CCR1996080COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #EO-96 ACCEPTANCE OF ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICE OPERATIONS CITY OF MUSXEGO, WISCONSIN WHEREAS, City Charter Ordinance #14, passed by vote of the electors, dispensed with the Office of Comptroller and assigned said duties to the Common Council to allow for the hiring of a Finance Director and combined the office of Treasurer with the office of Clerk to form the office of City Clerk/Treasurer, as an elected position, to become effective on May 1, 1996; and WHEREAS, the City retained the consulting firm of David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. to review the overall role of the financial services and operations currently assigned to the Clerk/Comptroller and Treasurer in order to provide an assessment of related operations and develop a plan to consider which organization of this new department should be structured, and how functions should be included in a Finance Department, how the the implementation should occur to provide for a smooth transition. 0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, does hereby accept the Organizational Assessment prepared by David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. in their Final of Financial Service Operations for the City of Muskego as Report dated March 29, 1996. DATED THIS 9th DAY OF APRIL , 1996. SPONSORED BY: David L. De Angelis, Mayor This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of City of Muskego. Resolution #EO-96 which was adopted by the Common Council of the .9- 4/96jmb ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT of FINANCIAL SERVICE OPERATIONS CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN FINAL REPORT March 29,1996 David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. 2445 Darwin Road, Suite 201 Madison, Wisconsin 53704 (608) 244-3090 City of Muskego - Organizational Assessment of Financial Senices TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I. INTRODUCTION 11. PROJECT OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE Ill. PROJECT ACTIVITIES IV. FINDINGS: A. Review of Current Staffina for “Financial Related” Services E. Grouoinq of Classified Services a C. Miscellaneous Positive Findinqs D. Review of Current Service Level by Function V. RECOMMENDATIONS VI. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN EXHIBITS - PAGE 1 2 2 12 18 Color Coded 0 David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES FINAL REPORT March 29,1996 1. INTRODUCTION Effective financial management plays a significant role in the successful operation of city government. The tasks and activities associated with accounting, budgeting, cash management, banking, fiscal analysis, investments, payroll, purchasing and the like, are requiring greater technical training, skills and expertise than existed at the time these responsibilities were assigned to city departmenis - usually under the control of an elected Clerk and Treasurer Increased regulatory zuthority is also requiring greater awareness of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Practices in compliance with the rules and regulations applied to municipal government. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Muskego. Wisconsin, upon learning that the City Treasurer would be retiring after the end of her current term of office, decided that it would be an appropriate time to review the overall financial operations of the City, The goal of the Council was to ensure that the financial organization developed would effectively handle the growing demands of the community, while minimizing additional staff expenditures to the city’s tax levy. The result of the City’s internal review was the creation of City Charter Ordinance #14. This ordinance, passed by vote during a special election on October 3, 1995: amended the City Charter to: Dispense with the office of Comptroller and assign the duties to the Common Council to allow for the hiring of 2 Finance Director; and, combine the office of Treasurer with the office of Clerk to form the office of City Clerlcrrreasurer as an elected position, to become effective on May 1, 1996.” Accordingly, the Mayor and Common Council retzined the consulting firm of David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. (DMG) to review the over~ll role of the financial services and operations currently assigned to the ClerWComptroller and Treasurer in order to provide an assessment of related operations and develop a plan to consider which functions should be included in a Financs Depariment. how the organization of this new department should be structured, and how the implem~ntation should occur to provide for a smooth transition to be responsive to tne needs of the Mayor and Common Council, City Departments, and to the Citizens ci musk;^. @ 0 David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. 