CCR199616113 I
BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego
does hereby acknowledge receipt of grievance dated May 27, 1996
received from AFSCME (Telecommunicators Unit), Local No. 2414,
benefitted from the overtime, i.e. the employees who were not on
regarding compensation for applicable employees who could have
duty, and posting all future overtime for the Secretary
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of
Muskego does hereby (approve/disapprove) the
grievance dated May 27, 1996.
Mayor David L. De Angelis
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of
Resolution #161-96 which was adopted by the Common Council of
the City of Muskego.
DATE June 17, 1996
TO, Common Council Chairperson Alderman Domonic D' Acquisto
FROM: A.F.S C M,E Union of Muskego Police Department
Union Representatives Judy Hovland and Kathy Revolinskj
RE: Request for Grievance Hearing
The A.F S C M,E Union is respectfully requesting to follow step #Z per
our contract regarding the grievance that was filed on May 27, 1996
concerning overtime, please see attached
The Union is not satisfied with the response from Chief Johnson and
would like to go before the Common Council,
Thank you for your consideration in this matter
cc: John Maglio
LC: Mayor David De Angelis
OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE 0 W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, Muskego, WI 53150 - FAX: 679-4113
PHONE: 679-5660
TO : Telecommunicator Unit - AFSCME
FROM: John R. Johnson, Chief of Police 0-
DATE: June 4, 1996
RE : GRIEVANCE 5/27/96
Overtime posting is not required by the Contract. The assignment
of personnel to do a specific job is a Right Of Management and is
done to promote the efficient use of manpower.
Secretary position has been trained to use equipment and to follow
In the case at issue, the person assigned to the temporary Chief's
speci€ic procedures in doing certain job tasks. These tasks are
time specific and have due dates. Since the Clerk filling the
position is on a 4-2/4-2 schedule, overtime is needed to
accomplish the tasks in a timely manner.
Training the entire unit to do these tasks so we could offer
overtime to the entire unit would be very inef€icient and not
required by the present contract.
Section 10.03 of said contract calls for the division of overtime
as equally as possible. This division is by classification over a
period of time, not necessarily on a weekly or even a monthly
basis. We offer overtime regularly to employees who want it.
Many times voluntary overtime is turned down so the equal division
of overtime is difficult to calculate.
Section 10.07 of said contract deals with the need for required
overtime and before an employee is required to work, we must seek
The person filing the temporary Chief Secretary's position was not
required to work overtime hours, but agreed to the request.
cc: Mayor De Angelis
Comdrlrn and Grkmrr No. Dam 05/37/96
E~~~~~~~, sumrr Lieutenant Geiszler work .-km Policepnt
E,,,,,,-,, N- Telecommunicators/Clerks .Htlrp Dm
Emciova's pho~ 679-4130 Gnd. M
oar. of th a11.0.d 1ntnn)on April 29, 1996 - Present
smmrrt C. cklrrrrr
(~i~~~~~~~ d F&,): pi*. -1 A clerk who has been temporarilv fillinr! in as
the Chief's Secretary on a part-time basis has been offered over- at a rate of ow and
one-half (1 1/2) times her pay while employees with ereater mrltv haw nnt hwn askPrl
The overtime occurred on 04/29/96, 04/30/96. 05/17/96 and 05/24/96. SPP auzch~d 10:
rt 0 he nnrprl rhar thP rlprk i< nnt - nm~al>flaA &h;- ..
b than the other Union employees.
IkRqUrttOT~aca~~thardhdrlrbdl:.~~ rho Innlirlhlp- uhn rnlrlA
have benefitted from the overtime i.e. the emolovw who were not nn rlntp. nnqt all fl-
overtime for the Secretary position.
0 Section 10.01. So long as there is scheduled a 4-2. 4-2 work
schedule, there shall be a fifteen (IS) minute call-in roll call prior to the
start Of the shift. All employees who work in excess of their normal regularly
scheduled workday of eight and one quarter (8-1/4) hours or regularly scheduled
workweek shall receive time and one-half (1-1/2) for all such hours worked.
Payment for such overtime shall be made on each pay period, provided, however,
that an employee who has worked overtime shall have the alternative of being
paid for such overtime or be granted compensatory time off at the rate of one
and one-half (1-1/2) hours for each overtime hour worked up to a total
accumulation of compensatory time off of sixty (60) hours at any one time. For
employees who are regularly scheduled to work a 5-2, 5-2 workweek, they shall
be paid time and one-half (1-1/2) their regular rate for all hours worked
outside the employee's regular shift of hours. #
Section 10.02. Time worked on a scheduled off day shall be paid
for at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the employee's regular rate
of pay.
Section 10.03. Overtime shall be divided as equally as possible
among the employees according to classification.
