CCR1996193COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #193-96 AMENDED APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND S. & S. BALISTRERI BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Developer's Agreement, as amended, between development at 574 W16890 Janesville Road. the City of Muskego and Salvatore & Stephen Balistreri for BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to execute the documents on behalf of the City. DATED THIS 27th DAY OF AUGUST , 1996. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Domonic D'Acquisto Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Mark Suhr This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #193-96 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 8/96 jmb DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT is dated as of this - day of A August, 1996, by and between the CITY OF MUSKEG0 (the "City") and SALVATORE J. BALISTRERI and STEPHEN P BALlSTRERI (collectively, the "Owners"). RECITALS The City and Owners acknowledge the following: A. The Owners are the fee simple owners of the property located at S74 W16890 Janesville Road, Muskego. Wisconsin, whch includes the land legally described on Extubit A attached hereto (the "Land") and an approximately 21,554 square foot one-story building (the "Building"). The Land and the Building are hereinafter sometimes collectively referred to as the "Property" B. The Owners entered into a lease dated April 17, 1996 with Blockbuster Videos, Inc. ("Blockbuster") for a potion of the Building. 0 C. At a meeting of the City Plan Commission held on May 7, 1996, the Owners requested the approval of certain modifications to the facade of the Building to accommodate Blockbuster and Owners' desire to transform the Building from a single tenant building to a multiple tenant building. At such meeting, the City Plan Commission deferred a vote on the Owners' request due to the reasons set forth in Recital D below. D. At the May 7, 1996 Plan Commission meeting, the City notified the Owners that a task force was being established by the mayor of the City (the "Task Force") to establish certain design criteria to revitalize certain areas of the City, which areas included the Property (the "Design Criteria"). The Plan Commission wanted to have the Task Force's recommendations before allowing the Owners to modify the facade of the Building. However, at the time of the May 7 meeting, the Task Force had not yet commenced its work. E. Since the Task Force had not yet established the Design Critelia and the Owners and the City wanted to find a way to allow the Owners to proceed with the Blockbuster transaction, the City adopted Amended Resolution W.C. 79-96 on May 21, 1996 (the "Resolution"). F As required by the Resolution, the City and the Owners are entering into hs Ageement. AGREEMENTS NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the Recitals and the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City and the Owners agree as follows: 1 The Owners may modify the Property in accordance with the Amended Building: Site and Operation Plan, dated April 18, 1996 submitted by A.J, Heinen, Inc. (the "Plan"). 2. The Owners agree to resubmit to the City Plan Commission a revised landscape plan A for the Property. Upon approval of such Plan. the Owners shall promptly commence and complete the required plantines withm the same time period required for completion of the Applicable Design Criteria provided below. 3. The Owners agree that if the existing heads of the lighting standards in the parkmg lot on the Land are to be removed and updated by the Owners, the new heads shall be downcast cut-off sodium vapor light fixtures. 4. If and when the Task Force completes the Design Criteria, the Owners and the City shall meet to discuss how to best apply such Design Criteria to the Property in light of the tenants then in possession and the size and nature of the Property (the "Applicable Design Criteria"). Both parties shall use reasonable efforts to reach agreement on the Applicable Design Criteria witlun 90 days (or such longer period as the parties may agree) after the City notifies the Owners in writing that the Desirm Criteria have been established and approved and neither pam, shall A withhold their approval unreasonably. However, the City agrees that in no event shall the Owners be obligated to modify any signage of any of the tenants in the Property or expend in excess of %dd, - in so complying with the Applicable Design Criteria. 