1 City of Muskego - Organizational Assessment of Financial Senices a II. PROJECT OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE Tne objective of this study is to assess the financial operations and duties zssigned to the ClerWComptroller and Treasurer to determine which functions should be assigned to a newly created Finance Department, how this new department should be organized 2nd staffed, and what steps should be taken in order to insure a smooth and eiiective transition. In order to meet these objectives, a project scope was developed to encompass a review of financial and accounting related activities currently provided by the ClerWComptroller and Treasurer focusing on the following: Determination of tasks currently being performed by these depertrnents and which of these tasks are delegated to various City departments (e.g. purchasing, voucher preparation, invoicing, payroll, budgeting, investing, receipts) Analysis of the City's budget preparation and review process, including the roles of the Mayor, Common Council, ClerkfComptroller, Treasurer and others involved in this process How well the City's accounting, budgeting, purchasing, and minagement information systems work together to serve its overall financial and department management needs, and the needs of policy-makers (Mayor end Common Council) to determine what modifications may be appropriate a What current functions of the ClerklComptroller and Treasurer should be zssigned to the ClerWreasurer and Finance departments - insuring proper szfeguards are maintained for the funds entrusted to the City Analysis of departmental staffing required to meet worklozd objectives * Analysis of management, communications, and other facets of the newly formed department to determine the role of the Finance, Director in Muskego City Government Ill. PROJECTACTIVITIES To xcomplish the objectives of this project, DMG performed the following zciivities: Interviewed: a ,: Mayor 0 President of the Common Council 0 City ClerkJCornptroller G Dabid M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. 2 City of Muskego - Organizational Assessment of Financial Sem'ces 0 City Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer 0 Deputy Clerk 0 Assistant File Clerk 0 Bookkeeper 0 Assistant Bookkeepers (2) 0 Receptionist 0 Voter Registration Clerk 0 Sewer Utility Clerk 0 Water Utility Clerk 0 Information Systems Director 0 AudiVAccounting Firm Representative Reviewed: 0 City Organizational Charts 0 Comprehensive Position Questionnaires (CPQs) completed by affected 0 Trial Balance Financial Reports 12/31/95 0 1996 Operating Budget 0 Financial Statements and Report of Certified Public Accountants: employees identified above e * City of Muskego, 1993 &1994 * Big Muskego Lake, 1993 & 1994 * Muskego Sewer Utility, 1993 &I994 * Muskego Water Public Utility, 1993 & 1994 * Tax Incremental Districts #14!7, 1994 0 City Charter Ordinance #I4 0 Accounting /Audit workpapers 0 Various Finance Director Job Descriptions 0 On-site work observations Prepared a Draft Report dated March 4, 1996 Reviewed Draft Report with Mayor and City ClerWComptroller Prepared this Final Report IV. FINDINGS Although its Property T~x Levy is among the very lowest of Wisconsin cities, during IC56 Muskego will spend in excess of $1 1 million providing services to its citizens and guests. Ensuring that these funds are properly managed and accounted for on a day- to-dcy basis, are various dedicated employees and elected officials. In ?articular, the G David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. 3 * departments of City Clerk/Comptroller and City Treasurer are responsible for managing the accounting and other financial related services. The staffing and reporting relationships within these departments, ES well as how these departments are organized in relation to all city departments is illustrated in Exhibit 1, which is a copy of the City’s current Organizational Chart A. Review of Current Staffinq For “Financial Related” Services All employees working in the offices of the City ClerWComptroller and City Treasurer offices were interviewed, their Comprehensive Position Questionnaires (CPQ) and work activities analyzed to identify the primary responsibilities and tasks performed. This information was then analyzed, focusing on those activities which were determined to be those of a financial nature. These tasks and work components were then categorized by comparable work function. This section of the report will summarize this information, by position, with the percentage of time in key financial task or activity area identified in bold print, as follows: e a 0 e Citv Clerk/Cornptroller An elected position reporting to the voters, and coordinating activities with the Mayor, spends approximately 20% of her time directly performing, or supervising the primary financial activities of the City. Additionally 5% is spent on human resources related sctivities, 5% on elections, and 70% performing other activities traditionally associated with the office of a Municipal Clerk, such as committee meetings, licensing, meeting and corresponding with the general public, maintaining Municipal Code, providing information to the Common Council and providing miscellaneous services and information to the general public. Bookkeeper This full-time position, reporting to the City CIerkKomptroller, spends 100% of her time performing financial related tasks and activities. This activity is distributed between accounting and budgets (including coordination and reconciliation of monthly bank statements and cash balances with the Treasurer‘s office) 56%, payroll 31%, human resources 3%, employee insurance 5%, and providing training on computer andlor system usage 5%. Assistant Bookkeeper #I This 30 hour per week position re;;orts to the City ClerWComptroller and functions 100% of the time performing financial related functions. These tasks relate to Accounts Payable processing including maintenance of gas and electric bills for City, and maintaining expense activity records for Big Lske, Capital 8 8 David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. 