CCR19962080 e COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #208-96 RESOLUTION AS TO PROTEST PETITIONS BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego has received the legal opinion of the City Attorney dated September 5, 1996 regarding the "Protest Petitions" submitted to the City pursuant to proposed Ordinance #904. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council has determined that the documents submitted meet/do not meet the legal requirements for a protest petition pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes and the City of Muskego Zoning Orinnances. DATED THIS DAY OF , 1996. SPONSORED BY: Mayor David L. De Angelis WITHDRAWN AT COMMON COUNCIL MEETING 9/10/96 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #208-96 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 9/96 jmb Clerk-Treasurer e Lev OEriCCS or ARENZ, MOLTER, MACY & RIFFLE, S.C. 720 N. LA5T AVEHUC s,o eox 1a-u WAUKESHA. WISCONSIN 53187-1348 September 5, 1996 FAXED TOTAL PAGES: 3 Mayor David L. De Arigelis CITY OF MUSKEG0 Post Office Box 003 Muskego, Wisconsin 53150 Re: Business Park!TXF #8 Dear Mayor De Angelis: At the Fublic Hearing and Common Council meeting of Ausust 27, 1996, the Council requested that I render a written legal opinion as to the legal validity of the protest petitions filed in the above-mentioned matter. I have received a tocbl of four separate documents entitled, "Protest Ordinance #904 which agpeared on the Council agenda of August 27, Petition", all proteszing the rezoning of lands Fcsuant to proposed 1996. Each of the four petitions purports to be sioned by owners of land immediately adjacent and extending 100 feet from the area of land included in the propcsed rezoning and indicates that each of the owners that signed rka same believes that the petition meecs the legal requirements €or a protest petition pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes §62.23(7) (dl (2m) and §>.06(2)G of the City of Muskego Zoning Ordinances. Generally speaking, pursuant to State law and the City of Muskego Zoning Ordinances, in the case of a protest agains: an amendment to a zoning opdinance, it rust be duly signed and acknowledged 1. Ey the OWRP~S of 20% or more of the area of lank included in the area to be rezoned; or 2. Ey owners of 20% or more of the areas of land immediately adjacent to :he area to be rezoned and extending 100 feet therefrom; cr thereto extending 100 feet from the street froncage of such opposite lacd. 3. By owners of 20% or more of the land directly opgosite Mayor Davx ~i. De ?~?SLL~S I. - .I -2- September 5, i396 . ;.w OP.,CZ, 0, ARENZ, MOLTER. MACY & RIFFLE, S.C. If you have 3r.y further qusscis.?~, please feel free to contact me. Y & RI?'FLZ, s.c