CCR1996135COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #135-96 SUPPORT OF AND AUTHORIZATION TO REQUEST PROPOSALS FOR 1996 STREAMBANK RESTORATION AND ANALYSIS OF MUSKEG0 CREEK AND CANAL WHEREAS, the Department of Natural Resources has grant funds available from the Non-Point Source Pollution Abatement Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego is currently involved in streambank enhancement projects with funding provided by the Wisconsin Muskego's various grant proposals; and Department of Natural Resources in relation to the City of WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee has recommended approval of the attached Request for Proposals for this project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, does hereby support and authorize the Request for Proposals, as attached, for the 1996 Streambank Restoration and Analysis of Muskego Creek and Canal. DATED THIS 11th DAY OF JUNE , 1996. SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Ald. Domonic D'Acquisto Ald. Mark Suhr Ald. Don Pionek This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #135-96 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 6/96jmb June I, 1996 Project : Stream Bank erosion control funded by 1995 Local Assistance/Cost Share Grant as part of the WDNR Priority Watershed Urban Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Abatement Program Project No: 1, Subject : Request for Proposals (RFP) Muskego Creek Stream Bank, Muskego Canal The City of Muskego is seeking proposals from a select group of qualified engineering consultants for design related services of the Muskego Creek and Muskego Canal Streambank Erosion Control Project . The City of Muskego has received a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources grant under the WDNR Priority Watershed Urban Nonpoint project. A portion of the grant has been designated for the stream Source Water Pollution Abatement Program for this part of the bank erosion control project identified as a navigable waterway extending from the dam at Little Muskego Lake to a man made drainage canal in Big Muskego Lake, to the Muskego City Limits south of the dam to the Waukesha, Racine County line. Also to include a tributary from the industrial park and the contributing water shed. A site map is attached to this request and generally depicts the project area. Engineering services shall include the following: A. Data gathering and field survey 1. Kickoff planning meeting with City staff, WDNR, and 2. Field survey, consisting of gathering data on alignment, 3. Floodplain/Wetland delineation. 4. Inventory of existing biological resources at project site 5. Soils Investigation. property owners. topography and necessary cross section. B. Preparation of preliminary design 2. Identification of alternatives including sketches to be 1. Stream velocity calculation. 3. Preliminary design memorandum including: b. Estimated construction costs a. Consultant recommendation c. Project schedule evaluated by City staff, WDNR. 4. Meetings (minimum of 3) with City staff, WDNR, and property owners. C. Preparation of plans and specifications e 1. Site plan map, plan view with utilities, easements and 2. Cross sections and profile showing normal high and low significant vegetation species. watermarks with identified flow restrictions and 3. Quantities of materials-excavation, fill, rock, plant recommended structural improvements. material, filters, mulch, erosion control material, fertilizer. 4. Streambank treatment drawings 5. Construction site erosion control plan 6. Location Map 7. Specifications Including: a. Plant materials b. Excavation c. Fill d. Dewatering e. Construction Access f. Source of plant materials 8. Contract documents suitable for public bidding per Wisconsin Statutes D. Agency and Utility coordination 1. This project is in part funded by the WDNR, thus the consultant should identify and maximize grant funding as it relates to NR 120 regulation. Any and all survey work that project as it relates to easements and the recording of is needed for the NR 120 funding is a component of this documents. 2. The consultant shall prepare submittals needed to obtain all necessary permits required for the project including WDNR (chapter 30) and Army Corps of Engineers. E. Bidding procedure and Construction cost estimates 1. The consultant shall assist City Staff and coordinate the public bidding process and provide the City with a written recommendation for awarding the contract including attendance at Pre-Qualification meeting and bid opening. 2. The consultant shall prepare construction cost estimates for each segment of the project and submit them prior to the advertisement for bids. The proposal should reflect the necessary effort to perform the above mentioned work and any additional efforts the consultant deems necessary to complete the project through the public bidding process. Each work task should be identified with a description of the level of effort. The proposal should include the consultants schedule for design and project a construction schedule. e 0 The proposal should include a description of the project approach; project team; resumes of key personnel, including the project manager; and a listing of recent projects in similar nature and scope. References including contact persons and telephone numbers, should also be included. Selection will be based on a number of factors, including the consultant's understanding of the City's needs, the project approach, qualifications of the project team, proposed fee and timeliness of completion. Proposals are to be delivered or mailed to the City Hall prior to . Consultants should provide 9 copies of the proposal for review by the City. Map 1 Muskego - Wind Lakes Priority Watershed Scale 1 :76,000