4 City of Muskego - Organizational Assessment of Financial Sem'ces Budget, and Debt Service 75%, Payroll Processing 15%, backing up the Bookkeeper and miscellaneous accounting activities 10%. Assistant Bookkeeoer #2 This 19 hour per week position reports to the City ClerWComptroller and functions 100% of the time providing financial services - primarily as related to managinghaintaining individual records for city developer's project accounts. Maintenance of the Fixed Assets system is also listed in the duties of this position. Water Utilitv Clerk This 30 hour per week position reports to the City ClerkIComptroller serving 1750 Water Utility customers. In addition this position spends up to 5 additional hours, as needed to maintain refuse recycling budgeting and billing. Our analysis of this position indicated that a potential of 100% of her time is spent on financial related services, with a more specific task analysis indicating that approximately 65% of her time is spent providing direct service to Water Utility customers including maintaining records on an automated data processing system, 20% to tax and assessment calculations and related communications, 8% for utility bill processing, 5% as backup to the Sewer Utility Clerk, and 2% on miscellaneous reports. Sewer Utilitv Clerk This full time position reports to the City ClerWComptroller serving Sewer Utility customers. Our analysis of this position indicates a potential for 100% of this employees' time spent on financial related services, with 65% spent providing assistance directly to customers and maintaining Sewer Utility records. 20% spent on special assessment and related tax activities, 5% for utility bill processing, 5% for accounts payable and voucher setup for Sewer Utility accounts, and 5% providing miscellaneous information and reports. Deoutv City Clerk This full time position reports to the City ClerkfComptroller who spends up to 12% of her time directly performing financial related activities, however all of this time can be classified as purchasing related (8% on renewing and maintaining service agreements, 2% for coordinetion of copy paper purchasing, 2% for completing the State of Wisconsin WetEr Patrol Grant Application for the police department), 78% of her time is spent on matters related to the other non- financial traditionel duties of a Municipel Clerk, and 10% is for electioix support. 0 @ David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. 5 . City of Muskego - Organizational Assessment of Financial Sem‘ces Receotionist - Typist I1 This full time position reports to the City Clerk Comptroller, devoting 15% of her time to Billing EMS Statements, 55% Switchboard and Reception, and 30% for general office support including; meeting room assignment, mail, copying, etc. Voter Reqistration Clerk This position reports to the City ClerWComptroller and works 30 hours per week. Financial related tasks account for approximately 40% of this employee’s time (primarily in receipt of EMS, tax, utility and miscellaneous bills and maintaining information on the Receipting system), 50% on election related activities and approximstely 10% as a receptionist backup. Filinq Assistant This 17 ’h hour position provides 510% of her time as a backup receptionist, and performs other basic copying, filing and office services, reporting to the Deputy City Clerk. None of these activities are classified as financial related tasks. Treasurer An elected position reporting to the voters, and coordinating activities with the Mayor, this position spends a majority of her time managing and providing administrative oversight to the Deputy Treasurer Financial related activities of this office currently include all cash management and investments, maintaining Wisconsin Development Fund, Sewer Sinking Fund, Lake Denoon Planning Grant, and local tax processing and tax settlement. This time has been functionalized as 100% Treasurer related which includes those financial duties statutorily identified as those related to the functions of a City Treasurer and will be classified accordingly. Deoutv Treasurer This full time position, reporting to the City Treasurer has delegated duties 100% of which are included in our financial analysis, including 51% of which are classified under “general” financial activities (including Receipt Processing 40%, Reconciliation of checks issued and funds deposited with monthly bank statements 8%: Investments 3%) and balance or 49% related to tasks which have been classified as “Treasurer” related (tax processing 34%, loan and bond fund manEgement 7%, and miscellaneous letters, reports, etc. 8%). (E David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. 