CCR1996204* COMMON COUNCIL - I Y OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #204-96 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A ROUGH FISH BARRIER AT THE BIG MUSKEG0 LAKE DAM BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, does hereby approve the attached Agreement, as amended, between the City and State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for Construction of a Rough Fish Barrier at the Big Muskego Lake Dam. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to execute the Agreement, as amended, on behalf of the City subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. DATED THIS 24TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 1996. SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Ald. Domonic D'Acquisto Ald. Mark Suhr Ald. Don Pionek Deferred 9/10/96 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of City of Muskego. Resolution #204-96 which was adopted by the Common Council of the 9/96 jmb COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #204-96 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A ROUGH FISH BARRIER AT THE BIG MUSKEGO LAKE DAM BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, .does hereby approve the attached Agreement between the City and State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for Construction of a Rough Fish Barrier at the Big Muskego Lake Dam. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. DATED THIS DAY OF , 1996 SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Ald.' Domonic D'Acquisto Ald'. Mark Suhr Al,d. Don. Pionek DEFERRED AT MEETING OF 9/10/96 I This is to certify that th4s is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #204-96 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 9/96 jmb State of Wisconsin \ DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES #.J Eagle Fisheries Management Area ! ,. 1 Eagle, Wisconein 53119.9708 591 W39091 HWY 59 , I, *-, _I x ,, TELEPHONE 414-594-6205 or 414-594-6206 TELEFAX #: 414-594-6222 ,- Mr. David De Angelis Mayor Box 903 City of Muskego Muskego, WI 53150 Dear Mayor De Angelis Enclosed with this letter is the final draft of the agreement that allows us to install and maintain a mechanical and electrical rough fish barrier on the City of Muskego Dam at the outlet of Big Muskego Lake. Please execute your portion of the agreement as soon as possible so that we can get the barrier installed before water levels are restored and carp again have the ability to freely enter the lake We are still negotiating for an easement that will allow us access across private lands for the purpose of constructing the barrier. I will keep you informed of our progress Thank you for your helpful assistance in this entire project. It has been a pleasure working with you and the aldermen on the Public Works Committee Sincerely, Edward R. Schumacher Area Fisheries Supervisor f " AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTiON OF A ROUGH FISH aARRlER AT THE BIG MUSKEG0 LAKE DAM WAUKESHA COUNTY WHEREAS, the City of Muskego (City) and the Wisconsin Deparrment of Natural Resources (WDNR) are coopwating in a comprehensive program to restore good fishing and water quality to the waters of Big Muskego Lake and Bass Bay, Waukesha County, Wisconsin; and WHEREAS, to obtain maximum longevity of the fisneries restoration portion of this project, it is prudent to inhibit the reinfestation cf @ig Muskego Lake and Bass Bay by carp and other rough fish; and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego is the owner of The dam at the ol;:let of Eig Muskego Lake, which controlr; the water level in upsrream Big Muskego Lake and Bass Bay: and WHEREAS, carp and other fish trying to enter tiis Muskego Lake and Boss Bay from downstream Wind Lake via the Muskego Canai will need to pass over the dam owned by Muskego; and WHEREAS, carp have been abserved passing over This dam and this ability to pass over the dam may occur over several months durina years of normal rainfall. NOW, THEREFORE, to continue the spirit of cooperation and enhance The longevity of the restoration project, the City of Muskego grants to the Department of Natural Resources the permission to cmstruct, operate, maintain remove and repiace a mechanloal and electrical fish barrier, in accordance with the plans described as Exhibit A, subject To the following conditions; a 1. WONR shall be responsible far :he construction, operation maintenance removal arid replacement of the electrical fish barrier. 2. WDNR shall keep thtj City informed of eiecrricai barrier operation schedules, including times wher. the barrier is in operation or turned off. This exchange of inforrration shall include tha keeping of a Barrler Operation Log that shall be availaide to authorized City aqd WDNR personnel. This log $hell record times when the kGr:!er has been in operation and strength and intensity cf current at tines when the barrier is monitored by the City or WDNR personnel. 