CCR1996160COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #160-96 RESOLUTION AS TO GRIEVANCE (Telecommunicators) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby acknowledge receipt of grievance dated April 21, 1996 received from AFSCME (Telecommunicators Unit), Local NO. 2414, regarding filling the Chief's Secretary position as set forth in Article XXI - Filling of Vacancies (all sections). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby (approve/disapprove) the grievance dated April 21, 1996. Mayor David L. De Angelis This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #160-96 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 7/96jmb CITY OF MUSKEGO OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, Muskego, WI 53150 - FAX: 679-4113 PHONE: 679-5660 MEMORANDUM TO : Telecommunicator Unit - AFSCME FROM : John R. Johnson, Chief of Police DATE: April 29, 1996 RE : GRIEVANCE 4/21/96 3” The Staff Secretary position is vacant, and the process to fill the vacancy has not yet begun. The “farming out’’ (Personnel Order #98) of a portion of the Staff Secretary‘s work to a Clerk was done pursuant to ARTICLE 1, SECTION 1.01, Management Right Reserved, of your Labor Contract. My decision to use the Day Shift Clerk was based on what was least week until we fill t.he position. disruptive in time and scheduling a person two to three days a Ca cc: Mayor De Angelis Comptalrn and - No. ~~~l~,,.,', sumrr Sgt. Manske work.lnatkm 1 Dm April 21, 1996 Ernployr's Nw .Hkb Dm Empbyl'r PhDm Gnd. M 679-4130 D.C. of lh .IIqd I- April 9, 1096 Smm1 C. ollnrn ICircumrsncer d F.cto): Widlv. dsm bmmed) Chief Johnson of the Muskego Police Department violated ARTICLE XXI - Filling of Vacancies. by not posting the job as set forth in this Article. The Chief's Secretarv position was not vacant until af-ter 4/19/96 and violated Section 21.04 by not selecting the employee with the most seniority to fill this vacancy. (Ra contenth-whet did .r-nc & rmcp?) (&tick ar swrb oi a~~8.b whish .I.. vi-d if -1 Violated ARTICLE XXI - filling of Vacancies, Section .- 21.01, Section 21.02, Section-21.03, and-Section 21.04. (See attached) I (h-bSrtlrrr:O-wrtbnhkd):, Filling the Chief's SecretaSy position as set forth in-article XXI - Filling of Vacancies (all Sections) - A. They shall retain all accrued seniority for the purpose of fringe benefit; (i.6., nick leave, vacation, insurance, etc.) provided they meet the standeds in Article 111, Section 3.04. 8. They shall tw5 considered a new employee for the purpose of seniority in regard to layoff, recdll, job posting and vacation selection. C. They khbll b6 placd on the ~"Sdlbry Schedule" up to the eix-month step. at thd diircr6tion of the city; he/she shall progress on the salary schedule bdtied upon time in class. Section 20.08. Any employee within th.5 b&rgbining unit who accepts a promotion shall have thd following seniority rights: A. They ahall be placed on the "Salary Schedule" at the next higher rite than hidher present salary. B. Thereafter, the dnte of promotion shall be the basis for the "on step" pay scheduli. Section 20.09. Part-time Emp loyee Frinqe Benefits. Part-time employees shall be eligible to barn nick leave benefits on a prorated basis based upon the ratio of hours actually worked A6 compared to the regularly scheduled hours ,of a full-th+ i?mployee. Pari-the employees shall be paid holiday pay if they mrk th: holiday. Part-time employees shall progress on the salary schedule bdsed upn d credit given for the total number of hours worked in the grade. ARTICLE .%XI - FILLING OF VACANCIES Section 21.01. When6ver 'hy vacancy occurn due to retirement, quit, n& position, or for whAtevk reaeon, the job vec&cy shall be made known to all employ&is by posting. Section 21.02. The job requirementi, quAlification6, and pay shall be a part of such notice of job opening or posting. be allowed to +dt interested amployrrs to iipn tha job posting. Section 21.03. A minimum of bevin (7) consecutivd days notice will moat seniority shall be so1ectk-d to fill the vncbq. Section 21.04. Qdlificdtionb bdng equal, the employee with the Section 21.05. Thd Qmployee shall hkve a thirty (30) day employee to meet the job requirkmints are subject to the grievance procedure. probationaqperiod to prove hidher qualifications. The qualifications of in the probationarv period. Part-time employees will be given crdit for actual hours worked in satisfying 14 TO : FROM : PERSONNEL ORDER f 98 April 9, 1996 ALL PERSONNEL Chief Johnson Effective April 22, 1996, Ann Wissing will temporarily perform the Staff Secretary's duties on a part-time basis. My intention is to open the permanent position to any qualified person as soon as the contract issues can be resolved. The floating clerk from City Hall will assist us with Ann's work as well as overtime as needed. JGhn R. Johnson Chief of Police cs