6 City of Muskego - Organizational Assessment of Financial Services 6. Groupinq of Classified Services An analysis of the activities listed in the previous section was performed to identify and furiher classify workload by function - with the specific intention of segregating the finsncial related activities by task and employee. The following classifications emerged zs logical groupings necessary to determine workload distribution and will be used for furiher analysis: Accounting - Includes general ledger activity, budgeting and review, all utility related xtivity, managing of liability and employee insurance funds, miscellaneous financial activity, interaction with data processing, audit coordination and related activity, etc. Payroll - Includes payroll processing and reporting investments - Investing surplus funds of the City and special City funds Receipting - Processing all revenues and other (non-property tax related) cashkhecks rsseived including: license fees, EMS receipts, Public Work charges, etc. Processing of this data includes providing a receipt to the payee and entering information into the Receipting system of the General Ledger [Note: tax receipt processing is included under the "Treasurer" classification.] Treasurer - Includes all activities dealing with property tax bill prepxation, tax collections, lottery tax credit, deposits, banking arrangements, balancing cash drawers, irid other duties normally associated with a Municipal Treasurer [Note: bank stztement reconciliation, receipt processing and investments have been identified and included in other "general" financial classifications.] Personnel - Includes activities related to employee recruitment, orientation, ccmpensation, bargaining, employee benefits administration, bargaining, etc. City ClerWGeneral - In addition to the duties normally associated with the office of Municipal Clerk (excluding ?hose which may have been previously classified), this cztegory includes activity related to providing general clerical support to the City such 2s reception, elections, etc. Also included in this section are the duties of the Deputy Cierk as related to maintaining service agreements and coordinating the purchase of c:py paper a -. a I x functions described above are summarized in Table 1 which group, by function ,ct?ormed, all employees in the City Clerk/Comptrolle and Treasurer Depxtments. A xnmary for each employee includes percentzge of time worked per week and the cxverted average number of hours worked each week. Z. David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. ~~ 7 City of Muskego - Organizational Assessment of Financial Senices TABLE I . 0 ~ FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITY BY PERCENT OF POSITION AND HOURS PER WEEK Regarding the twelve positions listed in Table 1 416.5 Hours, or the equivalent of approximately 10.4 FTE are Currently being utilized - including overtime hours of 5 for the Bookkeeper and 3 for the Deputy ClerUComptroller / Full-time positions work 40 hours per week, plus overtime in Some situations - 3 Positions work 30 hours per week One of the 30 hour positions may also work up to 5 additional hours per week for refuse recycling related services, as needed. Note: for classification purposes all of this activity has been included under "Accounting" with 2 hours averaqe per week used in our functionalized comparison 2 Positions are scheduled to work less than 20 hours per week C. Miscellaneous Positive Findinqs During our review various positive findings were noted. Some of these which directly re!ete to this study are as follows: There appears to be a very good working relationship between the employees of these departments Cross-training of employees is applied very effective!y. In addition to maximizing productivity during periods of employee absence. this cross training becomes helpful to fill vacancies with qualified and capable %iff C David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. 8 City of Muskego. Organizational Assessment of Financial Services The City's ability to maintain a very favorable tax levy, is in some way related to effective budget management, via department management and employees, quality assistance from the City's audit firm, and a frugal budgeuspending philosophy supported by the Common Council The City's A1 Moody's Municipal Bond Rating 0. Review of Current Service Level bv Function This section of the report should not be interoreted as a performance review regarding employee or department performance of various financial related tasks. Rather, it is intended to identify areas for potential improvement once Finance Department operations are underway. Under this premises, we will be focusing on opportunities for improvement in the functional areas we have used to classify current activity: Accounting The budget process, as a "process", appears to be well managed. The budget "kick- off', development of policy and preparation instructions, payroll and fringe projections, and the coordination and compilation of information from the various city departments and programs seems to operate effectively. However, much assistance is needed from an outside audit firm before the budget cm be prepared and presented to the Mayor and Common Council. Likewise accounting