3. To the extent authorized by law, WDNR shall be responsible for damage to the City's dam caused by the barrier: including restoring any damaged part(s) of the darn to functional status betrer than or equivalent to that existing at the time of signing of this agreement. A. Authorized City ant WDNR personnel shall have joint abiliry to operate the controls of the barr,ier. 5. WONR shall erect a:ld maintain a fence around :he wing wails of the dam intiibiting entrance into the immediate area of the electrical barrier. This area shall be adequatelv posted with warnlng signs erected end maintained by WDNR. 6. As requested by thcl City, WONR shall train City personnel in the operation of the electrir:al barrier. Such training shall be in the form of rneetlng the City personnel at the electrical barrier and showing ?hem how to turn the current on or cff. Any modification or adjustment of the electrlcal barriers' electrlcal current configuration shall be the responsibility of WDNR. 7. With 60 days advance notice to the other party, thi City or the WDNR shall have the authority to terminate this agreement and require the WDNA remove the electrical pclrtion of the barrier. WDNR shall be liable for any damage to the dam strwture occurring through or as a. result cf removal of the electrical barrier. 8. The WDNR shall indlzmnify and save harmlese the City, its officers, agents and employees and shall defend the same from ana against any and all claims, losses, damalp. suits, judgments, costs, expenses, attorney's fees, etc., to whomever owed and by whomever end whenever They are sought, ordered or maintained, which may in any manner result from or arise in the course of, or out of, or as a result of the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of WDNR's employees, officers or managers in WDNR's construction, operation, maintenance, removal or replacement of the mechanical end electricid fish barrier. 9. This agreement shall not be construed as creating a public debt on the pert of WDNR In contravention of Article VIIi, Wisconsin Constitution. Ail obligations of WDNR art3 subject to the availability of existing funds and future appropriations, 10. Nothing in the agrement shall be construed as a waiver for any purpose whatsoever by the WDNR of the provisions of 6s. 893.80, 893.82 and 896.46, Stets., or any clther applicable limitation on the state, state employees or state official liability. 1 1, Nothing contalned in this agreement shall limir or interfere with, or be construed to limit or inwrfere with, any of the City's righrs or powers, including the City's authority in enforcement of Its municipal Ordinances including Its zonlng ordinances, unless specifically and explicitly granted in this agreement contrary to the City's rights and powers. No provision of this agreement is intended, or shall be construed 10 be a walver for any purpose by the Clry of the provisions of b. 893.80, Stats,, or any other applicable limitation on municipal .iability. FURTHEilMORE, if and when necessary, the City agrees to act as e co-applicant for any permits needed by or from WDNR, or any other lawful authority, for any structurai modification of the dam necessary to install the barriers; should such co- appllcation be a legal necessity to obtain required permits. This agreement shall commence this day of operatsd and maintained by WDNR on the darn; WDNR's commitment to repair any srructural damage caused in whole or in part by the mechanical barrler shall remain as long as the mechanical bariier is in piace. , 1996 anc shell be in effact as long as an elactrlcel barrier is a CITY OF MUSKEG0 By: - David L. De Angelis, Mayor By: Jean K. Marsnda, Clerk STATE OF WISCONSIN 1 I COUNTY OF WAUKESHA 1 Personally came before me this day of , 1996, representing the governing bo.jy of the City of Muskego to me known to be the persons who executed the forsgoing instrument and acknowledged that they exacuted the foregoing instrument as the governing body of the Clty of Muskego, by Its authorlty. Notary Public, Srate of Wisconsin My Commission 1496.03-20 14;65 a239 P.05/05 STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES By: George E. Meyer, Secrexary- i., ,:. '/., , STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF ) Personally came before me this day of , 1996, George E. Meyer, Secretary 0,: the Department of Natural Resources to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and to me known to be e rhe Secretary of the Departmant of Natural Resources and acknowledged that he executed the foregolng instrument as such officer of the Department of Natural Resources, by its authority. Richard Henneger Notary Public, State of Wisconsin My commission is permanem, 0 0 AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A GH FISH BARRIER G MUSKEG0 LAKE DAM spp' AUKESHA COUNTY WHEREAS The City of Musk Resources (WDNR) are coop fishing and water quality to Waukesha County, Wisconsin; and WHEREAS of the fisheries restoration portion of this project, it is prudent to inhi by carp and other rough fish; and WHEREAS The City of Mu Muskego Lake, which cont Bass Bay; and WHEREAS Carp and other from downstream Wind La dam owned by Muskego; and WHEREAS Carp have bee pass over the dam may o NOW THEREFORE To co of the restoration project, Natural Resources the pe and electrical fish barrier, following conditions: 1. WDNR shall b electrical fish barrier. 