5. After the City and the Owners reach agreement on the Applicable Design Criteria, the Owners shall promptly construct the same - 270 davs after the parties reach apeement, subject to delays beyond the Owners' reasonable control. Upon completion of construction, the Owners' obligations under this Agreement shall terminate and the Owners and City shall enter into a document so terminating this Agreement. 2 0 6. Ths Agreement and the rights and obligations set forth herein shall run with the land and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 7 If the Owners fail to comply with the terms of this Agreement, whch failure continues for more than 30 days after written notice from the City (provided, however, that Owner's will not be deemed in default if the nature of the failure reasonably requires more than 30 days to cure and Owners have commenced to cure the failure within such 30 day period), the City may (a) 8. This Agreement may be amended only by a writing signed by the parties hereto. e 9. All notices required or which either partv desires to give or make hereunder shall be in writing and mav be served: (i) personallv; (ii) bv United States registered or certified mail. return receipt requested; (iii) by a national courier service gm.ranteeing overnight delivety; or (iv) bv telephone facsimile transmission with orivinal COQV to follow by one of the methods specified in (i). (ii) or (iii): (I) To Citv: cihl of Muskego W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Muskego, WI 53 150 Attn: Mayor (2) To Owner: Remhart, Boerner, Van Deuren. Noms & Rieselbach. S.C. 1000 North Water Street Suite 2 100 Milwaukee. WI 53202 Am: J.J. Balistreri. Esq. Mailed notices shall be deemed to have been given on the tlurd business dav after the date of mailing or upon receipt bv either party if personally delivered and a written receipt signed therefor. or one (1) business dav 175554-2BTB:MG 08/06/96 3 following deposit for overnight deliven, with a national courier service guaranteeing ovemipht delivery or the date sent bv telephone facsimile transmission. Any party hereto mav change its address for the service as aforesaid by giving written notice to the other of such change. 10. Notwithstanding anything to the contrruy contained herein, the event the City fails to establish and approve the fmal Desim Criteria and notify the Owner in writing of the same by / -,3/ - 97 . this Agreement shall automatically terminate A and be of no Mer force and effect. - CITY OF MUSKEGO BY Attest: Its OWNERS: Salvatore J. Balistren Stephen P Balistreri 3 .' e e State of Wisconsin ) ss County 1 This instrument was acknowledged before me on A Aumst , 1996 and respectively, of the City of by and as Muskego. [Seal] ( 1 Notary Public, State of Wisconsin My Commission State of Wisconsin ) Milwaukee County ) ss Ths instrument was acknowledged before me on A Atimst ,1996 by Salvatore J, Balistreri and Stephen P Balistren. [Seal] ( Notary Public, State of Wisconsin My Commission Ths instrument was drafted by and after recording should be returned to: Joseph J. Balistreri, Esq. Remhart, Boerner, Van Deuren, Noms & beselbach, S.C. 1000 North Water Street, Suite 2100 P.O. Box 92900 Milwaukee, WI 53202-0900 5 EXHIBIT A That part of the Northvest 1/4 of Section 10. Tom 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Nuskego, County of Waukesha, Stare of Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Norchuest corner of the Southwest 114 of .said Section 10; thence South 10 00' East along the west line of said Southwest 1/4 Section 10. 109.15 feet to its intersection vith the centerline of State T& Bighvay *24-; chence North 62' 27' East along the centerline of said highway 1020 69 feet to an angle point in said highway: chence North 56O Dl' 12" East along the centerline of said highway. 