statements and various state and regulatory reports must be completed entirely by independent auditors. P l The City of Muskego should be able to complete and approve the annual budget without reliance on outside consultants including auditors or financial advisors. Additionally, the preparation of annual financial statements, regulatory reports, and pre- audit worksheets and reports, should be prepared by the City. Less reliance on the City's CPA firm should save Muskego in excess of $20,000 annually. And while it is understood that this will require additional work by a Finance Director and hidher siaff, it is equally understood that this was one of the reasons the City decided to create a Finance Department. City of Muskego - Organizational Assessment of Financial Sem'ces 0 Treasurer AS stated previously, most of the day-to-day operational responsibilities are being managed very well by the Deputy Treasurer (under the overall direction and supervision of the Treasurer). A cash-flow management system is in place and appears to be effective, however frequent interaction by the Bookkeeper is necessary to bring the City and Bank (Treasurer's) cash into agreement. The procedures for tax processing, tax reconciliation, interaction with Waukesha County regarding taxes and tax settlement, application of the lottery tax credit, balancing cash drawers, and other duties normally associated with a Municipal Treasurer appear to function without problem. The current process of making bank deposits could be improved regarding security and frequency, including exploring the use of bank remittance or bank "drop" or 'lock boxes. Personnel Activities related to employee recruitment, orientation, compensation, bargaining, employee benefits administration, etc. will not be directly affected by the creation of a Finmce Department. The financial responsibilities of managing the funds related to the fringe benefit insurance programs and other matters related to the fiscal (not direct employee contact) matters of the employee insurance administration has already been discussed in the Previous "Accounting" section. City ClerWGeneral This is our "catch all" category for the tasks that were not classified under any of the previous sections. One area of general concern has to do with the possibility of Public Works relzted billing and receipting being performed. on occasion, by the same person. This is ironically related to one of the positive attributes identified earlier, that of cross utilization of employees to achieve maximum eificiencies. Although not considered a problem, our recommendations will eliminate this potenti21 issue in the recommended organization of the Finance Department. G Dabid M. Griffith and Associates, Ud. 11 City of Muskego - Organizational Assessment of Financial Sem'ces @ V. RECOMMENDATIONS Muskego City Charter Ordinance #14, approved in a special election on October 3, 1995, allowed for the Common Council to hire a Finance Director As stated earlier in this report, the primary purpose of this study was to identify the functions and activities that should be distributed between the Finance Director and City Clerkllreasurer The recommendations that follow are based on our analysis and while they focus on the assignment of financial responsibilities and activities, they also considered related issues identified during our investigation. Recommendation #l. Responsibilities of Finance Director This position is responsible for the management of fiscal affairs for the City of Muskego and the supervision of employees assigned. Included are all of the functional activities currently being performed and listed in Table 1, (page 8) as "Accounting", "Payroll", and "Investments" Although not all inclusive, responsibilities assigned to the Finance Director should include: Manage the City's Budget 0 Work with the Mayor end Common Council in determining annual budget goals priorities, limitations, etc. 0 Develop guidelines and system enhancements to assist departments in preparation and management of their budgets 0 Coordinate the preparation of the proposed and final budgets to include all City operations: General Fund, Water and Sewer Utility, Special Revenue Funds, T I.D., Capital Improvement, etc. 0 Assist departments in financial deteil necessary in the application of Grants and other alternative methods of funding 0 Manage General Ledger and Accounts Payable System 0 C e C Prepare monthly reports, actual-to-budget comparisons for department heads end other interested parties Prepare summarized monthly reports for Mayor and Common Council Prepare annual financial statements for all city funds Monitor receipt of Grant Funds with eppropriate department(s) Prepxe the Annual State of Wisconsin Department of Revenue Form C Prepare annual Public Service Commission reports pertaining to the Water Utility Prepare reports as needed for generel government operations, utility, and all other city funds and operations as required Prepare worksheets as required for the annual Audit Manage pzyroll accounting system, proccss and reporting C Dab4d M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. 