CCR19961820 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #182-96 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY AND CITY OF MUSKEG0 (Access to Horn Park) WHEREAS, the License Agreement between Wisconsin Electric Power Company and the City of Muskego needs to be amended to increase the width of the access road to Horn Park and allow the installation of a fence along a portion of WEPCO's right of way west of Pioneer Road; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has reviewed the Amendment to the License Agreement and recommended approval of the same. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council Of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Amendment - License Agreement Between the Wisconsin Electric Power Company and the City of Muskego for access to Horn Park. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to execute the Aareement on behalf of the City. 0 - DATED THIS 13TH DAY OF AUGUST , 1996. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Domonic D'Acquisto Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Mark Suhr This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #182-96 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 8/96 jmb Wrsconsrn Electrrc e POWER COMPANY 231 w. Mlchlgan. PO Box 2046. Mllwoukee. WI 53201-2046 [dUj 221-2345 June 14. 1996 Mr Peter Theis Parks Director City of Muskego Parks and Recreation Department W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Muskego, WI 53150-0903 Dear Mr Theis: RE: AMENDMENT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT; ACCESS TO HORN PARK; CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI FILE 950000.129 Pursuant to our recent telephone conversation, enclosed find an Amendment-License Agreement to increase the width of the access road to Horn Park and allow the installation of a fence along a portion of this company's fee-owned right of way west of Pioneer Road. Please review the subject Agreement and if you approve of same arrange for the execution of the document. I am also enclosing a copy of the original License Agreement dated November 9, 1971, for your information. Both copies of the Amendment-License Agreement should be signed and notarized in the spaces provided and returned to me for signature of Mr James, Manager of Property Management, Wisconsin Electric. 0 this matter, please call me at 22'-2718 rfw enclosure V AMENDMENT- LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this - ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, a Wisconsin Corporation, located at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, hereinafter day of , 1996. by and between WISCONSIN referred to as "Company" and the CITY OF MUSKEGO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as 'CITY", WITNESSETH: THAT, WHEREAS, on November 9th, 1971, Company granted unto City license and permission for width being a part of the transmission line right of way of Company in the Northwest 114 of Section 16 public roadway purposes for access to Horn Field from Pioneer Drive over a parcel of land 30 feet in and in the Southwest I/? of Section 9. in Township 5 North. Range 2C East, City of Muskego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin, and WHEREAS, City now requests that the width of the access road be increased from 30 feet to 53 feet to allow for additional parking of operative vehicles and that the City be allowed to install a 6 foot high chain-link fence along the south side of said road as highlighted in yellow on the attached drawing marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof by this reference, and WHEREAS, Company is willing to amend the existing license agreement NOW, THEREFORE, Company does hereby amend the existing license agreement to facilitate the parking of operative vehicles and allow for the installation of a fence along the south line of Company lands upon the following additional terms and conditions: agents with any overhead or underground electric line facilities of Company located on its premises. it is 1, Non-InterferenceIAccess That there will be no interference by City and/or City's contractors or further agreed that access to Company's lands shall be maintained at all times. 2. Land Restoration City agrees to restore the lands of Company to the condition existing prior to any disturbance to such lands as a result of the aforementioned permission. Included. but not limited to. in such restoration shall be the spreading of topsoil and sowing perennial type grass seed on any disturbed areas, replacement of crushed stone and/or paved surfacing. replanting of shrubs and other ground cover and repair of fences or other damages incurred due to or arising out of the permission herein given. 3. DrainaqdErosion City agrees that there shall be no impairnent of natural or of ins:alled drainage facilities occasioned by the aforementioned use of Company's lands and/or by the installation. repair, maintenance or removal of the aforementioned equipment. City further agrees to abide by the State's sediment during construction alterations of Company property. "Wisconsin Construction Site Best Manaaement Practice Handbook" for the control of erosion and work, excavation, or construction on Company's lands in order to determine the location of electric, 4. Diqqers Hotline City shall contact Diggers Hotline at (800) 242-8511 at least 5 days prior to any telephone and gas facilities within Company's said lands and the applicable clearance requirements for work performed in proximity to such facilities. 5. Notification City agrees to contact Mr. Jerry Hili at 414/259-6104 at least 7 days prior to the commencement of the project herein permitted. maintenance. repair, replacement or removal of its improvements. 6. Permits City shall procure all necessary permits and public authority for the construction, operation. 0 7 ComDliance with Local Ordinances City shall, in the use and occupancy of Company's lands comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of the City of Muskego and other governmental bodies having jurisdiction, over the operation of City's or Company's business or occupation of Company's lands. All other terms, conditions and restrictions under the original agreement dated November 9. 