' 1 I ~ I [WOODS 'I ROAD -1; ,/ 'q . - 2000' "_ 100' VICINITY SKETCH SW 1/4 SEC, 17-5-20 SHEET 1 OF 3