12 m City of Muskego - Organizational Assessment of Financial Senices Manage Invoicing and Receipting System 0 Develop and coordinate stmdards and guidelines for all departmental invoicing 0 Issue invoices for EMS, Putlic Works, Sewer Utility Services, Water Utility Services, Trash Collection, and miscellaneous subdivision assessments 0 Work with City ClerUreasurer in maintaining and effective receipting system and procedures including efficient interfacing with the General Ledger to reduce duplication Manage the City's Fixed Assets System Review all contract payment agreements for all departments Manage all reporting to Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage District (MMSD) 0 Coordinate the Capital Improvements Program Manage all investment portfolios, e.g. city fund, utility funds, special revenue and trust funds Maintain debt issues to comply with all federal and state regulations, working with Financial Advisor on comprehensive debt statements, restructuring of debt payment and market conditions affecting refunding 0 Dand M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. 13 - City of Muskego - Organizational Assessment of Financial Sem'ces accounts) and work with the City Clerflreasurer in reviewing contracts, service agreements, etc. Provide other services as deemed appropriate by the Mayor and Common Council Recommendation #2. Responsibilities of Citv Clerk/Treasurer This position is responsible for all statutory duties customarily assigned to the office of Municipal Clerk and Municipal Treasurer including the activities in such broad categories as: taxation, licensing, reception, maintaining records and minutes and all other papers and records of the city, and serving as primary liaison with the general public, elections, etc. With the exception of those fiscal duties previously performed by the City ClerWComptroller and City Treasurer which have now been reassigned to the Finance Director (including accounting, budgeting, investments, etc.) the functional activities listed in Table I (page 8) as "Receipts", "Treasure?', "Personnel", and "ClerWGeneral" would remain as responsibilities of the City ClerkfTreasurer and would include the following: Banking arrangements (with input from the Finance Director) 0 b Bank reconciliation to include general ledger cash reccnciliation with end-of- month bank statements. May require assistance from Finance Department to determine best procedures to maintain cash flow and cash balance records Maintain operational responsibility as the City's "Risk Menage?' and "Employee Benefits Advisor" Procedures for receiving, collecting, depositing and meneging city funds Cash Flow requirements and coordination with Finance Director Recommendation #3. Obtain Professional Personnel Assistance Although it has been estimated that about four hours per week are being directly devoted to personnel related activities, the immediate effort spent on: employee relations; negotiations; recruitment; vacation, sick and leave policy administration; ADA and other legal compliance issues, etc., can affect productivity in many areas of city operations, especially as related to the City ClerkfTreasurer The City of Muskego may wish to consider retaining the services of a human resources consulting firm to meet periodically to review e 'checklist" of concerns from City officjals and employees as well as assist in upde!ing of personnel policies, 0 hmdbooks, etc. This would, of course be secondary to a full time Human Resources Director being hired which may not be economically efficient si the present time. CC Dabid M. Gritfith and Associates, Ltd. 14 City of Muskego - Organizational Assessment of Financial Senices Recommendation #4. Modify Informational Siqninq at ReceDtion Area The central reception area provides immediate attention to anyone seeking general information or directions upon entering City Hall. This is a luxury many cities chose not to afford. It is recognized that the City has attempted to keep this position productive by assigning EMS and Public Works related billings, and other tasks to this position. However, with the transfer of all City billing activity to the Finsnce Department (including EMS and Public Works) this position should have some "freed-up" time which could be of service to the ClerklTreasurer or other departments. In the event the receptionist is called away from her front desk area a sign should be availsble indicating (or pointing) which counter to go to for assistance. A movesble "Information" or "Reception" sign could also be positioned to identify which area of the counter visitors should go to for assistance. This could improve the mobility of the Receptionist to provide additional support such as copy and filing assistance. It is believed that this would eliminate the need for the part time Filing Assistant position - which historically had been staffed to provide copy and filing assistance due to the lack of available student interns. Note: The position of Filing Assistant could possibly be converted to a "pool position" to assist in the City ClerUreasurer Department, as well as to provide support to the Finance Director, Mayois Office and other departments, if needed. Recommendation #5. Recommended Orqanizational Structure of Finance and ClerWTreasurer Departments As indicated in the previous sections, it is understood