2. WDNR shall, t electrical barrier operation schedules, including times when the barrier has been in operation and strength and intensity of current at times when the barrier is monitored by either City or WDNR personnel. 2. 3. To the extent authorized by law, WDNR shall be responsible for damage to the City‘s dam caused by the mechanical or electrical portion of the barrier; including restoring any damaged part or parts of the dam to functional status better than or equivalent to that existing at the time of signing of this agreement. 4. Authorized City and WDNR personnel shall have joint access to the controls of the barrier. City personnel only for the purpose of turning the barrier momentarily off while raising or lowering the bypass gate, or in the case of any other obvious emergency in which it would be prudent to shut the barrier off a 5. WDNR shall erect and maintain a fence, located on City owned property, around both wing walls of the dam inhibiting entrance into the immediate area of the electrical barrier. This area shall be adequately posted with warning signs erected and maintained by WDNR. 6. As requested by the City, WDNR shall train City personnel in the operation of the electrical barrier. Such training shall be in the form of meeting the City personnel at the electrical barrier and showing them how to turn the current on or off. City personnel shall only turn the barrier on or off as outlined in item 4 above. Any modification or adjustment of the electrical barriers’ electrical current configuration shall be the responsibility of WDNR. 7. With 60 days advance notice to the City, WDNR shall have the authority to remove both the electrical and mechanical barrier at any time it deems one or both are no longer needed or necessary. WDNR shall be liable for any damage to the dam structure occurring through or as a result of removal of the mechanical or electrical barriers. 8. WDNR shall be liable for all claims for damages through personal injury or damage to property caused by the negligent acts or omissions of the WDNR’s employees, officers and managers to the extent authorized by SS. 893.80, 893.82 and 895.46, Stats. Furthermore, this agreement shall not be construed as creating a public debt on the part of WDNR in contravention of Article VIII, Wisconsin Constitution. All obligations of WDNR subject to the availability of existing funds and future appropriations. FURTHERMORE, If and when necessary, the City agrees to act as a co-applicant for any permits needed by or from WDNR, or any other lawful authority, for any structural modification of the dam necessary to install the barriers; should such co- application be a legal necessity to obtain required permits. 0 3. This agreement shall commence this day of , 1996 and shall be in effect as long as an electrical barrier is operated and maintained by WDNR on the dam; WDNR's commitment to repair any structural damage caused in whole or in part by the mechanical barrier shall remain as long as the mechanical barrier is in place. CITY OF MUSKEG0 By : David L. De Angelis, Mayor STATE OF WISCONSIN 1 1 COUNTY OF WAUKESHA 1 By: Jean K. Marenda, Clerk Personally came before me this day of , 1996, 0 representing the governing body of the City of Muskego to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as the governing body of the City of Muskego, by it's authority. Notary Public, State of Wisconsin My Commission Department: STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES By : George E. Meyer, Secretary e STATE OF WISCONSIN 1 4. 1 COUNTY OF 1 Personally came before me this day of , 1996, George E. Meyer, Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and to me known to be the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and acknowledged that he executed the foregoing instrument as such officer of the Department of Natural Resources, by it’s authority. Richard Henniger Notary Public, State of Wisconsin My commission is permanent. , 1 BIG 1 MUSKEG0 MARKER CABLE WITH BOWS 4 LAKE n MARKER CABLE WITH BOUYS - MUSKEGO DAM ROAD // // PLOT PLAN & MARKER DETAILS m BARRIER SHUT-OFF CONSISTS OF ONE 30 AMP DISCONNECT SWITCH, 2-WIRE, NON-FUSIBLE, IN LOCKABLE NEMA-3R ENCLOSURE. SWITCH TO BE LOCKABLE IN BOTH "ON" AND "OFF" POSITIONS. ALL EXPOSED CONDUIT TO BE HEAVY RIGID METAL CONDUIT, e SECTION 4 msu 8 w- 4 SECTION 2 U