Section 10.04. Seasonal employees shall not work overtime Unless
all regular employees are on overtime or unavailable to work.
Section 10.05. If an employee chooses to take compensatory time in
lieu of pay, such compensatory time shall be one and one-half (1 1/21 hours for
each overtime hour worked
Section 10.06. Notwithstanding other provisions of this Article,
outside of regular scheduled duty time shall be paid at straight-time, or
hours spent at training schools or seminars approved by the Police Chief
employee. Any mandatory schooling, outside the regularly scheduled hours.
exchanged for straight-time compensatory time off, at the option of the
shall be paid at the rate of time and one half (1-1/2).
overtime as required by the staffing needs of the department to be determined
by the Chief or hidher designee. It is agreed that before any employee is
required to work overtime, the employer will seek qualified volunteers.
Section 10.07. All employees shall be required to work assigned
employee's immediate family, three (3) days leave of absence with pay shall be
Section 11.01. In the event of the death of a member of an
Section 11.02. Immediate family is described as husband, wife,
children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers, and sisters of the
employee or hidher spouse.
Print Key Output
~ a 5763SS1 V3RlMO 940909 S1038889
isplay Device . DISP102
05/07/96 20:11 04
Page 1
User : PPG
Call Number: 961200002
Entry Day/Tm: 4/29/96 5:56:37 REVIEW 100 ONDUTY
Call Type : 100 ONDUTY Police
Caller Name: Last Fi CSt
Address : Dr
Cj. ty ..: MUSKEG0 Blockit 8100 LOC ID: C Mapr: 16
Location : 8150 Dr RACINE W183
Phone.#: 0 - 0000 ( 0 ) Source
006 8 OOAM - Clerk Wissing on duty 7:49 38
007 8 30AM - Court Clerk Kujawa and Stuckart on duty 7 49 38
008 9 OOAM - Detective Schilling 011 rl~cty 9:Ol 52
000 0: 00 00 @E DISP204 7 DISP204 8 DISP204
7-ScrrolI~ Back F8=Scroll Forward F12=Return No Update
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763SS1 V3RlMO 940909 S1038889
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05/07/96 20:11:47
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User . ... : PPG
Call Number: 961210007 Call Type 100 ONDUTY
Entry Day/Tm 4/30/96 8:53:43 REVIEW 100 ONDUTY
Caller Name?: Last First Mid
Address Dr APT
City/State Phone#: 0 - 0000 ( 0 ) Source:
Location 8150 Dr RACINE W183 APT
City. MUSKEG0 Block#: 8100 LOC ID C Mapr: 16
001 8:OOAM - Clerk Wissing on duty 9:50: 15
002 8:30AM - Clerk Stuckart on duty 9:50 15
003 8:45AM - Court Clerk Kujawa on duty 9:50 15
004 10:OOAM - Lieutenant Daley on duty 0 DISP204 2 DISP204 3 DISF204 4 DISP204
9:50:15 o:oo:oo
:'7=Scroll Back F8=Scroll Forward F12=Return No,Update
a ..,763SS1 V3RlMO 940909
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Print Key Output
S1038889 05/24/96 17:58:12
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Call# Type Of Call Address Of Call Time ---- Units -----
B Command:
Call Number: 961380009
Entry Day/Tm: 5/17/96 9 42 36 REVIEW 100 ONDUTY
Call Type.: 100 ONDUTY Police
Caller Name: Last First Mid
Address.. : Dr APT
City/State: Phone#: 0 - 0000 ( 0 ) Source:
Location . . : 8150 Dr RACINE W183 APT
City . ..: MUSKEG0 Block#: 8100 LOC ID C Mapr 16
001 9:30AM - Officer Luczak on duty for court. 11 59:40
002 Clerk Wissina on dutv. 11 59:40
1 DISP204 2 DISP204
0 00 00
0:OO 00 o:oo:oo
F7=Scroll Back F8=Scroll Forward F12=Return No Update
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S1038889 05/24/96 15:46:39
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qisplay Device . : DISP102
. : KAP
rla LL# Type Of Call Address Of Call Time ---- Units -----
Call Number: 961450006 Call Type.: 100 ONDUTY
Entry Day/Tm: 5/24/96 5:45:05 REVIEW 100 ONDUTY
Caller Name: Last First Mid
Address : Dr APT
City/State: Phonett 0 - 0000 ( 0 ) Source
Location.. : 8150 Dr RACINE W183 APT
City . ! MUSKEG0 Block# 8100 LOC ID: C Mapr: 16
001 Clerk Wissing on duty 5:45AM.
000 o:oo:oo 5:45:49
000 0: 00 00
000 o:oo:oo
0 00 00
1 DISP204
croll Back F8=Scroll Forward F12=Return No Update