that the position of Finance Director will be stziied by someone expecting to "roll-up their sleeves" and perform the tasks required. And while over time it is expected that there will be enhancements in the operations of the Finsnce Department to allow for staff reductions perhaps through attrition, it is recommended that INITIALLY the total staffing of the former City ClerWComptroller 2nd Treasurer Departments remain at the current tot21 FTEs level, with the Finance Director position replacing the FTE vacated by the retirement of the City Treasurer Of significance regarding these new departments are: FINANCE DIRECTOR Reports to the Common Council with operational guidance from the Finance Committee (lisison committee) Obtains day-to-dey cirec:ion from the Mayor as Chief Executive Officer oi the City Directly Supervises: * Q David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. 15 0 City of Muskego - Organizational Assessment of Financial Services - 1 Bookkeeper - Performs payroll, general accounting, special accounting 2nd project responsibilities, invoicing procedure coordination including the processing of EMS, Public Works and miscellaneous bills, etc. - Assistant Bookkeeper - Manages and maintains accounts payable processing, and expense activity for special projects and funds, assist in payroll, etc. - L Assistant Bookkeeper - Continues to work part-time maintaining individual records for city developer's accounts and the Fixed Assets system 5 Utility Clerks (2) - Continue to serve customers of the City's Water and Sewer utilities and handle all billings, assist in budgeting, customer assistance, and refuse and recycling program coordination - -; May supervise a co-op student depending upon availability and need CITY CLERWTREASURER Elected by the Voters 0 Meets with Finance Committee to provide reports regarding cash balances, investment balances, and other status reports as deemed appropriate and necessary Obtains day-to-day direction from the Mayor as Chief Executive Officer of the City Directly Supervises: - - Deputy Treasurer - Manages the daily receipting, collecting and depositing of funds, reconciles bank statements, 'oversees tax processing, collection and recording, coordinates loan and bond fund management with the Finance Director and Clerkllreasurer, provides supervisory direction over the Voter Registration Clerk when assigned to non-election related duties, etc. - - Deputy Clerk - Continues to manage the service agreement contracts, coordinates purchasing of copy paper for all departments (with possible expansion to consideration of a centralized purchasing function), elections, licensing, and assists in other duties traditionally performed by a municipzl clerk, as assigned including attending the Common Council meetings for the purpose of taking the minutes, preparation and distribution of meeting agendas, prepxation 2nd drafting of City Ordinances, etc. 0 David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. 16 Citv of MuskePo - Ortianizational Assessment of Financial Sem'ces - - Voter Registration Clerk - Assists the Deputy Treasurer in receipt of funds, provides back-up to Receptionist, elections and Voter Registration, miscellaneous clerical and backup support - - Receptionist - Switchboard and general reception responsibility continues with additional clerical support, copying, filing, etc. May also assist the Deputy Treasurer in the collection and processing of receipts - - Floating Filing Assistant - Part-time position under the direction of the City Clerk-Treasurer If needed, this position will also provide clericzl and secretarial support to other city departments, backup to Receptionist and Voter Registration Clerk, etc. The organization and staffing assignments as related to the depaftments involved in this study are shown in Exhibit 2. Recommendation #6. Reorqanization of Manaqement Information Svstems Increased dependence on up-to-date computer systems, and need for systems operations and support is crucial for effective city management. Furthermore, the users of information systems technology and the need for technical and programming supportldirection has grown to many, if not all departments of a typical city government. We believe that the City of Muskego is not an exception. According to the City's Organizational Chart however, the Management Information System (MIS) Director currently reports directly to the Common Council. An alternative staffing scenario is offered in Exhibit 3: where the Information Systems Division: headed by a Manager, is included as part of the overall operetions of the Finance Department. This type of organizational structure is common in some municipal government settings, particularly where MIS Departments were initially established to provide general ledger accounting and payroll services. Part of the justification for this reporting relationship is based on the amount of daily ectivity that are of a "financial" nature. As the primary user in many communities, greater responsiveness, improved planning, and overall coordination of activities is noticed 2s the direct result of including this function in the financial chain-of-command. Reassignment of the MIS function will allow for this very important function to receive more immediate and closer management oversight because it will not be opereting directly under the guidance of the Common Council - rather at the dirziion of its greatest user We see this as a crucial time for this realignment due to the pending change in the City's General Ledger Accounting System and the amount of work 2nd coordineted effort that will be required. It is EISO highly recmmended that (whether or not MIS becomes an cperaiional division of the Finence Department) an MIS User / Steerinc Cor.nitt5.E .be 0 0 Dadd \I. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. 17 City of Muskego - Organizational Assessment of Financial Sem'ces eskblished consisting of: the Finance Director, City ClerklTreasurer (or designee), and other primary users such as Library and Police. In addition, it is recommended that st least two members of the Common Council serve on this committee. This would afford user departments an opportunity to bring their specific needs to a forum where priorities and future system enhancements can be discussed. This will also serve as an excellent sounding board or "reality check" to insure that the needs of other departments are not being overlooked - that MIS services are not being monopolized by the Finance Department. 0 Recommendation #7. Reaffirm Sinqle Point Administrative Responsibility During our study, it became apparent that some departments were unsure as to the chiin-of-command regarding the organization of the City of Muskego government. Wisconsin Statutes as related to cities, 62.09 (a), (9), and (ll), clearly describe the bssic responsibilities of the City Mayor, City Treasurer and City Clerk. While we recognize and respect the responsibilities of all of these positions, it is clear that: (a) The mayor shall be the chief executive officer The mayor shall take care that the city ordinances and state laws are observed and enforced snd that all city officers and employees discharge their duties. It is recognized that the above quotation is by no means all inclusive, nor does it discuss the "independence" of constitutionally elected officials. However, it does place the overall administrative and coordination responsibility on the Mayor VI. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN To allow for a smooth and effective transition from the current organizational structure to that of the Finance and City ClerklTreasurer arrangement the City will have to be flexible and patient enough to develop a phased implementation. The 'hands-on" experience, as .well as training and education of the person selected as Finance Director, will all play a determining factor in the timeliness of this transition. The remainder of this report will present various tasks to be considered in the adoption of a staged implementation plan which should help identify, or break-down some of the primary sctions required into less overwhelming and manageable tasks. Tisk 1 Hire a Finance Director The desired candidate will preferably posses 611 cr most of the following: Bachelors Degree in Accounting or Business Administration - required License as a Certified Public Accountant - preferred 0 C2 Dabid M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. 18 City of Muskego - Organizational Assessment of Financial Senices Task 2: Task 3: Task 4: Task 5: Task 6: Task 7. Experience in governmental accounting Audit Experience Communication Skills, oral and written Supervisory and management experience Ability to analyze data and familiarity with bond issues and transfers, budget preparation, financial reporting, and independently recognize problems and develop solutions Experience in Grant Application, Monitoring and Reporting Due to the growing complexity of Governmental Accounting the experience factor should be stressed a most importsnt requirement. The independence of this position will rely heavily on the confidence of the person selected and the successful candidate having successfullv gone through the "paces" Notify Affected Employees of the changes that will be occurring, including their roles in the new organization. Schedule transitional status meetings with the Mayor, ClerklTreasurer and include periodic input from the City's audit firm, Financial Advisor, Legal Counsel, and other interested or affected parties not directly employed by the City. Develop task force rogarding the acquisition of a new general ledger system. Solicit feedback from department heads regarding the transition at least monthly during department head meetings. Join the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and Wisconsin chapter of this professional organization (WGFOA) as well as other local peer groups to enable the new Finance Director to "network with other experienced professionals. Following the first complete year on-the-job, review the expectations of this position as well as other areas: E.Q. Purchasing Policies and Procedures, Risk Management, Human Relations. etc. It is hoped that these tasks will serve as general picdines Essisting in the successful implementation of this study's recommendaticns. (C David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. 19 'I I c U t cammon Co""Cl1 i I, I EXHIBIT 3 CITY OF MUSKEG0 FINANCIAL OPERATIONS w/MIS . \ \ I,