351.95 Drive; thence Nortb 33O 58' 48" We6t along the Southerly extenoion of the Westerly lin feet co its intersection uith the Southerly extension of the Westerly line of Parkland of said Parkland Drive, 60 00 feet to a point in the Northerly line of said highway. said point being the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing North 33O 58' 48" West along the Westerly line of said Parkland Drive 100 00 feet to a point of curve; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said Parkland Drive on a curved line (whose ccnter lies co the Southwesterly, having a radiua of 385 00 feet, with a chord of 146 19 feet, bearing North 44O 55' 27" West) a distance of 147 OB f to a point of cangency; thence North 55O 52' 06" Wesc along the Westerly line of sai 9 Parkland Drive, 100 70 feet to a point ,of curve; thence Northerly along the westerly line of aaid Parkland Drive on a curved line (whose center lies to the Northeast, having e radius of 269 00 feet. with a chord of 54.90 feet. bearing North 50" OOo 39 5" West1 a distance of 55 00 feet to a point; thence Souch 62O 27' West on a line 222 79 feer: to a point; thence South 27O 33' Ed6t on a line 411.31 feet to a point in the Northerly line of said highway; thence North 56O 01' 12" East along the Northerly line Of said highway 348.58 feet to the point of beginning TU Key No MSKC 2198 985.001 MXJRESS: Sli W16090 Janesvillc RoaS .. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #193-96 APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND S. & S. BALISTRERI I I BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Developer's Agreement between the City of Muskego and Salvatore E, Stephen Balistreri for development at S74 W16890 Janesville Road. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to execute the documents on behalf of the City. DATED THIS DAY OF , 1996 SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Domonic D'Acquisto Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Mark Suhr This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #193-96 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 8/96 jmb DEVELOPMENT .4GREEh4ENT THTS DEVELOPMENT .4GREEMENT is dated as of this day of Julv, 1996, by and between the CITY OF MUSKEGO (the "City") and SALGATORE J, BALISTRERI and STEPHEN P BALISTRERI (collectively, the "Owners"). - RECIT.4LS The City and Owners acknowledge the following: A. The Owners are the fee simple owners of the property located at S74 W 16890 Janesville Road, Muskego: Wisconsin, whch includes the land legally described on Exhbit A attached hereto (the "Land") and an approximately 2 1.554 square foot one-story building (the "Buildmg"). The Land and the Buildinn - are hereinafter sometimes collectively referred to as the "Property " B. The Owners entered into a lease dated April 17, 1996 with Blockbuster Videos, Inc. ("Blockbusrer") for a portion of the Building. C. ,4t a meeting of the City Plan Commission held on May 7, 1996, the Owners requested the approval of certain rnoacations to the facade of the Building to accommodate Blockbuster and Owners' desire to transform the Bulldmg from a single tenant building to a multiple tenant bulldin.. - At such meeting. the City Plan Commission deferred a vote on the Owners' request due to the reasons set forth in Recital D below D. 4t the May 7. 1996 Plan Comrmssion meeting, the City notLfied the Owners that a task force was being established by the mayor of the City (the "Task Force") to establish certam design criteria to rewtahze certam areas of the City, wluch areas included the Propee (the "Desig Criteria"). The Plan Comssion wanted to have the Task Force's recommendations before allowing the Owners to modify the facade of the Building. However, at the time of the May 7 meeting, the Task Force had not yet commenced its work. E. Since the Task Force had not yet established the Design Criteria and the Owners and the City wanted to fmd a way to allow the Owners to proceed with the Blockbuster transaction. the City adopted Amended Resolution 2P.C. 79-96 on May 21. 1996 (the "Resolution"). 175554DCT:LCP 06/29/96 0 F .4s required by the Resolution, the City and the Owners are entering into tlus Agreement. AGREEMENTS NOW THEREFORE. in consideration of the Recitals and the terms and conditlons set forth herein the City and the Owners ape as follows: 1 The Owners may modify the Property in accordance with the Amended Building, Site and Operation Plan. dated April 18, 1996 submined by A.J Heinen Inc. (the "Plan"). 