1971. shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Manager of Property Management this - day of said CITY OF MUSKEG0 has caused these presents to be signed by its and attested to by its this day of Presence Of: WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY , 1996. and and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed 1996. BY LICENSOR CITY OF MUSKEGO ATTEST, LICENSEE STATE OF WISCONSIN) MILWAUKEE COUNTY) ss Personally came before me this- Management, of the above-named corporation, WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, known to day of , 1996, Michael James, Manager of Property me to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument as the deed of said corporation by its authority. Notary Public, State of Wisconsin My commission expires STATE OF WISCONSIN) @ WAUKESHA COUNW ss Personally came before me this - day of , 1996. , of the above named municipal body corporate. CITY OF MUSKEGO, known and of said municipal body corporate and acknowledged that and to me to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and to me known to be such they executed the foregoing instrument as such officen. as the deed of said corporate body by its authority. Notary Public, State of Wisconsin My commission expires File No. 950000.129 g:\bu-databs\propeQ\wpirfw\mskgo.doc This document was drafted by Russell F. Wiegan on behalf of Wisconsin Electric Power Company, P.0 Box 2046, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 I ?. . _<. .'"?HA? the -any for ind in'canaidektion of the mm of One Dollar - , . . . ., , .. . .. -.., (S1.w) to %paid bp Mty, tie ncbipt wtmrmf is her& acknouledgd, end In firthe+ oons1demti:tion of thw tarks, condlti& md a&rwmta hareinafter specified to be kept and perfomad, dma here% avo anci grant unto City licsnae and pemisaion for piblic r&QBdy~y puposes o& over-a parcel of land thirty (30) .I , . .. . .. .. - ~.. . 1- , ~ .. I .. ~ ..~. fast in vldth b&g a part of the tranaaieslon line riat of Ma). of the Camy in the Northvast onequarter (M) of Section Sixteen (lh), and the Southwest one-quuarter (m) of Section Nine (9). %unship Five (5) North, Range Tventy (20) %st, City of huskego, H.tl)rashe County, Wlsconoin, for ingress and egreaa Ira Plonear Drive to Honn Athletic Fleld, the canter line of aaid thirty (30) foot parcel of lend being d@soxlbad as follorsr hxmenclng et a point on the south line of aaid Section Nine (9) end the north line of said Section Sixteen (16) said point being tvo hundred aixty-five and seven one-hundredths (265.07) feat resterls of the southeast corner of the southvast quarter of Ssction Nine (9) end the northanat comer of the northvest quarter Gf Section Sixtean Nine (7) and the Bald north line of Section Sixteen (16) e distance of (16)l nraning thance westerly along the said south line of Section four hundred ten (UO) feet tu the and of this daacrip%ion. This permission la granted upon the follcning toms and conditiolu~ 1. The conrpany ressmos unto ltsalf and its succ(Issor~ and assigns the right to construct, install, operata, maintain end replace electric supply linea md rolabd facilities, both owximad nnd underground, upon, over, aomae, within and bsneath the above described land. 2. ihe City shall, in tha perfornvlnce of any end ell work relatiag to the maintenance or inpmvemmt of said mnduay, uhile in pmdmity to elactrical conductors, conform to tha provisions and rmiremmts of ths Ulsconnin Auistratrve code, m1as of nep~tmmt of Indurtrg, Labor and fhnn Relatian3 ~~~ering Safety in (!aNtmction.'Order "Ind 35.37 Electrical K6aarde" and any -mts thereto, and shall et all times comply with the Wisconsin State meotriccal mde md pnp mendmnte thereto. 3. uty covanmts mh agraas that 'it vtU ini-ify and scve hadass mPw, its offlcen, directors, agents; amplapaas. suec&~eora end aaaigns, frcm .. . . .. . md a liabug, loss, d-e, clatma;.cost or srpense of aw nature whatsoever arising out af or in oonnection with the use of said lands bp city. its ccntrurtors or mbcontractors, ita or thsi;" employees, &mts or'hdbea, or~ths general public, pursuant to the~llce&e and permission herain granted. Clty~.further ~i~&~'liobility md agrees to pay Comppny for dl loss, dmage Ond e-ee 'iemlting'fmm dhge to or destrnction of Campaw's equipmnt. where such loan, dmage and/or expense In coused by or incident to tte parformanee Of any wo& by Civ, itd contr.ctora or subcon&actors, md ita or their emplofeees, agents and indtses, prrsumt to the llcbnas md perminsion herein granted. .. . , ~. .. >A ,. - .~. .- -.~ I ~ ..,. ,:.,; .1 L. In partial conaideration of and for the cormaitmsnta of Company, City wFu obtain and maintain in effect during the lue of %is agreement, Public Liabllig Insurwce covering injury or death to persons in the mount of 8100,000 for each prson end $300,000 for each accident, and pmprty damage in the amount of $100,000 for each accident and $300,000 for aggregate opration, naming Compaw an additional insursd, to protect itself and to indepndsntly pmtect Comp~y against loss because of liability which may be luxpeed upon itself or upon Conrpa~V for dlmngea became of the injury or death of pbrson or paracna, or becauae of the damage or destmction of pmperty, cawed by or arising out of the presence or operations upon said lands by City, ita contractom or mbcontractom, ita or their employes, agents or inriteen, or the ganeral public, pursuant to the lloense and panaisslon hemin granted. 5. This license wd pumisaion le glm upon th a*plasa condltlon that the Company and ita right-of-uqg pmlmrty shall be released, exempt and free fmm any costs or atraessmenta of any kind or nature by reason of the maintsnance or impmvement of said maduql and mrther that the Campmy and ita right-of-way pmprty be releanad, sxsmpt and free from any futum costa or assasamenta of any kind or ndtum by reason of tha repair, maintenance, use or impmvanent of said madwqy. In the want that the foregoing codtment ia for any reason held to be invalid or unenforceable, then and in that event the City by the acceptance of Dorothy Rossrnanith -3-