2. The Owners agree to resubmit to the City Plan Commission a revised landscape plan with additional plantings located along the eastern boundary of the Property 5, The Owners agree that if the existing heads of the lighting standards in the parlung lot on the Land are to be removed and updated by the Owners, the new heads shall be downcast cut-off sodium vapor light fixtures. e 4. If and when the Task Force completes the Design Criteria the Owners and the City shall meet to discuss how to best apply such Design Criteria to the Property in light of the tenants then in possession and the size and nature of the Property (the "Applicable Design Criteria"). Both parties shall use reasonable efforts to reach agreement on the Applicable Design Criteria and shall not withhold their approval unreasonably, However, the City amees - that in no event shall the Owners be obligated to modify any signage of any of the tenants in the Property or expend m excess of S in so complying with the Applicable Design Criteria. - 5. .4fter the City and the Owners reach agreement on the Applicable Desig Criteria the Owners shall promptly consimct the same, subject to delays beyond the Owners' reasonable control. Upon completion of consmction. the Owners' obligations under hs Agreement shall terminate and the Owners and City shall enter inro a document so terminating hs Agreement. 6. This Apeement and the rights and obligations set forth herein shall run with the land and be bindmg upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 7 If the Owners fail to comply with the terms of thls a .4greement, whch failure continues for more than 30 days after written notice 175554DCT:LCP 06i29196 - 3 from the City (provided. however, that Owner's will not be deemed in default if the nature of the failure reasonably requires more than 30 days to cure and Owners have commenced to cure the fdure witlun such 30 day period), the City may (a) impose upon the Owners a fine of $100 per day per violation, (b) initiate legal action or (c) both. 8. as Agreement may be amended onlv ~- bv a writing signed by the parties hereto. 9. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained here& thls .4greement shall automatically terminate on CITY OF MUSKEGO BY Its '4ttest: OWNERS: Salvatore J, Bahstreri Stephen P Balistreri State of Wisconsin ) Mlwaukee County ) ss Ths instrument was acknowledged before me on July . 1996 by and _. as and respectively, of the City of Muskego. ( ) Notary Public. State of Wisconsin My Commission liSS54DCTLCP 06/29/96 3 State of Wisconsin ) Milwaukee County ) ss Th~s instrument was acknowledged before me on July -, 1996 by Salvatore J, Bahstreri and Stephen P Balistreri. [Seal] ( 1 Notary Public, State of Wisconsin My Commission This instrument was drafted by and after recording should be returned to: Joseph J, Balistreri, Esq. Remhart, Boerner. Van Deuren Noms & heselbach, S.C. 1000 North Water Street. Suite 2100 P.O. Box 92900 Mdwaukee, WI 53202-0900 175554DCTLCP 06J.9196 4 EXHIBIT A Leeal Descrintion of the Shnnoino Center That part of the Northves: l/4 of Section 10, Tom 5 North, Fxqe 20 Eas:. 5 the City OE Huskego, County of Waukes'ha, State of Wiaconsin. lxounded an? desczibed as follovs Comencins at the fiorthvest corner of the Souchwest 1/4 of said Seczion 10; thence South 19 00' Eaat along the west line of said Southwest 1/4 Seccion 10. i09.75 feet to its intersection vith the centerline of Stace TmG Highway "24'; thence North 62' 27' East alons the centerlint cf said highway 1020 69 fe-t to w. E~le poix in said highxay; chace N0zt.k 56O 01' 12" Easc alozg the centerline of s-ic tahsay. 351.95 feet to its incersection cltn che Soucherly extension of the westerly li-e of Parkland Drive; thence NorLb 33. 58' 48" 'des: along the southerly exrren3,ion of t5.e Kesterly lin of saiC Parkland Drive. 60 00 feet tc a poin; i- che Nortkerly line of sai6 higkk'ay. North 330 58' 48" West alono the Westerly line of said Parkland Crive 100 00 feet to a said point being the point of beginning of the land. =o be described; thexe contkuixo point of curve; thace Pjortherly aion? the westerly line of salt Parklac Drive on a curved line (whose center lies io the Southwesterly, Pavir.5 a radius of 385 00 fee:, with a chord of 1<6 19 :ezc. bearing North 444 55' 27" Hest) a discance of 147 08 feet to a poln: of tanqency; thence North 55" 52' 06" West alon3 K~P iiesteriy line of said Parkland Drive, 1OC 70 fe?t to a point c: curve; thence Northerly alons the Kesterly line of said Parkland Drive on a curved line (whose center lies to the Noreheast, having a radius 0: 760 00 feet, with a chord of 54 90 fetc. be2:inq North 50- OOo 39 5" West1 a distance of 55 00 feet to a point; thence South 62" 27 iiest on a line 222 79 feez to a poinc; tilence South 2Yo 33' East on a line 417.31 fee; to a poixt in the Northerly line of Said hici-way; thence Sorth S6O 01' 12- Sas: aions tk Xcrthe.rly line of said tighvay 345 58 feet to the point of bcsiraiag: Tax Key NO &KC 2198.98G 001 ADDRESS 574 'dl6890 Canesvillc Road I n ., 'I